A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, July 8, 2004 Page 3 Atlantic Health Hospitals 21st District News Score High on Report Card There Is Need For Billy’s FLORHAM PARK – Atlantic a commitment to clinical care across Law in New Jersey Health System’s three hospitals have our health system.” earned superior scores on the State’s “Further, these indicators represent Assemblyman Eric Munoz, Summit new Hospital Performance Report, a collaborative effort and are the re- released by the New Jersey Depart- sult of the combined dedication of NEW YORK – Legislators from the protections that every citizen is ment of Health and Senior Services medical teams comprised of physi- New York and New Jersey joined entitled to.” (DOHSS), a further affirmation of cians, nurses and other health care forces to help protect the develop- Dr. Munoz added, “In a state that the ongoing commitment to quality professionals,” Mr. Trunfio said. mentally disabled and traumatic brain has recently come under national at- at Morristown Memorial, Overlook “Patients today are increasingly injured. On the steps of New York tention for child abuse problems, this and Mountainside Hospitals. The full informed – and want to be more so. City Hall, Assemblyman Eric Munoz, bill will go a long way to demonstrate report is posted at http:// While these quality indicators are M.D. (R-Union) announced a new to the nation that we are serious about web.doh.state.nj.us/hpr/ . only one set among many criteria by piece of legislation, “Billy’s Law,” the rights of our children.” In key indicators for heart attack which patients and their families se- that will create a registry and estab- The bill is named for Billy treatment, all three Atlantic Health lect a hospital for quality care, they lish inspections of out-of-state facili- Albanese, a traumatic brain injured System hospitals scored in the top 25 provide another helpful tool for pa- ties housing New Jersey developmen- New York resident who was placed in percent among New Jersey hospitals, tients to make savvy health care tally disabled and traumatic brain in- a New Jersey facility. While there, jured residents. The bill’s introduc- Billy was injured from an inappropri- with Overlook Hospital scoring in choices. In fact, all of the key health HAIL TO THE CHIEFS...Westfield resident Edward Capano, right, is pictured the top 10 percent. Morristown Me- care report cards from regulatory with President George W. Bush. Mr. Capano was recently named CEO of The tion comes two weeks after a similar ate use of restraints by staff at the morial also scored in the top quarter agencies, such as the State’s cardiac National Review. bill (A.9112b/S.5681b) passed over- facility. Upon further investigation, it in indicators based on treatment for report card and report cards from whelmingly in the New York State was found that the New Jersey facil- pneumonia. Medicare and the Joint Commission, Legislature under the sponsorship of ity was unlicensed, among a host of Joseph Trunfio, President and CEO indicate superior performance at At- Westfield’s Capano Named Senator Martin Golden and Assem- other deficiencies. Assemblyman of Atlantic Health System, said, “Our lantic Health hospitals. We commend blywoman Joan Millman. Munoz also pointed out that if the hospitals each provide a different mix the State for developing this tool as Assemblyman Munoz said, “New New Jersey Legislature had passed of appropriate services and serve dif- part of an overall strategy to provide Chief of The National Review York did not hesitate to pass legisla- another piece of legislation he spon- ferent communities, but an important the very best health care throughout tion to protect their residents, and sored, “Matthew’s Law Limiting the common thread is that the data show New Jersey.” By MICHAEL POLLACK hours a week part time at the maga- neither should we.” use of Restraints” (A1709), Billy may Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times zine and on the weekends to support Governor Pataki is expected to sign never have been injured. Fanwood Recreation Events Last week, Westfield’s Edward my education habit. After I graduated, the legislation into law in the near In summary, “Billy’s Law” will Capano took over as C.E.O. of The they offered me a full-time position future. require an initial inspection of all out- Summer Program: The Fanwood the basics. Campers must be be- National Review magazine after Wil- and the rest, as they say, is history.” Speaking on the necessity of the of-state facilities, from which the Recreation commission will con- tween 5 and 10 years old. The re- liam Buckley