; - a ., ' . ' Christmas gifts -page 1'0 ·---~---·---······----------- -------------- ------ -~ --- ·-------------. --------------------------·-···-- -- ·-- . -------- -~----~--- ·---~- ..... ------~-- ·'t t ''('I . ,. T I. (j. \ J 1._ .'\.1 v NO . "'' :t 0 ~. ' ' J • ~ "'0 ... • O r F ,< ; • ,.. ' 1' 0 Khom.eini ntakes appeal urging national unity TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini urgently appealed for national unity yesterday after two days of clashes between opponents and supporters of Iran's Islamic Constitution that was overwhelmingly approved by voters this week. He asked the nation to focus instead on the conflict with the United States. At the same time, Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh said he and Khomeini agreed the U.N. Security Council resolutions on the U.S.-Iran crisis was a "step forward" to negotiated settlement, the official Pars news agency reported. The crisis centers on demands that the ousted shah be sent to Iran in return for the release of 50 American hostages held in the occupied U.S. Embassy since Nov. 4. At the White House, meanwhile, spokesmanJody Powell denied President Carter had told Congressmen he was hopin~ a policy of economic denial - "turning the screws a little tighter' every few days · would induce Iran to free the hostages. Speaking to a group of about 100 House members Wednesday night at the White House, Carter was reponed by J?articipants as having outlined a series of economic measures he ts prepared to take to end the crisis. But Powell said the president spoke mainly about actions already taken and "!n process," rather t~an laying o1:1t Er~spective moves. Powell said the administration found Ghotzbadeh's statement on the U.N. resolution "interesting." Powell said "we will have to see what, if anything, develops" as a result of the statement. C~n·stmas is ex!"a special for kids, as was ef~it!en~ last night whn Father. Gnlfi• ule~tl hzs annual Chnstmas mass, party, anrJ tree lzghtmg cerem011y for the chilrire• ofthe ~olnr Khomeini issued his unity call after meetins in the holy city of Dame faculty. [Photo by Rick DohnngJ. Qom with Ayatollah Mohammed Kazem Shartat-Madari, who has said the Islamic charter does not give adequate autonomy to Iran's ==::-:::::::::-.:...=:::;:.::::.. :::::::::::::-:----- -:~ ::-:::· -~--=-- =~= ·-..: _- -- _-: ~:..-=- ::-.:.::::· _-:...:. .-:: :::_-: -: .. ~.---·.-..::·_ :.:.. -_-__ -:: .. :.:..:-:.:. ~ --=-- :::_:::.-:::.~ --- ---- -~-- ·- minorities and vests too much power in Khomeini. '·Do not quarrel between yourselves and focus on the one and L d b 1 b £ only enemy ... It is your religious duty and national resposibility e Y pou tty, ee to concentrate on the confrontation with the United States,'' Wh ~ al tOod • • Khomeini said in a nation-wide radio broadcast. 0 Kh?meini an_d Shari~.t-Madari, the most powerful. leaders .of es e . pnces mcrease Iran s predommant Shute Moslem sect, appear to be m essenttal agreement on national policy and the new charter despite clashes WASHINGTON (AP) . Led by The increase in food prices. Food prices had declined .1 between their followers. sharply higher prices for poultry the largest since a 4.2 percent percent in October. Two people were killed and eight wounded Wednesday in a and beef, wholesale food prices rise in November of 1974, The price of home heating oil demonstration near Shariat-Madari's house in Qom, 100 miles increased by 2.6 percent in means consumers will be pay­ rose just o.1 percent in Novem­ south of here. One of Shariat-Madari's personal guards was killed November, the worst monthly ing more for groceries in the ber, compared with a 4.7 per­ in the incide_nt, but reports differed on whether the other vi~t~ increase in five years and a !lear future, especially for meat cent£ jump in October. Gasoline was a Shanat-Madart supporter or a member of Khome1m's clear warning that consumers Items. prices rose 3.4 percent, com­ revolutionary guards. face higher grocer} bills in Poultry prices increased 21. 5 pared with 5. 1 percent in In his unity call Khomeini said, ''The tragedy that occured at weeks ahead. percent, while beef, and veal October. Shariat-Madari's home was caused by plotters and must be Overall wholesale prices in- and pork prices also rose sharp­ Wholesale price changes are condemned. You shoul make sure such plots are not repeated." creased 1.3 percent during the ly after declining in October. included in the Producer Price Shariat-Madari's supporters in Tabriz, capital of the Azerbaijan month and were up at an annual The overall increase in whole­ Index, which reports prices at Province 300 miles northwest of here, took over the state rate of 12.8 percent for the sale prices follows a 1 percent three levels: the wholesale - or radio-television station, saying they mistrusted