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111~i Imperh,4. Primavcn 2001, pp. 71-75 EDUCKl'ION AND SOClAL CHANGE IN BARBADOS, 1966-1989 Ih' THE PACES below we include tbe bibliography of rhe article by Iasep Ramon Llabera and Ann MacLarnon "Education and social changc in Barbados. 1966-1989," which did not ap- pcar in nurnbcr thrce of IIIei i impcri~. En les pagines següencs s'hi inclou In bihliografia de I'arricle de losep Ramon Llobera i Ann MacLarnon "Education and social change in Barbados. 1966-1989," que no va apareixer al número tres d'lllci i impei-ii. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLSOPP, R. The Question of Barbadian Culture. Barbados: Bajan Booklet, The Bajan Maga- zine, 1972. ArirnOnuS, Y. "Thc lrnpact of Structural Adjustrncnt Pulicier on Women: the Expcrienrc of Caribbean Countries". Paper presented at thr UNDPíUNFPA Training Programme on Women in Development, Santo Domingo. [Unpublished]. Association of Canadian Community Colleges An Agenda fov Change. Toronto: ACCC, 1986. AUGIEK,E R. and Go~uou,S. Sourca of Wcit Indian Hiitory. London: Longman, 1987. BARBADOS.Barbados Stntiiticnl Seruice Labow Fwce Report. 1975-1983; 1981-1986. -DrvrluprnrntPlan. 1955-1960,1960-65,1965-1968,1969-1972,1973-1977,1979-1983,1983- 1988, 1988-1993. -Economic Report. Annual 1976-1988. Ministry of the Attorney General. Report of the National Comnirsion on thc Status of Wo- men. Barbados, 1978. -M;nistry of Education and Culture. Edwation i» Uuvbadoi. Barbados, 1988. -Digrrt uf Educrrtion Stilriiriu. Barbados, 1964-1965. -Digest of Education Statisrics. Barbados, 1983-1984. Government Sccondary Schools of Barbados. A Guide, 1982,1985, 1988. Barbados. -Report on Education in Barbados for thcpcriod 1st Septcmber 1978 - 3Jst Augurt 1982. -Report of the Minzrtry of Educatzon for thepertod lit Srptembcr 1960 to 3lit Augrrst 1963. -Tlon&jloni Primary to Secoridary .Eduducatiow iw Barbado,. (The Shoiey Report). 1974. -Ministry of Labour and Community Uevelopment. Whrre Are Wc 'e~o?AnAr~ei~ment of the Status oj' Women in Barbados. (N.M. Forde). c. 1985. -Barbados Colonial Repovt(J952-53). London: HMSO, 1954. BARRITLAU,E. "The 1981 General Elections in Barbados-Some Commcnts". Btill. E. Ca- rrbbran Affarri, 7(2) (198I), pp.38-46. BARROW,C. "Malc Iiiiagcs o1 Woi~icnin Barbados". SoririlEcuri. Studies, 35 (1986), pp.51-G4. BARROW,C. and Greene, J.E. Smnll Bz<sineiiin Barbados. Barbados: ISER, Cave Hill, 1979. DECKLW,H. McD. Black RrGrllion in Bar6ridr,.<. Bridgerown: Carih Prrss, 1981 -Natural Rcbrl~.Loiidon: Zed Buoks, 1989. BFT-LL,G. ThePoliticalEconorny af flarbadoi. Mona, famaica: University of rhc West Indies, 1974. [MSc. Thesis]. -Thc Politici DfDetielopment: a Study of tlic Polrtical Drt~clupmenrofBarbadoi. University of Marichcster, 1977. [PhD. Thesisl. RI.A'KMAN,C. N. The Pranicc ofP~rsuarion.Bridgerown: Clieddar Press, 1982. BLOUET,O. M. "Education and Emanciparion in Barliados, 1833-46" Ethnrc 6- Rncial Sfu- dics, 4 (1981), pp.222-235. BRATHWAITE,E. K. Contn?dictory Omens: Cultu~iDeue~iitya~tdlfitegration in the Cavibbean. Mona, Jamaica: Savacou Puhlications, 1974. -HUtoy of rhe Voice. Luiidun: New Beacori Books, 1984. BKOWNE.A. 3nd SANATAN,R. Tal+(ing uiith Whom? A Report on che Scate of the Media in che Caribbr~n.Carimac: IJnivrrrity of the Wcsr Indies, 1987. CARICOM.Popuktion Ceniur uf $he Commonwenlth Caribbcan. Barbados, 1980.3981 CHELTENHAM,R. Thc Political 2nd Constitutional Dcvclopment of Rarliadus 1946-66. Uni- vrrsity of Manchester, 1969. lPhD Thesis]. COI-E,J. icOfficialTdrology and the Education of Wr~nirnin thc English-speaking Caribbe- aii (1835-1945) with Special Rcferencc to Rarbadus". In: Women itr chr Caebbean Project. Vol. 5: Women ond Education. Raihadob: ISER, Cave Ilill, 1982, pp.l-34. DANN, G. Thc Qwlicy of Lfe I7J Bw6ados. London: Maciriillan, 1984. D~vis,K. Cross nnd Crouin in Barbados. Frankfurt am Main: Perrr Lang, 1983. DOWNES,A.S. "The Distriburinn of Household lncome in Barbados". Social Emn. Scudies, 36 (4) (1987), pp.127-155. URAYTON,K. "Introd~~tion:Women and Education". 