UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 2012 What does UNF invest in? PAGE 7 BASEBALL BEATS GATORS BLACK AND BLUE PAGE 22 INSIDE 2 Wednesday, April 4, 2012 SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM news 7 expressions 14 sports 22 8 15 22 // THE HIDDEN LAKE PROJECT // COVER GIRL // UPSET CITY Students may have the UNF alumna Dominique Storelli, After struggling on the road, opportunity to get in touch with turned Hometown Hottie for UNF baseball comes back to their spiritual side when a non- Maxim, hit newsstands across the the friendly confines of UNF denominational building opens on country. and takes down a national campus. powerhouse. 11 16 23 // FUN IN THE SUN // TRAPPED IN THE CAR // MISSION SURFABLE UNF’s newest program looks to One UNF student raises awareness A student and two alumni travel bring more fans to the beach. for pet safety after she found a to Mexico to volunteer at an dog locked inside a vehicle in a orphanage and teach the orphans UNF parking garage. how to surf. WEB EXCLUSIVE IN EACH ISSUE COVER NEED MORE VISUALS WITH YOUR 02 INDEX 07 NEWS JOEY TARAVELLA NEWS? CHECK OUT OSPREY TV'S 03 HODGEPODGE 14 EXPRESSIONS INDEX PHOTOS NEWSCAST AT UNFSPINNAKER.COM 04 OPINIONS 22 SPORTS ANDREW NOBLE, ALEX KELSO, INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT, MAXIM.COM, REBEKAH ANDERSON HODGEPODGE SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM Wednesday, April 4, 2012 3 POLICE BEAT Check out more Police Beats online at unfspinnaker.com April 2 Alleged Hazing (Jacksonville Beach) - Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Laura Fox called UPD and relayed information regarding an alleged hazing incident involving the Kappa Delta sorority. An anonymous complainant contacted Fox and said she was not a member of the sorority but lived with three girls who were. She said the incident involved pledges with the sorority who were allegedly forced to drink alcohol while blindfolded. An officer con- tacted the complainant, who said she was not a witness of the hazing incident, but she one of her roommates told her about it. She did not know the exact date and time of the event, only that it was sometime during the Fall semester. She also said one of her roommates told her not to come home because hazing would be going on at the house. All three suspects, when interviewed, denied having any involvement in or knowledge of the incident. The investigation was suspended, due to a lack of witnesses and evidence. March 25 Criminal Mischief (Lot 16) - March 31 Marijuana Paraphernalia An officer met with the complainant who Possession (Osprey Landing) - An offi- said he went to his vehicle to leave and cer was granted permission to enter and noticed a scratch just below the door han- search the room by the room resident dle of the drivers door. He said the scratch after he noticed the smell of marijuana was not there when he parked his vehi- emanating from it. A marijuana pipe and cle. The damage was estimated at $200. a half-empty bottle of liquor was found. There was no suspect information, and a The resident claimed possession of the canvass was not done due to the remote items. Other occupants of the room at area of the parking lot. the time also gave verbal consent for the officer to search their belongings. A small March 26 Theft (Housing Maintenance amount of marijuana and a plastic bag Shed) - An officer met with the complain- with residue were found, which both be- ant who said he noticed a backpack blow- longed to the resident. The property was er and tree trimmer pole saw were miss- seized and put in the JSO Property Room. ing about 10 days ago. The pole saw was The suspect was issued a Notice to Appear worth about $250 and the blower about for possession of drug paraphernalia. The $450. The complainant did not have se- other individuals were also issued Notices rial numbers or any other identifying in- to Appear. formation to assist in finding the items. The date and time of the theft is unknown April 2 Attempted Suicide (Osprey because the maintenance building is of- Fountains) - An officer made contact ten left open and unsecured. A neighbor- with the subject who said he was feeling hood canvass was not conducted due to unstable, due to the death of an imme- the lack of an adequate date and timeline diate family member. The subject said he for the theft. might inflict physical harm upon himself. He was listed as wanted for military deser- March 29 Vandalism (Student Union tion by the United States Army. West) - An officer met with the complain- ant who said he parked his vehicle on the April 2 Drug Complaint (Osprey west side of the building while he ran an Crossings) - An officer met with a errand. He later returned to the vehicle