e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 4 | Nomor 1 | Januari 2020 | Hal: 108-120 Terakreditasi Sinta 4 THE CHANGE OF SASHI’S SOCIAL IDENTITY IN ENGLISH VINGLISH MOVIE (2012) Halifah1, Surya Sili2, Chris Asanti3 1,2,3 English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences Mulawarman University 1Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT English Vinglish (2012) is an Indian movie inspired from Gauri Shinde’s mother. This movie tells about a woman named Sashi who struggle for her social identity. This problem bacKground encourages the researcher to analyze Sashi’s character and characterization and the change of her social identity. The researcher limits the focus of Sashi’s character and her social life. The researcher uses characterization theory and Social Identity Theory to conduct the analysis. The data are analyzed by using qualitative descriptive method. The findings of this research reveal that: Sashi is the main character in the movie, because she is given much contribution of the story. The characterization is about Sashi’s physical appearance, personality, social status and social relationship. Sashi’s physical appearance is, she is a beautiful woman with beautiful eyes, long blacK hair and white sKin. Her personality shows that she is a patient woman, a loving person, has a high tolerance and a loyal person. Her social status is a woman with low education and not a modern woman. Sashi has relationships with other characters in this movie, good and bad relationships. The analysis about the change of Sashi’s social Identity is divided into two processes: self-categorization and social comparison. The researcher concludes that Sashi changes her social identity from an ordinary housewife who does not Know English become well-educated woman who fluent in English. The researcher finds that to change Sashi’s social identity she has to pass self-categorization and social comparison. Keywords: character, characterization, identity, social identity, struggle ABSTRAK English Vinglish (2012) adalah film India yang terinspirasi dari ibu Gauri Shinde. Film ini bercerita tentang seorang wanita bernama Sashi yang berjuang untuk identitas sosialnya. Latar belakang masalah ini mendorong peneliti untuk menganalisis karakter dan karakterisasi Sashi serta perubahan identitas sosialnya. Peneliti membatasi fokus pada karakter Sashi dan kehidupan sosialnya. Peneliti menggunakan teori karakterisasi dan Teori Identitas Sosial untuk melakukan analisis. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa: Sashi adalah karakter utama dalam film, karena dia banyak memberikan kontribusi cerita. Karakterisasi adalah penampilan fisik, kepribadian, status sosial, dan hubungan sosial 108 e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 4 | Nomor 1 | Januari 2020 | Hal: 108-120 Terakreditasi Sinta 4 Sashi. Penampilan fisik Sashi adalah, dia adalah wanita cantik, mata indah, rambut hitam panjang, dan kulit putih. Kepribadiannya menunjukkan bahwa dia adalah wanita yang sabar, orang yang penuh kasih, memiliki toleransi yang tinggi dan orang yang setia. Status sosialnya adalah wanita dengan pendidikan rendah dan bukan wanita modern. Sashi memiliki hubungan dengan karakter lain dalam film ini, hubungan baik dan buruk. Analisis tentang perubahan Identitas sosial Sashi dibagi menjadi dua proses: kategorisasi diri dan perbandingan sosial. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa Sashi mengubah identitas sosialnya dari seorang ibu rumah tangga biasa yang tidak tahu bahasa Inggris menjadi wanita berpendidikan yang fasih berbahasa Inggris. Peneliti menemukan bahwa untuk mengubah identitas sosial Sashi, dia harus melewati kategorisasi diri dan perbandingan sosial. Kata kunci: karakter, karakterisasi, identitas, identitas sosial, perjuangan A. INTRODUCTION English Vinglish (2012) is an Indian movie. The movie written and directed by Gauri Shinde was inspired by Gauri’s mother. Gauri’s mother Vaishali, a housewife, ran a pickle-business, and was not able to speak English fluently. Generally, English Vinglish tells about Sashi, a housewife who feels degraded by her well-educated husband and daughter because of her inability to speaK and understand English. Moreover, English Vinglish movie depicts Sashi’s struggle for her existence and social identity in society. It shows Sashi’s social life where she needs social acceptance. Sashi needs identity in order to be accepted by her family. Identity is important to form someone character because through identity individuals can figure out who they are and Knowing who others are To find how Sashi’s social identity changing this research applies social identity theory. Social identity theory is part of social psychology which is pioneered by Henri Tajfel and his colleagues (1971). The social