Bolngema Tallfellow Mambehoblindil dictionary and grammar <html> <head> </head> <body>Enrique Gamez</body> </html> Tallfellow (Mambehoblind) Page 1 of 128 Table of Contents Dictionary: Tallfellow (Mambehoblind) to English Grammar Basics Verbs and Particles The Locative Case The Ablative and Allative Cases The Genitive Case Multi-Verb Sentences Relative Clauses Numerals Odds and Ends Metaphors Tallfellow (Mambehoblind) Page 2 of 128 Dictionary: Tallfellow mAvlo - Verb - /mɑ:ᵐbloʊ/ - Roman: mámblo smile, grin, smirk (Mambehoblind) to Synonym(s): mAwir - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:wiɹ/ - Animate - English Roman: máwir Use wígro to discuss making a comment, stating one's opinion, putting in one's two cents, etc. I.e. "Pin wan wigro mawir", "I'll throw in my two cents". (lit. I'll put in my saying) Synonym(s): comment, opinion, initial impression, thoughts, two m WORDS: cents mwAflif - Noun/Adjective - /mwɑ:fɫɪf/ - Animate - mAwu - Verb - /mɑ:wʌ/ - Roman: mwáflif Synonym(s): reindeer, caribou, elk Roman: máwu Synonym(s): eat, spend (time), use up (time) - - - mwIwir Noun/Adjective /mwi:wiɹ/ Inanimate - mAwuj - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:wʌⁿd/ - Animate - Roman: mwíwir lifetime, period of one's life, experience Roman: máwund Synonym(s): Synonym(s): livestock - - - mwIr Verb /mwi:ɹ/ mAwudwo - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:wʌdwoʊ/ - Inanimate - Roman: mwír Roman: máwudwo Synonym(s): live, be alive, experience, live through, face, run into, edible, comestible, bit of food happen upon Synonym(s): mAwudwogo - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:wʌdwoʊgoʊ/ - mwItwir - Noun/Adjective - /mwi:tʰwiɹ/ - Inanimate - Inanimate - Roman: mwítwir Synonym(s): fortification, reinforcement, fort (structure) Roman: máwudwogo Synonym(s): inedible, ridiculous, absurd, unreasonable, outrageous, egregious mwItor - Verb - /mwi:tʰoʊɹ/ - mAnapwir - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:nɑpʰwiɹ/ - Inanimate - Roman: mwítor Synonym(s): strengthen, fatten (transitive), fortify, reinforce, thicken Roman: mánapwir Synonym(s): discussion, communication, dialogue, workshop (in the educational sense) mwevegU - Adverb - /mwɛᵐbɛgʌ:/ - Roman: mwembegú at least, or more, at minumum Synonym(s): mAnapar - Verb - /mɑ:nɑpʰɑɹ/ - Roman: mánapar Synonym(s): communicate, discuss, deliberate mA - Verb - /mɑ:/ - Roman: má Synonym(s): say, tell mAnaparim - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:nɑpʰɑɹɪm/ - Inanimate - mAmik - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:mɪᵑɡ/ - Animate - Roman: mánaparim Roman: máming Refers to the overall concept of communication, not to a specific Synonym(s): sparrow communication between two or more parties. Synonym(s): communication, communicative mAv - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ᵐb/ - Inanimate - mAr - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ɹ/ - Inanimate - Roman: mámb Synonym(s): lip, language Roman: már Refers only to the metal or to being made of the metal (as an adjective). mAv mojOpa - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ᵐb moʊⁿdoʊ:pʰɑ/ - Synonym(s): gold (mineral) Inanimate - Roman: mámb mondópa Synonym(s): constructed language, conlang mArf - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ɹf/ - Inanimate - Roman: márf Synonym(s): grass, light green Tallfellow (Mambehoblind) Page 3 of 128 mArfo - Verb - /mɑ:ɹfoʊ/ - mAswo - Verb - /mɑ:swoʊ/ - Roman: márfo Roman: máswo Synonym(s): graze, eat grass, eat just a little off the surface of a Synonym(s): enjoy, celebrate, throw a party, savor dish, nibble, sample, taste mAswok - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:swoʊᵑɡ/ - Animate - mArdom - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ɹdoʊm/ - Inanimate - Roman: máswong Roman: márdom Synonym(s): starling Synonym(s): treasury, treasure trove, treasure hoard mAsrel - Verb - /mɑ:sɹɛɫ/ - mAko - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ᵑɡoʊ/ - Inanimate - Roman: másrel Roman: mángo Synonym(s): warn, reprimand Synonym(s): reeds, reedy, rice plant, rice mAslo - Verb - /mɑ:sloʊ/ - mAl - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ɫ/ - Inanimate - Roman: máslo Roman: mál Synonym(s): inform, alert, tell, make aware of, warn, get the Synonym(s): sight, picture, portrait, image attention of mAlwir - Verb - /mɑ:ɫwiɹ/ - mAhemik - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:hɛmɪᵑɡ/ - Animate - Roman: málwir Roman: máheming Synonym(s): depict, display, show, paint Synonym(s): wren, songbird mAlardal - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:ɫɑɹdɑɫ/ - Inanimate - mAbin - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:bɪn/ - Inanimate - Roman: málardal Roman: mábin espionage, spying, intelligence work sauce, broth, liquid base (for cooking), basis, Synonym(s): foundation,Synonym(s): starting point, school of thought, way of thinking, philosophy mAlgro - Verb - /mɑ:ɫgɹoʊ/ - Roman: málgro mAdwer - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:dwɛɹ/ - Inanimate - Synonym(s): examine, assess, appraise, size up, gauge Roman: mádwer Tallfellow lacks a specific word for "to rebel" or "to revolt"; use mAluwir - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:lʌwiɹ/ - Inanimate - "wiri madwer". Synonym(s): revolution, rebellion, revolt, revolutionary, rebellious Roman: máluwir Synonym(s): observation, view, sight, image mAdlur - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:dlʌɹ/ - Animate - mAlur - Verb - /mɑ:lʌɹ/ - Roman: mádlur Synonym(s): reasonable, rational, sensible Roman: málur Synonym(s): view, watch, observe mAgwi - Verb - /mɑ:gwi/ - mAlurim - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:lʌɹɪm/ - Inanimate - Roman: mágwi Synonym(s): insult, criticize, denounce, berate Roman: málurim Synonym(s): observation, surveillance mAgwir - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:gwiɹ/ - mAfro - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:fɹoʊ/ - Inanimate - Roman: mágwir Synonym(s): insult, denunciation, criticism Roman: máfro Synonym(s): field, plains, meadow, grassland mAtwir - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:tʰwiɹ/ - Inanimate - mAflen - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:flɛn/ - Inanimate - Roman: mátwir Synonym(s): declaration, announcement, statement Roman: máflen Synonym(s): law, rule mAtro - Verb - /mɑ:tʰɹoʊ/ - mAfum - Noun/Adjective - /mɑ:fʌm/ - Inanimate - Roman: mátro Synonym(s): declare, announce, state Roman: máfum Synonym(s): pasture, grazing area Tallfellow (Mambehoblind) Page 4 of 128 mAtel - Verb - /mɑ:tʰɛɫ/ - mavEflevim - Noun/Adjective - /mɑᵐbɛ:flɛᵐbɪm/ - Roman: mátel Roman: mambéflembim Synonym(s): agree, admit, confess The "flembim" comes from flembim randlur, "beyond the hills" (or "over the hills", you might say); this came from Overhill-speaking - - - halflings who explained to their distant cousins in the south with mAtellir Noun/Adjective /mɑ:tʰɛɫiɹ/ Inanimate - their limited vocabulary that they were from "far away, over the Roman: mátellir hills". Synonym(s): agreement, admission, confession, arrangement Synonym(s): Overhill language (between bargaining parties), settlement (in court) mavEfivlal - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:fɪᵐbɫɑɫ/ - mavrOma - Noun/Adjective - /mɑᵐbɹoʊ:mɑ/ - Animate - Roman: mambéfimblal Roman: mambróma Synonym(s): Fyvalian language Synonym(s): contacted, reached, in communication with us, on the phone mavEsralk - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:sɹɑɫᵑɡ/ - mavEwelblej - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:wɛɫblɛⁿd/ - Roman: mambésralng Draconic language Roman: mambéwelblend Synonym(s): Synonym(s): Mandelenian language mavEslesi - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:slɛsi/ - mavEwuvluj - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:wʌᵐblʌⁿd/ - Roman: mambéslesi Celestial language Roman: mambéwumblund Synonym(s): Can informally be used to refer to the English language in a real life setting. However, the "official" word for the English language mavEsijarj - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:sɪⁿdɑɹⁿd/ - is Mambérenglis. Synonym(s): Azalian language Roman: mambésindarnd No longer refers to the Low Elven language, which I've detached from Tolkien's work. - - - mavEralsur Noun/Adjective /mɑᵐbɛ:ɹɑɫsʌɹ/ Synonym(s): Sindarin language Inanimate - Roman: mambéralsur - - - Synonym(s): Low Elven language mavEselevil Proper Noun /mɑᵐbɛ:sɛlɛᵐbɪɫ/ Roman: mambéselembil Synonym(s): Ancient Zelev language, Zelevzin language mavErolis - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:ɹoʊɫɪs/ - Roman: mambérolis Synonym(s): Orisian language mavEhormruj - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:hoʊɹmɹʌⁿd/ - Roman: mambéhormrund Synonym(s): Dwarven language mavErilsur - Noun/Adjective - /mɑᵐbɛ:ɹɪɫsʌɹ/ - Inanimate - Roman: mambérilsur mavEhoblij - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:hoʊbɫɪⁿd/ - Synonym(s): Elven language Roman: mambéhoblind Synonym(s): Tallfellow language mavEreklis - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:ɹɛᵑɡɫɪs/ - Roman: mambérenglis mavEbarloj - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:bɑɹloʊⁿd/ - Not used in the fantasy setting, but useful in real life. Roman: mambébarlond Darkfoot language Synonym(s): English language Synonym(s): - - - mavErellog - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:ɹɛɫoʊg/ - mavEdehas Proper Noun /mɑᵐbɛ:dɛhɑs/ Roman: mambédehas Roman: mambérellog Dhekhazh language Synonym(s): Orcish language Synonym(s): - - - mavEreldlo - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:ɹɛɫdloʊ/ - mavEgwenra Proper Noun /mɑᵐbɛ:gwɛnɹɑ/ Roman: mambéreldlo Roman: mambégwenra Synonym(s): Sylvan language No longer refers to the Elven language, which I've detached from Tolkien's work. Synonym(s): Quenya language mavElelaj - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:lɛɫɑⁿd/ - Roman: mambéleland Synonym(s): Qaelian language Tallfellow (Mambehoblind) Page 5 of 128 - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:goʊɹɫɪⁿdɪɫ/ mavEgorlijil mOmallir - Noun/Adjective - /moʊ:mɑɫiɹ/ - Inanimate - - Roman: mómallir Roman: mambégorlindil Synonym(s): appearance, image Synonym(s): Korlian language mOmol - Noun/Adjective - /moʊ:moʊɫ/ - Inanimate - mavEgobluld - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:goʊblʌɫd/ - Roman: mómol Roman: mambégobluld Synonym(s): Kobold language Describes the period of time from approximately 12:40 - 2:00 pm. The name comes from "outside meal", and lunch is traditionally eaten outside under the midday sun. Synonym(s): lunch, noon, midday, daytime mavEgodas - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:goʊdɑs/ - Roman: mambégodas Synonym(s): Ghudaz language mOmol mIbrov - Noun/Adjective - /moʊ:moʊɫ mi:bɹoʊᵐb/ - Inanimate - mavEtirglis - Proper Noun - /mɑᵐbɛ:tʰiɹgɫɪs/ - Roman: mómol míbromb
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