Resident Assistant who was investigating and found it keyed or scratched on both a student housing drug complaint. The RA doors on the passenger side. He said his and the officer were granted permission vehicle did not have the scratch when he to search the resident’s room, where they parked it. There is no suspect information. found a bong, which had been used to smoke marijuana. Two containers of pot- March 30 Fraudulent Decal (UNF Drive) ting soil with no germinated seeds or ille- - A boot was placed on the suspect’s ve- gal substances were also found during the hicle for an altered decal. An investiga- search. The resident said he was attempt- tion revealed the decal belonged to an- ing to grow marijuana. The bong was other individual. It had been photocopied placed in the JSO Property Room, and the A diamond filled with clay and skirted with freshly cut grass holds center stage. and placed on the subject’s vehicle. The student was referred to Student Conduct. With spring season in full swing, players’ cleats crunch against the once-full sun- suspect said she borrowed the other indi- vidual’s decal and photocopied it because flower shells that scatter the dugout. The scent of A merica’s pastime triggers fans’ she could not afford a parking decal. She sense of smell as they take in an afternoon game brimming with Ospreys and Ga- was referred to Student Conduct. The tors. Heavenly, isn’t it? fraudulent parking decal was released to the complainant. COMPILED BY GRECIA VALENZUELA, JOSH BRANNOCK AND SEAN MURPHY Source: University Police Department Compiled by Maggie Seppi DISCOURSE 4 Wednesday, April 4, 2012 SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM 4 discourse SPINNAKER // UNFSPINNAKER.COM Wednesday, April 4 2012 Editorial Florida slowly takes the public out of education as research universities aim for elitist status “It is safer to have the whole people respectably enlightened than a few in a high state of science and the many in ignorance.” — Thomas Jefferson f you thought a 15 percent tuition dif- to the word “ivy.” State funding continues Iferential increase was tough to stomach, to decrease, and more of that financial re- just be glad you aren’t a Gator or a ‘Nole. sponsibility is shifted to the students of If Gov. Rick Scott approves a bill passed each university. by the Florida legislature last month allow- That does two things. ing certain research universities to raise First, it tells students that the taxpayers tuition and fees to the market rate, incom- are less willing to invest in higher educa- ing freshmen to the University of Florida tion and that those directly impacted by and Florida State University will pay more the university system — students — should than the rest of the state. bear more of that responsibility. HB 7129, or the State Universities of A line that is often used in tuition dis- Academic and Research Excellence and cussions is that students should view National Preeminence Act, authorizes their education as an investment, that de- state research universities to raise their spite the canyons of debt they will have to tuition more than the previous maximum navigate out of after graduation, students of 15 percent if they meet specified crite- should realize that in the long run it will ria, like high research expenditures, good pay off. retention and graduation rates and a high But this is a line that was originally ranking in nationally recognized univer- used to encourage the public to pay for edu- sity rankings. (See the full list of criteria at cation. Higher education is an investment http://1.usa.gov/HmrOSR) by the community, state and nation, an in- This bill, while it doesn’t affect UNF vestment the founding fathers said would directly since research isn’t as high a pri- elevate the level of society by educating it. ority here as other universities, further “On the diffusion of education among highlights the state’s stance on higher edu- the people rest the preservation and per- cation: STEM degrees are important, and petuation of our free institutions,” said you should get one, but we’re not going to founding father Daniel Webster. help you pay for it any more than we can Second, it makes higher education help it. harder to attain. The more the individual Over and over again, you have heard students are asked to pay, the less likely state representatives stress the importance they will be to choose to attend college at of STEM degrees. As they should. No one all. Unless you come from a wealthy family, will argue that these degrees are vital to or you manage to land a significant schol- keeping the state — and the country — at arship, you will likely end your collegiate the forefront of progress.
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