111~i Imperh,4. Primavcn 2001, pp. 71-75 EDUCKl'ION AND SOClAL CHANGE IN BARBADOS, 1966-1989 Ih' THE PACES below we include tbe bibliography of rhe article by Iasep Ramon Llabera and Ann MacLarnon "Education and social changc in Barbados. 1966-1989," which did not ap- pcar in nurnbcr thrce of IIIei i impcri~. En les pagines següencs s'hi inclou In bihliografia de I'arricle de losep Ramon Llobera i Ann MacLarnon "Education and social change in Barbados. 1966-1989," que no va apareixer al número tres d'lllci i impei-ii. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLSOPP, R. The Question of Barbadian Culture. Barbados: Bajan Booklet, The Bajan Maga- zine, 1972. ArirnOnuS, Y. "Thc lrnpact of Structural Adjustrncnt Pulicier on Women: the Expcrienrc of Caribbean Countries". Paper presented at thr UNDPíUNFPA Training Programme on Women in Development, Santo Domingo. [Unpublished]. Association of Canadian Community Colleges An Agenda fov Change. Toronto: ACCC, 1986. AUGIEK,E R. and Go~uou,S. Sourca of Wcit Indian Hiitory. 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