8 Appendices

8 Appendices

8 Appendices Appendix 8.1 Study site locations with GPS co-ordinates for the vegetation surveys in Section 3 this report Ecological Vegetation Class abbreviations used in the table: GPGW = Gippsland Plains Grassy Woodland SW = Sedge Wetland Site summary of No. MGA EVC locality description management history easting northing 1A 527575 5794740 GPGW 600m N of Bengworden Rd, 200m E of Strathfieldsaye turn-off. fenced, ungrazed 1B 527232 5794218 GPGW Sand flat N of sand rise crossed by road. fenced, ungrazed 1C 527597 5793939 GPGW 100m N of Bengworden Rd. 10m W off Turners Rd on E side of track. fenced, ungrazed 1D 527720 5794308 GPGW 80m from Turners Rd fence, 500m from Bengworden Rd. fenced, ungrazed 2A 528247 5791376 GPGW 500m S of Bombing Range Rd, 2.5km E of Strathfieldsaye Rd. unfenced, grazed 2B 527395 5791752 GPGW 150m S of Bombing Range Rd, 2.0km E of Strathfieldsaye Rd. unfenced, grazed 2C 527173 5791045 GPGW 110m E of Bombing Range Rd, western boundary along old fence. unfenced, grazed 2D 527346 5791628 GPGW 550m S of Bombing Range Rd, 2.0km E of Strathfieldsaye Rd. unfenced, grazed 3A 542301 5802968 GPGW 5.5km S of Princes Hwy, 100m E of Redcourt Lane. fenced, ungrazed 3B 542425 5803305 GPGW 5.8km S of Princes Hwy, 100m E of Redcourt Lane. fenced, ungrazed 3C 543253 5802865 GPGW 6km S of Princes Hwy, 10m W of un-named track. fenced, ungrazed 4A 558200 5799998 GPGW 350m from Lake Victoria Rd, 60m S of Stringers Rd. unfenced, grazed by horses 4B 558322 5800027 GPGW 450m from Lake Victoria Rd, 20m S of Stringers Rd. unfenced, grazed by horses 4C 558395 5800026 GPGW 500m from Lake Victoria Rd, 135m S of Stringers Rd. unfenced, grazed by horses 4D 558467 5799840 GPGW 60m N of fence, approx 10m W of clearing. unfenced, grazed by horses 4E 557981 5800093 GPGW 40m S of Stringers Rd in front of horse paddock. unfenced, grazed by horses 5A 525257 5794231 GPGW 600m N of Bengworden Rd, 200m E of Strathfieldsaye turn-off. fenced, ungrazed 5B 523550 5794426 GPGW 100m E of bend in track. fenced, ungrazed 5C 525355 5794323 GPGW 60m W of unused road reserve. fenced, ungrazed 6A 527302 5793232 GPGW 110m from road in NE corner of remnant. unfenced, grazed 6B 526912 5793172 GPGW 190m from fence, beneath single large Red-gum. unfenced, grazed 6C 527204 5793139 GPGW 70m from fenceline on remnant edge, in regeneration. unfenced, grazed 6D 527301 5793016 GPGW SE corner of southern fauna search area. unfenced, grazed 7A 573839 5815406 GPGW 375m SE of intersection of Bumberrah & Swan Reach Rds unfenced, ungrazed at base of large Red-gum, 10m E of Red-gum regeneration. 7B 573888 5815405 GPGW 375m SE of intersection of Bumberrah & Swan Reach Rds unfenced, ungrazed 10m from fence, E of Red-gum regeneration. 7C 573765 5815407 GPGW 375m SE of Bumberrah and Swan Reach Rds intersection, unfenced, ungrazed approx 42m E of corner. 