www.ukrweekly.com 49 THE! CBOGOAAXSVOBODA I " " " "" Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК "ЩЩ^ U KR А І N І AN D AILV Щ UkroiniaENGLISH- LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y WeeEDITION k У VOL. LXXXV No. 281 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24,1978 25 CENTS Khrystos Rozhdaietsia—Christ is Born iwsjjwseas-s^sws^^ Christianity will be Catholic pastoral victorious, say calls for unity in Protestant pastorals observing millenium JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Leaders of ROME, Italy. - Calling Christmas two Ukrainian Protestant denomina­ a "joyous feast," the pastoral letter of tions, the All-Ukrainian Evangelical the "Pomisna" Ukrainian Catholic Baptist Fellowship and the Ukrainian Church reminded the Ukrainian Cath­ Evangelical Alliance of North Ame­ olic faithful that the feast of the birth rica, have issued their pastoral letters of Christ is also a "symbol of rebirth" for Christmas 1978. for the Ukrainian people. The pastoral letter of the fellowship, "The birth of Christ is a symbol of titled "The Song of Christmas Is the rebirth for the Ukrainian people. We Song of Victory," was signed by Pas­ are approaching the millenium of tor Oleksa Harbuziuk, its president, Christianity in Ukraine. In an era of re­ and Pastor Yoiodymyr Domashovets, ligious freedoms, the Ukrainian its general secretary. Church in the land of our forefathers "Everywhere the light of Christ's does not exist freely, not even in teachings shone, the cultures, well- name," said the pastoral, which was being, freedom, human rights, and the signed by Patriarch Josyf I and the moral and spiritual levels of the na­ hierarchs of the "Pomisna" Ukrainian tions were raised. Where Christ and Catholic Church. Christianity are persecuted, there is no The pastoral letter repeated the an­ life. Humanity without Christ is я^ь^Ч^Чйлх^ч^ч^ nouncement that preparations for the powerless and cannot solve the observance of the 1000th anniversary problems of the world - but Christ of the baptism of Ukraine are under­ can! In Christ one can find the realiza­ To all our readers who celebrate Christmas on December 25, we ex­ way, but added: "Little has been done tion of all the best strivings of the tend our best wishes for a joyous and merry celebration of our so far, and many of us have not yet human spirit, because He brought us ? Savior's birth. begun." not only a solution to the problems of "Let us plan together with our hier- (Continued on page 16) ЬФ^іхФйчжеЯге^Ф (Continued on page 8) New Yorkers mark triple anniversaries of UNA publications Discuss role of publications at panel Banquet, concert held Saturday NEW YORK, N.Y. - The roles of Mrs. Kuzmowycz spoke of the work of NEW YORK, N.Y. - Some 200 Volodymyr Gavlich, pastor of St. Svoboda, The Ukrainian Weekly and the newspaper over the past three de­ persons, including UNA Supreme Of­ George's Ukrainian Catholic Church. "Veselka" were the main topic of a cades and the changes she saw in it. ficers, Svoboda, The Weekly and Among the UNA'ers present at the commemorative panel dedicated to the After greeting Svoboda editor emeri­ "Veselka" editors, local UNA'ers and dais were: Dr. John O. Fiis, Supreme triple anniversaries of the UNA publi­ tus Anthony Dragan, senior edi­ community leaders, attended the jubi­ President; Mrs. Mary Dushnyck, Su­ cations Friday, December 15. tor and former president of the journ­ lee banquet Saturday, December 16, preme Vice-President; Waiter Sochan, The panel was organized by the alists' society Ivan Kedryn-Rudnyt- which marked the triple anniversaries Supreme Secretary; Ulana Dia- Ukrainian Journalists' Society of sky and UNA supreme officers, Mrs. of the UNA publications. chuk, Supreme Treasurer; Wasyl America and the Literary-Arts Club, in Kuzmowycz introduced the panelists. The banquet was held in the Terrace Orichowsky, Supreme Organizer; cooperation with the New York UNA Taking part in the panel were Zenon Room of the Roosevelt Hotel, 45th Prof. John Teluk, Supreme Auditor; District Committee. This year Svoboda Snylyk, Lubov Kolensky, Basil Tersha- Street and Madison Avenue. and Mykola Chomanczuk and Dr. is observing its 85th anniversary, The kovec, Wolodymyr Lewenetz and A special feature of the banquet was Askold Lozynskyj, Supreme Advisors. Weekly its 45th anniversary and Eugene Fedorenko of Svoboda; Ihor the presentation of a plaque and a gold Also present were Joseph Lesawyer, "Veselka" its silver jubilee. Dlaboha and Roma Scchan- watch to Anthony Dragan, former former Supreme President; Dr. Jaro- The panel was opened by Taras Hry- Hadzewycz of The Weekly, and Wolo­ Svoboda editor-in-chief and now its siaw Padoch, former Supreme Secre­ caj, president of the Literary-Arts dymyr Barahura of "Veselka." editor emeritus, in tribute to his 33 years tary; Ivan Kedryn-Rudnytsky, former Club, and Olha