BUY AN EXTRA BUY AN EXTRA BOND TODAY RAID BOND TODAY OifUiihl iirvza\'*rv-i.t' of dry ana County Puohsnt-ri Tmususy A 55th YEAR, No. SO THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1944 Tnt> Sunaiiii Publishing Corn^aiiy. '11 BULK Siict;. Tei. SLin.,m $3 A YcAR CENTS fiY" Dinner Speaker Dies Of Wound* M MEMORIAL Edison To Speak Memorial Service Summit Soldier, ROBERT T. ADAMS Nevy Hero To Be Speaker JOHN J. CAPOKASO Born In Germany, ROBKRT S. COOK At Centennial For War's Dead; SALVATGRE DELLOMO At Memorial Day Exercises BEN W. HERR L-*'i'!cr;ant Cormiia nder (.j A i Dinner At YMCA Community Church Dies From Wounds HERBERT M. IRWIN Memorial tooy Speaker h u 1 > u The total membership of the bet-vices honor ing the dt-ad of ; Air. and Mis. William Kopp of JOSEPH P. KAKASZfciWSKl i a ii ii ii i P»i fa.ni >u I h fi J lit YMCA, the parents of the boys ana the principal wars uf the United 17 Oaulcy avcinjt, received & tele- HANS KOPP ( m si in w hi t Ii i bl st m friends of the association will b< .Males wiil be held in the Com- j gram Saturday fiom the War De- SAMUEL LAMAGNA ill i hi li ll U lii h it id on ly v» 1 I present at the Centennial dinner muiiity Churi.h, Springfield and liart.iiitnt notifying them that their HENRY A. LEVETT <lt ll I I II lilt lildl 1 d i>ilj 1(1 1l I . to be given on June 5 at the Wcildron avtuuet. Sunday, May 2$, son. Private Hans Kopp, an in- PAUL A. LINKE <ti I tit 1 YMCA building. This dinner will at 8 p, m. Tlii! Kev. A. I'oweil fantryman, had died April 29 EDWIN J. MALLOY lui lej, ID (« in In tn> lid i be given to mark the completion lJ<n'ii;3, pastor of the church, will j from wounds received in action. LYELL R. MOONEY, JK. l iSi nut 1 i ilk, M i) i(i In f, in in,> of th« first hundred years of the dtlivc-r the memorial address. ! Born in Germany, February 5, JOSEPH T. PIRANEO t 10 (0 a m CuiijiiiHiiiJer Heifer, well known YMCA and to inaugurate the sec The services will be held as part j 1925, Pvt., Kopp came to this coun- JOHN E. REYNOLDS to bn.soball fans us a sports com ond century. of the Memorial Pay observance [ try when he wns 3 years old. The RICHARD M. STAFFORD iiiontator for the Brooklyn Dodg- » Amos Hiatt, president of the as- here by the American Legion, I Kopps moved to Summit in i'J39 ROBERT L. THROMBLE Summit Post No. 138, in conjunc- from Elizabeth. ers with "Red" Barber, ami oilier * soclation, will preside at the din- s important athletic events over thr tion with Beacon Hill Post 190 Pvt. Kopp graduated last June \ v Also ner at which former Governor o tryC/mltrWKMl & lM»m>oo<(; WoihingtoK. V, C |mst ten years, was railed to active of the Veterans of Foreign Wars 1 from Summit High School and MI'MHELL SPADONE Charles Edison will be the chief duty in May, 1941, a.s a lie-ut«nant. Former Governor and the Summit Defense Council, j entered the Array last September. formerly of Summit. speaker. The committee in charge Ij. g.) ^lis service has been, for CIIAKLKS EDISON A processional will start • the jHe received his basic training' at of the Centennial celebration is JOHN HADLEY TODD, the most part, at sea in the Medi- program and will include the Le- * under the direction of Alfred W. Camp Wheeler, Ga. whose widow lives in Summit. terranean Oeean where lie went i Alesbury. gion color guard of honor, colors through the entire North Africim of tile Legion, the Veterans of For- r\ P. HANS KOPP The next of kin of the above Several Hi-Y boys will present campaign from UibiHltar to Pa- Young People's eign Wars, American Legion Aux- German-born American soldier, have received Gold Star certifi- an historical review of events and lermo in command of ft squadron iliary, V. F. W. Auxiliary, S. A. R., "Hot Guilty" Is who came to this country when cates from Summit Post 138, landmarks In the first hundred of patrol cruisers. D. A. K., American Red Cross, three years old, died April 29. The American Legion. years of the Y. Art Exhibition A. W. V. S., Council of Girl Scouts, A native of Pittsburgh, Pa., Invitations to the dinner will be Verdict of Jury Boy Scouts of America, and the Commander Heifer WHS educated sent out this week, it was an- At Summit Gallery Legion's Junior Drum and Bugle r at Washington and Jeff erg on nounced yesterday. Over a thou- I,'. !5. Navy Official College. Over 100 pictures have been sub- Corps, together witli guest clergy, At Playhouse sand people will