broadcast reports year, the Labor Department rise in October and a 1.4 [continued on page 17] their leader had called for calm. In a telephone interview, a said yesterday. percent jump in September. spokesman said the protesters numbered 30,000 and would need The increase makes it virtually =-=================================================== only a broadcast by Shariat-Madari himself. · certain that 1979 will be the The demonstrators, members of Azerbaijan's predominant worst year for inflation at the Turkish population, also said they opposed the new Islamic wholesale level since 1974, Soledad Prison riot resll,lts Constitution because it did not giVe them enough autonomy. when prices rose 18.3 percent. Leftists and centrists parties joined leaders of Iran's Turkish, Wholesale prices increased 9. 1 Kurdish, Turkomen, Baluchi, and Arab minorities on calling for a percent last year. in two deaths, injures 18 boycott of the vote. Energy pnces rose by 2. 5 According to official election results, 99.6 percent of those voting percent in November, the smal­ fired, but not many. But the endorsed the charter, which mandates theocratic government and lest amount since February, but SOLEDAD, Calif. (AP) - Two [ confrims Khomeini, 79, as ruler for life. _ Soledad Prison inmates were initial observers of the people were still 62.7 percent higher coming off the yare! saw only I [continued-on page 8] than a year earher. killed and 18 injureJ yesterday l in a race riot that was quelled one guy who 1-- ad been struck by guards who waded in among with birdshot,'' Guthrie said. the battlers firing birdshot, The cause of the outbreak, and officials said. the identities of the dead and ''The fighting was among injured were not immediately inmates,'' said Phil Guthrie, disclosed. spokesman for the state Depart­ Guthrie said the fightin~ was ment of Corrections. "It was a limited to a section ot rhe serious riot, but it's under medium-security prison hous­ contr:o I now. " ing about 500 of the !rison's 3,000 inmates. He sai he did He said two men were killed not know how many were and one was in very serious involved in the fighting. condition. The condition of the Guthrie said the birdshot, a other injured men was not type of granular-like pellet used immediately known. in firearms, "was the light­ "It was tentatively learned weight, non-lethal stuff." that it was a fight in which "It was in a section of the browns and whites were align­ prison that had been under ed against the blacks," G~thri.e lockdown since August. The said. "We don't know whtch, tf lockdown had just been lifted any, group was the aggressor or this week," Guthrie said. if it was a spontaneous thing.'' "We haven't had any riots this He said it was necessary for serious - with two dead - in guards to ''go in on the ground more than a year. We've had at and seperate people. There least two race riots there this were a few rounds of birdshot year," Guthrie said. New-s in brief Friday, December 7, 1979 - page 2 Carter names Hufstedler SMC schedules Christmas events first secretary of education Mar.,:;ie BrtJSsiJ walk by they tum than to faa: roll Hall Sund.ay. ~ annual 5MC News &iiJor easr. This represents the "Lessons and Carols.,. with animals watch for the coming of WASHINGTON (AP) • Shirley M. ~Hufstedler became the .. special Christmas readings by nation's first secretary of education yesterday, tri~gering a Wirh finals only a week away~ Christ. President Duggan and Student chain of events which will end with a 13th cabmet-level Saint Mary's students .att The Notre Dame Glee dub will Government President Pia agency coming into existance in the next six months. trying to ~ into the Christmas give their annual Christmas Trigiani will also be on Sunday. spirit. HaJI mas~ and Concert Monday .in .all the Christmas pMties ar~ planne~ dorms. The dorms have to tty and reti~ve ~ pn:ssure planned their Christmas p:.mies Weather offmals. to coincide with the Gke Oub• s The Junior Clas~ is tradition­ caroling. Observer Rain chan~ing to snow today, high in the middle to upper ally in charge of planning the Each haD witl be holding a 30s. Snow hkely tonight, low in the mid to lower 20s. all-campus .activities. The special mass for thOr- residents. Lumen Christi Mass is m Regina and Holy Cross halls are pronrotes LeMans Chapel at 7 p.m. having their m.asses Thursday Monda}·· Rd'reshment will be witb a hall party following. served afterwards. McCandless Hall has planned reporters Onto: of the biggest events of their mass and luill parry for • dr Christmas season is the tomorrow whicl-: is also the tt..ast Nine reporters were promoted Parade of Animals. ··AU the of t:be Immacr latr Conception last night by The Observer Jamiors dress in bathrobes and and :a holy day of obligation.
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