Case Study of Infrared Deployment Technologies to Enhance Quality Control on Asphalt Pavements Pave-IR ScanTM October 2017 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No 3. Recipient’s Catalog No 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Case Study on Infrared Deployment October 2017 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Authors 8. Performing Organization Report No. Harold L. Von Quintus, P.E. and Joseph Reiter 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) C6B Applied Research Associates, Inc. 100 Trade Centre Drive, Suite 200 11. Contract or Grant No. Champaign, IL 61820 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Strategic Highway Research Program Draft Final Federal Highway Administration Office of Acquisition Management 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington DC 20590 15. Supplementary Notes Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR): Stephen Cooper 16. Abstract Infrared (IR) technology was recommended as part of the SHRP2 Technologies to Enhance Quality Control on Asphalt Pavements (R06C) product. As part of that recommendation, field projects were completed to demonstrate the use and effectiveness of an IR asphalt pavement scanner for control of asphalt mixture temperature uniformity, and to confirm the short and long-term benefits of the IR technology. A total of ten field demonstration projects and eight workshops were completed. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the field demonstration projects and workshops. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Infrared Technology, Infrared Scanner, Asphalt No restriction. This document is available to the public Pavement Construction, Quality Assurance, Quality through the National Technical Information Service Control 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield VA 22161 19. Security Classif.(of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized ii Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 Field Demonstration Projects ................................................................................................. 2 Alabama DOT Project .......................................................................................................... 3 Alaska DOT Project .............................................................................................................. 6 Eastern Federal Lands Project ............................................................................................ 8 Illinois DOT Project ............................................................................................................ 11 Maine DOT Project ............................................................................................................ 14 Missouri DOT Project ........................................................................................................ 17 New Jersey DOT Project .................................................................................................... 20 North Carolina DOT Project .............................................................................................. 22 Virginia DOT Project .......................................................................................................... 25 West Virginia DOT Project ................................................................................................ 28 Data AnalysEs and Observations from Field Demonstration Projects .................................... 32 Temperature Differential Defined .................................................................................... 32 Unprocessed Temperature Data....................................................................................... 33 Prescreening of Temperature Data .................................................................................. 33 Post-Processing of Temperature Data .............................................................................. 35 Application of Pave-IR ScanTM in Quality Assurance Programs .............................................. 46 Infrared Workshops Summary and Assessment.................................................................... 48 iii Tables 1 Field Demonstration Projects and Asphalt Concrete Layers Monitored with the Pave-IR ScanTM System .............................................................................................................................................. 2 2 Contacts for the Alabama DOT Demonstration Project .................................................................. 3 3 Contacts for the Alaska Demonstration Project .............................................................................. 6 4 Pavement Structure for the Alaska Demonstration Project ............................................................ 6 5 Contacts for the Eastern Federal Lands Demonstration Project ..................................................... 9 6 Pavement Structure for the Eastern Federal Lands Demonstration Project ................................. 10 7 Contacts for the Illinois Demonstration Project ............................................................................ 13 8 Contacts for Maine Demonstration Project ................................................................................... 16 9 Contacts for Missouri Demonstration Project ............................................................................... 19 10 Contacts for New Jersey Demonstration Project ........................................................................... 21 11 Contacts for North Carolina Demonstration Project ..................................................................... 24 12 Contacts for the Virginia Demonstration Project .......................................................................... 27 13 Contacts for the West Virginia Demonstration Project ................................................................. 29 14 Summary of Results from the Field Demonstration Projects; Percentage of Sections within the Different Temperature Differential Categories ............................................................................. 44 15 Effect of Delivery Method on Percentage of Sections within the Different Temperature Differential Categories ................................................................................................................... 45 16 Workshops and Other Outreach Activities on Application of Infrared Technology ...................... 48 Figures 1 Longitudinal Aggregate Segregation and Top-Down Cracking. ....................................................... 1 2 Location of Alabama DOT Field Demonstration Project showing Paths #1 and #2 of the Paver. ... 4 3 End-Dump Trucks Delivering Mixture to the Alabama Paving Site. ................................................. 5 4 Roadtec Paver and Roadtec Material Transfer Vehicle Used to Place the Mixture. ....................... 5 5 Hamm Roller Used in the Breakdown, and Sakai Roller Used in the Finish Rolling Position to Compact the Asphalt Concrete Mixture. ......................................................................................... 5 6 Location of Alaska DOT Field Demonstration Project showing Paths #1 and #5 of the Paver. ....... 7 7 Bottom-Dup Truck Delivered Mix to Alaska Paving Site. ................................................................. 8 8 Eastern Federal Lands US 1 Project Location ................................................................................... 9 9 -Dump Trucks Delivering Mixture to the EFL Paving Site .............................................................. 10 10 Illinois I-155 Project Location ......................................................................................................... 12 11 Illinois IL-116 Project Location ....................................................................................................... 12 12 End-Dump Truck Delivering Mixture to Caterpillar Paver on the IL 116 Project ........................... 13 13 Water Nozzle Installed in Front of the Rubber-Track to Reduce Mix and Tack Coat Pick-Up along the IL 116 Project ........................................................................................................................... 14 14 Maine I-95 Project Location; Segments Placed on September 15th and 16th ................................ 15 15 Maine I-95 Project Location; Segments Placed on September 18th to 28th ................................... 16 16 Paving Operation Used along the Maine I-95 Project ................................................................... 17 17 Missouri I-29 Project Location. ...................................................................................................... 19 18 Paving Operation Used along the Missouri I-29 Project. ............................................................... 20 19 New Jersey US 130 Project Location .............................................................................................. 21 20 Paving Operation Used along the New Jersey US-130 Project Location. ...................................... 22 iv 21 North Carolina I-40 Project Locations ............................................................................................ 23 22 Paving Operation Used along the North Carolina I-40 Project. ....................................................
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