m s ■'V' .P 'n'’ ■ TVi:A- HERALD COOKING a v e r a o b d a i l y circulation for the of January, 198S 5,568 Member of the Audit Bureau of aroulationa. CClaaaMed AdverttelDK on Page 14.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TOESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1932 VOL. LI., NO. 123. ‘LONE STAR’ FORCED U. S. Marines Man Barricades in Shanghai Battle Zone TO LAND AT BOSTON Riers Planned To Break Rec­ HtTLERINRACE FENTON ON STAND After 96 Honrs of Heavy Fighting Annies Are Jnst Abent; ord By Flying From Maine TOHEADGERMANY DENIES CHARGES Where They Started Last Saturday— Japs Admit That To Sooth America; Engine Foes Are Capable of .Holding Out For a Long Tune; Four Cornered Contest As­ Tronble Develops. Ex-Town Clerk Says He Re­ Chinese Report Repnising Every Attack and Fighting sured— Leader Has Been Bonton, Feb. 23.— (AP) — Nate placed Money After Con­ Japanese To a Standstifl Along Entire Front. C, Browne, former Army flier, and Edward Muldowney, who took off Made German Citizen. ference With Selectmen. Shanghai, Wednesday, Feb. 24, — today from Old Orchard Beach, CHINESE WOMEN FIGHT Maine, on a projected non-etop fllfht (AP)—Japanese headquarters ad­ WITH MEN AGAINST JAPS to Buenoi Airea, landed their plane, Berlin, Feb. 28.— (AP)—Adolf mitted eariy this morning teat the Putnam, Feb. 23— (AP) —Frank "The Lone Star," at the Eaat Boe- HiUer, National Socialist leader to terrific onslaught against Klangwan Shanghai, Feb. 23.— (AP) — P, Fenton former town clerk and toD Airport two houri later becauM day bad definitely entered the race had failed to dislodge the defenders Japanese army headquarters said of engine trouble. The plane’i aux* treEMurer of Windham took the wit- for president of the German Repub­ and that it appeared the Chinese today Chinese women have taken illary landing gear wait amaihed In lic against President Paul von Hin- Bees stand today to d el/ charges he up arms alongside their hus­ the landing but both Browne and had embezzled town funds. were capable of holding out for a bands and brothers In the ds- Muldowney eecaped Injury. The denburg. When tee State rested its case long time. fence of tee viUage of Klangwan. plane came cloie to turning over, Hitlsr's nomination which prom­ ebortly after court wai resumed fol­ 'Thus 96 hours of the heaviest Soldiers returning from the when the left wheel collapeed. ises tp make the race a four-corner­ lowing a week-etijl recess, defense fighting since the World Weir has front, headquarters officials said, Browne who waa at the eontrola, ed one was announesd last night by counsel called Fenton as their first left the two powerful opposing declared they bad seen woman armies just about where they stood laid the "Lone Star" wai over CMe bis lieutenant, Joseph Ooebbefs. The This is the eight that cheered American residents of Shanghai—Uncle tim a Btorlnes going about the witness. ^ ^ shooting from windows of build­ last Saturday when the Chinese re­ C!od when a cylinder burned out The announcement followed ebortly aft­ busineiili of getting "the situation well in band." Tlie HeraJd-NBA Service jricture above is the flyat to show Answering allegations he hod ings at the outskirts of tee ba- jected an ultimatum and the Japa­ engine trouble eaueed the plane to er that of Theodore Duesterberg American forces on duty in the war-stricken Chinese city. Relmeted "devil doge are shown beh nd a sand­ withdrawn money from a slnklni selged village. loee altitude and it quickly dropped bead of the SUel Helmet organiu- fund established in 1905 to pay o: nese launched their offensive. The soldiers, they sold, had bag barricade at the south end of a bridge over Soochow Creek while milling Chinese refugees sift througn "Our men are tired and they want to within a few feet of the water, tlon who was put forward as the the police cordon guarding the international settlement. $105,000 in bonds twenty years little to say for the Chinese he aaid. Nationallet candidate. The fourth later, Fenton lald $10,000 had been some rest,” said a headquarters woman's marksmanship, how­ "We had a oloie call," eaid Browne candidate is Ernst Thaelmann, removed In 1909 "after conferring spokesman, supplementing the com­ ever. who had hoped to eatabllab a new •ooiallst. ^ ^ ' with the selectmen.” munique which reported only minor long diitanoe flight record in the The entry of Deuiterberg and Money RepUused advances during yesterday’s engage­ trip to Buenoa Airea. "When we Hitler indicated their attempt to NEW HAVEN MAN This money was replaced, how­ ment. Ohlneee Hold Firm scene of utter desolation. Every ot down eloae to the water we unite on a candidate to run