University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-31-1914 Deming Graphic, 07-31-1914 N. S. Rose Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/deming_headlight_news Recommended Citation Rose, N. S.. "Deming Graphic, 07-31-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/deming_headlight_news/1032 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Deatiaw VTaUr M.M Pure J DonJiK Air Oovernm't Teat 100 pw et Par JTHE bemimg Breathing Test A LIVE PAPER IN A LIVEgraphicTOWN. VOLUME XII, NUKS23 ZLMII DEMINQ, LUNA COONTY. NXW 1CTXICO, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1U FIVE CENTS A COPY Cad It Right Hiuietuvy Society S. P. Officials at Myndus cy b "O, fur one cool uurht in New k:gii p. U., s. anoEns The Woman's Missionary society GOAD HUE General Manager II. V. Piatt, Di- icoP exclaims Miss Susie Mott C"0 in a of tbe Methodist church will meet a vision Superintendent T. II. Williams letter to the Graphic from Vernon tbe. church Thursday, August 6, at and Division Engineer J. B. Matth- Center, Minn. Miss Mott tflEBD has been 3 p. m. The following program will TO EE SEPT. 27 ews of the Southern Pacifio railroad attending the National Educational vm Ml be given: passed through Deuiing in their pri- Association convention 81. m oa at Paul, e Song, "And Must I be to Judgment vate cars on their way to Myndus, Minn. She spoke of seeing Prof. Secretory Hoit tasirnctoal by Clroe J. Brought t" Bible lesson, Mrs. L. E, where they will take an automobile B. Taylor and County With View to Improving Awng Eneeur-age- Siiieriuteiident Una McCreary; "Woman's Work in Man Sueeets ef Event Last Year d trip in thut section to investigate the to Start Aetivo Cantpaipi Miss Urace Qoeliel. ten Miss Mott will of Southern Pacific Cemmen tnnyaa and Cienfuegos, Cuba," Mrs Local Motor Enthusiasts conditions und progress of the thriv- tho Katter. return shortly to take In tasarlvM up her school turato with Future Noedi. Hardaway; duet. "Go tell the World to Undertake New Exploit. ing little town. It is the intention of work. of His Love," Kathleen Sullivan and the S. P. to build a suitable depot CCCTCS INTERESTED KICHISAN "BEST AL0N6 WHOLE LINE" Dora Terrill; recitation, Penny Sad WOULD THROW ut Myndus and the present trip is Mrs. V. (Iilbreath ENTRIES OPEN li. and litil. and Penny Glad," Mabel Steed; Our but a preliminary examination tow- daughter who Imve la Not been visiting her Wesley Houses, Mrs. McCreary; elo- PrMf Shown That Sanitarium Staterrent Made by V. Proposed Over ards considerable improvement on folks in Jennings, Iji.. have relumed H. Piatt, As Course Would be Dem Monaco to Puttie Hoalth, But cution, "Mrs. Fuith. or How One Wo the part of (he S. P. in Luna county. a to Ueimng Mr. sistant General Manager of Com- er rg Road, where (Iilbreath bu man's Prayer Straightened out I is a Bonoflt to tho Public. ranch. pany, to Denting Citizens Missionary Society," Mrs. Gaskill Which is in Bead Condition. Langford-Rab- b Missionary Bulletin, Mrs. Foulks I'crr-- Luugford of the O Bur O Al a meeting of tba directors of II. Tbe meeting will close by repeat ranch and Miss Myrtle Rnhb, one of COMPANY I ORDERS V. Plait, assistant general man Tentative plans are being made for I Drilling Chamber of Commerce ing the Lord s prayer in unison. the (Mipulur young ladies of Luna he ager of tbe Southern Pacific com a road race over the Deuiing-Silve- r county were married here Monday by thin week, Secretary Willard E. Hull pany, I,os Angeles, D. , 'Company I will resume of Col.; J. road, to be held on iiiHlrueted to open up corre-tpouden- its Carl Peugh and J. 8. Vaught re the Rev. S. R. McClure, pastor of the wus regular weekly Mathews, division engineer of Tuc or about September 27. Dr. R. C. oth- drills next Tues- turned from a business trio to El Christian church. with physicians and son, Ariz.; and T. If. Williams, di Hoffman, president Dealing day evening. All men are ord- Paso Tuesday. of the ers interested in the cure of tuber- - vision suMriuteiideiil of Tucson, Ar Automobile Association and a mem ered to lie present. A satisfac- N F. Kisdon, who is uiunugiiig his rulusis for the purpose of securing inouu, were in the city the early part ber of the Luna County Road Board tory excuse will be required E. L. Foster, formerly of Chicago, father's farm tit llondale was a vis- tbe establishment of a tubercular of the week investigating conditions will have churge of