The Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53 Street, New York, N.Y. 10019 Circle 5-8900 Cable: Modernart For MED12A3B WLEABB 1 Sonday, January 1J, 1955 Special to English puolieatioai ii• ii m HI iwm Aaang tfca illustrations in MCOSU OWflSbS ATE) 0113 IASD0CAPS by KUsabeth B» Ka^slcr, just published "by Tha MUCOUM of fc&xlem Art * in Sin York, are t^o photographs or Sorgo CtoQADyuff's house near r >•' Ballaadj Sussex/ vitii landscaping by Qxrlstoptor Tunnord* KQDEKH OsMBNi AM) T1& XAHDSCAPB is tfco first book to discuss tfai relation ship bsttftaa t£o no&sro enrdea end tin natural landscape in tanas of contemporary aesthetics. Vhils exploring these interrelation* ships between urn, land end plants, between srtifSacts end natural facts* Urst KasaXT presents a view of ocdem rater gardens* flower gardens, sculpture ipjxrlsnn, outdoorloona, plazas, parks* playgrounds and urban squares illustrated in 135 annotated photographs, six of then is color. Sat IQJhpajp book is available free: Xbs Kussun of Modem Art for $%99 hardbound end $2.75 paparbound and is distributed throughout the United Kinsdctt hy V« H« Allen vsd Co. a * -JJ iJ- * S • • Additional information available from ELitaboth 6h&Vj Director, Deparfcaont of fublic Ihfbrcatio !, 3 I lava of Modem Art* 11 Uest 53rd Street, Warn York, Rev Yorfc 3 • Circle 3-5 ?G0« ^ to English publications: Architectural Review Gavin Young 99^ Second Ave,, NY (Observ 13 Queen Anne's Gate Westminster, London SW1 Courtney Hudson by Otn Ave., apt. 31/ NY 1^ (Daily Texe Architectural Design 26 Bloomsbury Way Jerrold Lanes Holborn, London WC1 2o East 91 St., NY 2d (Burlington Mag} Royal Institute of British Architects Eric Britter 66 Portaand Place, London Wl London Times 2o East p4 St., NY 22 Art Bulletin V) Orange St., London WC2 Phyllis Lafarge Johnson /Telegram) 14u Henry St., Bkxyn ±(London Sunday/ Art Magazine 73 Burlington Arcade, London Wl Miss Elizabeth Dixon Architectural Assoc. Art News & Review 3^-36 Bedford Sq, London WC1% 07 Regent St0, London Wl Design Mag Art News Bulletin Council Indust. Design American Embassy 23 Haymarket, London SW1 4l Grosvenor Sq., London Wl Malcolm Muggeridge Mr. Louis Hinrichs Park Cottage, Roberts Bridge, Sussex London Times 25 East jk St*j NY 22 Herbert Read Stonegrave House, Stonegrave, York John Sampson London Daily Herald Mr, J. Reichardt 230 West *H, NY 36 Inst. Contemporary Art 17-18 Dover St., London W.l James Cooper London Daily Express Mr. G S Whittet 230 West kl St., NY 36 The Studio 161-166 Fleet St., London EO^ Helen Mason London Sunday Express 230 West 4l St., NY 36 Connoisseur 21 Ebury St., London SW1 Illustrated London News Ingram House 196-lyo Strand, London WC2 Manchester Guardian Alistaire Cooke 20 East 53 St., NY 22 Apollo 10 Vigo St., London Wl Times Literary Supplement Printing House Qq., London EC^ The Observer 22 Tudor St., London EC^ THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART ., NEW YORK 79 71 WEST 53rd STREET TELEPHONE, CIRCLE 5Q900 CABLES: MODERNART, NEV/-YORK NO, 3 A FOR MEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, January 13, 19^5 Special to Swedish publications Among the illustrations in M0DEH8 GAHBEuB AND THE LAI3DSCAPE by Elisabeth B. Kacslcr, Just published by The Museum of Modern Art in New York, are 13 photographs of Kmsstra'dgar&en, Library Park, Vasa Park, Berselii Park, Forest Cemetery, the Plasa at VKllingby and a street corner in Stockholm as veil as LlrtlngC Island near Stockholm, MGD3RN GAKDEirS ABD TTIE UNDSCAPB is the first book to discuss the relationship between the modern garden and the natural landscape in terns of contemporary aesthetics* While exploring these inter­ relationships between nan, land and plants, between artifacts and natural facts,.Mrs• Kassler presents a view of modern water gardens, flower gardens, sculpture gardens, outdoor rooms, plazas, parks, playgrounds and urban squares illustrated in 133> annotated photo­ graphs, six of them in color. The lO^paga book is available from The !>!uaeum of Modern Art for $5*95 hardbound and $2,75 paperbound and is distributed inter­ nationally by Feffer and Simons, Inc. Photographs and additional information available from Elizabeth Shav, Director, Department of Public Information, The Museum of Modern Art, 11 Vest 53rd Street, Law York, Hew York 10019. Circle 5-05OO, No. 3A to Swedish publications: • Lisa Christina persson photo: Holger Blora, Biblioteksbladet Barzelii Park, Tornavagen 9 Stockholm Lund, Sweden Mr. Ingmar Lindmarker - ., photo: " Svenska Dagbladet 50 Rockefeller PIa, NY 20 Mr. Lars Malmstrom photo: sitting area, b East 69 St., NY 21 Vasa Park, Stockholm (Am-Swed. News Exchange) Mo A. Hartveld Storck photo: " 216 West 102 St., NY 25 Mr. L. Sjorberg photo: Forest Cemetery, kj>0 West 118 St., Apt. k5, NY 27 Stockholm Mr. Alan H. Simon photo: t Radio Sweden Valhallavagen 117 Stockholm Form photo: " Nybrogatan 7 Stockholm Paletten photo: Vasa Park sitting area Postdiro 46l86 Gtftborg C, Sweden MUSEUM OF MODERN ART YORK 79 II WEST 53rd