No. Calif. Radio Logs, Week Beginning Friday, Oct. 6

No. Calif. Radio Logs, Week Beginning Friday, Oct. 6

No. Calif.—Two RA DI O-T E L E VISI O N LIF E OCTOBER 6, 1950 No. Calif. Radio Logs, Week Beginning Friday, Oct. 6 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 1:45—EGO —Ted Malone. 8:05—KCBS —Let's Pretend. * KGO —News. KNBC — We Love and Learn. 8:15*KFRC —News. 1LFRC--Hawaii (DAYTIME) 4—KCBS—Curt Massey Time. s:za—KFRC —Bess Bye. KNBC--Texas Rangers. * KFRC —Fulton Lewis, Jr. 8:30—ECBS—Junior Miss. 6 :45—IWO —Bert Andrews. 8 —KCISS —This Is San Fran- * KGO —News. KFRC —Haven of Rest. — KCBS--Sing It Again. cisco. KNBC — Wonian's Secret. E NBC —Smilin' Ed McConnell K FRC —Army & Air Force. * KFRC —Cecil Brown. 4:05*KGO —Headline Edition. —ItCBS —Theatre of Today. 7 IWO —Marry-Go-Round. KGO —Breakfast Club. 4:15—KCBS--Strike It Rich. K FAC —Flying Feet. 9 KNBC —Basin St. Chamber K NBC —Morning Serenade. * KFRC —Frank Hemingway. EGO —Red Murrell Show. Music Society. 8:15* KCIIS—Dave Vane, News. KGO —Ann Holden. KNBC —Junior Jingles. 7 :30 — K ERC--Salute to * KFRC —News. KNISC —Life Can Be 9:30—KCBS —Grand Central Reservists. 8:25—KFRC —Bess Bye. Beautiful. Station. 8:30—KCBS —Grand Slam. 4:30*KFRC —Behind the Story. KFR('—Music. EGO —Can You Top This? K FRC —Bible Institute Hour KNBC —Dr. Paul. KNBC — Mind Your Manners. KNBC--Grand Ole O m. 0 — KCBS—Vaughan Monroe. (M,W,F); Haven of Rest 4:15—KCIRS —Bob Callahan, Songs. 9:45--KFR(1—Story Teller. K FRC —Amateur Hour. (Tu,Th). * KFRC —Sam Hayes. 10 —KCBS—Stars Over Holly- KNBC —Jack Berth Show. * KNBC -11. V. Kaltenborn. EGO —The Lone Ranger. KNBC —Llimension X. 8:45— KCBS —Rosemary. 4:50-1(00-- Music for Milady. * KFRC —News. 8:30—KCB.S--Gene Autry Show. K NBC —Pop Preview. KGO — Minutes in Melody. EGO —Barn Dance. 9— KCBS — Wendy Warren. FRIDAY EVENING K NBC —Signposts for Young K FRC — Kate Smith Speaks. Scientists. KNBC —Good Old Days. Murrow, News. KGO —Luncheon Club. e*KCBS—Ed 10:15-1CFRC —Gospel Singer. 9—FiC114--Hopalong Cassidy. * KNBC —News, C. Leisure. KFRC —Mark Trail. K NBC —Operation Rhythm. *RFIC('—News. 9:05—KNBC —Music for Today. KGO — Waitin' for Wakely. 10:30—ECKS—•Give and Take. Quiz. KG0-- What Makes You Tick? 9:15—KCBS —Aunt Jenny. KNI1C —Jolly Bill. K FRC —Pigskin ¡'reviens. KNBC--Hit Parade. KFRC —Garden Guide. 5:15*KCBS —Jane Todd, Com ment KGB —A merican l'armer. 9 :15- - KFRC —Hoosier Hot Shots. KNBC —Dial Have Garroway KNBC —On Our Bandstand. KNBC —Chicago Roundtable. 9 :30— KCBS —Gangbusters. 5:30*KFBS —Chet Huntley. 9:25*KGO —Edwin C. Hill. 10:45-1(1,10'—ColieLy ('hoir. EGO —Shoot the Moon. KFRC —Cliallenge of the KNBC —Burgie Music Box. 9:30—KCBS —Helen Trent. 1 1.— KCH1? -1eiri els With the K FRC —E mily Barton. Yukon. 9 :45—KFRC —Dink Templeton. EGO —Space Patrol. KGO —Quick as a Flash. KFRC —Social Security 1 ra*KCBS —Chet Huntley. K NBC — Woman's Magazine. * KNISC —Joe Gillespie, News. 5:45*KCBS —Frank (loss, News. EGO —Gridiron Frolic. V KFRC —John Wolohan Orch. 9:45—KCBS —Our Gal Sunday. K NBC — Mary Lee Taylor. * KNBC —News, Joe Gillespie. * KNBC —Elmer Peterson. * KG0--News. Sister. 