identity is formed through the categorization. The process of categorization affects individuals to distinct the social group. They are distinct the social group by looKing for the similarities and the differences. After the individuals compare themselves to each social group, they will claim in a group which has more similarities to them. B. RELATED LITERATURE 1. Literature “Literature is referred to entirety of written expression” (Klarer 1). It maKes literature and text are parallel because they are related with written things. Usually, literature represents fantasy or cultural that describes as imaginative or historical story. As stated by Klarer “literature or text as cultural and historical phenomena and to investigate the conditions of their production and reception” (1). It aims to inform the culture or tradition that is happened in other countries in the past. In conclusion, literature is interpreted as a work created into the words known as written worKs, and it uses as media to express an imaginative thought and it used as a tool to deliver some values. 109 e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 4 | Nomor 1 | Januari 2020 | Hal: 108-120 Terakreditasi Sinta 4 Literature also gives an understanding. It may give us information and many experiences. In addition, the subject of literature is often taKen from real life. We will Know more about life after reading a literary worK. The reader can get the message, value or idea that the literary work presented. Lukens describes “Literature at its best gives both pleasure and understanding. It explores the nature of human beings, the condition of human Kinds”. (9) There are many Kinds of literary worK, such as poem or poetry, short story, novel or prose, drama, film or movie etc. By reading or watching literary worK as well as process interaction between the author and the reader indirectly. The author has the message to the reader through his worKs and the author expresses what he has experienced and seen his life. 2. Character and Characterization Characters are the person in a literary worK. Furthermore, characterization is the character’s characteristics. There are several kinds of character: Protagonist, this character represents as a hero on the story. Antagonist, this character is an opposed character of protagonist character. Round character, this character has various traits and complex characteristic inside a figure that can change or grow in the story. Flat character, this character does not have character developing in the story. Dynamic character, this character is a character that shows a character development in the story. Static character, this is an opposed character of dynamic character. Characterization is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. There are some aspects of characterization: Physical appearance, Personality, Social status, and Social relationship. 3. Social Identity Theory Social identity theory is part of social psychology which is pioneered by Henri Tajfel and his colleagues (1971) which deals with intergroup relations. Turner states that social identity is about the people’s self-concept to see themselves as a member group (in-group) in comparison with another group (out-group) (226). Thus self- concept is derived from perceived membership of social group. Kakarika defines social identity as “the individual’s knowledge that he belongs to certain social groups together with some emotional and value significance to him of this group membership”(494). a. Self-Categorization Self-Categorization is the process which transforms individual into group (Hogg and Abrams 19). Self-categorization occurs when an individual put him/herself in a group as object that can be categorized or classified, and named in a certain way in relation with other categories in the social environment. Therefore, “People who are similar to the self are categorized with the self and label the in-group while people who differ from the self are categorized as the out-group.” (Turner 20). Through self-categorization individual claims that him/herself that he/she has similar social identity with the member group and behave as in the category group member. Consequently, self-categorization leads individual to accentuate the similarities between the self and other in-group members and accentuate the differences between the self and out group member (Hogg and Abrams 19). The accentuation occurs for all the attitudes, beliefs and values, affective reactions, 110 e-ISSN 2549-7715 | Volume 4 | Nomor 1 | Januari 2020 | Hal: 108-120 Terakreditasi Sinta 4 behavioural norms, style of speech, and other dimension that correlated with the relevant intergroup categorization (Burke and Stets 225). b. Social Comparison Social comparison is
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