PRESENTS WORLD PREMIERE BY LAUREN M. GUNDERSON COMMISSIONED BY MARIN THEATRE COMPANY CO-PRODUCED BY: 1 FROM THE NORTHLIGHT ARTISTIC DIRECTOR I’ve lONG ADMIRED LAUREN Gunderson’s smart, FUNNY, AND ELEGANT WRITING. I recall seeing her two person piece I and You at the Pacific Playwright’s Festival. It was wise and charming and ultimately surprising, all the things Lauren is herself. In The Catastrophist Lauren bravely puts her own life on stage, depicting her husband and his vital and powerful work as a virologist. Nathan Wolfe has an astonishing career himself along with a vast body of work internationally - you can get a sampling with his Ted Talks and lectures on YouTube. Lauren dissects his work and our world with a surgeon’s skill, smartly and selflessly examining their relationship as a way to examine our own. In a lightning response to this moment she answers the question I once asked her, “how do artists respond to this astonishing pause in our lives and how do we reflect on it artistically?” I am so proud of our fortunate relationship with this gifted artist, and our opportunity to bring it to you, our loyal audience and also new and intellectually ambitious friends. BJ JONES | ARTISTIC DIRECTOR 2 NROUROUNDORTHLIGHTN D HHOUSEOUS TEHE THEATRETHEATREA TR EIS EXTENDS EPROUXTENDDS ITS ITS ROUND HOUSE THEATRENORTHL IGHT& TMARINHEATRE THEATRE COMPANY TO DDEEPBEEE SPONSOREP GRGRATITUDEA TITUDDE BY: TOT O ALLA LL OF OF OUR OUR BJ JONES, Artistic Director, and TIMOTHY J. EVANS, Executive Director RYAN RILETTE, Artistic Director, and JASSON MINADAKIS, Artistic Director, and SPSPONSORSO NSO RS FOR FOR TH ETHE ED ZAKRESKI, Managing DirectorPRESENTS A CO-PRODUCTIONJENNA OF DEJA, Interim Managing Director 22020-2021 0 2 0-20 21 V IRT VIRTUALU AL SEA SEASONSON ROUND HOUSE THEATRE & MARIN THEATRE COMPANY RYAN RILETTE, Artistic Director, andPRESENT J ASSON MINADAKIS, Artistic Director, and ED ZAKRESKI, Managing Director JENNA DEJA, Interim Managing Director RouRoundnd HHouseouse Theatre’sTheatre’s 2020-20212020-2021 ReimaginedReimagined VVirtualirtual SSeasoneason is sponsoredsponsored by MITCMITCHH & & HEIDI HEIDI D UDUPLERPLER LLINDAINDA R RAVDIN AV D IN & D&O DONN SHAPER SHAPEROO BY THE OFFIELTHED Fa ZI MILYZICKLERCK LER FAMT FAMILYHEI LY SULLIVAN FaMILY BY LLAURENA UREN M.M. GUNDERSONGUNDERSON FOUNdaTION FOUNdaTION DDIRECTEDIRECTED BBY Y JASSONJ A S S O N MINADAKIS M I NAD AKIS TThehe CCatastrophistatastrophist is generouslygenerously sponsoredsponsored by BONBONNIENIE ANANDD ALALANA N HAMHAMMERSCHLAGME RSCHLAG CAST We areare thr thrilledilled to to sp sponsoronsor The CaCatastrophisttastrophist . Nathan . WILLIAM D E MERITT * TThishis world world premiere premiere cou couldld not not hav havee come come at a at a momorere per perfectfect tim time,e, as aswe we celeb celebraterate the on thegoing ongoing rresearchesearch and and scie scientificntific advances advances that prothatdu cedproduced CREATIVE TEAM mulmultipletiple su successfulccessful vacc vaccinesines that that will howillpef hopefullyully Director . JASSON MINADAKIS brbringing anan end end to to th thee corona coronavirusvirus pande pandemic.mic. At At Director of Photography/Editor . PETER RUOCCO ththee sasameme