5:55*KC1B8 —Local News. 11:15—KFRC--Goodwill Industries n—KCBS--Big Talk. 10:15—KCBS —To Be Announced. 1lif*KFRC —News. E GO —Falstaff's Fables. EGO —Victor LimBahr. e —KCBS —Songs for Sale. EGO —Football: Wisconsin KFRC —G. Williams Orch. v8. Illinois. EGO —Football Scoreboard. • )(NBC —Remember When U *KFRC —Gabriel Heatter. 11 •Y(1--.71, —`t,,,,!-% KNBC —Accent on Music. (M); Fiesta Time (Tu); * KGO —Edwin C. Hill. 11:30— KCBS--Family Party. 10 :30—KCBS--Capitol Cloakroom. Piano l'ortraits (W): KNBC — Music of Americas. Tones in Blue (Th): KFRC —C.S. Treasury KFRC —Acme Hop. 6:(A5-1(GO —Ira Blue, Sports. Varieties. EGO —Claremont Oral. Standard School (F). 6:15*KFRC —Mutual Newsreel. 10:15—KCBS —Ma Perkins. K NBC —National Farm and KNBC —Itig Evening. * KGO —Elmer Davis. * KCBS —News. K FRC--Tello-Test. Home 6:30—KFRC —Answer Man. 11:45—K FRC —Hollywood High- 11 * KG0 —News. * KGO —Batikliage Talking. KGB —Hits and Encores. 10:30—KCBS —Young Dr. Malone. lichts. 11 :05—KCBS —Organ Melodies. K NBC —Night Beat. 11:15 -1K(.0--Ira Blue, Sports. EGO —My True Story. 6:45*KFRC —Sam Hayes. --FCCBS —Refresliment Time. 16* KFR('—News. 11:30—KCBS —Treasury Bandstand, KNBC —Break the Bank 6:55*KFRC —Bill Henry and the 111. * KNBC —C. Leisure, News. KGB —Round About Midnight (9f,W,F)• News. KNBC — Melody Masters — KCISS —Treasury Bandstand. 12:15--K FRIr—S 1dewaPc Reporter. K NBC —St. Francis Orch. K NBC —Pro and Con. 11 :55*KCBS..News• (Tu). K FRC —The Hidden Truth. 10:3.5-1KFRC —Sweeney. 12:30—KCBS —Football Roundup. * KNBC —News. EGO —Cavalcade of Sports. KNBC —Flight Internati I. 10 :45—KCBS —Guiding Light. K NBC — Wanted. 12:45—KFRC —Here's to Veterans 10:55—K60 —Betty Crocker. 7 :15—KCBS —The Chicagoans. SUNDAY _ Ke.s_Footbaii Roundup. 14 —11C aS—Second Mrs. Burton. 7 :30— KCBS —Treasure Tune Show. 8 Lake Tabernacle KFRC —Ladies Fair. K FRC —The Cisco Kid. 1 KFRC —Air Force Show. —HCBS--Salt KNBC —Siport of Kings. Choir. EGO —Betty Crocker. K NBC —Bill Stern, Sports. KFRC —.Back to God Hour. 1 -:10—KFRC —Land of the Free. KNBC —Diuble or Nothing. 7:45—KNBC —To Be Announced. * KGB —News. 11:15— KCBS —Perry Mason. 8* Thomas, EGO —Treasury Show. HCBS—Lowell E NBC —Slim Bryant's * KNBC —News. EGO —Recipe for Listening. News. 8:15— KGO —Morning Song. 11:30-1FCCBS —Nora Drake. K FRC —Tomorrow's Football 1:45—KFRT —Football: California KNBC —Art of Living. KFRC —Queen For a Day. KGB —The Fat Man. vs. Pennsylvania. 8:30* KCIRS--13111 Dorais, News. * EGO —John B. Kennedy. K NBC —One Man's Family. lb—KCBS —Football Roundup. K FRC —Chamber Music. K NBC —Live Like ab 8:15 —KCBS —Jack Smith Show. Kw EGO —Tea and Crumpets. K FRC —Music Box. K FRC —John T. Flynn. EGO —Let There Be Music. 11:45—KCBS —Brighter Day. * KNBC — M. Beatty, News. 1FCNBC — Men of Music. 