...... m - ..: ..,.. - '2 0 0 0 vvvvw.mafiagicvalley.com RMCDt-; • ..'ASGN SMI I l k - CoC-.W 2270*^.. ■ ■ rJr.i'T>i. VALLiiY , UTU' B-T K.'O' r i I ■ m m Twin Falj;alls, Idaho/94th year,\ NI o : 339 ____ __ _J______Sund;day JD cccm b cr 5^ 19^^ 9 ------ ---- S - ' i G o o ^^ s m o r K i i n G r 0 ,B ■Gh r istMAS m T F sh ee lt e r s Laek baickup powerI ■ Lectur(res ■ 1 'iNTHEP/^PARK Tonight; T h e honorL ■> second ----- late instBllment of _ - Ghristtnasin ’ - :::ity Park, the ■” ~ p i - senator I • \ al Soropomist : ' t. Internal■nationdldiag-. , N ew series looW e s . ‘ tor\i Advr^fi j^Q. ---------^— VIotet Zinc f tlir “ ■ 'is^ediiled'forfor S p.m.^SiiS‘t ............... food boxM a l tha, . at \vildem es.ss issui; es •inTWinPMbatq t y ja r k - ..I_____ South Csnfral - • . ^Local'dreWiainamd musici^ . — ' - B y HA~f<oM(e n tvgd~^— " Con»muiilty Tlme»f<ewB writer J -pi^nninthepepariconthfi....._______ Action lisadquir- . ..rfoiir Sundayolgl ilght»befbre tm l n T a in TWIN FALLS - T he late1 Sen.’ -X3uistmas.AdnijImlssion is free Fafls.Th«. Frank Church alwaysays envied ; aid refteahmentents are avail- ^ . group's wars- Idaho Sen. William Boniltonili having r; ■ . Rafale.' •• hoosa holds sup* a mountain - Idaho’s>’s tnlla.st.-*.t nam ed after him. ptiM for sight But Church died knovinowinc the ^ W e a t h ei rR ' . ._____________ countlss, ____ largest wU^erness are;area in the, Today: Partly ^^H -eontainiinosur~' "Uilit«fd'States,"6ut£idcc of Alaska,’ . I. ^ A ^ ^ ^ had been renamed afteafter him - : d o u ^ w ith food th a t has to bscoohsd. The Frank Church-RiveUver of No light£ winds, Return Wilderness, saids; h is BstwM n'now ■ |High36.LowE widow, Bethine Churdi:Ji: -1 8 ;“ “--------------------------- andNswYsar's Frank Church servedved in-tho -— 1-Page A2----------- , Day 2000, tha _ Senate from 195656 tot 1981. ^ ^ M - i g »ney Bflpw la . ■ stock up on “ the Frank", in 1980, he h d p ed L _ _ i ^ g i c V ALLa i e Y I^ -1 : ^ pas8_the_1964 Wilderneirness Act,____ _ _ 1: ■ and- he helpeJ~c'reaife a te th e ^^H-pUorloeaw --------- ....... t'-- - ' .... - Sawtooth-National ReciIccre'atlo'n ' alnUrndrSX. Area in 1972. Micpcnrost- . Tlio 23*million*acre wil{wilderness ■ ages. No araa is a l ^ c y for Idaho andmd for ^ • ^ ^J~ « » » R efihavB ----- nation,-Beihlne Churchrch-told-a-------- gathering in Sun VolleyySatxirday Sa backup gsners- at the inaugural Frankik ChurchC tors. Lectures. “Wildernessss andai th e j American Mind," preseniscnted by ieMoitahp^"- ------------ -the'Environmental RRes esourcB :------SS—rfounducw homes'.les'ui'u wild - 1 pf KoTchum. I Bot she lamented thatat nom addi* H 'horseaiu^hSatuaturd^ at the tional wilderness has beenbcc pro- Bj /C^[^eqf^«itherhem ldaha tected since. This is no timitime to sit J -P a g eB l on our-laurcls, she admoiImoiiished the group. UMCHwiton The lecture series honor!noring tho • . m Money late senator is the braindlinchild of ■ Slowdmm: A(W;ti ■ Leo Brown, chairmanin oc f th e arA ofnew O)fficials i sa^y families5 should b , Frank Church Lecturess andar for- be selfrsuilicien t mer chairman of the-Rc« * c « 0 urcc , H Noyemb^sehtlVviIVvinfccon- ■ HTalneCavener i Center board. i . ■H ' smictiohtotaJ^^t Ir^oryKatm . I "We Uve h e re ^ thee edgeet of .......... ' Please see WIUERNESS.