SEPT / OCT. 1980 VOLUME 31 No.7 Ameri TABLE Of CONTENT Sept/Oct 1980 FOR THOSE Editorial From the President ........... by Emily B. Johnson WHO DEMAND FENCl(ISSN 002-8436) Reflections on a Trip to Moscow Official publication of the by Irwin Bernstein THE BEST! Amateur Fencers League of America, Inc. Fencing Results from Moscow ©1978 Amateur Fencers League of America, Inc 1980 Olympics Capsul Report by Richard Gradkowski Dedicated to the memory of Technique Without Tactics JOSE R. deCAPRILES, 1912-1969 is a Dead End ............. Second Class Postage by Stanislav Bardakh paid at Berkeley, CA 94704 and at additional mailing offices 1980 Metropolitan Women's Epee and Sabre ......... , .. Editor: Mary T. Huddleson by Denise O'Connor Business Manager: Dwight Chew Annual Membership Meeting Art Director: Diane King Minutes ............... , .. - TOP QUALITY Policy Board: Emily B. Johnson, William Latzko, Eleanor Turney, Ralph Goldstein, Toward More Enjoyable Dwight Chew, Mary Huddleson Sabre Tournaments ........ by Ralph J. Tykodi Send all cor,triuutions and correspondence to Calendar of Major Events - RAPID SERVICE AMERICAN FENCING 2201 Bywood Drive in the U.S ................. Oakland, CA 94602 Appreciation Of Maestro Kadar, Part II .................... AFLA President: Emily B. Johnson, 1250 Ellis by Alan Ruben -OUTSTANDING St, #11, San Francisco CA 94109 AFLA Secretary: Eleanor Turney, 601 Curtis St, Directing Techniques ........ SELECTION Albany Ca 94706 by William Goering Send all returns and changes of address to: Coming Attractions ........ , .. AFLA, 601 Curtis St, Albany, CA 94706 Technical Talks ............. by Joe Byrnes - COMPETITIVE Times, Stops, and Evasions by Arthur Lane PRICES Harriet King, an Interview by Jill Peacock Additions to Club Roster ...... -FULLY ABOUIIHE COVER ILLUSTRATED DEADLINE FOR 1981 ISSUES Mayor Dianne Feinstein of CATALOG Francisco presents our new I Issue Date Closing Date Mailing Date dent, Emily Johnson, with an A PRICE $3.00 For Copy of Merit after conducting install NOVIDEC OCT 10 DEC 1 ceremonies in the Mayor's 0 Ms. Johnson is the first wom, JAN/FEB DEC 10 FEB 1 serve as president in the entir year history of the AFLA. APR 1 r:! MAR/APR FEB 10 -photo by M. H , A\\rn~~1180 FOLSOM STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA. ~5~ 94103 - 415/863'7911 With this issue, our style may change but our objectives remain the same: to publish Editorial an informative magazine for all types of American fencers and to promote an un­ derstanding of our favorite sport among in­ terested readers. Bearing this in mind, we bY' En j~j A glance at our masthead will inform our look forward to your continued support, readers of the new editorial staff of suggestions, and contributions. -MTH AMERICAN FENCING. Since our former It seems somewhat absurd to start a column It's a big job and she needs help, editor, Emily Johnson, has now become with a list of names and addresses but I want help. If you care about fencing and wan' president of the AFLA (she is truly a glutton everyone to know right off who to get in touch it grow, then lend a hand. But pleaSE for punishment). we shall attempt to carry The 1981 MACCABIAH GAMES with in a particular area. If you contact the volunteer if what you really intend is tl on where she left off. We welcome the ta­ by Maxwe/IR. Garret correct person to start with, your letter will your name listed as a member of a con lents of Dwiyl1t Chew, our new Business and not do any work. That is bad for thE Mal1ager, who wrll take care of our financial have a better chance of avoiding the The 11 th Maccabiah Games will be held in pressure of those who do work - who a and advertising matters. We retain our Art cracks in the floor of the Post Office. Israel from July 6-16, 1981. It is anticipated Micki Conte, executive vice president, 1208 busy. Director, Diane King, who seems quite that 31 sports will be featured with represen­ Venice Boulevard, Venice, Ca. 90291, is in This is an ideal place for you recrE able to put together in intelligible form a tatives from 35 countries participating It is charge of publicity. If you have a suggestion, fencers to get involved. Fencing isn't veritable pot-pourri of articles, photos, an­ expected that over 2800 athletes will be pre­ an important contact, want to help, or want those who compete. It's for all of us y, nouncements, notices, and ads. Our ven­ sent. Athletes will be housed according to some help, contact her directly. proud to be able to support our greal erable Policy Board, in addition to the new their sport and not according to national af­ William A Goering, 6615 Glenway Drive, who are proud to be members of an , President, now consists of Bill