Kuzmowycz, pre­ Among the topics discussed in the of service to the newspaper and the Svoboda associate editor; and Msgr. sident of the journalists' society, was panel were the roies of the three publi­ UNA. Robert Moskal, executive vice-presi­ moderator. cations, innovations, the UNA pub­ The banquet was opened by Dr. Ivan dent of the UCCA and president of the In her opening remarks, Mrs. Kuz- lishing activity, news about events in Sierant, chairman of the jubilee com­ "Providence" Association of Ukraini­ mowyz related her first visit to the Ukraine, contact with readers, and the mittee. Master of ceremonies was Iwan an Catholics. editorial offices of Svoboda in August future of the Ukrainian press in the Wynnyk, former member of the UNA Keynote speaker was Mr. Dragan 1949 when she met the late Dr. Luke free world. Supreme Auditing Committee, The in­ who spoke about the impact the thre Myshuha? Svoboda editor-in-chief; (Continued on page 9) vocation was led by the Very Rev, Dr. (Continued on page 8) ,Г\ THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24,1978 No. 281 ф KGB incites hatred toward Stus National Review publishes Osadchy's letter NEW YORK, N.Y. - The Soviet sec­ WASHINGTON, D.C. - National ed by the news media, as this story will ret police is waging a campaign of in­ Review, a weekly magazine published be ignored and, no doubt, others in the citing hatred toward Vasyl Stus, a here, recently published the text of a future. (Lev Lukianenko, a member of Ukrainian poet who was arrested and letter to the American people, the the Kiev Helsinki group, was sentenced sentenced in the aftermath of the 1972 Senate and President Carter by Ukrai­ to 15 years of prison and exile last KGB crackdown in Ukraine, reported nian political prisoner Mykhaylo Osad- week, but where were the front page, the press service of the Ukrainian chy in which he details his imprison­ or even 10th page, headlines?) I ask Supreme Liberation Council (abroad). ment and exile. you, therefore, Mr. Buckley, to do all Among the materials released by the The letter was printed at the request you can to bring Osadchy's request to press service are documents which of Dr. Askold Skalsky of the depart­ the attention of "public opinion." His show how the KGB is attempting to in­ ment of modern languages at Hagers- heartrending letter surely serves as an cite hatred among Russians, Ukraini­ town Junior College which was made example of the times we live in. ans and other non-Russians. in a letter to the editor of the magazine, Stus, 42, was sentenced to five years William F. Buckley Jr. Text of Osadchy^s letter incarceration and three years exile. Both letters appeared in the letters to After completing his imprisonment the editor section of National Review's To the American people, the Senate, term in the Mordovian region camps, October 27 issue. and President Carter: Stus was exiled to the Tenkivsk region, They are reprinted below. For the seventh year I am being con­ Magadan oblast, where he works in the fined in the world's most terrible con­ coal mines. Dr. Skalsky's letter centration camp for political prisoners- Magadan is the northern-most re­ recidivists. The address of the camp is gion of the USSR. The average winter Dear Mr. Buckley: Mordovia, Sosnovka, ZhKh 325/1-6, temperature there is between minus Can you do anything at all to publi­ RSFSR. 19 and minus 48 degrees Celsius. cize the enclosed tragic letter? Mykhay­ Vasyl Stus I am 41 years old. Ukrainian. I am Attacks against Stus began in July lo Osadchy is the author of "Cataract" married, have two children (11 and 1978. The local newspaper published a "He was filled with enemy ideology (published here in 1976), an account of 9); my mother is 70 years old. series of three articles by A. Supriaha to such an extreme point that I could his arrest and imprisonment for "anti- When I still had my freedom, I pub­ castigating Stus. Follow-up articles not believe it," said one person. Soviet propaganda," that is, for speak­ lished a number of literary and artistic were also published which cited the Another added: "He must have friends ing out against the denial of human works. I defended my dissertation, and original three. in foreign places. He receives packages and national rights in Ukraine. I would the All-Union recommendation com­ Supriaha interviewed many persons from West Germany and Canada. If like to call your attention to the last mittee approved my bachelor's degree for his articles, among them Stus's only it was something worthwhile, but sentence, a sentence that I think would in philology. Many of my literary co-workers, infirmary personnel and it is only oatmeal, tea, rich dehydrated strike the average American with some essays were published. I worked as a the sister of the infirmary's administra­ milk, canned soup." surprise.
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