Water in protein structure prediction Garegin A. Papoian†‡, Johan Ulander†‡§, Michael P. Eastwood†¶, Zaida Luthey-Schultenʈ, and Peter G. Wolynes†,†† †Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California at San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0371; and ʈDepartment of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 Contributed by Peter G. Wolynes, December 4, 2003 Proteins have evolved to use water to help guide folding. A interactions play an important role not only in binding interfaces physically motivated, nonpairwise-additive model of water-medi- but in folding of monomeric proteins. ated interactions added to a protein structure prediction Hamilto- We use the associative memory (AM) Hamiltonian molecular nian yields marked improvement in the quality of structure pre- dynamics model as a starting point (14–16). This Hamiltonian diction for larger proteins. Free energy profile analysis suggests has two principal components: general polymer physics-based that long-range water-mediated potentials guide folding and terms that are sequence independent, collectively called ‘‘back- smooth the underlying folding funnel. Analyzing simulation tra- bone,’’ and sequence-dependent knowledge-based distance- jectories gives direct evidence that water-mediated interactions dependent additive potentials, collectively denoted as AM͞C facilitate native-like packing of supersecondary structural ele- (AM͞contact). The AM part describes interactions between all ments. Long-range pairing of hydrophilic groups is an integral part pairs of residues that are separated in sequence between 3 and of protein architecture. Specific water-mediated interactions are a 12 residues. It uses a set of nonhomologous memory proteins to universal feature of biomolecular recognition landscapes in both build a funneled energy landscape by matching fragments. The folding and binding. C part applies to tertiary contacts between residues separated by Ͼ12 residues in sequence. All parameters in the potential have ater is intimately involved in protein folding (1–4). That been optimized with a self-consistent procedure based on the Wproteins denature both on heating and cooling strongly energy landscape theory as described (15) (see Appendix: Com- implicates the involvement of water degrees of freedom. Kauz- putational Details and Supporting Text, which is published as mann (5) correctly inferred from thermodynamics the hydro- supporting information on the PNAS web site). phobic layering characteristic of protein structure before protein The C part of the AM͞C potential describes effective inter- structures were determined crystallographically. The kinetics of actions between C (C␣ for Gly) atoms in each residue pair. It water exclusion is often considered in discussing mechanisms of consists of three wells covering the 4.5- to 8.5-Å, 8.5- to 10.0-Å, protein folding, but again it is the avoidance of water in the final and 10.0- to 15.0-Å distance intervals. Similarly, the potentials folded structure that is emphasized (1). Hydrophobicity patterns used in this study contain a first well for the 4.5- to 6.5-Å interval, have long been a dominant consideration in predicting protein whereas the second well is replaced by a local density-dependent structure by using sequence data (6) and are basic in synthetic potential (discussed below). They contain no third well, because protein design (7). Nevertheless, the structured character of it is unlikely that specific interresidue interactions are mediated water has not been a paramount factor in most existing algo- by water to such a long distance (10–15 Å). There is also a rithms for structure prediction (8). These usually rely on effec- residue-specific many-body burial profile potential describing tive pair potentials (9) or buried surface area terms to account coordination preferences of all 20 amino acids. The parameters for the free energy of burying hydrophobic residues (10). for the resulting potential, which we call AM͞W (W for water), In this article, we hypothesize that specific water-mediated were optimized by using our earlier sequence-based approach interactions help guide the folding process even before native (13). We have further refined these parameters by using the contacts form. Using this idea we develop a bioinformatic, self-consistent structurally based optimization scheme from en- nonpairwise-additive interaction model accounting for water ergy landscape theory (15). We denote the original potential, and show that it greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of AM͞W-0, and the more refined one, AM͞W-1 (see Appendix for structure prediction for ␣-helical proteins. Analysis of folding Computational Details and Supporting Text). trajectories with this