JCBPS; Section D; August 2017 – October, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4; 944-963. E- ISSN: 2249 –1929 [DOI: 10.24214/jcbps.D.7.4.94463.] Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences An International Peer Review E-3 Journal of Sciences Available online atwww.jcbsc.org Section D: Environmental Sciences CODEN (USA): JCBPAT Research Article Demonstration of the effective filtration and grazing of tilapias Sarotherodon galilaeus used for the biological control of microalgae and helminth eggs polluting the drinking water of the Ziga dam, Burkina Faso. NEYA Bapiyan Augustin 1,2 KABRE Tinkoudgou Jean André and SAWADOGO Moumouni 1 Burkina Faso National Water and Sanitation Monitoring Laboratory (ONEA), 2 Fish and Wildlife Training and Research Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) Received: 26 June 2017; Revised: 13 September 2017; Accepted: 30 September 2017 Abstract :This planktivorous mode, it arises that the near total of the preferential, secondary preys and some additional preys of the species consist of harmful kinds of alga to the quality of water (odors, taste, filling of the filters) and to human health (production of toxins).Indeed the examination of the mode of S. galilaeus made it possible to gather the preys according to the affected targets.The producing preys of tastes and odor in water consist of:Peridinium (preferential prey), Cosmarium (secondary prey) Synedra (secondary prey), Melosira (secondary prey), Anabeana (prey accessories), Microcystis (prey secondary), Scenedesmus (prey accessories) and Volvox (prey accessories).The preys colmatrices of filters are made up of:Peridinium (preferential prey), Cymbella (secondary prey) Synedra (secondary prey), Navicula (secondary prey), Melosira (secondary prey), Diatoma (additional prey), Tracholomonas (additional prey), Microcystis (secondary prey) and Anabeana (additional prey).The producing toxin preys include/understand kinds Ci afterwards: Nostoc (additional prey), Microcystis (secondary prey), Anabeana (additional prey) and Chroococcus sp (additional prey).Very harmful preys with human health as eggs of ascaris were also identified like prey preferential at the species. 944 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. D, August 2017 – October, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4; 944-963 DOI:10.24214/jcbps.D.7.4.94463.] Demonstration … NEYA Bapiyan Augustin et al. The analysis of the planktivorous mode of S. galilaeus from the MFI% cumulated, coupled with the multivariate regressions between the preys taken in dry season and rainy season and those introduced between the classes of size (88<ls<125 mm and 126<ls<242 mm) did not show any change of the mode of the species.The projection of the preys of the dry season on the preys of the rainy season and that of the class of size 88<ls<125 mm on that of the class 126<ls<242 mm, successively gave coefficients of correlation of 0,889and 0, 957. The intestinal coefficient (4, 96-11, 65) of the species made it possible to classify it among the trophic gilde microphage/macrophages and with the edge of the limivores. The coefficient of vacuity of the species is 2.817 for the rainy season;2.165 for the size ranging between 126 and 242mm;1.111 for the size from 88 to 125 mm;1.471 for the dry season and 1.703, all 411 captured subject.These low values of coefficients of vacuity in spite of the scarcity of the algae in rainy season, indicate the aptitude of fish to seek its preferential preys in order to satisfy its physiological functions.Taking into consideration what precedes, one can say that S. galilaeus has a broad spectrum of action on the harmful preys and could play a role of biological agent of fight in the data processing sequence of drinking water for the periods of efflorescences algales. Key words: filtering, chattering, odors, tastes, toxins, filling. INTRODUCTION The algae are organizations contain chlorophyll which develop in the water or in the wetlands1. In addition to these conditions, they need, to better thrive in their environment, elements such as the carbon dioxide gas, the mineral salts and of the light 2.The algae are the point of departure of the aquatic food chain that leads to the fish population operated by the man Iltis1. In this regard, we can say that they constitute an important resource vital for the man and aquatic ecosystems. However, some algal branch lines are recognized to be a danger to the man when their concentration in the waters of drink or leisure or in the flesh of animals edible, becomes important. Indeed, some algal branch lines such as the Cyanophyta, occur in the water of toxins such as neurotoxins, the hepatotoxines and dermatotoxines incompatible to human and animal health 3-11.According to several authors, the Cyanophyta are not the only branch lines to produce toxins incompatible to animal health, human health and avian. Among the algae, it was able to isolate in some