Latzko, our filiation. Thus, all the fencers will be housed West Bloomfield, MI. 48033, is the Chairman of club, the AFLA Treasurer; Eleanor Turney, our Secretary; at Wingate Institute, Israel's national coach­ the Fencing Officials Commission. If you have Nag. Nag. Nag. Ralph Goldstein; Dwight Chew; and my­ ing and physical education school. Here is a question about officiating, directors' testing, Eleanor Tumey, National Secretar self. With the exception of Diane, we are all an opportunity for Jewish athletes from all or the rules, you can write to him. He will either Curtis St., Albany, Ca. 94706, does eve "voluI1teers," but we will strive to turn out a over the world to meet in Israel. answer you directly or assign it to one of the a National Secretary has to do, an inc semi-professional product. continued page 6 members of the Commission. However, every­ variety. One of her more difficult jobs is thing will run a lot more easily if you will go keep track of all of you movers. She haE through "channels". For example, it is up me to remind you that the Post Office dl to the sectional chairman to ask about the forward magazines, if you leave ache assignment of an official from the commis­ address at the Post Office. A Post sion to give directors tests at the section­ person tears off the cover page and ~ THE BEST IN EUROPE als, not an individual fencer. Ask the Sec­ to her with the new address. This c tional Chairman first. $.25 and you don't get your magazir IMPORTED IN THE U.S.A. Charles Thompson, Vice-president, 1115 are not entitled to snarl at the AFU AND HANDPICKED AT THE Belvedere Drive, Hanahan, S C. 29410, is have moved and have not receive working on a special project for the Officials magazine unless you have removed FACTORY BY RAOUL SUDRE Commission. dress label from an old magazine 8 Colleen Olney, Vice-president, 2221 SE warded it to her complete with your n IN AN EFFORT TO SERVE 117th, Portland, Oregon 97216, is in charge of correct address well in advance of tI­ FENCERS A UTILE BETIER. the Junior and Grass Roots Development ing date. You can use a Post Office f Committee. This is entirely too much work for post card, a letter or a carrier pigeon anyone person to be saddled with. The com­ long as she gets it ASOP. (It was ye mittee will be subdivided as soon as feasible. fore I learned that this meant as s However, at the moment-- Colleen is very pOSsible. I was under the impressior knowledgable in this field. She has long been was Russian slang). one of the mainstays of the Junior Olympic William J. Latzko, Treasurer, 211 Committee. She has been in charge of the Street, North Bergen, N.J. 07047 i Coaches' Clinic at Squaw Valley (this year tight with the AFLA money. He do there were 31 student coaches for a 5 day pay any unauthorized bills. S~ 7eHW«J camp) and has worked with the junior camp Michel Mamlouk, 1127 15th StreE &~~ ever since it started. She believes, as we all do, Washington, D. C. 20005 is our F PRIEUR that there should be similar camps all over the Secretary. He is the man to contact 5 Westwood Knoll country. Such camps are primarily a function foreign trips, the international calend Send for our catalog and price List. Ithaca, New York 14850 of the local divisions and sections. We at the its by foreign athletes and the like. national level assist, coordinate, advise and, Mary Hud<J1ieson, 2201 Bywood Dr possiblv, help out financially. land, Ca 94102 is Editor of American ing. Send her your photographs, articles, an­ column on what transpired at the meeting. In nouncements, results and requests for ad­ the meantime, good luck and good fencing. THE 1980 MOSCOW' OLYMPICS vertising rates. And then there is me, your President, 1250 1981 MACCABIAH GAMES (continued) Ellis St, #11, San Francisco, Ca. 94109. What Editor's note: The following two articles pre­ military was not permitted to do so and The U.S Maccabiah Fencing Games Italian fencing team was severely c does tile President do other than write urging sent somewhat differing views of the Moscow Committee is co-chaired by Julia Jones Pug­ pleted, with 1976 Foil Champion Dal Zc eveyorle to join the AFLA anu war k on behalf of Olympics. Irwin Bernstein is our recent Past­ liese and Maxwell R. Garret. Since selection among the missing. the League? A lot of everything. I have to keep President of the AFLA and Richard Gradkowski of the US. fencing team must be completed The western European approach to track of what is going on, establish and push is a former Assistant Editor of AMERICAN FENC­ by January 15, 1981, all interested Jewish boycott was dramatically evident in fer programs, work with all the other volunteers, ING.
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