An Automatic Machine Tool Feedback control has begun to advance in the working of metals. Presenting the first account of a milling machine that converts information on punched tape into the contours of a finished part by William Pease HE metal-cutting industry is one chine tools built to produce a variety of rudimentary foundry casting. Crude, field in which automatic control parts in relatively small quantities. hand-powered lathes were already in Thas been late in arriving. The The problem will be clearer if we existence, but they were used only for speed, judgment and especially the first review briefly the history of ma­ wood-turning or occasionally for mak­ flexibility with which a skilled machinist chine tools and their relationship to ing clock parts. controls his machine tool have not manufacturing processes. The story be­ The first machine tool in the modern been easily duplicated by automatic ma­ gins in the last quarter of the 18th cen­ sense of the word was a cylinder-boring chines. Only for mass-production op­ tury. Prior to that time the tools of the device invented in 1774 by John Wil­ erations such as the making of automo­ millwright, as the machinist of that day kinson. Wilkinson is by no means as bile parts has it been feasible to employ was called, consisted chiefly of the well-remembered as James Watt, but it automatic machinery. New develop­ hammer, chisel and file. His measure­ was his invention that enabled Watt to ments in feedback control and machine ments were made with a wooden rule build a full-scale steam engine. For 10 computation, however, are now open­ and crude calipers. His materials were years Watt had been struggling vainly ing the door to automatization of ma- prepared either by hand-forging or by to turn out a cylinder true enough for PR �A�lPLE ODUCT of the automatic machine too] The instructions which direct the cutting of the cam escri bed in this article is the cam shown at right. from a square blank are encoded on paper tape. 101 © 1952 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC the job. After one effort he reported in mated. It made the steam engine a com­ cutting machines. The most significant discouragement that in his cylinder of mercial success, and it was the fore­ of these was a screw-cutting lathe with 18-inch diameter "at the worst place runner of all the large, accurate metal­ a slide rest and change gears remark_ the long diameter exceeded the short working tools of modern industry. ably like our modern lathes. by three-eighths of an inch." But in 1776 Another productive Englishman of Watt's partner, Matthew Boulton, was the same period was Joseph Bramah. HE NEXT great step forward in able to write: "Mr. Wilkinson has bored His inventions included one of the most Tmachine technology was pioneered us several cylinders almost without successful locks ever devised, the hy­ by Eli Whitney. Although he is re­ error; that of 50 inches diameter, which draulic press, various woodworking ma­ membered mainly as the inventor of we have put up at Tipton, does not err chines, the four-way valve, a beer pump the cotton gin, his greatest contribution the thickness of an old shilling in any and the water closet. To manufacture was an innovation of much more gen­ part." The importance of Wilkinson's his inventions he and an associate, eral import: interchangeability of man­ boring machine cannot be overesti- Henry Maudslay, created several metal- ufactured parts. In 1798 Whitney, hav- MACHINE AND CONTROL are shown here in entirety. slide" moves the head back and forth across table; the l For details of the control panels (left) see pages 104 and tahle moves from side to side under tool. The contro 105. The machine has universal motion: the "head," system coordinates all three motions simultaneously to holding the cutting tool, moves vertically; the "cross perform the operations shown on the opposite page. 102 © 1952 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC © 1952 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC CONTROL·SYSTEM panel at left each motion of the machine. An elec· of pulses. These are blocked or distributes commands to banks of reo tronic oscillator "clock" at top of passed on by flip-flop switches in lays in three panels at right, one for second panel generates steady flow data-interpreting system below clock, ing made little money from the cotton them, he showed that the gun parts duction as we know it today. Auto­ gin, set up in New Haven as a manu­ could be interchanged among all 10 mobiles and washing machines, type­ facturer of muskets for the U. S. Govern­ without affecting the guns' operability. writers and egg beaters-every common ment. He employed on this contract the He went on to prove in his New Haven machine we use is manufactured with interchangeable system of manufac­ shop that precision machinery operated interchangeable parts. ture which was at that time still con­ by relatively unskilled labor could The two primary tools of inter­ sidered