be invited to LI. Comdr. G. A. IIELFKK, I'SNR In addition to his activities a.s mitted for the Summit Art Asso- Mr. Davies, commanders of the A verdict of "Not Guilty" was j attend. sports commentator, lie was mas- ciation's coming exhibition of the Legion and the V. K. W., the Le- returned by the jury on Monday | OUR TOWN ter of ceremonies for radio net- work of young people. Miss Mar- gion Memorial Ritual Squad f\nd evening in the ca.se of the People work programs such ns Coen-Cola, tha Berry, president of the asso- the Legion firing squad. of the State of New York vs. J Oakes Memorial Noxcma, True Detective, Mennen ciation, states that the general Those planning to attend the Karen Andre. The jurors were MEMORIAL DAY 1944 Shaving Cream, P. Lorillard cigars Has Quarrel, service are asked to be in their then ordered stricken from the quality of the work is high, and Church Damaged and others. that she considers the collection seats not later than 7:45 as the rolls for five years by the judge, There is something very different about the Memorial Tlie exercises will be under the outstanding. Lack of wall space, doors must be closed promptly M who said that he saw no reason to Day which comes on Tuesday of next week. It comes at a direction of Post Commander Al- Swallows Poison, however, has necessitated elimin- 8, so that there may be no inter- thank them for bringing in a ver- By Fire And Water time when we are in yet another war—when great events are fred C. Feickcit of the Legion who ation, and many young people may ruption in the ceremonies. After dict with which the court could Oakes Memorial Church was will act as master of ceremonies. be disappointed to find that there these have been completed the not concur. impending—when millions of our young men are falling on damaged by fire, smoke and water Recovery Doubtful The Rev. John P. Kelly of St. was not room for their work. doors will be reopend. i\ The jury was made up of mem- distant battlefields or stand poised for one of the greatest this morning, the alarm being giv- Teresa's Church will pronounce Doctors! have little hope for the As this is not an exhibition of Mr. Davies, chairman of tha \n* beiyg lehosen from the audience at military undertakings in all recorded history. It is a Mem- en at 7:50. the invocation and the Rev. Wal- recovery of Frederick Smith, 32, the work of the schools, but rather ternatlonal Planning Comftijtljee the fjirst performance of the cur- Ray Samson, sexton, happened orial Day at which we look not only backward but ahead— ter O. Kinsolving of Calvary of 22 Shadyslde avenue, who swal- one of the excellence of achieve- for World Federation, is a-niem- rent^'Playhouse production, "The to go to the church before he had conscious that World War II is not yet finished. Church, the benedidtion. Lt. Col. t lowed poison tablets early Sunday ment of local young people, selec- ber of the National Board of Di- Night of January 16." Each juror his breakfast, "to make sure Edy/ard B. Twombly, former * morning at the Raymond boule- tion has been made as nearly as rectors of Federal Union, Inc' and was/ paid for his services during It seems to us that this is an occasion when all of us may everything was all right," he said. mayor and chairman of the De- vard entrance of Public Service possible on consideration of merit, a council member of Planned thrf trial. well join in a community-wide observance. Memorial Day He opened the door and was met,- fense Council, will introduce Lt. Terminal in Newark. Detective and on what there is room for. Parenthood Federation of Amer- Suicide or murder was the ques- by a rush of heavy smoke. In Wls is not merely a reminder of the past but an occasion to renew Comdr. Heifer, Later the former Abbott of Newark said Mr. Smith, The exhibition will open at the ica, Ins. Besides, he is the author tioJi in the case of the death of excitement, he searched for t'he our courage, to recall that our priceless freedom has been mayor will pay tribute to the men recently discharged from the Art Gallery, 497 Springfield ave- of "American Destiny" and of nu- Bjorn Faulkner, with his secre- source of the smoke, following it who have died in the service of • •Army following a sunstroke, had nue, Sunday, May 28, between 3 merous magazine articles, pamph- tary on trial as his murderer.
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