time, time, thi thiss glo globalbal heal healthth crisis crisis ascrib ascribeses Dramaturg . MARTINE KEI GREEN-ROGERS new rrelevanceelevance to to the the Je wishJewish con conceptcept of of titikkunkkun Lighting Designer . WEN-LING LIAO+ olaolamm , ththee resp responsibilityonsibility we we have have to care to care for e acforh each Composer/Sound Designer . CHRIS HOUSTON/IMPLIED MUSIC ototherher forfor th thee betterment betterment of ofhum humanity.anity. We’re We’re Costume Designer . SARAH SMITH THEhhonored EonLIZorABedETH toto F . su CHENEYsupportpport F thisOUNDAT this new newestIONes t| FwoULL rkwork C IbyRC LE ouby FrOUNDAT our ION Assistant Director . CHRISTINA HOGAN ffavoriteavorite pl playwright,JOHNaywr Right, HALL LaIGAN Laurenuren CHAR Gu IGunderson,ndeTABLErson, FUND who who THE MAURICE R. AND META G. GROSS FOUNDATION Producer . NAKISSA ETEMAD MODESTUShahass beco become BAUERme one FoneOUNDAT of of the theI ONmost most | PEL impoINO importantrtant CHAR mITAodB modernLEern F OUNDAT ION vvoicesSoiANcesBORN in in Amer FAmericanAMILYican FOUNDAT theat theatre.”reION.” | DR. SCHOLL FOUNDATION TOM STRINGER DESIGN PARTNERS Running Time approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes +Member of United Scenic Artists, Local USA 829 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. 3 Find the special earlearlyy PPRODUCTIONROD UCTION TEAM rreleasedeleased published script ooff DiDirectorrector of ProdProductionuction .. .. ..... ... ..... SARA HU HUDDLESTONDDLESTON THE CATASTROPHIST: A Play TTechnicalechnical DiDirectorrector .. .. ..... .. ... ... ...... JEFJEFFF KL KLEINEIN THE CATASTROPHIST: A Play CameCamerara OperatorsOperators ... .. ..... .. ... ... ...... LOBSALOBSANGNG TH THINLEINLEYY , COLINCOLIN CU CUSACSAC on AAmazon.mazon. LLeadead ElectricianElectrician ... .. ..... .. ... .... .... .... DDELEL M MEDOFFEDOFF ElectrElectriciansicians ... .. ..... .. ... .... ... ... ...... KRYKRYSS SWAN SWAN,, LIZLIZ KKRETER-KILLANRETER-KILLAN ,, HaHalflf ththee proceedsproceeds gogo to MarinMarin TTheatreheatre CoCompany.mpany. COCOREYREY S CHASCHAFFERFFER AsAssistantsistant CarpenterCarpenter ... .. ..... .. ... ... .... MIMIKE KE FER FERRELLRELL COCOVID-19VID-19 MedicalMedical ConsultantConsultant ... ...... DRDR.. S STEVENTEVEN FUG FUGAROARO COCOVID-19VID-19 ComplianceCompliance OfficerOfficer .. ...... LLIZ IZ M MATOS ATOS CCommissionedommissioned in in 2020 2020 by Marinby Marin Theatre Theatre Compa Companyny through thethe support support of of Th Thee Andrew Andrew W. MellonW. Mellon Foundation’s Foundation’s NaNationaltional Playwright Playwright Residency Residency Program This production production was was ma madede possible possible by thethe generous generous support support of of SPECIAL THANKS THANKS : Wendy XaXa an andd T erTerrara Marin Marin Scho School,ol, Je BeJeffrlin, Berlin, Dr. Nichol Dr.as Nicholas Butowsk i,Butowski, Gabriella Gabriella Calicchio,Calicchio, Ur Urbanban Car Carmel,mel, Mich Michaelael Dachows Dachowski,ki, Aaron AaronDavidm Davidman,an, Trevor Floy Trevord, Kevin Floyd, Kevin R. Free,Free, Marti Marti Gr iGrimminck,mminck, Char Charlesles and Asaand Gun Asade Gunderson,rson, Julie Hi rsch,Julie Cassandra