potential strongly implicates the guiding For the coarse-grained models considered in our study, the role of long-range water-mediated interactions. Interestingly, we definition of water-mediated contacts naturally becomes some- find here that long-range hydrophilic interactions, as distinct what more indirect than, for example, in full-atom simulations. from hydrophobic interactions, also take center stage. Because direct contacts are defined as occurring between resi- The bioinformatic route to water-mediated potentials is dif- dues that have a distance between C (C␣ for Gly) atoms of Ͻ6.5 ficult in several ways (for more directly physical approaches see Å, a similar constraint for water-mediated contacts places them ref. 11). Although bound water is visible in structures, localizing waters is more difficult than localizing main-chain atoms. Mo- in the 6.5- to 9.5-Å distance interval. A more extensive discussion nomeric protein structures also have relatively few visible water- of the rationale for this choice is given in ref. 13 where the results mediated interactions. Our path to a water-mediated potential for protein binding recognition also was found to be robust with started with an energy landscape analysis of protein–protein interactions and a bioinformatic survey of interfaces in dimer Abbreviations: AM, associative memory; AM͞C, AM͞contact; AM͞W, AM͞water; RMSD, structures (12, 13). We found that the often-used contact rms displacement; CE, combinatorial extension; PDB, Protein Data Bank; CASP, Critical potentials (9) worked well to describe hydrophobic binding Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction. interfaces; however, hydrophilic interfaces were poorly recog- See Commentary on page 3325. nized (13). This finding suggests that longer-range interresidue ‡G.A.P. and J.U. contributed equally to this work. contacts, mediated by water, play an important role in stabilizing §Present address: AstraZeneca R&D Mo¨lndal, Drug Metabolism and Pharmakinetics and these interfaces (13). To test this hypothesis, we derived both Bioanalytical Chemistry, SE-431 83 Mo¨lndal, Sweden. direct and water-mediated binding potentials (13). When these ¶Present address: D. E. Shaw Research and Development, 120 West 45th Street, New York, two potentials were used simultaneously (13), smooth recogni- NY 10036. tion of diverse binding interfaces was achieved (in contrast to the ††To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. direct contact potential). Here, we show that water-mediated © 2004 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA 3352–3357 ͉ PNAS ͉ March 9, 2004 ͉ vol. 101 ͉ no. 10 www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0307851100 Downloaded by guest on September 24, 2021 respect to various alternative definitions of water-mediated The validation of any knowledge-based potential must be done contact range. on an unrelated set of test proteins because of the risk of To interact through water, we require that both residues are parameter overlearning. Nine of the 14 ␣-helical proteins used SEE COMMENTARY sufficiently exposed to water, or equivalently, neither residue are ‘‘training’’ proteins for the AM͞C potential, i.e., they were should be buried in the protein interior (hydrophobic core). To used to derive the parameters for the AM and C parts of the model this we use a highly nonadditive local density-dependent potential (15). The W part of AM͞W-0 was optimized by using potential: when either of the residues in the pair attains a local a sequence-based technique for an unrelated set of proteins. neighbor density above a critical threshold value (i.e., becomes Thus for the AM͞W-0 tertiary contact potential these nine buried), the potential switches smoothly but quickly from water proteins serve partially as test proteins. On the other hand, the mediated to protein mediated. W part of the AM͞W-1 potential was refined by using the same training set of nine proteins. We emphasize these relationships Results and Discussion to be attentive to the possibility of overlearning. It is necessary Physical Interpretation of the Interaction Potentials. Before discuss- to apply the potential to an unrelated set of test proteins for ing the simulation results, we briefly analyze the main qualitative confirmation. differences between the AM͞C and AM͞W interaction poten- The performance of the AM͞W potentials is well documented tials. The interactions within the range of the first well and the by five ␣-helical test proteins that we discuss in detail below (see protein-mediated interactions of the second well of the AM͞W also Supporting Text). Two test proteins [Protein Data Bank potential are qualitatively similar to their corresponding AM͞C
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