8A 562825 5820736 GPGW S off Omeo Hwy at School Lane (Sarsfield Reserve) unfenced, ungrazed 8B 562825 5820705 GPGW S off Omeo Hwy at School Lane (Sarsfield Reserve) unfenced, ungrazed 8C 562849 5820705 GPGW S off Omeo Hwy at School Lane (Sarsfield Reserve) unfenced, ungrazed 8D 562922 5820642 GPGW S off Omeo Hwy at School Lane (Sarsfield Reserve) unfenced, ungrazed 8E 562725 5820429 GPGW S off Omeo Hwy at School Lane (Sarsfield Reserve) unfenced, ungrazed 9A 573571 5815565 GPGW triangular paddock at intersection of Swan Reach and Bumberrah Roads. unfenced, ungrazed continued on next page 80 A biodiversity monitoring program for Gippsland Plains Grassy Woodland remnants of the East Gippsland Red Gum Plains Appendix 8.1 Study site locations with GPS co-ordinates for the vegetation surveys in Section 3 this report continued Site summary of No. MGA EVC locality description management history 9B 573497 5815504 GPGW triangular paddock at intersection of Swan Reach and Bumberrah Roads. unfenced, ungrazed 9C 573522 5815535 GPGW triangular paddock at intersection of Swan Reach and Bumberrah Roads. unfenced, ungrazed 10A 573106 5815542 GPGW at intersection of Swan Reach Rd and Kettles Lane (Bumberrah Rail Reserve). fenced, ungrazed 10B 573105 5815449 GPGW at intersection of Swan Reach Rd and Kettles Lane (Bumberrah Rail Reserve). fenced, ungrazed 10C 572908 5815238 GPGW at intersection of Swan Reach Rd and Kettles Lane (Bumberrah Rail Reserve). fenced, ungrazed 10D 572992 5816470 GPGW at intersection of Swan Reach Rd and Kettles Lane (Bumberrah Rail fenced, ungrazed Reserve), 20m W of large Red-gum, 30m S of fence. 11A 532986 5811837 SW N end of Cowell’s Lane, in middle of Saplings Morass. unfenced, ungrazed 11B 532960 5811652 SW N end of Cowell’s Lane, in Saplings Morass. unfenced, ungrazed 11C 532960 5811590 GPGW N end of Cowell’s Lane, Saplings Morass, 20m N of track. unfenced, ungrazed 11D 533035 5811990 GPGW N end of Cowell’s Lane, Saplings Morass, 10m S of track. unfenced, ungrazed 11E 533059 5811774 SW N end of Cowell’s Lane, Saplings Morass, 20m W of track – unfenced, ungrazed middle of fauna search area. 12A 537755 5812628 SW S off Bairnsdale - Lindenow South Rd, in Lindenow South Reserve. fenced, ungrazed 12B 537706 5812628 SW S off Bairnsdale - Lindenow South Rd, in Lindenow South Reserve. fenced, ungrazed 12C 537682 5812567 GPGW S off Bairnsdale - Lindenow South Rd, in Lindenow South Reserve. fenced, ungrazed 12D 537413 5812600 GPGW S off Bairnsdale - Lindenow Sth Rd, in Lindenow Sth Reserve. fenced, ungrazed 100m NE of fence, E of stringybark stand. 13A 530635 5804242 GPGW Frews Rd - SW corner of remnant. fenced, ungrazed 13B 530684 5804303 GPGW Frews Rd - 80m N of NE-running fenceline. fenced, ungrazed 13C 530831 5804395 GPGW Frews Rd - 70m E of gate. fenced, ungrazed 14A 550419 5804786 GPGW Robinson’s at intersection of Aerodrome & Commley Roads. fenced, ungrazed 14B 550394 5804694 GPGW Robinson’s at intersection of Aerodrome & Commley Roads. fenced, ungrazed 14C 550370 5804756 GPGW Robinson’s at intersection of Aerodrome & Commley Roads. fenced, ungrazed 15A 551004 5804625 GPGW (Robinson’s) 0.5km E on Commley Road from intersection with unfenced, grazed Aerodrome Rd. 15B 551003 5804502 GPGW (Robinson’s) 0.5km E on Commley Road from intersection with unfenced, grazed Aerodrome Rd. 15C 551101 5804623 GPGW (Robinson’s) 0.5km E on Commley Road from intersection with unfenced, grazed Aerodrome Rd. 16A 534394 5797986 GPGW Simpsons - approx 10km S of Princes Hwy on Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd. unfenced, ungrazed 50m E of exclosure plot. 16B 534418 5797986 GPGW Simpsons - approx 10km S of Princes Hwy on Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd. unfenced, ungrazed 45m NE of exclosure plot. 16C 534418 5797986 