Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 11 Dec 1953 The Missouri Miner, December 11, 1953 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, December 11, 1953" (1953). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 1460. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/1460 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE MISSOURI MINER ~,fehotoJ- - ~ &~ -YOLUME 40 ROLLA, MO. , F-RIDAY; DECEMBER 11, 1953 NUMBER 11 PICKYOUR BAND I 111111u11111111111111111um111u111111111111H1m1111nmmmm The St. Pat 's Board i s running a band popularity survey be­ ginning today and ending next Thursday. W e a re trying to find NEXTWEEK'S ~!AWiin~~ttiERBroadway Returns to M. S. M. out what band the student body would choose if th e students were in the Position of a St . Pat 's board n\ember . Ra y Anthony was just INTERVIEWS200COALOPERATORS W"th tt about tops with everyone la st year and C d "B A it will be y tough this year ' By Chas. Almstedt to bring in a band that will satisfy the entire student body. Mllllffillllllllll111111tlltullll11RIIIUll!JIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHllll1 I ome y / e our ge Monday, Dee. 14, 1953 Dece mber The ballot below has the list of bands which will be in thi s 4 saw the end of Carbide and Carbon Chemic­ the first East area during next M arch. Th e board would lik e each student to ern antl Middle al Company (O ak R idg e) West Coal Conf erence whic check o'tt the two bands he would like to see pl ay for this h st. Pat's Ch . E. , ME., SECONDIN, SERIES OF celebration. The band th at receives the most number of votes will E.E. , and Met. was held her e on that and the Engin ee rs also Ch emi sts, Phy­ previous day, December 3. probably be the one playing for you this March. A ballot box will THREEPLAYS SPONSORFJ) sicists and Matheinaticiails Th e con!erence, the f ir st held be plac ed in Parker Hall and thevoting will continue unlil Thurs­ Tilesday , Dec. 15 , 1953 in this area, was attended by day at noon . Official ballots will be the only ones counted. BY STPAT'S BOARD Aviation Selection T ea m 405 , more than 200 In order to refresh the memories of the coa l operatoi-s of Miners , KTI'R , the Air Cadet Program. All stud­ th e Eastern and Middle Western Next Monday night, Decem­ local radio station \.vin play arrangements by the ·various artists ents. regioris. Dean Curtis L . Wilson ber 14 , will see the second in listed below . Jerry Gray , Tex Beneke , Freddy Martin , and Billy U. S. Gypsum Co . (Southard, of MSM spoke of the Confer­ a series of plays "Be Your Age" under the auspices of th e May' s records will be heard on MondaY night. Jerry Wild , Buddy Okla .) enc e as being designed to bring Min ., Min-Geol., ME., leaders and national Civic Drama Guild of New Morris , Ray McKinley, and Stan Kenton's disks will be aired on and authorities CE. in the indu;;try together to dis­ York, and sponsored by the St . Tuesday night; and Ralph Marter ie, Tony Pastor, and Hal Mc­ Alli s-Cha lmers Manufact uring cuss outstanding problems in Pat's Board . The play , which is Intyre 's records will be played on Wednesday night. Co. the pr incip aL phases of t he pro­ a light comedy, will begin at E.E., ME., CE., Min., Ch.E., duction, distribution , and ut ili ­ 8 p.m . in Parker H all . Singl e and Met. Engin eers. Th ere will zation of coal and its by-prod­ tickets are $2 .25. be a group me eting in the au­ ucts J Be Your Age is supported by OFFICIAL BALLOT ditorium of Parker Hall at 4:10 Dr . J . D. Forrester of t he an outstanding cast ·hea ded b y ) Jerry Gra y ) Ralph Mar~erie p.m. Tuesday. Mining Department, who acted Gilbert Reade . Mr. R eade ha s Wednesd ay, De c. 16 as chairma n of the Conference ) Tex Ben ek e ) Ton y Pa stor disti nguish ed himsel.t: in stag e, Allis-Chalmers Mgf. Co. Committee, said that the con!e r­ radio , and television. Startin g ) Freddy Martin Aviation Selection Team 405. ) H al McIntyr e enc e pres ent ed a comprehe nsiv e as a child in vau dev ill e and Thursd ay, De c. 17 program by