^.PagoA2 P - BB|lr >^on . -------- V-- . RUPiIPERT-llieRupertSenor ? I Sl'ORTS •..... ••= * • .............Certterler'ts'one of the places * BW-' preparing ;eMagle.Valleyresidehts t Batt speal I -Hoop ijero; Hie Uni[Jniversity of ■ shelter dur&gff severe t Mil aks / I Idaho will retUB tluthe basket-—•- - -wint«>-er-storm-or-otherenTBr^ "I I • '.balljereey.ofalWirVviniais ' 8«cy. V ■; . " ' Sl I '.ffigh School produc t If there.’s a long-term his mindf - - r - ^ ;aftemoon.'. p o Sr ioutage, ' don't e*pe« the ! to be any wanner than ~i someUmikankets: So '^oung recom- ‘ " PageCl £1^55.H ie center isn’t equipped ?eople get risady to take . ..withageI generator.......... v.. a hemsdves. ... > in a book i it’s nor alone. There isn’t {i o rn M i; : companies, diough they I -i^ANULYLlFIFE., Snated shelter in the area i ; can't guaralarantee there won’t be F o r m e r g o v e r n o r j disrupdons.30S, say thCT have tested I :^nQfictIngwltfHeetMI»;AduIts ne. ^ M ^ ;-;>e*e>ow«ft$,ltoftiii 1 ‘ ban reconn^ withthadoles. ( , J L ^le 'J feared-Y 2K b u « -o r a -.c,; prepanpared for the year 2000 backs satu s quoo oc n ' > winter Konri knocks out i ' ‘ diangeover. ... H . “ a n d a i ^ . ; - p ^ f c , ■ i'i for «rpnjIonged dine, peo- ' rf WSTT^T&now-lrtJDmirtonvi'iI5S5w£S^' I cialista sasay familiM °SoSd ' Indian gam bling ■ .'ingnen n li s t ^ ' can trow a'ft^ tMsbt'a ■g'............■ ■■ a on their own, said itnif* ^ tor er'a.i55re.w'Mntar.siDBU' e prepared, l a s t year, a ■ ; p ^ g g Sthe American R ed Cross r ' g B B ft.contact tne-tewrtean ft long the Mid*Atlandc' The Associated Press irunvvinFaBn^— ^ iO C k e d O D tT ^ w er'fo ra ------------ I h e SSawtooth a Chapter of the . TOonih,saidaidT«yBingham,who. , BOISE *-.After spendingling th e . ! ;. I fOpiMGN ■, nonpcoflofit group simply can't ^ jiv,;."* until FHdaylay was Cassia County^ final twoyaapt nf hkfftfm im UnS'eMpenSe oTa genera- . sc ------------ --------- ~anmguiuytywn^ecs-cobrdinacoif— s ' ‘just ere he ■ 'Aa^OOOOl: Idaho ne sdiook~~and.churdi« th eare ^ a , e r quidcer than a roiroom a t home Bingham 'ithout generators, the^^_^usj i s o for sh ^ x x s would gee cc am has taught emer-' !should stand, . I ' ^'dedde who will maX2 . S = coIxK with a higb^nergyjy candlej an d o, Mease se«Y2K. Page A2 • ' jformer Goy. ■. ^ t o ^ growing wolf>lfpopula- I -------- Phll B att has I -^i^toda^editoria]rialsays. ^ " shs ed . h is U ^ ' - v - amblvalence -Jnl^SjC k^ about Indian-cm rr*!g« T O talks gambling and I - S e c t i o n BY SECTIONse scollap sse; refonTnsm ay^ com e icom e dow n ectlonC ch!25|oT>tt.Hbune • " ■ firmly on the I ;SectIonA Sec The talks now movaove to Geneva - A nd PresidentPre Clinton said <side of the k Questioning police-A9W for a limited set of i I [father . 