CONFRONTING ANTISEMITISM AND INTOLERANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE Washington DC, June 2017 PREFACE Acknowledgements Partners This report gives an in-depth overview of the German-Ame- rican expert exchange “Confronting Antisemitism and Into- Live Democracy! Program lerance,” which took place at the United States Holocaust This Federal Program supports civil society throughout Ger- Memorial Museum June 26-30, 2017. This report is the many, working towards the aim of a diverse, non-violent outcome of the collaborative efforts of the United States and democratic society. The Program is conducted by the Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and the Kreuzberg German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Initiative against Antisemitism (KIgA). Women and Youth. demokratie-leben.de The project was realized with the valuable financi- al and organizational support of the “Live Democracy” Pro- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) gram of the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, A living memorial to the Holocaust, the Museum inspires Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) and The Foun- citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent dation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ). Our genocide, and promote human dignity. Located among the gratitude goes to the BMFSFJ administration, especially to national monuments to freedom on the National Mall in Dr. Ralf Kleindiek and Dr. Iris Muth, and to Dr. Andreas Washington DC, the Museum has far-reaching educational Eberhardt and his team at EVZ. We are grateful to Ambas- programs and global impact. ushmm.org sador Dr. Peter Wittig for generously hosting a reception at the German Embassy in Washington, DC. The Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility Twenty-five German experts working on the pre- and Future (EVZ) vention of antisemitism, right-wing extremism, and other EVZ Foundation works to promote human rights and under- enmities gathered in Washington, DC. We would like to standing between peoples. The Foundation is an expression thank the participants, the Museum staff, and the American of the continuing political and moral responsibility of the and German speakers who generously shared their time and state, the private sector and society as a whole for Nazi in- experience and provided valuable contributions for the pur- justice and towards the victims. stiftung-evz.de poses of this exchange. Alesia Fishman, Sarah Hyams, Klaus Müller, and Kreuzberg Initiative against Antisemitism e.V. (KIgA) Tad Stahnke from the USHMM gave invaluable time, re- KIgA is one of the first German civil society initiatives to sources, and ideas to make this project possible. Dervis develop education-based methods for dealing with antise- Hizarci and Christopher Walesch from KIgA were the back- mitism in a multicultural German society. kiga-berlin.org bone of the organization from beginning to end. KIgA staff Emrah Gürsel and Mirko Niehoff were also actively invol- ved. Emrah Gürsel from KIgA wrote this report based on the documentation of the exchange. Confronting Antisemitism and Intolerance: An International Exchange 3 REMARKS FROM CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP Dr. Ralf Kleindiek Sara Bloomfield State Secretary Director German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Senior Citizens, Women and Youth This Exchange stemmed from a 2014 visit by State Sec- In Germany, antisemitism is no longer perceived as a rele- retary Dr. Ralf Kleindiek to the United States Holocaust vant social problem. There is a widespread assumption that Memorial Museum. His leadership led to our collaboration coming to terms with the crimes of the Shoah is sufficient for this conference with the BMFSFJ, the EVZ Foundation, to counter antisemitism. However, the report by the Inde- and KIgA. pendent Expert Group on Antisemitism, published in April The Museum was delighted to host an inspiring group 2017, paints a different picture: antisemitism is a pressing of 25 representatives from German organizations. The social problem. Antisemitic attitudes extend from the politi- group participated in a week of discussions with Museum cal margins to the middle of society. Jews living in Germany educators and representatives of American organizations perceive an increase in antisemitic incidents: from covert working on similar issues in the United States, exchanging remarks to open antisemitism and violence. Because of its ideas and practices about how to educate young people history, Germany has a special responsibility to confront about the history and lessons of the Holocaust so that they antisemitism and remember the crimes of the Shoah. Jews will help advance pluralism and social cohesion. This report must be able to live in Germany without fear. documents the richness of the connections and learning In 2015, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior that took place during that week. Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) launched the federal It has been said that we are living in an era of “the program “Live Democracy! Active against Right-Wing Extre- great unraveling.” A resurgence of hate, antisemitism, and mism, Violence and Hate.” This program supports preven- extremism, all empowered by ideologies and propaganda. tion work against all forms of group-focused enmity, discri- And the biggest game changer of all – the internet. Reaching mination, antisemitism, and racism. The Kreuzberg Initiati- young people has never been harder – or more important. ve against Antisemitism is also funded through this pro- As we know from the Holocaust, extremist ideologies gram. They are dedicated to the prevention of antisemitism provide simple answers to complex questions. Today their in the migration society through a variety of projects and appeal remains as strong as ever because human nature re- approaches. mains as susceptible as ever. Technology can change many In a joint effort, KIgA, the BMFSFJ, and the USHMM things, but it can’t change human nature. We will never pursue the goal of strengthening international networking in outgrow our tendencies to fear, resentment, and ignorance, the fight against antisemitism. The Remembrance, Respon- and our need for acceptance, belonging, and meaning. sibility and Future Foundation provides financial and plan- That is why the lessons of the past are more urgent ning support for this project. As a result of this cooperation, today than ever before and why the work of the conference the project “Confronting Antisemitism and Intolerance: An participants and the Museum depends on helping people International Exchange” took place in Washington DC from grapple with many hard questions that emanate from Holo- 26 to 30 June 2017. The project brought together 25 repre- caust history: How can we advance social cohesion in a sentatives of 22 political education organizations, nine or- world of individual empowerment made possible by the in- ganizations from the US, and experts from the USHMM. ternet? How do we build strong communities while avoiding For me, the meeting was not only enriching personally, dangerous tribalism? How do we promote free speech and but also demonstrated how fruitful the exchange and net- the sense of responsibility and skills required to address working of experts could be. I was delighted by the variety dangerous and hate speech? of projects presented in terms of content and methodology. This is a very bold aspiration that will require many The approaches ranged from dealing with the Shoah and friends and partners all over the world. We are very grateful linking the memory of the Shoah with current forms of anti- to longtime Museum friend Dr. Kleindiek for his leadership semitism to projects on inter-religious dialogue. and vision, and to Dr. Andreas Eberhardt, Chief Executive KIgA has produced this publication in order to present Officer, Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Fu- the central topics, the discussions and results, and to make ture, for their valuable support of this conference. We ex- them available to a broader public. I am quite pleased about tend special appreciation to KIgA, a long-standing partner that and would like to thank KIgA for organizing and carry- who played a lead role in planning this important gathering. ing out this exchange and for its essential commitment against antisemitism. I wish all readers an inspiring reading. 6 Dr. Andreas Eberhardt Dervis Hizarci Chief Executive Officer Chairperson The Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility Kreuzberg Initiative against Antisemitism, and Future Since its establishment more than 13 years ago, KIgA has Confronting antisemitism and intolerance is such a real is- implemented and participated in countless exchange pro- sue that it can only be encountered by a broad network of grams, and KIgA staff have seen different countries, part- people working together. ners, and approaches in numerous places around the world. That is what this project stands for: an exchange of But allow me to say that the publication you are holding in knowledge with a week of face-to-face communication that your hands is the result of one of the most extraordinary in- laid the groundwork for future cooperation and an interna- ternational exchanges KIgA ever organized. Even just a tional network. quick glance at the index will give you an excellent first im- At the moment Europe and the US are facing similar pression of the variety of discussions we had and the diver- challenges. Things we thought we had overcome rise again. sity of people who attended this exceptional
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