Hirsch, Cassandra Lopez, Ginny Ginny Re Reed,ed, Shan Shanee Rogers, Rogers, Kathleen Kathleen and Fred and Tay Fredlor, Dr.Taylor, Matt Dr.Wil lis,Matt Willis, Carol Wittenberg,Wittenberg, Nathan Nathan Wolfe, Wolfe, Sam Sam Wood Woodhouse.house. THTHEE E-BOOE-BOOKK ($8($8)): AmAmazon.com/dp/B08S9JDXMVazon.com/dp/B08S9JDXMV THTHEE PAPEPAPERBACKRBACK ($1($10)0): Amazon.com/dp/B08SB378H3 *Acto*Actorr ap appearspears courtesy courtesy of SAG-AFTRAof SAG-AFTRA,, the Scre theen Screen Actors GActorsuild of GuildAmerica. of America. Amazon.com/dp/B08SB378H3 4 WRITING WRITING LAUREN M. M. GUNDERSON GUNDERSON BY P L AY W R I G H T ABOUT MY MY HUSBAND HUSBAND YYouou thinthinkk youyou knowknow youryour partnerpartner ofof aa decade.decade. AndAnd then yyouou attemptattempt toto writewrite a playplay about them.them. HEHENN SASANN FRANCISCOFRANCISC O WENTWEN T INTO INT O LOCKDOWN LOCKDOWN W iinn AprilApril and and every everyone’sone’s wo worldrld catapulted catapulted into ainto new a nornewmal normal W of isolationisolation,, hom homeschool,eschool, and and a ban a ban on al onl public all public gatherings gatherings (including my my b elbelovedoved theatre) theatre),, Jasson Jasson Minadaki Minadakiss posed posed the idea the of idea of writing aa new new play play about about m ymy hu sband.husband. Natha Nathann is a foremost is a foremost expert expert oonn panpandemicsdemics with with a thra thrillingilling life lifeof discovery of discovery,, travel travel,, and intellectual and intellectual pursuitpursuit.. Wha Whatt woul wouldd a plaa playy abou aboutt him him look look like? like?Woul dWould I ever I ever consider it? NoNo,, II woul wouldd not. not. I first I first rejecte rejectedd Jasson’s Jasson’s idea of idea creatin of gcreating a play about a play about NathaNathann fo forr three three reasons: reasons: FirstFirst,, I Iusual usuallyly write write about about scient scientificific history, history, not con nottemporary contemporary science. science. I’ve writtewrittenn about about Marie Marie Curie, Curie, Isaac Isaac Newton, Newton, Ada L Adaovelace Lovelace and Charles and Charles Babbage,Babbage, Henrietta Henrietta Swan Swan Leavitt Leavitt and andEmil ieEmilie du Chatelet du Chatelet.. I don’t Iwrite don’t write about ccontemporaryontemporary science science becaus becausee we don’t we don’t know know the end the o fend it yet, of it yet, wewe don’tdon’t kno knoww wha whatt current current science science meansmeans atat thithiss point point.. We We need need a few a few decades t oto figur figure e that that out. out. SecSecond:ond: We’ve We’ve bee beenn togethe togetherr for forten tenyears years,, and I andhad n’tI hadn’t yet found yet found a wayway to to write write abou aboutt virology virology tha thatt wor worksks for the for stage the stage.. The joke The in joke in ouourr marriagmarriagee is isthat that we we were were set setup t oup mee to tmeet so that so I thatwould I wouldwrite write ssomethingomething abou aboutt Nathan’ Nathan’ss wor work,k, and and I neve I neverr did. “Where’sdid. “Where’s mymy momovie?”vie?” NathanNathan teased. teased. “Where’s “Where’s my play?”play?” I jokeI joke
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