4422 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 9, 1993 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, March 9, 1993 The House met at 12 noon. a good sign that an energized recovery I do not think so. I urge the Presi­ The Chaplain, Rev. James David may be around the corner. dent to listen more and punish less Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ But lower interest rates and a slight those who have problems with his er: ease in the unemployment rate are no package. In thankfulness and gratitude we ex­ substitutes for job creation. press our appreciation for the oppor­ This recession will not be a real re­ tunity to work in this place and to covery until the economy is fueled by 0 1210 serve the people of this land. We pray, many, many high-octane jobs. KEEP CUTTING, MR. PRESIDENT 0 God, that we will have enthusiasm At this stage in the last seven reces­ for our tasks, vision to lead along the sions, the economy has typically recov­ (Mr. BALLENGER asked and was path of justice, strength and integrity ered 237 percent of the jobs lost. In the given permission to address the House for our responsibilities, wisdom to current recession, we have recovered for 1 minute and to revise and extend walk the paths of truth, and the perse­ only 29 percent of the jobs lost. his remarks.) verance to accomplish those good deeds President Clinton's economic pack­ Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker, ac­ that lift the spirits of people every­ age contains a balanced mixture of cording to the Washington Post today, where and express the unity that we all spending cuts, sacrifice and investment President Bill Clinton has agreed to share. In Your name, we pray. Amen. to create more jobs and to reduce the cut spending by $55 billion more than deficit. he originally intended. I commend the President for moving THE JOURNAL With the support of the Congress and every citizen, the Clinton blueprint to in the right direction. The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ restore the economy will succeed. Still, let us not be fooled into think­ ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ The Clinton plan asks the American ing that the President's package has ceedings and announces to the House people to link hands and to stride into enough spending cuts. his approval thereof. the future. If we fail we will have sur­ In fact, these further cuts only bare­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ rendered to the status quo and the ly make up for the shortfall discovered nal stands approved. blame game of the past. by CBO last week. In that analysis, Ms. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Every investment of the President's CBO concluded that the President's clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on plan is offset-dollar by dollar­ plan would achieve $60 billion less in agreeing to the Speaker's approval of through spending cuts in existing pro­ spending cuts than the President origi­ the Journal. grams. nally said. The SPEAKER. The question is on Mr. Speaker, the investments in the And these cuts do not offset Presi­ the Chair's approval of the Journal. Clinton economic plan will strengthen dent Clinton's plan to spend more on The question was taken; and the our economy through job creation. unnecessary investment. Speaker announced that the noes ap­ Mr. Speaker, President Clinton needs peared to have it. to understand this simple fact. We need Ms. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, I object to PUNISHING DISSENT to cut spending so that we can make the vote on the ground that a quorum · (Mr. THOMAS of Wyoming asked and progress on the deficit, not to allow us is not present and make the point of was given permission to address the to spend more on something else. order that a quorum is not present. House for 1 minute and to revise and Keep cutting, Mr. President, and stop Pursuant to rule I, the vote on the extend his remarks.) spending. Only then will we balance Speaker's approval of the Journal will Mr. THOMAS of Wyoming. Mr. our budget. be postponed. Speaker, an article in the New York The point of no quorum is considered Times yesterday shed considerable withdrawn. light on the Clinton administration's DEFICIT REDUCTION IS KEY TO view of democratic debate. FUTURE ECONOMIC GROWTH PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Apparently, a Democratic Member of (Mr. PAYNE of Virginia asked and The SPEAKER. Will the gentle­ the other body raised important ques­ was given permission to address the woman from Washington [Ms. DUNN] tions about the President's package House for 1 minute and to revise and please come forward and lead the while consulting with Vice President extend his remarks.) House in the Pledge of Allegiance? AL GORE. Mr. PAYNE of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, Ms. DUNN led the Pledge of Alle­ He said the President's proposal was I believe, as do most Americans, that giance as follows: "high on taxes and low on cuts," pre­ our efforts to reduce our massive Fed­ cisely the opinion of many Members of eral Budget deficit is the key to future I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub­ both parties. economic growth for our Nation and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, And what was the response of the meaningful job creation for our people. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Clinton administration: They decided So, it is surprising that the response to move a project from Alabama, the to the President's economic plan by Senator's home State, to Texas, as a the American people is very positive. BILL CLINTON'S ECONOMIC sign of disapproval with the idea of Importantly, the international reac­ PACKAGE WILL CREATE JOBS principled dissent. tion to the President's plan is also very (Mr. DERRICK asked and was given Is that the way to proceed with an positive. permission to address the House for 1 economic package? Punish all dissent, Recently, Secretary of the Treasury minute and to revise and extend his re­ and reward only those who keep quiet? Lloyd Bentsen met with other finance marks.) Is that the message that we want to ministers of the G-7 nations. Mr. DERRICK. Mr. Speaker, interest send to our children about the virtues In the past, out of control deficits led rates have have been falling and that is of democracy? other G-7 nations to doubt the ability OThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g. , 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m . Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 9, 1993 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4423 and the resolve of the United States to minute and to revise and extend his re­ 25 percent. This amendment will cut be a player in the effort to stimulate marks.) one-quarter from last years total au­ and sustain global economic growth. Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, the grid­ thorization for the standing commit­ Now that the United States has dem­ lockers are at it again-preaching the tees and will make allowances for the onstrated the will to reform its own status quo over change. They have la­ many committees that have a history fiscal practices policies, we speak with beled President Clinton's plan as more of lean budgeting and fairly allocating renewed authority on the international unnecessary spending and they could resources. economy. not be more wrong. Mr. Speaker, the American public Our ability to participate as mean­ Bill Clinton's plan is one of vision has indeed signalled a willingness to ingful partners in these global eco­ and courage. It is a plan the American sacrifice. But I believe their definition nomic discussions will help fuel greater people can support as real change and of sacrifice is for their elected officials economic growth and opportunity here real investment in our Nation. to first cut spending. I hope every in America and around the world. And for those who still feel we can Member will contact the membership continue down the same old path of do­ of the Accounts Subcommittee and tell nothing, wait-and-see economics, I OPEN RULE ASKED ON SPENDING them that the need t o put America's offer them these undeniable facts: fiscal house in order must begin right CUTS The unemployment rate in February here, in America's House of the people. (Mr. ZELIFF asked and was given was higher than it was at the bottom of It is quite simple, with regard to permission to address the House for 1 the recession. spending cuts, Congress must lead the minute and to revise and extend his re­ There are more unemployed people way. marks.) today, after 23 months of a heartless Mr. ZELIFF. Mr. Speaker, only 2 recovery, than at the worst point of short years ago, we, as freshmen Mem­ every other postwar recession but one. JOB RECOVERY IS PRESIDENT'S bers, cast one of our first votes after Mr. Speaker, the unemployment rate FIRST PRIORITY 21/2 full days of emotional and soul­ in my home State of West Virginia is (Mr. McDERMOTT asked and was searching debate to commit U.S. troops over 10 percent. My constituents cry given permission to address the House in the Persian Gulf. out for action. They desperately need fo r 1 minute and to revise and extend The Members were divided, emotions the economic stimulus package which his remarks.) were taut, there was sincere conviction will create jobs right away.
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