Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Student Organizations WKU Archives Records Spring 1984 UA68/13/4 Bowling Green, Vol. 4, No. 2 Kelly Thompson Chapter, Public Relations Students Society of America Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_org Part of the Advertising and Promotion Management Commons, Creative Writing Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Photography Commons, Public History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sports Studies Commons, Theatre History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kelly Thompson Chapter, Public Relations Students Society of America, "UA68/13/4 Bowling Green, Vol. 4, No. 2" (1984). Student Organizations. Paper 275. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/stu_org/275 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Organizations by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thought. High technology. Without high at1X1ety. Of the 235 mi llion people in this counli)', onlya fraction know how to u~ a computer. Which is why Apple inve nted Macintosh~thc com­ puter for the rest of us. No more time wasted pouring through manuals. No more compl icated commands. Macintosh is so advanced, you can be doing meaningfu) work in a matter afhours. Because if you em point, you already know how to use it Our professional sales staff will answer all your questions and, of course, provide service and support So come in today for a hands-o il .' demonstration. Without sweaty palms. "'<I...v..J I)J..,. .\\ aci lll~' is • trJOem..-k I;a,,~ to Apple Con'fl'J!t'r hI(, C 19S\ Awl' ComplJlet IIIC. .IICI2S,W Aw~ 2nd lilt ....'l'k !oslo :Ire ~tttd lI"3dm13T\;s ot .\ppl. Corfl'Ultr Inc 782-9466 Contents Spring-Summe r 19 84 DEPARTMENTS FEATURES 12 2 28 6 Cover photo by Karl Victor Horses are a big Pitrt 01 Ken­ Spotlight Arts Computers tucky and Bowling Green Is no Computers are the hottest thing excepllon. Breeding and show­ In the school systems. Does ing are the business and plea­ 9 your Chi ld have access to one? sure of many local horsemen. Business g Chamber of Commerce 22 10 Siddens Country Hams Real Estate Downtown Apartments 14 Get a closer look at living down­ town in some 01 Bo wling Entertainment Green's most luxurious apart­ ments. 24 E. A. Diddle A true splrltmaster never dies; Spollight Diddle lives on through friends, Decorators Showhouse tradition and Western Kentucky We hope Beveled Glass University. Ienn jtheoy -d"'h~';i~~~:?:;~ To be read, a keep up with the 34 26 our new design and editorial content do just IfI8t. Bowling Alley Green would like your reactions. Community Send suggest/ons and com­ Three stars tell you how they got ments to: Bowling Green Service their starts in a local playhouse. 16 Ken Smith Band Magazine, 321 Academic Com­ 34 Urgent Care plex, Western Kentucky Unive;­ Spotlight sity, Bowling Green, KY 42101. 17 35 Cancer Treatment Center 36 High Street Community Bow ll ~ 1I Green m' g8lifl(l IS lNoduc$l;l by a 32 seniof Semi nar 0. •• in P\Jbloc ,elati""s w ith Reminicsing Center lhe Kelly ~ Chaplo, of !he PuI)Ii(: Ro· 17 Pauline's 38 4-H Crime IIItions SI...:Ient. Society 01 .........oc. IIIId sw­ denlS in Ihodep,lItrnen 01 ;CU'nallS/ll . Address 18 Octagon Hall 39 Calendar of Events A new regional jail and tighter Inquries and in/orrnation 10 Bo..Iong ar-. 19 Curiosity Hall security bring the crime rate magllLllle. Academe; CompIe~ 321, Wesl",n 20 " Murder Mansion" 40 Restaurant Reviews way down. K .... n.cky l.k"o>erSily. BowIW!g Gffler,. KY 42101. STAFF Edltorlf,t St. " eon!libulots Tonya Berkley. Paige 8eshens. ~ BoIIonger. Bu.I.,... St. 1l Editor: Pany Robertson AMen, C.rroI. Che<yt Cates. Ehallelh Clar1le. FIoge< Cunn .... Business " anlgel": Mona ae­ Depert ......t s· Editor: Sam At>eII gr.a .... Kevin OUMonl Oeborllh Gosser. larry Hildebrandt. AM A~ .l ng S.1•• "' ''-\1'': john Vrnctn1 Features Editor: r.,a ComI:>s Hocngoung. Pam Pott .... KnSlen R_. Marl< Rocharcis. Cat Stafl: l\'M't P.,.... Sarah Fallin. Deborah o.partm.nl Ed itor.: SeMmmei. Joe VilalOrle. Susan Pellerite. Stev" Brown. Kalr.y Gosser. Kim Will<",..,.,. E ~ .abelh Cf a r ~ e. Joe Arts: Bill Voncman M anford. Anne BUlho<!. Bruce Cobb. 8< 11 Venoman. Ratl9 Vance. Vrtaione. larry lilJijebr.ndI. lO« Medley. Bu . inn s: Anne B;.thod PaIge .Jor\(:$. loti Medlay Tony" Be rkley Communit y Senile.: BrUCG Cobb Ad Production Ma n . ~ ..: PaHi Loin o R.mlnllcln!! : K.. "y ManIord Stall: Susan PellefHe. Cot Pho\or;Jrapl\e(s and " ustralors: Donn. Mich3et BoJjnger. SdIa"""'". Ent",,"In,.,.nt : Rer.e vance Bur""'. Twnr Fle ...r Nancy O<Iy. John