strains of Dinophyta and Bacyllariophyta, toxins having effects: diarrheal, paralysing, neurological, amnésiants and azaspiracids in humans through the consumption of certain products freshwater and some seafood 7. The work of other authors have shown that some odour and taste in drinking water are caused by types of algae 12.Other types of algae are recognized for their ability to clog filters 13 plants for the treatment of water requiring frequent stops for cleaning14. According to some authors, the chlorine used for the disinfection of drinking water in contact with an important algal biomass, can produce Trihalomethanes (thms) and acetic acids15, incompatible to human health 16-18. in Burkina Faso, the quasi-totality of tanks of water catchment exploited for the purposes of domestic use are deductions of water to multiple use. It is to say that these same tanks of water are used for the market gardening, watering of animals and the treatment of drinking water. This multi-use quickly leads the deductions of water to the eutrophication, monitoring of important cellular concentrations during warm periods of the year14, 19. 945 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. D, August 2017 – October, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4; 944-963, DOI:10.24214/jcbps.D.7.4.94463.] Demonstration … NEYA Bapiyan Augustin et al. To cope with this problem, the S. galilaeus, a local species to economic interest in Burkina Faso and which people the lake of Ziga dam, is used as filter feeders and grazers of harmful algae to the quality of the water in the lake. This experience of the regime planctonophage of S. galilaeus, is conducted for the first time in Burkina Faso. It is a preventive action for the improvement of the quality of the waters of the deductions of water to multi use. It also proposes to be a contribution to the biological control; an alternative to the abusive use of chemicals, recognized effects on aquatic ecosystems and human health 20. METHOD AND EQUIPMENT Description of the middle of Study: The Burkina Faso is a Sahelian country who knows a deficit of mobilization of groundwater. The deductions of water being used for the purposes of drinking water are to 84% from the lakes from dam to open sky. All these sources of water are to multiple use and are experiencing an accelerated eutrophication which deteriorates the quality of the water. The Ziga dam created in 1998 did not escape this phenomenon anthropogenic. In effect, the lake of Ziga dam is the largest dam in Burkina Faso to the vocation of drinking water. It refuels in drinking water the city of Ouagadougou to more than 70% and all the villages crossed by the conduct of supply of water. It is located 50 km from the capital, Ouagadougou and mobilizes 208 million m3 of water in a period of flood. The current station of treatment of water to a capacity of 12000 m3 /h. OCCUPATION DES TERRES AUTOUR DU LAC DE BARRAGE DE ZIGA 1 0 700 000 710 000 720 000 4 0 Sabouri-Nakoara 1 0 # 0 0 Tampanga 0 1 0 N BURKINA FASO T4 amasgo 0 1 # # Sabouri-Natenga # Nioniopalogo # Bagabin# Noung#ou # # Ouitenga-Poecin # # Tiendpalogo Bissiga-Mossi # # Taonsgo Bis#siga-Peulh # Dayagretenga # TengsobaKiéma Silmiougou # Lemnogo Gondogo Tandaaga # Tansablogo # P8 # # Tambizinsé # Barkoudouba # # # Gandogo # 1 Ko0 mnogo Batenga 4 0 0 0 # 0 0 # 0 0 # Tampaongo 0 4 Sonpélcé 0 1 # # Ba# rkoundouba Mossi # # Danaogo P10 Betta # Absouya #P7 # Nabdoghin # # P9 # Siny Na#bitenga # Boulba # Basbedo # # Gounghin Tabin # Moanéga # # # Boalin # Nakamtenga 1 Nakamtenga 2 #P6 # Ipala # Sawana Ziniaré-Secteur 1 # Koulgandogo-Peulh # Bendogo # Moyargo 1 0 3 S0 oulogo # 9 0 P5 # 0 0 # Ouagatenga # Nioniogo 0 9 Ziga 0 3 0 1 Tamissi # Moutti # # P4 LEGENDE # Tamanéga # Matté # # Youtenga Mockin # # Village riverain Yarghin # P3 # Laongo-Taoré Point d'echantillonnage Laongo-Yanga # Nahoutinga # # # Satté # Gondogo P2 # P1 # Nahartenga # # # P0 Koratinga Nagréongo 1 0 Boudtenga-Peulh 3 0 # 8 Boudte0 nga Kolokom 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 1 700 000 710 000 720 000 7000 0 7000 Meters Figure 1: Map of track points of the homogeneity and capture of fish to the vocation of a biological control agent as Sarotherodon galilaeus in Lake Ziga dam, Burkina Faso It is located in an area of tropical climate, North-soudanien with two seasons. A rainy season from June to September and a dry season from October to May. The temperature and rainfall averages are successively for the last ten years of 29, 1 °C and 713 millimeters14 .As Figure 1 indicates, the lake is surrounded by more than 26 villages of farmers and ranchers. Cattle-rearing is extensive and negatively impact the quality of the water 946 J. Chem. Bio. Phy. Sci. Sec. D, August 2017 – October, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 4; 944-963, DOI:10.24214/jcbps.D.7.4.94463.] Demonstration … NEYA Bapiyan Augustin et al.
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