against SCIENTISTS SEEKING ever, he ajtsertod by $16,000 in Lib­ building had been burned to tbs There was a report that a Japa­ Sumped our gaa and decided to re­ Von Hindenburg bad failed. erty bonds and $10,000 in town ground. turn to Boaton. We were not hurt." Is Made atisen ADMmMIlRDERS bonds. Unable to produce the tovm nese force had put three Chinese Browne aaid the landing gear and The question as to whether Hitler r^cordi of fomo portions of ths regiments to flight, but nevertheless The whole area was blasted terrt- cylinder can be repaired. was ellgibla becauN be waa born In ICE AGE AMERICANS re$3ilatlons concerning the sinking the CUnese held not only the town bly by airplane bombs anfi artillery Austria, met with a new r^Rly fund, he said he would hunt for them of KlEuagwan but also TEUung, a vil­ shells. Numerous grave mounds had DETAILS OF TROUBLE when the newspaper Montag Mor- during the noon recess. lage to tee west, and several other been blown open and large num­ New York, Feb. 38— (AP) — Nat en said last week that Minister of TeUt Girls He KiUed Two Fenton told of his 40 years resi­ strategic points to the south. bers of Chinese Emd Japanese dead The early morning Chlneee com­ C. Browne telephoned from Baat tjterlor Dietrich Klagges of Bruw Spear Point Found In T eus CHINESE PUNNING dence in Windham and of < hia de­ lay here and there. Boaton Airport, where he landed on wick, a National Socialist, had auto­ cision not to seek his offices ^ u n munique said tee Klangwan defend­ A bomb exploded at tee entrance ers had fought tee Japanese to a hia attemptM flight to South Amer­ matically conferred cltlsenehlp on Men In Quarrel — Girls in 1981 after "the starting of this to tee post office at Szechuen road ica, that a cylinder in hie motor bad standstill despite tee enemy’s supe­ Hitler appointing him professor Cave Starts Expedition; trouble." His only stipulated salary, and Soochow Creek in the Interna­ burned out and that he waa forced by MANCHURIAN DRIVE rior equipment. Aerial bombard­ of applied pedagogy at the Brune- he testified, wae $860 a year as tional Settlement this afternoon, in­ to land. Notify the Police. ment of Tazang left only a few wick University. treasurer. juring a foreigh' policeman and The telephone meeaage waa re Think People Lived There Warren M. Brown, Hartford ac­ bouses standing, tee bulletin said, blowing in fronts of buildings across calved by J. Nelaon Ketly, manager Hitler also was appointed police but the Chinese stuck to their commissioner of a small German countant who checked Fenton a th"' street. The blast was Similar to of Floyd Bennett Field. Browne Masting Troops For Offen­ New Haven, Feb. 28.— (AP) — trenches, blocking any advance. to ^ In 1980 and a police commis­ 20,000 Venn Age. books when the charges were teat which wrecked tee officea of aaid be waa at the Amea Aircraft Vlctorlo Millano, 45, was held In- brought against him, was tee l«*t of “Because of tee impending qrrivEd ^ e JapEmese Mitsui Sussan KEdsha hangar and that in landing be sioner as a state officer, automatl- of two additional Japanese dlvl- ceJly becomes a citizen. Antl-Hltler- sive Against Japanese; communicato today as the confessed' 16 State witnesses. He reviewed his last week. It wel. a time bomb. dumped half of hia load of ap previous teafftoony this m o^ng, ^ elons,". said tee communique, ‘‘teegr proxlmately 1,100 gallone of gaao- itei contended, however, Dr. Wil­ Blayet o f two companions. OUnjBM ArtIUery V Washington, Feb. 22.— (A P )— t o p g teat "Fenton had deposited nniwaa command is making all Chines^ artillery continued their line and bad buckled the landing helm Frick, formtf Nasi minister ^ p u ty Sheriff A. Herbert CEuTBog fho Ice Aga Atoerlcan, H en Many Sddiers Therc^ town^Tunds to hia persoMl a c c o s t. eesary preparations to resist any bombardment of tee JapEmese naVEd gear. of interior at TbURngla who made said MIDeuio confessed he shot A&- furteer'offenslve from tee reinforced "missing persons" list for 20,000 The State introduced 91 exhibits vessels in tee "WhErngpo Emd one To Tiw Again :he ap^ntment over-rode the legal tonlo dionattl, 50, Emd Jacob Lelgh- including copies of bonds and town enemy." The flier added thatt he would get rules and that sueb- appointments years, may be comerc.'. at last in ty, 55, to death after a drinklfig of their shells, narrowly missed the Shanghai, Feb, 28.—A formidable records. flagship Idzumo of Adzuiral Nomu­ a new landing gear "in a hurry" were invalid in any case if they i;he caves of west Texas. sarty In a North Haven house REPULSE ALL ATTACKS and be off on hli flight again.
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