GPGW Simpsons - approx 10km S of Princes Hwy on Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd. unfenced, ungrazed 30m E of exclosure plot. 17A 534222 5797803 GPGW Simpsons - approx 10km S of Princes Hwy on Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd. fenced, grazed S of exclosure plot. 17B 534304 5799744 GPGW Simpsons - approx 10km S of Princes Hwy on Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd. fenced, grazed E edge of exclosure plot. 17C 534345 5797894 GPGW Simpsons - approx 10km S of Princes Hwy on Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd. fenced, grazed W edge of exclosure plot. 18A 528089 5795260 GPGW Turners Rd near Perry Bridge. N off Turners Rd, S edge of remnant in unfenced, grazed sedge area. 18B 528089 5795198 GPGW Turners Rd near Perry Bridge. N off Turners Rd, E corner of remnant. unfenced, grazed 18C 528091 5795630 GPGW Turners Rd near Perry Bridge. N off Turners Rd, NE corner of remnant. unfenced, grazed 19A 534110 5805971 GPGW at ‘Emu Park’ on Robertson’s Lane, S off Princes Hwy. unfenced, ungrazed 19B 534035 5805633 GPGW at ‘Emu Park’ on Robertson’s Lane, S off Princes Hwy. unfenced, ungrazed 19C 534010 5805356 GPGW at ‘Emu Park’ on Robertson’s Lane, S off Princes Hwy. unfenced, ungrazed 20 removed from study - refer Limitations & Qualifications p. 4 continued on next page A biodiversity monitoring program for Gippsland Plains Grassy Woodland remnants of the East Gippsland Red Gum Plains 81 Appendix 8.1 Study site locations with GPS co-ordinates for the vegetation surveys in Section 3 this report continued Site summary of No. MGA EVC locality description management history 21A 551614 5800734 GPGW 200m S of unused (treed) road reserve. planted roadside buffer 21B 551586 5800149 GPGW 1km S of unused (treed) road reserve. planted roadside buffer 21C 551583 5799563 GPGW 1.7km200m S of unused (treed) road reserve. planted roadside buffer 22A 552731 5799825 GPGW start - gate 585 on Romawi Rd. (3km S of Peecks Rd.) no roadside buffer 22B 553249 5800651 GPGW on Romawi Rd, 1.1km S of Peecks Rd. no roadside buffer 22C 553126 5800498 GPGW on Romawi Rd, 2.2km S of Peecks Rd. no roadside buffer 22D 552942 5798405 GPGW start - south from gate 630 on Romawi Rd. no roadside buffer 23A 536917 5805670 GPGW Whitkiss’ – W off Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd, approx 2km S of Princes Hwy. planted, previously grazed S side of Emu Creek (on a bend). 23B 537015 5805576 GPGW Whitkiss’ – W off Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd, approx 2km S of Princes Hwy. planted, previously grazed N side of Emu Creek (incl large Red-gum). 23C 537009 5804313 GPGW Whitkiss’ – W off Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd, approx 2km S of Princes Hwy. planted, previously grazed E bank of Emu Creek near twisted mature Red-gum. 24A 536771 5805794 GPGW Conway’s – E off Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd, approx 2km S of Princes Hwy. not planted, ungrazed, 30m NW of bridge on island. fenced 24B 535632 5807838 GPGW Conway’s – E off Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd, approx 2km S of Princes Hwy. not planted, ungrazed, 40m W of site 23A. fenced 24C 536577 5805981 GPGW Conway’s – E off Lindenow – Meerlieu Rd, approx 2km S of Princes Hwy.

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