’ ' { V — — — ~ -mm mm m'mmmm A Jk V# W AJVwMAlAgl The (Uliititon Independent. VOL XXVIL—NO. '1 t*) ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1892. WHOLE NO.-135*?/ Buy your gold filled watches of Krepps, —The supervisors are iu session. PERSONAL. DeWitt & Co., leading jewelers, and —The New England Tea Co. has an Walter Cattermole went to Detroit Monday. Democratic Meetings. save money. ad elsewhere in this issue. Dr. M. Boyd was on the fair grounds Thurs­ day. homi Tmatters . —Remember the opening at J. T. JUDGE BRUCKER AND HON. H M. YOU­ Cole & Co ’s., Saturday, October 15. Mrs. Celia Patch is visiting friends in 8t. MANS, OF SAGINAW. Johns. Dr* Titian. —The total receipts from all sources Win. Collins, now of Lansing, was In our Wacousta, (Pole Raising), at 9o'clock, Thurs­ —The fair terminated with a cold at our late county fair was $3,220.74 . village Saturday. day Afternoon, October 13. rain. —Remember the social at Mrs. Sea­ Galusha Pennell made a business trip to DeWitt, Thursday Evening, October 13. —Krepps, DeWitt & Co. defy compe ­ man ’s this evening. Supper from 5:30 Detroit last Monday. Bath, Friday Evening, October 14. O pening . / tition in fine engraving, finest m town. to 7:30. Will Metzger, of Detroit, was a guest of J. C- HON. HUGO P. GEISLER, of Saginaw. —Columbus in costumes of olden Hiclcs last Thursday. Grove School-house. Watertown, Thursday —On Thursday last B. F. Miller of Mrs. B. G. Honlou, of Clinton. IU., is here evening, October 13. up town feed barn, stabled and fed 307 time, at Newton hall, Friday evening, visiting her old friends. Round Lake, Victor. (Pole Raising) at 2 p. m , This invitation is for you horses. October 21. H. D. Selden. now of Newaygo, Mich., spent Friday, October 14. to attend —The last cheap excursion over the —$150 were the gross receipts of the Sunday last In our village. Victor Town Hall, Friday evening, Oct. 14. Duncan McGIbbon lias been spending a week Jason 8chool-bouse, Riley, Saturday even ­ the opening display of Fall and Winter D. & M., for this season, left here Congregational dining hall, under the ing, October 15. yesterday morning. grand stand, at the fair. with friends in our village. Millinery at Miss Klla Heed, of Grand Rapids, is visiting HON. T. E. TAR8NEY, of Saginaw. —You will see a fine display of —Geo. Fowler, the “Candy Kitchen” her sister, Mrs. L. K. Patterson, this week. St John, Tuesday evening, Oct. 25. J. T. Cole db Co.'s, trimmed millinery at J. T. Cole & Co ’s., man has returned to St. Johns and will J. H. Co.-bit returned from his somewhat ex­ HON. CHARLES I. DEYO Saturday, October 15, 1892. Saturday, October 15. re-open in the corner room in the Union tended "i«it In Denver, last Tuesday evening. Elsie, October 18tb. block. Frank Keys, of Ithuca, who spent his boy ­ Eureka, October 19th. —Harrison Sherman served nearly Eagle Village, October 20th. —Recollect the meeting of the teach­ hood days in St. Johns, visited at Chas Cart­ 600 dinners on the fair ground on Thurs­ wright’s, on Louis street, durina the fair. All evening meetings day last, the “big day. ” ers’ association next Saturday, October Rev. Dr. A V. Leonardson, formerly of St. HON. FREE ESTEE. —John E. Henderson is the secretary 15. Teachers and friends of education Johns, is now practicing medicine (homeopath) Watertown Center, October 18th. of the recently organized creamery com ­ invited and expected. at Owosso, with no small degree of success. Gunnisonville, October 19th. pany operative association at Fompeii. —We notice in looking over the list of Prof. B. C. McClellan, the balloonatic, was in Bath Station, October 2Utb. —The school-house in the Gardner prizes that Mr. Hamilton received first town from Saturday noon ’till Monday. He All evening meetings. will close the season this week in Wisconsin. Money to Loan on Farm Lands. district, Binghan and Bengal, has been premium for his photos. This is a Dr. H. M. Kates started on Tuesday in answer The best of work at modest prices a completely repaired, and is now in fine point the people should not forget. to a telephone call, to attend some sick horses Interest seven (7) per cent payable the St. Johns Steam Laundry. Itlg Line —The Columbus Day concert will be northeast of Ithaca, and will be at home to-day. annually. No commissions charged. shape. rant Mr. and Mrs. E. E. White and their mother, Of Winter Hosiery just received at Enquire of L. G ', A good, clean Bed for 25 cents at the —Procure your reserved seats for the the finest of the kind ever given in St. Chapin & Co ’s. 1263-tf. St. Johns. Mich. Central