Dedicated to the Needs of the Music, Record Industry , APRIL 14, 1979 $2.25 Rogers A Saluteto Kenny SINGLES SLEEPERS %/ ALBUMS DONNA SUMMER, "HOT STUFF" (prod. by DR. HOOK. "WHEN YOU'RE IN LOVE GROVER WASHINGTON JR., "PAR- Moroder-Bellotte)(writers:Bel- WITH A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN"ADISE." The saxophonist has hit lotte-Faltermeier-Forsey) (Rick's/ (prod. byHaffkine)(writer: E. consistently on the pop and jazz Stop, BMI) (3:47). Her"Bad Steven) (DebDave, BMI)(2:58'. charts withhisdistinctive fusion Girls" 1pis previewed with this ThisEven Steven tune has a music and this label debut could splendid rock disco tune in her touch of in the beat andprove to be one of his biggest Ips now fully developed styleIt's a N.lots of pop e hook. Strong to date. His backing group, which top 10 contender for sure. Casa- vocals are th pop includes a violincreates rich tex- blanca978. and a/c. Capit tures. Elektra 6E 182 (7.98). BILLY JOEL, "HONESTY" (prod. by Phil SARAH DASH, "(COME AN AKE THIS) IAN HUNTER,"YOU'RE NEVER Ramone)(writer:Joel)(Impul- eCANDY FROM YOUR BABY" ALONE WITH A SCHIZOPHRENIC." sive/April, ASCAP) (3:60).This (prod. by Gold-Sie-Allar- Hunter withcohort Mick Ronson thirdsinglefromthe"52nd Knight) (writer: Allan1(night) and three members of the E Street Street"lipis a major AOR cut. (Kirshner/Kirshner, ASCAP 'BM') Band rock with confidence. High- It's a big ballad fewuring Joel's (3:20).Her "Sinner Man" was lights of his post Mott the Hoople sensitive vocals and pianostyle. a major disco hit and this new career can be heard on "Cleveland The title is more than apt. Colum- tune has pop and BOS potential Rocksand Just Another Night bia 3-10959. as well. Kirshner 4281 (CBS). Chrysalis CHR 1214 (7.98). OLIVIA NEWTON -JOHN. "DEEPER THAN STEVE GOODMAN, "THE ONE THAT GOT ORLEANS. "FOREVER." John Hall THE NIGHT" (prod. byFarrar) (prod. by Goodmar) may no longer be a member of the O AWAY" MCA (writers: Snow-Vastano)(Brain- (writer:same)(BigEars/Red group.but they do notlackfor RECORDS tree 'Snow, BMI) (3:25). The sec- Pajamas, ASCAP) (3:29). G000 - crafty pop tunes, strong vocal har- ond single from"Totally Hot man's talents as a musical story- monies or excellentguitar work. features a wailing guitar line and teller are especially well -placed Love TakesTime"and Don't a strongrockbeat. Newton - here. Nicolette Larson adds able Throw Our Love Away" should be John's vocals are given full rein. support on the vocals. Asylum the latest successors to their many For Top 40 & a/c. MCA 41009. 46012. hits. Infinity INF 9006 (7.98). LINDA RONSTADT, "ALISON" (prod. by CHANSON, -I CAN TELL" (prod. by Wi - SUSAN, "FALLING IN LOVE Asher)(writer:Costello)(Plan- Iiams-Jamerson) (writers: same)AGAIN." The Boston quartet has a gent Visions, ASCAP, (3:20). Elvis (Kichelle / Jamersonian / Cos -K, straightforwardtwoguitar power Costello's best known -tune gets ASCAP) (3:32). Kettle drums set pop sound that shows the influence thedistinctiveRorstadttreat- the mood for this slick new disco of groups like the Raspberries and ment here and the effect is just tune with a superb production. Stories. The effervescent quality of right.Itsuitspop. adultand The group is already known in "I Was Wrong" or "A Little Time" country playlists with class. Asy- the field and this should con- could connect with a top 40 or AOR lum 46034. tinue their growth. Ariola 7743. audience. RCA BXL1 3372 (7.98). INTO GLIMPSE 13t-"FU1:6-FIE MUSICON VISIONARY RECORDS CAPRICORN "On one side Billy Thorpe gives you a visionary trip through space and on the other he brings you back with hard-hitting rock 'n roll'' -John Gorman WMMS, Cleveland "I love the space side of Billy Thorpe" -Tim Spencer KTXQ, Dallas "Things you should be looking at and liking unless you're boring: Billy Thorpe" -Mavis Mackoff KZOK, Seattle "I personally love Billy Thorpe, and I think it's gonna do real well:' -Doris Miller KZEW, Dallas "Fantastic!! Ole of the most thoroughly entertaining albums from start to finish. A complete work" -Michael Knight KTIIM, San Rafael "...a killer!" -Cecile 91X, San Diego "The new Billy Thorpe album is a smash!" -Jay Walker KSMB, Lafayette "Absolutely the finest album I have ever had the pleasure of working:' -Jon Scott Produced by Spencer Proffer for the Pasha Music Organisation Co -Producer Billy Thorpe Engineer: Larry Brown Management: Robert Raymond e); CAPRICORN RECORDS LIL APRIL, 14, 1979 Industry Hurt, But Not Crippled, Canadian Product Worries Labels; By Nationwide Teamsters Strike Retail Interest Seems to Increase By DAVID McGEE and SAM SUTHERLAND By FRANN ALTMAN& SAM SUTHERLAND NEW YORK-In response to a shortened work week. (At press II LOS ANGELES - The prolifer- customers is a sharp undercutting selective strike and lockout called time a tentative agreement be - ation of Canadian -manufactured of American wholesale prices by against 73 major trucking corn- tween the two sides had been hit product in