2 - Sport»0rt8 ... .1-8 SEATTLlrLE - Reforming the- ^____ of nejiotiations Saturday,ly, "I remain oprimlsdc ®tribes. m ^ ■ ------- over agricultural I I ;;NaUon ,3i.7-l2 Movie World Trad•ado OrgBhixation,'the- Utn Ll'and service that we8 canc use the coming While ■ — battle a y of sorad^ which sees aa,aggnjres- issues. But e\*en maaoreattendon months totoo tiarrow our differences restatini*' g h is phU B«tt I ■ ;W0f)d.. .13,16 ^ - of thousands'of protest-; iiVaU76 e x p o n agenda as a majof aj be'paid to bpi« lammed the streeu of cont pening up the and lanncinch a successful new firm opposi* I ^Opinion :.'.14-1S- Seciaction D, Z'SS& anBibutDT to U&p««perity.•. • ■-secretive \VTO tq_tq^pjtioyern-.^j.round.otglc IglQbalimdc talks.!!. ■■.______.tion« to gam- ast.w eek,«ow becomes---------TTl har-agemlff-ran "into"5 a ment organisations "1 ^ ------ TTZ----I'T--------^---- pfWISSffiMX&20 ^ tho most impressing issue for trade fire >ns a n d sm all In.tbe en blingingen* MOfO Ori^all3SST ... tom ... countries, ofreolexc : d ^ t m ^ U p L 'r7V‘.2 ^ ~ =3nini*tBrrtntrom: iM=t35 HemB5T=rfibo atal- 'V TO deliberations, ' - nadons, who:hose attempt to lauiKh im i L chasms dividividing them. European It Its »Ao believe th e WTO is hirun- . d o n ^ know if it is 8 partial andU.S.'nenegodators remained a t c i o n c e i v e d nd of vsde talks ended, hingling roughshod o v e r their coi ictlon!E ,v taffiuiS coo- overhaul o r a total1 ovetbaul,OT b ut loggertiead!sads over reducing agri- i«iidea, the retired chief cxecutjcurive - uid acrimony. “ ' centeros^ and from dere]opios<Ottwn* Pm sure the WTO n I ■ 3<jaho!^8t.4'7 itum s. L .1-6 ThB coUaplapse of the talks late try <i ).needs som^ ctiltural I trtr&de barriers while ^writes in hia new memoir thatIjat thei ry delegates who see tbe maid d thing,* said Pascal1 Lamy,I trade many de posidve impacr casino revem I (•- Commimmlty .A Fri^.wu*s 8 bitter b lo w io r U.S. trad:wdiM system ai a rich nkn devaloplitg nations P< in ’s commissiQaer for tbebe ISmember o^M wd d reientnient over hinave had on depressed reserjserva* . I ' Deary^irAbby..^. nd the Clinton admin- dubtub that hasn't benefited them.in. Eun^>ean Union.. Pleose see BATT. Pago'agoA2- * H I .. \ Croswssword.. .6 L iif a g ^ lSA hopess tqeontaactLandcl e r ' S S - ..... ■ M !^iB eeE5-4^ b-w bftt— b y become the missi ■ ■ 9 D H H H a * t > <w|nU9HB uBOOniUin ■ W J M I - - CbASSIFIt•ED Tunthroio u g h - ............ Jd their, stetsi^ test^ior, **IU» was not unexpectceted.” .. ^.1-^____ - c o n t i n g e Sncy.piaos,.,_S^ said. Polar Lander mani| P y e r ■ — Rfch«rd<h dc-«fter thfee V* ’ • Wtntwnto stray was not iu^i ., p ftfiods a I TlfltW ’ . • ■ ■ , Qf'ai tni »N c t W 1 5 1 1 S I M medianfcal deslu and' Friday without an dectrctronic BBEr*iH K 9i r • • mannfiiiu^cnirlngskOLItskiwes' - ;flatter from tfae S1&5 mil ENA, .CaUf.- - a.te5io ■, ^PASADBN R ot en g in e er^ Imaginib- .
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