discussing various ) Jerry Wild movies he ha _s been featured in ) Stan Kenton Carbide and Carbon Chem­ problems in four main catego r­ leading roles in many plays in ical Co. (Oak Ridg e)' Ch. E., ies: ) Budd y Morrow ) Billy May the geo logical features of stock and on Bro adway includ ­ ME., EE. , and Met. Engineers coal deposits; mini ng and ex­ ing Katherin e Corn elll s produc ­ ) Ra y McKinley also Chemists , Physicists and ploitation of coal deposils; prob ­ tion 9f "An thon y a nd Cleopat ­ Mathehmaticians. lems and practices of coal pre­ ra," "F or Love Or Money ,"· CHECK YOUR SELECTIONS ANDIN PLACE BALLOT paration ; and problems and 'Laura," " Th e Tw o Mrs. Car­ rthatsports practices of ·coal utilization and rolls ," " Angel Str eet, " and r all-around PARKERHAU FLOOR SHOW,"STALKS" m arketing. "A ntigon e." In 1948 , Mr. Read e of Arrow narra ted ''Whee ls - A - Rolling " mdedcasual HIGHLIGHTLAMBDA CHl;S (300 performances) in Chicag o, 1 wear,and ~~::::::::'.:::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::==±·· Interfraternity Sing and last year played "Mic h ae l" l. Available ANNUAL HARVESTDANCE A Scene From "Be Your Age" To Be Presented in !in Civi c Dram a Guild's " J en - Th e annual Harvest Dance ' ht -- - -------- ny Ki ssed Me." Durin g the past was held at 606 Walnut this P k H II T --- -- -- - --- -- summer, he toured the easter n Patrol Head Praises past weekend. A very enjoyable ar ~ Jo! Gav?:Ig BETASIGS PLEDGESAIEE-IRE Hear Talk stock circuit as star of " Th e time was had by al l. Fr@ay 1Moon Is Blue." Tonight, at 8:00 p.m., the an- 1 night was a drop in and Satur­ nual BREATHEFREELY AGAINGiven by Officer of Interfraternity Sing , spon- Th e leading, feminine rol e day night featured a five piece 1 sored by the Interfraternity ASTIRIN-G WEEK ENDS Phillips Petroleum wm be handled by Paula Sh IJSSHII Students in Manhunt band and an M. C. The mem­ ar- bers of the band put on a little 8 ;;~:;;i,H:i.1.Aal:!;s b:neh~f t:! By Jack Weber The ~ ?natm:::!~n~a~~ch of s~::\:f Dr . Curtis L . Wilson , dean of Mi~souri School of Mines comedy for extra entertain­ 0 ~i:~::~~~e;r:=~~ School of most popular events of the Late Saturday evening, utter - AIEE-IRE enjoyed a very en- way Mines, has received Rolla, Missouri ment. 1AU of the furniture was in supp ort of Ruth Gordon a · let ter from Col. year, the program has been ing "Tha nk God Help~Week is li ghtening evening last night, in ''Yea Hu gh Wag­ I would be very g rateful to taken from the house and the rs Ago." In summ er looked forward to by every - over ," our pledges crawled into Thursday , December l0 , when gon er, superintendent of the Mis ­ yo u if you would exp ress to chapter room an d basement theatre , she bas p layed ing en­ one for several months, and a their beds for some well need- they were visited by souri State Hi ghway Patrol, in the students who assisted our we r e deco r ated with hay and Mr. J. O. ue leads in "Th e Glass Menag­ good attendance is anticipated. ed shuteye. Thornton claims he Grantham of the Phillips Petro- erie," "Ah Wilderness," " whi ch the MSM students who as ­ offic ers in th e apprehension cornsta lks. It pr oved to be Th e the Each fraternity participating didn't just jump right in as his leum Comp any. sist ed in the capture of two car of two per sons operating a stol­ big gest and best dance Happy Tim e" as we ll as two of the ;will sing two songs, one frater- Class mates did, but snuck up on More than thi eves in R olla Nov. 23 a'nd 24, en car in Rolla , Mo., November season. 70 students, facu l- musicals, "Kiss Me, Kate" and nity song, and the other of its ~:n baunlke·. Phlacing on·e _ ar-n:i, were warmly praised. 23 an d 24, our ap pr eciatio n for Th e men will be smoking ci­ ty members and visitors heard "Fin ian's Rainbow." On TV , she- own choice. The program for the _ g, e crawled m bit Mr. Grantham give a ta lk en- has appeared with Studio Follo wing is the letter: the assista nce a nd coopehtion gars this week.
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