STREET TELEPHONE: CIRCLE 5-8900 f CABLES, MODERNART, NEW-YORK $f No. 33 FOR IMMEDIATE R2LSASE Wednesday, January 13, 19^5 Special to Danish publications "•* Among the illustrations in MODEM GARDENS AX© THE LANDSCAPE by Elizabeth B. Ka3sler, Just published by The Museum of Modern Art in New York, are photographs of the courtyard of the Baltica Insurance Company by Eyvin Langkilde and the flover parterre in . the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, the gardens of a hospital near Copenhagen by Sven Hansen, and the Church Plasa by C. Th. S/krensen in Kalundborg. MODERN GARDEilS AIID THE LANDSCAPE is the first book to discuss the relationship between the modern garden and the natural landscape in terns of contemporary aesthetics. While exploring these inter­ relationships .between Ean, land and plants, between artifacts and natural facts, Mrs. Kassler, presents a view of modern water gardens, flower gardens, sculpture gardens, outdoor rooms, plasas, parks, playgrounds and urban squares illustrated in 135 annotated photo­ graphs, six of then in color. The lOWpage book is available from The Museum of Modern Art for $5.95 hardbound and $2.75 paperbound and is distributed inter­ nationally by Feffer and Simons, Inc. ****** ***** ******* Photographs and additional information available from Elizabeth BhaVj Director, Department of Public Information, The Museum of Modem Art, 11 Vest 53rd Btreetj Hew York, New York 10019. Circle 5-^900. 1 No. 3B to Danish publications: Mr. Gunnar Leistrikov photo: Church Plaza, Kalundboarg, lb East 9k St.-apt. B, NY'28 . Denmark Berlingske Tidende photo: " Mr. Allen Jensen 50 Rockefeller PI., NY 20 Arkitekten photo: " Bedgade 66 Copenhagen Information St. Kongensgade \}0 Copenhagen Mr. Preben Halberg Larchmont Terr., apt. 6A 2 Washington Sq0 Larchmont, NY Mr. Viggo Jensen 335 East 51 St. - apt lo-B NY 22 (radio Denmark) 0 MUSEUM OF MODERN ART M WEST 53rd STREET YORK 79 TELEPHONE: CIRCLE 5-8900 CABLES: MODERNART, NEV/-YORK No. 3C FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, January 13> 19^5 Special to Mexican publications Among the illustrations in MODERN GARDES AND THE LANDSCAPE by Elizabeth B. Kassler, just published by The Museum of Modern Art in New York, are black and white photographe of the Plaza of the Fountains, main boulevard, public fountain and private gardens in the Pedregal Gardens and a private garden in Mexico City all designed by Luis Barragan. The plaza of the Horse Trough, Plaza del Canpanario and a street section of Las Arboledas, also by Barragan, are presented in color. MODEM QAHDEftS AIJD THE LANDSCAPE is the first book to discuss the relationship between the modem garden and the natural landscape in terms of contemporary aesthetics. While exploring these Inter* relationshipa between man, land and plants* between artifacts and natural facts, llrs. Kasoler presents a view of modern water gardens; flower gardens, sculpture gardens, outdoor rooms, plazas, parks, playgrounds, and urban squares illustrated in 133 annotated photo* graphs, six of them in color. The lO^-paga book is available from The Museum of Modern Art for $2*93 hardbound and $2.75 p&perbound and is distributed inter­ nationally by Feffer and Simons, Inc. i Photographs and additional information available from Elizabeth BhaVj Director, Department of Public Information* The Museum of Modem Artj 11 West 5Jrd Street, Her York, . ork, 10019. Circle 5-3900. 3C to Mexican publications: Miss Elsa Gilbert kO Park Ave., NY Photo: Plaza de las Fuentas, Pedregal Gardens Artes de Mexico Avenida Juarez 64 photo: garden origianlly owned Despacho 511 by Barragan, Pedregal Mexico 1, DF Gardens Mexico News Mexico, DF photo:private garden L**- ft_ I \ I 1 /"HI I 7 NEW YORK 19 II WEST 53rd STREET TEIEPHONE: C/RCIE 5-8900 CABIES.- MODERNART, NEW-YORK No. 5D-X FOR 32EEDIAEE K2LEAS3 Wednesday, January 13/ 19&5 Special to Japanese publications Aaonc the illustrations In MCDEK* GAKEBH8 AKD TES LANDSCAPE by Elizabeth B« Kassler, just published by Slid Museum of Modem Art in Hew York, is a photograph of the Qkada house and gardes in Tokyo designed by Cutewi Horlsuchi* MQDEBH 0ASDBL3S AHD THE L^TDGCiUS la the first book to discuss the relationship between the modern carden and the natural landscape in terms of contei^orary aesthetics* While exploring these inter­ relationships between maaj land and plants*, between artifacts and natural facts, Mrs. Kaaslcr presente a view of modern water gardens* flower gardens* sculpture gardens* outdoor rooms*, plazas* parksj playsrouns* end urban squares Illustrated in 135 annotated photo* graphs* six of then in color* The 10*Hpase book is available from (Baa Kuseum of Modern Art and $2«75 paper! oun •—Bw*tlUUliVv>< 1,. wJi" nationally by Seffer and Simons* Inc. * *• e • a # # a a •::• Photos^ pi ad additional lnfon ation available from Elisabeth Shawj Dtreefsorj I', mt of public Ii Kiottj The Museum of Uodern Arb, 11 West 53rd Gtreetj Hew York, Hew York 10019.
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