<rongrrssional 1Rrrord United States PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 82dCONGRESS, SECOND SESSION of America Mr. BYRD was excused from attendance The Senator from South Dakota [Mr. SENATE on the• sessio:1s of the Senate this week MUNDT] is absent on official business. because of illness; The Senator from Utah [Mr. WATiCNR] TUESDAY, ANDARY J 8, 1952 Mr. LoNG and Mr. McCARRAN were ex­ and the Senator from North Dakota U ..~r. The 8th day of January being the day cused from att::idance on the sessions YOUNG] are absent by leave of the Senate. prescribed by Public Law 244, Eighty­ of the Senate this week, and the week The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is sccond Congress, first session, for the beginning January 14; and present. meeting of Congress, the second session Mr. PASTORE was excused from attend­ of the Eighty-second Congress com­ ance on the session of the Senate today LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES menced thic C:.ay. because of a death in his family. On request of Mr. SAL'llONSTALL, and Alabarna.-Lister Hill and John The Senate assembled in its Cl:amber by unanimous consent, Mr. WATKINS was Sparkman. at the Capitol. excused from attendance on the ses­ Arizona.-Carl Hayden and Ernest \V. ALBEN W. BARKLEY, of Kentucky, sions of the Senate through January McFarland. V'ce President of the United States, 15, and Mr. YOUNG was excurnd from Arkansas.-John L. McClellan and J. called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock attendance on the sessions of the Senate William Fulbright. meridian. for 2 weeks. California.-William F. Knowland and The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Richard M. Nixon. Harris, D. D., of the city of Washington, CoZorado.-Edwin C. Johnson and offered the following prayer: CALL OF THE ROLL Eugene D. Millikin. O Thou Companion of the pilgrim Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I Connecticut.-Brien McMahon and years, our help in ages past: With re­ suggest the absence of a quorum. William Bznton. newed powers and with restored souls, The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ Delaware.-John J. Williams and J. returni~ 1g to the high tasks of this na­ tary will call the roll. Allen Frear, Jr. tional chamber of deliberation we pause The Chief Clerk <Emery L. Frazier) Florida.-Spessard L. Holland and at the beginning of this session with a called the roll, and the following Sena­ George H. Smathers. solemn sense of our own inadequacy, tors answered to their names: Georgia.-Walter F. George and Rich­ With the dim lamps of our devices we Aiken Green McFarland ard B. Russell. cannot find a sure and clear path Anderson Hayden McKellar Idaho.-Henry C. Dworshak and Bennett Hendrickson McMahon Herman Welker. through the tangled maze of this stricken Bricker Hennings Millikin generation. Be Thou the guardian Bridges Hickenlooper Moody Illinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett and the guide of the unbeaten way our Butler, Md. Hill Morse M. Dirksen. Butler, Nebr. Hoey Murray lndiana.-Homer E. Capehart and feet must take in these looming months Cain Holland Neely of destiny. Capehart Hunt Nixon William E. Jenner. With tender sympathy f-Or bis grieving Carl'Son Ives O'Conor Iow4.~urke B. Hickenlooper and Case Jenner O'Mahoney Guy M. Gillette. loved ones, we think today of one who Chavez Johnson, Colo. Robertson occupied a place of leadership in this Clements Johnson, Tex. Russell Kansas.-Andrew F. Schoeppel and body, but who answers not as the roll is Connally J-0hnston, S. C. Saltonstall Frank Carlson. called. We are grateful for the record Cordon Kefauver Schoeppel Kentucky.-Earle C. Clements and Dirksen K:em Smath~rs R. c>f his fervid patriotism and his utter Douglas Kerr Smith, Maine Thomas Underwood. devotion to the public trust committed Duff K ilgore Smith, N. J. Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender, Sr., and to his hands, as with abounding energy Dworshak Knowland Smith, N. C. Russell B. Long. Eastland Langer Sparkman Maine.-Owen Brewster and Margaret he faced legislative tasks. Out of the Ecton Lehman Stennis silence of his abscace may there come Ellender Lodge Taft Chase Smith. a warning voice to each of us, emneshed Ferguson Magnuson Thye Maryland.-Herbert R. O'Conor and Flanders Malone Tobey John Marshall Butler. and immersed in re, :ntless duties: "In Frear Martin Underwood the midst of life we are in death." As Fulbright Maybank Welker Massachusetts.-Leverett Saltonstall we work while it is called day, may no George McCarthy Wiley and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. cherished resentments, no camouflaged Gillette McClellan Williams Michigan.-Homer Ferguson and Blair selfishness, no little loyalties, no in­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. I announce Moody. grained prejudice, chok0 and clog the that the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. Minnesota.