Howser. Jad< Murphree. Jonathan Newton. Spotlight: SteYe Brown Pam Potter . .lI)nnoe M.JcheI. Karen Noland. Johnny Parte. Jon Circul.tlon Ml n""e" Michael Bolinger Pavne. Kat! VC10f Stall. Gary Br'O!ll. Pam I'0Il.... Nancy O<Iy. Oeslgn end l'yout: Mprl< ROcha,,'. ~'"'"Public: Rerallon l Ml nage " Rock Hu<Ie'Ison St~lf Kevin O",,,onl. PaHy Robettson. Porge SlaH: PaIge Be,rrens. lJ!)I)y Brown. Tony Ro· ~ .. hrman ~Rotlig~ht _ ----' Inno PARADISE- That's what you call a Born leader ail Amato does more than sell special evening spent with cars lor Force-Wallace Ford, G she is a woman on the move in the Bowling Green community. "My special people at a very way to relax is to get involved in the community," she said. And her list of activities proves this point special place! Amato has been an active member in the Ju nior Womans Club for 8 years, holding local and slale offices. "Most of my activities stem • Lunch Specials Daily from my involvement with the Junior Womans Club because it is so • Quick Service diversified." • Happy Hour 4 - 6 Monday- Friday 11 am-Midnight Saturday 5pm-Midnight Amato has been recognized locally as well as nationally for her work. In 1982 she was named the Outstanding Woman of Warren County by the Jaycet1es. She was also named to Outstanding Young Women of America in 1979. Amato is presently serving on the executive committee for Kentucky's Junior Miss and'is also oresident elect of Child Protection Inc'. She is a past president of the Southern Kentucky 2 SPRING/SUMMER '84 vative citizens build pride Bar Auxiliary and the Arts Alliance. Henry Baughman is the man Amalo especially wants to responsible for putting Bowling Green promote drug education in the on the "ten nis map." He sta rted the community. She is presenlly on the Bowling Green Area Tennis Associa­ task force for Kentucky's War on tion and served as its president for Drugs. She feels that drugs are a three years. He has also served as a "monumental problem" and thai there member of the Board of Directors of is too much "apathy among parents" the Kentucky Tennis Association. concerning this problem. The KentuckyTennis Association Besides being so active in the presented the "Player of Year" award community and working, Amato is also to him in 1982 and ranked him # 1 married and has two teen-age children. player (45 and over division). With people like Gail Amato in the Baughman won 17 out of 20 in 1982; community, Bowling Green will 11 outof 15 in 1983and 100utof 14 continue to be a city on the move , 0 double championships. He was also ranked #2 in bot h singles and doubles Alan Baker by the Southern Tennis Association. He was the first non-seeded member of the 140th Armored Tank player to win the Southern Close Baker's business Battalion Baker served under the Tournament in which players from command of Capt. George S. Patton, nine southern states pa rticipate. s Plant Manager of Lord Jr. 0 Baughman has also won the "Grand Corporation and a father of Slam" the past two years. To win this A seven children. Alan Baker title Baughman competed in four feels a responsibility to the community Tennis anyone? separate Kentucky tournaments and of Bowling Green. "Bowling Green won them all. and Kentucky have been very good to e's played tennis since he was Baughman is also a Western my family," Baker said. "I believe we a child growing up on a farm Kentucky University professor in the should give something back to the H in Standford , KY. And though Health and Safety Department. He community we live in", he added. he has always been a competitive bel ieves in teaching by example and The humble freelance photo­ player. he didn't start winning many he proves this by keeping in top grapher and beekeeper is a proud and tournaments until he turned 35. physical shape by exercising and a respected man in his company and eating properly. community. "Tennis is a lifetime sport," Since coming to Kentucky in 1974 Baughman said. Baker has served as the general With the efforts of Baughman. chairman and president of the Bowling Bowling Green has gained recognition Green Warren County United Way in the tennis world. U organization and as past secretary of the South Central Kentucky Section for Ouality Control. Gibb's court In 1982, Baker, an adept speaker, s a stream of sunlight beams served as president of the Bowling through the courthouse Green-Warren County Chamber of A window in to Gibb Cassady's Commerce and was elected Delta eyes he can recognize only that it is Sigma Pi business and professional not from the sterile lightbulbs which "Man of the year.
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