impractical by most experts. In make parts accurately enough. for in­ changeable manufacture are the lathe fact, two years later it was necessary terchangeability, so that expensive and the milling machine. The modern for Whitney to go to Washington to handwork was no longer required. lathe owes its form mainly to Maudslay, reassure the Secretary of War and offi­ Whitney's idea was received with but about 1854 the addition of the tool­ cers of the Army that his idea was skepticism, but it eventually won out. changing turret equipped the lathe and sound. Displaying 10 muskets, all Interchangeable manufacture is a fun­ its cousin, the automatic screw-cutting tooled as nearly alike as he could make damental principle of all quantity pro- machine, for interchangeable manu- 104 © 1952 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC ._ HIGH SPEED ElECTRONIC COUNTERS INDISPENSABLE TO THE AUTOMATIC FACTORY MACHINE AND PROCESS CONTROL Potter High Speed Predetermined Electronic Counters are being applied to automatic control of a wide variety of machines and processes. The Counters are used to provide control action after a measure of Quantity, Dimension, Time, Revolution-or any count­ producing action. The program, representing a sequence of predetermined counts, is set up on digital dial switches. Where a large number of steps is involved, the program of predetermined counts and control action can be sent from punched tape, cards or mag­ netic tope. Potter Electronic Counters are inertiale .. , there is NO MECHANICAL WEAR! Counting at rate, over 1,000,000 per second-with absolute accuracy-is possible. PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY in accord with commands stored in anisms in three panels at right. These CONTROL r elays. Now coded in pulses, com­ convert pulses into continuously The Potter Instrument Company alsa supplies ma nds flow to decoding servo-mech- varying signals that drive machine. complete PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEMS utilizing a radically new facture. The first milling machine suit­ atism is no new concept in the metal­ Randam Access Memary (RAM), electronic able for interchanaeable manufacture cutting industry. From the beginning Wa computer circuitry and a high speed printer s built by Whitney. In 1862 the machine tools were created to reduce Pro (Flying Typewriter). vidence inventor Joseph R. Brown the amount of human skill required .in de �eloped the universal milling ma­ manufacture. These automatic aids to Chl FOR AN ENGINEERING OR SYSTEMS APPRAISAL lle, the type in common use today. proficiency, always adhering to the To tl1 OF YOUR PROBLEM, WRITE OR CAll DEPT. 9A ese basic tools the 19th century double principle of accuracy for inter­ add d � machines for drilling, punching, changeability and speed for economy, sawmg and shaping metal. have increased through the years. POTTER �n a sense the guides, tracks and ot er devices built into machinery to INSTRUMENT COMPANY . MACHINES, capable of raise its precision level are a kind of LEXIBLE INCORPORAT ED Fmanufacturing a wide assortment of automatic control. This type of autom- parts, are an essential part of modern 115 CUrrER MILL ROAD, GREAT NECK, l. I. 105 © 1952 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC COMMAND PULSES Q)Q) Q) Q)Q) Q) Cll Cll Q) Cll Q) Cll DECODER AND AMPLIFIER FEEDBACK PULSES • � - + DIRECTION � -DIRECTION t POSITION CODE CONVERTER DECODING SERVO·MECHANISM ensures that com· shaft one degree per pulse. Rotation is sensed by brushes mands are correctly translated from pulse form into on position coder, which feed back one pulse to ampli. the analogue form of a varying shaft angle. Pulses from fier for each degree of rotation. Transmitter selsyn amplifier cause servomotor to rotate the transmitter converts shaft motion into varying electrical signal. TRANSMITTER SELSYN VARIABLE SPEED HYDRAULIC TRANSMISSION t'-"'-'-">.. 00 00 AMPLIFIER - MACHINE·DRIVE SERVO·MECHANISM ensures that chine. Receiver selsyn under table at right feeds back to commands in the form of a varying electrical signal amplifier a signal corresponding to the motion of the from decoding servo·mechanism transmitter are cor· table. This signal is compared with the transmitter rectly reproduced by the motions of the milling mao signal and a corrected signal is sent to the table drive. 106 © 1952 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC Jual1U fI:.a cturing technique. The reason • bid wI� tlley have thus far een untouc le lb" b automatic contro can e gIven 111 concepts of informa tery m's of the tion flow and feedback control. A rough measure of the cost of auto- rol is the amount and ma tI'C cont . na- . ture of the informatIOn the automatIc machine must handle. To perform a d operation such complicate as maI�u­ uring a metal part, we must fnct bu�ld 'nto the machine a great deal of 111- formation-handling capacity, for it has to carry out a whole complex of in­ structions.
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