-Edward J. Thye and caannels of our public service. O God, BENTON], the Senator from Minnesota Hubert H. Humphrey. to whose kingdom the future belongs, use [Mr. HUMPHREY], the Senator from Mississippi.-James 0. Eastland and us as pioneers of a better habitation for Louisiana [Mr. LoNG], the Senator from John C. Stennis. humanity, for ourselves, and for all the Nevada [Mr. MCCARRAN], and the Sena­ Missouri.-James P. Kem and Thomas peoples of the earth. t;or from Oklahoma [Mr. MoNRONEY] are C. Hennings, Jr. We ask it in the dear Redeemer's absent by leave of the Senate. Montana.-James E. Murray and name. Amen. The Senator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD] Zales N. Ecton. is absent by leave of the Senate because l'{ebraska.-Hugh Butler and Fred A. of illness. Seaton.* LEAVES OF ABSENCE The Senator from Rhode Island CMr. Nevada.-Pat McCarran and George On request of Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, PASTORE] is absent by leave of the senate W. Malone. and by unanimous consent, Mr. BENTON, because of a death in his family. Mr. HUKPHREY, and Mr. MONRONEY were Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that •Mr. SEATON took the oath of office follow­ excused from attendance on the sessions the Senator from Maine CMr. BREWSTER] ing the adoption of the resolution on '1111 of the Senate this week; is necessarily absent. death of Senator WHERRY. XCVIII-1 3 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 8 New Hampshire.-Styles Bridges and And so, when Senator WHERRY sup­ service· to his fellow men as a soldier in Charles W. Tobey. ported legislation for research by the the First World War, and service to his New Jersey.-H. Alexander Smith and Federal Government into the causes and community, the State, and the Nation as Robert C. Hendrickson. possible cure for cancer, to lift this a lawmaker. It was as acting majority New Mexico.-Dennis Chavez and scourge from mankind, he himself, un­ fioor leader and lastly as :floor leader of Clinton P. Anderson. · knowingly, was afflicted by it in its the minority Members of the Senate that New York.-Irving M. Ives and Her­ stealthy, devastating attack.- his genius for leadership in statecraft bert H. Lehman. That was the way of KENNETH shone most brightly. North Carolina.-Clyde R. Hoey and WHERRY. He stood for what he believed In private endeavors this man was a Willis Smith. to be the right. He himself became a success. A more varied career in private North Dakota.-William Langer and martyr in the contest of man against pursuits is difllcult to find, for KENNETH Milton R. Young. cancer, as have other Members of this WHERRY was a farmer, a livestock raiser, Ohio.-Robert A. Taft and John W. body. Let us hope that we who carry on a merchant, and a lawyer. In all he Bricker. will see to it that the effort to conquer closed the books on the credit side of ·Oklahoma.-Robert S. Kerr and A. S. · cancer goes on with ever-increasing the ledger. Mike Mom·oney. determination. But it was in response to the call for Oregon.-Guy Cordon . and Wayne Truly it may be said that the death public service that he reached heights Morse. of Senator WHERRY is a great loss to the attained by comparatively few men. He Pennsylvania.-Edward Martin and Nation. Indeed, in these times when was twice mayor of Pawnee City, State Jame3 H. Duff. · freedom-loving peoples everywhere look legislator, Republican State chairman, Rhode Island.-Theodore Francis to the United States for leadership, the United States Sen...1.tor, and his party's Gr e~m and John 0. Pastore. loss of Senator WHERRY is especially to be fioor leader in this the greatest legisla­ South Carolina.-Burnet R. Maybank lamented, because peace and. security tive body in the world. The career of and Olin D. Johnston. and freedom and opportunity for all men Senator WHERRY is at once a beacon to South Dakota.-Karl E. Mundt and of good will were uppermost in his heart others and an example to the world of Francis Case. and mind. what is possible in this beloved Republic Tennessee.-Kenneth McKellar and Among us, his friends and neighbors of ours. Estes Kefauver. · in his native State of Nebraska, the loss Some men disagreed with Senator Texas.-Tom Connally and Lyndon B. is felt perhaps more keenly, because we WHERRY'S approach to solutions of pub­ Johnson. knew him better throughout the years of lic questions, but this is the natural . Utah.-Arthur V. Watkins and his public service. We knew him as process for finding the right answers in Wallace F. Bennett. friend and good neighbor, ever ready to our Republic. As to his patriotic motives, Vermont.-George D. Aiken and Ralph give a hand in worthy causes. honesty, and fairness, there can never be E. Flanders. This high regard for him was fittingly a shadow of doubt.
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