Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16) Boolean Satisfiability and Beyond: Algorithms, Analysis, and AI Applications Matti Järvisalo Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland Abstract Modulo Theories (SMT), and are also becoming central com- ponents in Boolean optimization procedures, either on their This overview accompanies the author’s IJCAI-16 own, or together with state-of-the-art integer programming Early Career Spotlight Talk, highlighting aspects of systems. For many practical settings, modern SAT solvers the author’s research agenda with a strong focus on can be viewed as generic “practical NP oracles” that can be some of the author’s recent research contributions. used a building blocks for developing complex search proce- dures for tackling important problems beyond NP. 1 Introduction In the rest of this companion paper of an IJCAI-16 Early The importance of constraint satisfaction and optimization is Career Spotlight talk, I aim to give an overview of some of underlined by our need to solve and reason about increasingly my recent research contributions, focusing on development, large and complex systems and computational problems, aris- analysis, and AI applications of SAT-based approaches within ing from AI and industrial applications, as efficiently as possi- and beyond NP. ble. Motivated by this need, a fundamental quest is to under- stand the underlying factors that make real-world instances 2 Inprocessing SAT Solving of computational problems hard to solve, and, going beyond Decision procedures for SAT, especially modern conflict- this, to harness this knowledge for developing efficient and driven clause learning (CDCL) SAT solvers, first put for- robust algorithms for solving hard computational problems ward by Marques-Silva and Sakallah, act routinely as core with high practical relevance. In this quest, it is central to solving engines in many industrial and other real-world ap- combine rigorous theoretical and empirical analysis of hard plications today. Formula simplification techniques applied decision and optimization problems with the development of before the actual satisfiability search, i.e., in preprocessing, robust practical automated reasoning techniques, rather than have proven integral in enabling efficient conjunctive normal focusing on either theoretical analysis, implementation-level form (CNF) level SAT solving for real-world application do- work on constraint solvers, or domain-specific application mains, and have become an essential part of the SAT solv- studies alone. ing tool chain. While the most important single preprocess- From the classical theoretical perspective, determining ing technique for SAT is bounded variable elimination, in re- the satisfiability of a given propositional formula, i.e., the cent line of work [Heule et al., 2011; Järvisalo et al., 2012a; Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem, is one of the most fun- Heule et al., 2013; 2015] we have taken SAT preprocessing damental decision problems in computer science, being the further by developing novel clause elimination [Järvisalo et canonical NP-complete problem. From the more applied per- al., 2012a; Heule et al., 2015] and binary clause reasoning spective, however, despite the presumed intrinsic worst-case techniques [Heule et al., 2011; 2013] that can provide further intractability, state-of-the-art SAT solver technology today al- simplifications especially when applied in conjunction with lows us to tackle immense structured search spaces in an ef- other preprocessing techniques. ficient manner, to the point that SAT provides the best prac- Going beyond developing new algorithmic techniques, un- tical approach to many important problems, surpassing the derstanding the effects of different preprocessing techniques efficiency of dedicated algorithms. on the underlying problem structure of CNF-encoded prob- The SAT-based approach is a form of declarative program- lem instances is important, in terms of both the interplay ming: first, a reduction, often referred to as an encoding, between different CNF-level techniques and the potential of from the original problem at hand to propositional logic is achieving structure-based simplifications solely by reasoning developed. A complete algorithm for determining satisfia- on the clause-level. In this line of work, one of the ma- bility, i.e., a SAT solver, is then used to obtain either so- jor insights is that blocked clause elimination simulates var- lutions or proofs of non-existence of solutions to the orig- ious earlier structure-based simplifications for circuit-level inal problem instance. SAT solvers act as core search en- representations, including, e.g., the Plaisted-Greenbaum en- gines within other decision procedures developed for vari- coding [Järvisalo et al., 2012a]. Another important ques- ous expressive declarative languages, such as Satisfiability tion is how efficiently specific simplification techniques can 4066 (even in theory) be implemented; in order to be applicable rise of surprisingly effective constraint solving technology, (until fixpoint) in the SAT solving workflow to real-world including e.g. SAT and integer programming (IP) solvers, problem instances with up to tens of millions of variables enables finding optimal solutions to complex NP-hard real- and clauses, simplification techniques need to be scalable. world problems in a variety of domains. As shown in [Järvisalo and Korhonen, 2014], one way of The number of real-world applications of Maximum sat- formally analyzing the runtime complexity of simplification isfiability (MaxSAT), the optimization counterpart of the techniques is via proving lower bounds conditional to the infamous Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT), is increas- strong exponential-time hypothesis. ing as recent breakthroughs in MaxSAT solvers are mak- Taking things further than mere preprocessing, some of the ing MaxSAT more and more competitive as a constraint strongest SAT solvers today add more reasoning to search optimization paradigm. A great majority of state-of-the- by interleaving formula simplification and CDCL search. art MaxSAT solvers are core-guided, heavily relying on Such inprocessing SAT solvers witness the fact that imple- the power of SAT solvers as very effective means of prov- menting additional deduction rules within CDCL solvers ing unsatisfiability of subsets of soft constraints, or unsat can leverage the efficiency of state-of-the-art SAT solving. cores, in an iterative fashion towards an optimal solution. However, applying complex combinations of simplification Side-stepping from the more popular approach of develop- rules during CDCL search comes at a price. It requires ing MaxSAT algorithms based solely on iterative applica- in-depth understanding on how different techniques can be tions of SAT solvers, the SAT-IP hybrid MaxSAT solvers combined together and interleaved with the CDCL algorithm MaxHS by Bacchus and Davies and, most recently, our own in a satisfiability-preserving way. Moreover, the fact that LMHS [Saikko et al., 2016a], implement the so-called im- many simplification techniques only preserve satisfiability plicit hitting set approach first proposed for different con- but not logical equivalence poses additional challenges, since texts by Karp et al.. In fact, these solvers are among the in many practical applications of SAT, a solution is required best-performing solvers in recent MaxSAT Evaluations (http: for satisfiable formulas, not only the knowledge of the sat- //www.maxsat.udl.cat). LMHS also offers various additional isfiability of the input formula. Hence, when designing in- features, including an incremental application interface, so- processing SAT solvers for practical purposes, one also has lution enumeration [Saikko et al., 2016a], and integrated pre- to address the intricate task of solution reconstruction. The processing [Berg et al., 2015a; 2015b]. central article on inprocessing [Järvisalo et al., 2012b] estab- Motivated by this success, in recent work [Saikko et al., lishes formal foundations for inprocessing SAT solvers via 2016b] we outline a general framework for implicit hitting set an abstract framework that captures generally the deduction algorithms (see also Figure 1). Specifically (but by no means mechanisms applied within inprocessing SAT solvers. The restricted to), the framework is developed with instantiations framework consists of four generic and clean deduction rules. based on SAT and IP solvers in mind; the SAT solver acts Importantly, the rules specify general conditions for sound in- (or, going beyond NP, multiple SAT solvers act) the role of processing SAT solving, against which specific inprocessing a “core extractor” used for extracting non-solutions, and the techniques can be checked for correctness, as well as cap- IP solver acts as a hitting set optimizer, used for ruling out ture solution reconstruction for essentially proposed simplifi- the thus far found non-solutions from further consideration. cation techniques. The framework thus provides novel algorithms for a variety Going beyond pure SAT and thus NP, a goal is to gener- of hard reasoning tasks via modularly instantiating the core alize known SAT preprocessing techniques and to develop extraction and hitting set modules in domain-specific ways novel simplification rules for more general SAT-related con- via SAT and IP solvers specifically well-suited for the respec- texts, such as Quantified
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