the arrangements, from ull absentees. who has been working recently ut itor in tbe city Thursday. uiuituriiiiu here. The excellent in Demiiig and the Mimhres Valley. The race last year, ult hough gotten ARTHUR W. BROCK Roswell arrived in the city Saturday conditions possessed by this BEST EVER up on rather short notice, was a de Captain 1st Infantry morning and will lie employed at John P. Wilson of Kingston, X. M., tecliou mokes it a moat desirable When Mr. Plutl left in bis private the cided success, and automobile enthu Commanding I nt Company soda fountain of the Rosser Drug arrived iu the cilv Thursduy for a locution for a sanitarium. A prom-ine- cur at Miesse for Kl I'uso he de siasts are sure that one of the most company. few days visit with friends. physician of Qrand Rapids. clnred: "The development I have interesting races that could be held Mich., has been in eommuuipation just seen in the Mimbres Valley, and anywhere in Amercia could be given villi Secretary Holt in regard to tbe is' The 1.10 COY ROAD GOES particularly on the Miesse lands, ESflf LOO here. course is about miles 0.1E OF THE BIGGEST SEAO iroMftilioii and it ia the intent ion of ID BO the liesl on the Southern Pacific Q2 O m long and covers, for the most part Deuiing pegging nwny In keep until lines." SILOS FEED CATTLE very good rouds, but Willi average EVER FOR CATTLEMEN it lauds a sanitarium. All oppoHition Before leaving, the railroad offic GT O conditions und some pretty stiff KB Iiuh keen cant aside and the objec- ial gave assurance that a passenger grades in the mountain sections neur tion brought forward that it will be station would be erected at Miesse Silver City. The race lust yeur was Secretary Charlei H. Heath of the Fifteen Siloi to be Constructed to Recent Abundant Rainfall Has Put ineuuce to the health of the com which would cost not less than 04,- - run without stripping the curs. This Begin with; Section of Land Ranges in Fine Condition and munity hare proven to be without Luna County Road Board Telle of 111)11, and orders were given on tbe was because there was little lime to Feeding Prominent Stockmen Hopeful muse or fear. the Importance to the Cuontry of sst for the placing of a 1,000-foo- t tor Water, Pens place the cars iu really good condi are The following convincing data bus Building and Maintaining Roadt. siding insteud of the spur now in use. and Pasture; Meana Large Profits tion for the run. By beginning now, for Successful Year in Southwest. beeu Hecured on the question: Mr. Mathews will return iu a short however, this difficulty can be elim In March, 1V14, the Nationul Assn time and will lay out the town of inated. C. E. Miesse iu city During the pust weeks nine riatiou for the Study and Prevention Charles II. Heath ami Dr. R. C. Miesse uftcr the latest approved plan arrived tbe Last year Fred Sherman in a Ford sit ity Saturday with a party of pros of Tuberculosis addressed coinmuni Hoffman, incuibers of the Luuu f lown building. louring car won first money, Eiuuict inches of ruin bus fallen iu (bis sec buyers whom 040,000 (MtlioiiH to five of the largest life County Roud bourd, County Commis- NEW R. R. PROPOSED lctive to Connolly in a Chalmers, second, and tion und the farmers und stockmen 1 1 Hub-bur- worth of land on the Southwestern insurance roniaiiies in the country, sioners John mill and C. L. d The railroad officials stciit the Sloss in a Reo, third. The run was are rejoicing. The range ure in fine VlfulfM Farms Company tract of requesting opinioiia regarding risks. and Sum T, Clink left Tuesduy whole of Wednesday on the tract in- - mude iu record time between here 1,000 acres was sold. Those who shaM) and the crops will easily get , living in or near tuberculosis insti evening over the Sniitu Fe ruilroud to siecling the growing crops and es- - and Silver City and without mishap, purchased A. P. Businger, through the season with but little tutioiiH. Their replies are of local attend the unnuiil uieelin" of the New imiitiug the situation ns regards the are: proving that a great deul of interest county, Ohio, eighty acres; C. more irrigation. interest in view of our present Mexico division of the Nutiouul High- IMissibililies of future population and centers in the sport among local mo- F. treason, Gary, Indiana, eighty ac Cuttle business is booming in the : ways ussociutiou which is being held production.
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