relinquished sole own- Mr. Capano, an English major at bill, Senator Golden said, “It is essen- Department of Education will estab- duct a seven-week summer program maining weeks of the camp are July ership after 49 years as the St. Johns, was the college sports edi- tial that New York State guarantee the lish an official register of approved for Fanwood Children at LaGrande 12 to 16, and August 9 to 13. The publication’s owner. tor and worked part time at the Staten safety of our children, our most vul- facilities require a reevaluation of all Park. The program began on Thurs- times are from 9 a.m. until noon. Mr. Capano has been the magazine’s Island Advance. nerable, whom we place out-of-state facilities every three years, or when- day, June 24, and will end on Fri- For brochures, please email publisher since October of 1991 where “I thought my sports writing abil- each year. It is for their safety, and for ever a complaint is brought against a day, August 6. [email protected] he is in charge “of the complete busi- ity would translate into political writ- the families of these children who are facility cause the Department of Edu- The programs are under the di- or call (908) 451-5123. ness end of the magazine.” ing, but it never did,” Mr. Capano physically distant from them, that cation to compile a report on the rection of Kevin Ewing, Executive Fanwood Baseball Camp: The “It’s been in the works for about said. “I was never up to the caliber of this law is necessary in New York.” feasibility of bringing all New Jersey Director and Tom Baylock, Assis- Fanwood Baseball Camp is an in- four or five months at the behest of Mr. writing we published in The National Assemblyman Munoz agreed with residents currently housed in out-of- tant Director. The staff consists of structional program run by Tom Buckley,” Mr. Capano said. “So, I was Review, but I wrote advertising and this necessity, and said that he sees a state facilities back into the State. Dr. the following individuals: Baylock, a teacher in SPF High excited, but I wasn’t really surprised.” marketing copy.” need for a similar bill in New Jersey: Munoz believes this a great step for- LaGrande Park Michelle Tobier- School and the Varsity Coach of “The only thing that changes is that The National Review is a diverse “I will continue to fight to protect our ward in fighting for the rights of de- Supervisor Amanda Wells Lauren the baseball team. The weeks are I don’t have to report to anybody,” paper, says Mr. Capano. They write most vulnerable citizens, and am velopmentally disabled and traumatic Bianco and Ned Kipping. The pro- July 5 to 9 and July 26 to 30 for Mr. Capano added. “If there’s a dis- about all facets of life from politics to sponsoring legislation in New Jersey brain injured individuals, adding that gram runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Kindergarten to fifth grade. The agreement between an editor and me, culture. The latest issue is devoted to modeled after New York’s “Billy’s he would “do everything in [his] weather permitting. The parks will time is from 9 a.m. until noon. For we used to go to Mr. Buckley as an the media and its biases. The last Law” to guarantee all of our residents power to get this bill passed in New close due to rain or extreme heat. more information call (908) 964- arbiter. Now, I’ll have the ability to issue focused on the legalization of Jersey and eventually nationwide.” The park will be closed on Mon- 0639. make the final say.” marijuana. The journal currently United Way Golf Dr. Munoz has already reached out day, July 5. Fanwood Tennis Camp: The Mr. Capano said the magazine will maintains a bi-weekly paid circula- to Assemblywoman Loretta Weinberg Summer Activities: The Activi- camp is run by Brian Maloney, a not be run in any different manner tion base of 155,000 subscribers, and Benefit Raises $35,000 (D-District 37), Chairwoman of the ties include Crafts, Tournaments, tennis pro who lives in Fanwood. because he has fashioned himself in a readership of over 310,000. SCOTCH PLAINS – More than Assembly Health and Human Ser- Games, Sports, and Special events. His experience is extraordinary. The Mr. Buckley’s mold. Mr. Capano moved to Westfield in 100 golfers recently hit the links at vices Committee, for bipartisan spon- There are two age groups: 5-7 year weeks and times vary. For more “I will run the National Review the 1976 and said he enjoys living there. “I Shackamaxon Golf and Country Club sorship of this legislation. The bill is olds and 8 years and up. Each week information, please call (908) 322- same way Mr.
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