111: Wornen tn $he Cavibbean Project, Volume 5, Wornen and Edumtton, Karbador: ISER, Cave Hill, 1982, pp.vrr-xv. -"Racisin in Barbados". Hull E Caribbrun Affairs, 9 (2) (1983), pp.1-5. DENCAN,N. Thc 1986 Generul Ekeccionr and Conremporary Polirica1 Econorny in Barbados. /Unpuhlishcd]. DUNCAN,N. ct al. "Rarbados 1976 General Elections: Piihlic Opinion Survcy". O~ruiional t'apns, 9. Rarbados: ISER, Cave Hill, 1976. DURANT-GONZALYZ,V. "The Realm of Fcmale Farnilial Resp~nsibilit~".In: Women in the Caribbean P~oject,Volume 2, Women and zhe Family, Barliados: ISER, Cave Hill, 1982, pp.1-27. EBANKS,G. E. "Emigratiuii 2nd Fertiliry Drcline: the Casc of Rarbador". Drmogrophy, 12 (1 975), pp.431-445. ERANKS,G.E.; GEORGO,P.M. and NODEL,C. F.. "l'e~nilit~ariil Number of Partnerships in Barbados". Popul. Studiei, 28 (1974), pp.449-461 FORDE,N. M. "The Starus of Womcn in Barbados: What Has Been Done Since 1978". Oc- corional Papevi, 15. Barbados: ISER?Cave Hill, 1980. FORDE,N. M. (scr:Ministry iif T.ahour and Community Dcvclopment). [c. 19851. GIL.[.,M. "Woineri, Work and Development: Barbados 1936-1970". In: Wornen i» Jr Cahb- bean Prujrcr, Volume 6, Worna, Wovkaad Bcu~loprneric,Barbados: ISER, Cave Hill, 1981, pp.1-40. GILMORE,J. The Toiler of clie Scei: n Life "flohn Mitchinron. Biihop of Barbado.<.Barbados: Barbados National Trust, 1987. GOMES,P. 1. "Barbados: thc Post-liidependence Pcriod, 1966-1977". Paper prescnted at the Dcparuriciit of Sociology, the Univcrsity uf ~lirWcst Indicr, St. Augustlnr, Trinidad, 1980. GOODRIDUL,S. S. Facing rhe Challengc of Emancipatkn. Bridgctown: Cheddar Press, 1981. -A Cornpai~ionto Liberation Theology. Bridget0wn:Cheddar Press, 1984. GORDON,S. C. A Crntury of Weit Indian Education. London: Longman, 1961. -Keport and Repurcussions in Wcst lndian Eduration 1835-1933. London: Ginn, 1968. GREENE,E. Thc Sqipper and thr Fli1,prr. Tlie 1971 Election. [llnpiihlished]. 1IANDI.FR, J. S. Thc Unappropriarrd Pcople: Frcedmen in thc SIuue Socirty ofUa~bador.Halri- rriure: Tlie Jolins 1Iopkins Univcrsity Press, 1974. HAKIFF,Y. Speechrr by Ewol Bu>,ow. London: Hansip Publications, 1987. HAKIWTJOD,1. Educaticn and Society in the Engliih-ipeaking Caribbcan: a Staliiricai Review of I'optrlat~on and Eduroaion zn Tinidnd and Tobago. Bnrbadoi und Grenadu, 1989. [Unpu- blishedl. HAYIIF.N,H. A Policy of Educ<rtion.Barbados: Drpartmcnt of Fducarion, 1945. HEARNE,J. "Whar Rarhadris Mcaiis Tu Me". Iii: Salkey, A. (cd.). Carrbbcan Eriays. 1.nndon: Evan Brorhers, 1966. HENRIQUES,F. and Manyoni, J. "Ethnic Group Kelarions in Rarbados and Greiiada". In: Racc and Clasi in Post-colonial Society. Paris: UNESCO, 1977. 1 IOFFER, H. (ed.). Barbadoi. In-izght Cuide. Singapore: APA Production, 1986. HOWARD,bl. Ucpcndencc nnd 1)evelopment in Barbadosl9?5-1985. Bridgetown: Carib Rcse- arch, 1989. Hoyos, E A. Barbadoi Ouu Islar~dHomr. London: Macrnillan, 1960. [Jrd rditinn: 19791. -Bac&oundro Indrpcndmcc. Bridgetown: The Advh-ate Presr, 1967. -Builderi of Barbados. London: Macrnillan, 1972. Grantley Adami and rhc Soczal Kcuolution. London: Macmillari, 1974. -Barbadox: a Ni,~toorl>fiomthc Amrrindzans to Indcprndcncc. London: Macrnillan, 1578. -7Lm Alli<,rrr;u Biogmphji. London: Mñcrnillan, 1988. HOYOS,M. D. "The Profilr rif Fainily Planning Dcfaultcrs in a Rarhadian Gcneral Pracri- ce". Weiz Indies Med. J., 24 (1975), pp.122-128. INNIS, J. Primary School Reading Suruey. Barbados: Ministry of Edurarion, 1984. INNIS,W. L. Civio,Jo~Burbadoi. Jamaica: Kingston Publishcrs, 1982. KAKCII.C. i'hr Tran.fomat¡on and Coniolidvtion qfthe Covporate Plantarion Econorny in Bar- bados 1860-1977. Rutgcrs Univcrsity, 1979. [PhD. Thcsis]. -"Thhe G~rowthof the Corpurace Econorny in Barbados: Class/Race Factars 1890-1977". In: Craig, S. (ed.). Conrrmporary Caribbean, 1977. LAM~UNG,G. In rhe Cartle nf ,My .Sí@. 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