House. Columbus Day concert at Hunt ’s drug Johns. Don ’t miss it. For the benefit Mrs. Morey, returned from their extended European trip last Saturday evening in good Auctioneer ’s Services. store, Wednesday, October 19, at 7 of the Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. Love A Guy, of Fowler, Livery, Feed and Sale Darn. health. Have just purchased a large assortment After twelve years experience; I offer Having leased ot J. M. Dodge the o ’clock a. m. —The Cleveland,O., Plaindealer says; Geo. Coleman, treasurer of Liviuirston of all grades of Lumber, Lath, and my services to the public as a cryer at barn nearly opposite Wood ’s grist mill; —P. D. Andrus, of this village, claims “Rev. L. Morgan Wood preachesto one county, spent last week in St. Johns visiting Shingles. All who are desirous of build ­ public auctioneer sales—Terms favor ­ also, the barn connected with the Cen­ that his 17 months old French coach of the largest regular audiences in the the fair and his nephew, Harry Coleman and ing would do well to call before buuyuig able. J. Berry . tral House, have connected them in mother. colt recently walked two and one-half entire west. Hear him at Newton hall elsewhere. Optical Department such a manner as to render them con ­ Mr. and Mrs Frank Caswell, of Portland, venient and safe for the above named miles in half an hour. to-morrow evening. and Frank Catlin, of Lapeer county, were Hamilton's is really the place for fine At Allison ’s Jewelry store. Eyes tested business, with accommodations for over —Sickness has confined Prosecuting —Dr. J. J. Travis has located his guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Rice during our photos. free of charge. 100 horses. [1349tfJ J. W. IIillikek . office over Fildew & Millmau’s Drug county fair. Attorney Patterson to his bed a num ­ Fall Millinery and Fancy Goods. For a Good Square Meal J. G. Watkin and A. B. Hal com went to Flint For good weariug Shoes, go to ber of days past. He is now about store. The doctor is a graduate of the Chapin & Co ’s. Our salesrooms this fall are full of as for 2*5 cents, go to the Central House, •again, but not fully recovered. University of Michigan, class 75-6, and Monday to attend the encampment of Odd pretty a collection of Millinery and St. Johns. has been in active practice ever since. Fellows. A number of other members of this Stray Colts Fancy Goods as has ever been seen.— —There were comparatively few lodge followed on Tuesday. Came into my enclosure on section 28, Styles and Designs that are new. novel Carpets. accidents at our county fair last week —1Those who have contracted for lots Jas. R. Caldwell, formerly of this village, Bengal, on Sunday, October 9, 1892, and captivating. Prices that will sur­ The largest and best assorted stock of considering the number of people in at­ in the Edward Brown addition on Oak­ and now of Seattle, Wash , is here visiting his three 2-year-old colts, one iron gray, prise you. Terms that will please you. carpets in St. Johns is at Kendrick ’s. sister, Mrs. Dr. Pollard. He went to Bay City wearing*polk ; one black and one brown. tendance, and none of them serious. land street, should bear in mind that at All are invited to call and examine our To the Farmers, —J. J. Moinet has sold the handsome least one-half of the contract price must last Monday to visit a brother. The owner will please call, prove prop ­ goods. IIicks & Seaman . Geo$Oreen and Mrs. Franoes, brother and erty, pay charges and take them away. 16 Clinton Avenue. Are you going to build new fence residence and grounds on Clinton ave­ be paid before the allotment takes place. sister, who had been visiting their cousin, Mrs. W. A. Sw agaut . this season V If so. be sure and see the nue north, lately occupied by him, to —Morgan Wood, while but 24 years of F M. Osborn, tbis village, returned to their Grain Bags at John H icks ’. Keystone woven wire styles before you The Reason Why. complete your arrangements. Audrew J. Miller, of Duplain, who age, is styled by the Detroit Tribune : homo in Northvtlle, last Monday. Mrs. Itock, forelauy in the millinery Cloaks. Wm. I*. Schanck . Ag't., takes immediate possession. The Modern Savanarola. ’’ He is Mr. C. M. Swan, the efficient manager of the 1329-tf ’ St. Johns. St. Johns Mercantile Co.'s store at North Star, department of J. T. Cole & Co. ’s popu ­ Before you buy that cloak, call and —The young friends^ of Miss Zaida without doubt the most thrilling speak­ lar store, is employed by one of the best see the styles at John H icks '.
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