El Dorado Union High School District Seniors Earn $342,250 in Scholarships Each year, over 200 El Dorado County scholarship committees and private donors, provide thousands of dollars to assist students in pursuing their dreams of higher education. We wholeheartedly thank those donors for their unwavering commitment and generosity to the students of our great county. We also congratulate the Class of 2020 on their dedication, hard work, and resilient spirit. Students worked diligently to perfect personal essays, collect letters of recommendation, prepare resumes, request transcripts, and much more. We are truly proud of their efforts and we are thrilled to celebrate their success. We would like to thank all of the El Dorado County families, organizations, clubs, foundations, and businesses mentioned below. Without your dedication, time, and generosity, these scholarship opportunities would not exist. Thank you for your patience this year, and for adjusting with our District to the unique challenges due to our school closures. Thank you to our EDUHSD Career Guidance Specialists Stephanie Yurkovic, Alyce Rogers, Cambren Escobar, and Hannah Dewater for your valuable advice, support, and for encouraging our students. E L D O R A D O U N I O N H I G H S C H O O L D I S T R I C T E a c h y e a r , o v e r 2 0 0 E l D o r a d o C o u n t y f a m i l i e s , o r g a n i z a t i o n s , c l u b s , f o u n d a t i o n s , a n d b u s i n e s s e s d o n a t e t h o u s a n d s o f d o l l a r s i n s c h o l a r s h i p s t o a s s i s t s t u d e n t s i n p u r s u i n g t h e i r d r e a m s o f h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n . T h i s y e a r , t h e t o t a l a m o u n t o f a l l s c h o l a r s h i p s g r a n t e d i s $ 3 4 2 , 2 5 0 . W e w h o l e h e a r t e d l y t h a n k t h o s e d o n o r s f o r t h e i r u n w a v e r i n g c o m m i t m e n t a n d g e n e r o s i t y t o t h e s t u d e n t s o f o u r g r e a t c o u n t y . W e a l s o c o n g r a t u l a t e t h e C l a s s o f 2 0 2 0 o n t h e i r d e d i c a t i o n , h a r d w o r k a n d r e s i l i e n t s p i r i t . T h e f o l l o w i n g p u b l i c a t i o n i s a l i s t i n g o f t h e s c h o l a r s h i p s a v a i l a b l e t o s t u d e n t s w i t h i n E l D o r a d o C o u n t y a n d t h i s y e a r ' s s e l e c t e d r e c i p i e n t s . Scholarship Winners Page 1 All scholarships are listed in alpha order by scholarship name Special Note: Many scholarships are only applicable to students who attend a specific school or schools and therefore only select recipients from that specific school or schools. ALLISON RUSH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The Live to Give Foundation's Allison Rush Memorial Scholarship is in memory of Allison Rush of Pinole, CA. In her short 13 years, Allison made a lasting impact on family and friends. Allison loved every Bailey Day, PHS aspect of school (even homework) but never had the opportunity to experience high school or college. Total Amount Awarded: $3,000 To honor Allison, one-time Scholarships of $3,000 will be awarded to successful Ponderosa high school students aspiring to attend a 4-year college. The student must have at least a 3.0 GPA, be involved in extracurricular activities and show financial need. AMADOR-EL DORADO- SACRAMENTO CATTLEWOMEN SCHOLARSHIP The Amador-El Dorado-Sacramento Cattle Women/Cattlemen have joined together to offer $10,000 in scholarship funds for the college year of 2020-2021. Our organizations Haley Richardson, PHS are pleased to be able to aid in the Total Amount Awarded: $2,000 further education of the youth of our communities and their commitment to our agricultural heritage. Scholarship Winners Page 2 AMERICAN LEGION POST #119 MERIT SCHOLARSHIP The American Legion was formed after World War I by an Act of Congress and is made up of Veterans, men and women, who served during a war. The American Danny Bell, EDHS Arthur Davis Hunter III, PHS Legion Post #119 of El Dorado County is a patriotic group involved in youth activities and community affairs. The meaning of the American Legion Emblem: "There shines the Emblem of the American Legion, it is your badge of distinction, honor and service. It stands for God and Country, and the highest rights of man. Of its several parts, each has a Eileen Kearney, UMHS Cole Shoemake, ORHS meaning." This scholarship is awarded to a student who has or had Total Amount Awarded: $4,000 a military veteran in their immediate family. AMY ABEL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is in memory of Amy Abel, a remarkable young woman who found direction in the study of cosmetology. To honor Amy, a $500 scholarship will be awarded to seniors graduating from a Western Lianna Cuevas, Virtual Academy Slope high school who are going on to study esthetics or cosmetology at a school approved by the Bureau of Total Amount Awarded: $4,000 Private Postsecondary Education. Scholarship Winners Page 3 APPLE HILL GROWER'S ASSOCIATION NORMA BRUBAKER SCHOLARSHIP The Apple Hill Growers established the Norma Brubaker Scholarship in 1986 in honor of the first Secretary of Nathan HIll, EDHS Jenna Love, PHS the Apple Hill Growers. The scholarships are made possible by the Apple Hill Growers and the Brubaker family. The scholarships are awarded to several students each year in support of their pursuit of higher education in agriculture or a similar career field. Madison Washburn PHS Total Amount Awarded: $3,000 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF SIERRA FOOTHILLS ADVANTAGE SCHOLARSHIPS Assistance League Sierra Foothills, the local chapter of National Assistance League, is a non-profit, all volunteer organization that puts caring and commitment into action through community-based philanthropic programs. Our chapter (www.sierrafoothills.assistanceleague.org) is committed to improving the lives of people living in El Dorado County, and through the Eileen Kearney, UMHS collective strength of our volunteers, we serve as a significant resource in the community. We offer two kinds of scholarships. The Advantage Scholarship recognizes people Total Amount Awarded: $1,500 who have dealt with significant challenges and are pursuing further education. The Community Service Scholarship recognizes graduating high school seniors who have performed exemplary volunteer community service. Scholarship Winners Page 4 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF SIERRA FOOTHILLS COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP Assistance League Sierra Foothills, the local chapter of National Assistance League is a non-profit, all volunteer organization that puts caring and commitment into action through Haley Richardson, PHS Taylor Smith, ORHS community-based philanthropic programs. Our chapter (www.sierrafoothills.assistanceleague.org) is committed to improving the lives of people Total Amount Awarded: $3,000 living in El Dorado County, and through the collective strength of our volunteers, we serve as a significant resource in the community. We offer two kinds of scholarships. The Advantage Scholarship recognizes people who have dealt with significant challenges and are pursuing further education. The Community Service Scholarship recognizes graduating high school seniors who have performed exemplary volunteer community service. AVID SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP (UMHS) The Union Mine AVID program is offering a one-time scholarship to a graduating AVID senior. The student must have at least a 3.2 GPA, have a Taylor Pearson , UMHS commitment to community service, and have committed to a four-year university. Total Amount Awarded: $500 Scholarship Winners Page 5 BRAD MIRANDE TRADE SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship was established in memory of Brad Mirande, a student who benefited greatly from the Vocational Industrial Arts program at El Dorado High School. To honor Ethan Logue, PHS Faith Thomas, PHS Brad, one-time scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded to students pursuing a “hands-on” career via a vocational, trade, or technical school.
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