U. S. retail bins is their new Canadian competitors- panies last week by the Interna- reached for a $1.50 -an -hour raise looming as a new trade contro- a gap ranging from 25 cents to tional Brotherhood of Teamsters, overthreeyearsandanap- versyinthe wake of the 21st a dollar or more per unit, ena- the nation's record manufacturers proximately 30 percent increase NARM Convention, where U. S. bling willing retailers to shore up andretailersbegan employing in benefits - health and insur- and Canadian distributors han- strained profit margins with dra- alternative means of transport to ance, pension, etc. - over the dlingthelower -priced goods matic gains to purchasing power. avoid the prospect of empty bins same period.) wereactivelysolicitingorders Yet the majority ofretailers at a time when the industry ap- Shippingdelaysweremost fromAmerican peared to be recovering slightly retailers,racks and distributors queried on the seriousonthewestcoastin and one -stops. spread of this traffic, while not- from its first quarter doldrums. general, and in the Pacific North- An RW survey of label market- ing the competitive edge attained By week's end, airlines, UPS westinparticular,whereac- ingchiefs,retailers,racks and through those orders, remained and non-union trucks wereall countsreportedreceiving no carrying recorded product, thus one -stop operators indicates the critical of the practice. Cited as productatallfrom California. new problems created with sig- easing the panic that had ensued Tom Keenan of Everybody's trend, while in evidence during in the wake of the union's an- the final months of last year, may nificant buys of Canadian press- Records inPortland,Oregon ingsofcurrentdomestichits nouncement at 12:01 a.m. Sun- says the chain is running low on be on therisein the wake of day (1) upon the expiration of recent soft business quarters. wereinconsistenciesinreturns a number of CBS hits, and adds policyandcreditanddating the Master Freight Agreement. that the shortage could become Fueling the conflict and attract- The union is asking for a 35 ing new American retail custom- agreements, as well as the poten- critical within a week. "We're tial loss in co-op advertising sup- percent increaseinwages and notgettingproduct from any- ers are a myriad of economic fac- benefits over the three years of one," says Keenan, "except thetors leading to the savings avail- port and label merchandising in- a new contract, in addition to aindies. On our top five or six able to purchasers. With imbal- put due to the reduced volume albums we're doing okay, but on ances in the relationship between of goods ordered from American Black Sales Rise, the others we're low because we U.S. and Canadian import/export vendors. don't stock theminthe same duties, along with a shift inlist By the mid -point of last week's Help Offset Slump quantites. The strike really hasn't pricing north of the border, the NARM Convention, which con- By SOPHIA MIDAS hurt us too much yet, but we're bottom line for worried U. S. la- cluded March 27 in Hollywood, (Continued on page 96) bel executives and American Fla.,the visibilityof sales reps NEW YORK-Despite the slug- offering the lower -priced product gish sales that have characterized the post -Christmas buying sea- had become the focal point for son, a growing number of retail- Broadcast Bills Multiply In Congress both formal and casual concern among delegates. Although ab- ers,particularly those in strong By BILLHOLLAND sent from the presentation agenda WASHINGTON - Inbroadcast Sen. ErnestF. Hollings (D-S.C.) black markets,arereporting a and the exhibition booths, the significant sales increase in black circleshere, thereisanearly andSen.Barry Goldwater(R - product.Compensating some- spring sprouting thatrivalsthe Ariz.) beat Rep. Lionel Van Deer- (Continued on page 93) what for the lullin white sales, brand-new cherry blossoms: lin(D -Calif.) to the punch this this pick up in black product iscommunications bills. session by announcing their own 'Woodstock II' viewed by many retailers as a re- Up on CapitolHill, three ofrewrites or revisions to the old deeming and pleasant surprise. them have appeared-a "rewriteCommunications Act of 1934 be- Seeks N.Y. Site According to Ken Dobin,Ip of a rewrite" in the House and foreRep.VanDeerlinhada By MARC KIRKEBY and tape buyer for Waxie Maxie, two new bills in the Senate. chance to show off his worked - NEW YORK-There will be a over revision from last session. the suddenincreaseinblack Infact,earlybillwatchers gigantic rock music festival (Continued on page 84) weresurprisedrecentlywhen At this point, allof the pro-August 15-17, the 10th anniver- posed bills are in subcommittee, sary of the Woodstock festival, Record World ( LI, laNg Index and each subcommittee will be if the promoters can find a com- holdingpublic hearings this munityinwhichtohold the springtodetermine thebills' event.
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