2:15— KNBC —Football. KNBC —How Does Your EGO —Musical Lunch 8:30—KCBS —Broadway Is My Garden Grow. Counter. 2:30—KCBS— Make Way for Youth Beat. 8 :35 — KCBS--Invitation to 141)*HCBS —Don Mozley, News. K FRC —True or False. 2:45— EGO —A Man and His Music Learning. sib—KCBS —Joe Wershba, News. Ke*KFRC —News. EGO —This Is Your F.B.I. CI—KCBS —People's Platform. * KNBC —C. Leisure, News. K NI3C —Darrow of the K FRC —Foothall. K FRC —Radio Bible Class. 12:15 —KCBS —Nona From Nowhere Diamond X. EGO —Home Institute. KGO —Comie Weekly Man. K FRC —,Sidewalk Reporter. 9— KCBS —Like Everybody Else. IFCNB('—Football. * KNBC —News. *FCGO —Bay Area News. 3:15 —KCBS —Memo From Lake *KFRC—News. 9 :15--KNBC —Strietly Speegle. K NBC —Road of Life. EGO —Ozzie and Harriet. Success. 12:30— KCBS —Houseparty. 3:30-1KCBS—S. F. Sports Review. 9 :30-ArEC ES--11. E. Smith. K NBC — World Affairs. KFRC —Voice of Prophecy. EGO — Modern Romances. 9:15* EFRC —Fulton Lewis, Jr. EGO —Bill Watson Show. 1FCNBC —Pepper Young. 3:45—KCBS —Garden Gate. EGO —Message of Israel. 9:30—KCBS—Beulah. KNEW —Eternal Light. 12:45—K FRC —Spiee of Your life. K FRC —Comedy of Errors. A—KCBS—The Chicagoans. 9 :415—KCBS--University Explorer. K NBC —Right to Happiness. EGO —Jack Armstrong. ITFRC —Foothall. 12:55*1FCCBS —Cedric Adams. )(NBC —Burgle Music Box. EGO —Rex Koury. 10 —* KCBSe--InNev,,sita. tion to Music. 1 —KCBS —Party at the Palace. 9:45-1(CBS —Club 15. K NBC —Footholl. K FRC —Flying Discs. 9:55*KFRC —Flve Minute Final. 4:15—KCBS—Ton Tune Time. EGO--Christian Science. EGO —Surprise Package. 1n* KCIRS—Chet Huntley. TG —Harry Wismer. E NBC —The First Freedom. 10 :15—KFRC — Mysterious Visitor. K NBC —Backstage Wife. 111CFRC —I Love a Mystery. 4:36..._treRS--11,es Brown Show. 1 :15-111NBC —Stella Dallas. * KGO —News. EGO —Scouting the Stars. !IGO — Musk of Today. 1:30-1KCEIS —Housenives' Protec- * KNBC —Richfield Reporter. 4:45-11CBS--Boh Callahan. 10 :30-1(FRC —Lutheran Hour. tive League. 10:15 —KCIRS —Hansen, Sports. Songs. EGO —Sunday Vespers. K FRC —B & D Chuckle *FCFRC"--Frank Edwards. * K FRC —Fronk He .nlnesvo v. E NRC —This Is Your Home. W agon. EGO —Tops in Tunes. EGO —Faith for the Future. inelnta timonadtdo,oMusic. EGO — Welcome to Hollywood Letts. 5—IFCCBS—Muqie You Know. 11—re, s— i, K NBC —Lorenzo Jones. 10:311-111Clet—Lewb, m ar tin. erme —Revirwing Stand. * KGO —Foreign Reporter. 1:45—KNIRC — Widder Brown. Com ment. EGO —No vy Wow. _ IFINFIC-- Music You Love. ell—KCBS —Hilltop House. IFCFRC —Acme Hop. K NBC —Know Your 11 :15 — EGO —Frank and Earnest. KFRC —Bob Poole Show. * KGO —John B. Kennedy. Symphony. 11:30--KCBS —Romance of the Highways. EGO —Home Institute. K NBC —Big Evening. 5:15*K"JB CliSr—.- 11;vanoelf. dsi d.nort Csotop mes eko.t K NI1C — When a Girl Marries 10:35—EGO —Beverly Hills Orch. K FRC —Gospel Singer. 2:15-11(eBS—Freddy Martin. 10:45—EGO —Roosevelt Hotel Orch. 5:30*IK R_Clitet—('hetFm EGO —Piano Playhouse. K NBC —Portia Fares Life.

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