STANDING STRONG FOR 1,557 DAYS THE FIGHT’S NOT OVER YET OCTOBER 17-24, 1999 VOL. 4 NO. 48 75 CENTS THE DETROIT © S u n d a yIo u r n a l PUBLISHED BY LOCKED-OUT ETROIT NEWSPAPER WORKERS ©TDSJ SPORTS Winning football is no passing fancy, says Lions quarterback Charlie Batch, above. Page 25. NEWS While the United Auto Workers had some tense moments during negoti­ Journal photo by GEORGE WALDMAN ations with Ford, the Former Art Van salesmen Ozzie Casterlow, left, and Steven Collins claim the chain failed to promote blacks and condoned racial bias relationship remains in the workplace. strong.P age 3. ENTERTAINMENT Nicolas Cage says he doesn’t have to change Art Van-illa? his evil ways. He needs to get in touch with his Black salesmen accuse furniture dark side.P age 7. By Michael Betzold out Michigan, discriminates againstblack workers also have been fired for Journal Staff Writer its Detroit customers. minor violations for which white wo African-American sales­ Ozzie Casterlow, the top salesman workers were not disciplined. INDEX men have filed suit againstat Art Van’s Ann Arbor store, was Art Van spokeswoman Chris Art Van Furniture Inc., say­fired after providing an affidavit forMorrisroe a said the company will not Classifieds Page 22 ing the company discrimi­civil rights complaint filed by co­comment while the case is still in the Tnates against black employeesworker and Ste.ven Collins. Collinsdiscovery phase. She did say, howev­ Crossword Page 23 retaliated against the two for protest­claimed the chain failed to promoteer, that “Discrimination is not some­ Entertainment Page 7 ing a manager’s racially chargedblacks and condoned racial bias thingin that we tolerate. We treat all remarks. the workplace. He was transferred toour employees the same.” Movie Guide Page 9 Depositions in the lawsuit alsoa store with lower sales volume and, The plaintiffs in the suit, filed in Opinion raise questions about whether Arthe says, harassed by managers untilWayne County Circuit Court, said Page 6 Van, which is headquartered inhe resigned under stress. Sports Page 28 Warren and operates stores through­Casterlow and Collins said other See ART VAN, Page 5 Program clears smoke on tobacco issues Cultivating her roots By Jacqueline Cutler TLC and the BBC, pulls no punches. TVData Features The first episode, Lighting Up, uses Farrah Fawcett plays ome disputes burn with suchblack and white clips showing World a wayward woman controversy that it’s difficult War I doughboys smoking and who returns to visit to remember there are two details how tobacco companies tar­ her dying mother and sides. Over the last genera­ geted soldiers. It explains how the stays to save the farm Stion, tobacco has become one modernof those mass-produced cigarette she grew up on, 9 issues. started in the South with Buck p.m. Sunday on CBS, Although people who think theyDuke, who realized the potential Channel 62. know enough about the topic mayprofits from a machine that could not tune in to a three-hour documen­make cigarettes rapidly. tary spread over two nights, there is Also depicted in the documentary no one who could be familiar with is the link between smoking and the wealth of information containedglamour. As Hollywood stars got in “Tobacco Wars.” It airs Thursday hooked, they effectively shilled for — 1964 — that the U.S. surgeon destine shipments of tobacco seeds to and Friday on the Learning the cigarette companies. general issued a report specifically Brazil. The new strain was rife with Channel. The companies also realized they on the dangers of smoking. nicotine and was to be grown secret­ “When I first got the rough draft ofwere losing half of their potential In the second episode, Smoke ly abroad and shipped back to the the scripts and the original rough market because few women in the Screen, also airing Thursday, the states for use in American cigarettes. cuts, the surprising thing was I 1920s smoked in public. Marketingdocumentary explains television’s The documentary offers this as final thought I knew everything aboutexecutives the called cigarettes “torches role in cigarette promotion. It also proof that tobacco companies have history of tobacco,” said Mary Ellen of freedom” to entice women to light details Liggett & Myers’ efforts to manipulated nicotine levels to addict Iwata, vice president for develop­ up. By the end of the decade, female develop a “safer cigarette” and why smokers. ment and special projects at TLC, cigarette smokers were placed in the the company later pulled the plug onIf there’s any message coming from and executive producer of the docu­Easter Parade to try to break the the project. the film, it is “pay attention,” Iwata mentary. “It has been on the news taboo. Certain brands, such as Lucky For the first time, Liggett says. here. You just don’t realize how muchStrike, were designed to attract researchers tell the entire story and “I don’t think it’s meant to preach research was going on. The surpris­women. detail the industry’s resulting panic to people,” she explains, adding the ing thing was how much was going By World War II, civilians on the — because inventing a “safer” ciga­ real message may be, “Do your on that we didn’t know about.” home front were sending cartons torette would imply that the cigarettes homework so you can’t be fooled by One breath of fresh air in “Tobacco their boys overseas. already on the market were not safe. people in advertising. I don’t think Wars” is watching Bennett LeBow, In the 1950s, as lung cancer rates It wasn’t until the mid-1980s that you are going to get people to stop chief executive officer of the cigaretterose, scientists began to study the tobacco companies were hit with law­smoking, but they may think about giant Liggett & Myers Inc., admit effects of tar and nicotine on mice. suits, and the ramifications of the how they are being manipulated.” the North Carolina company could When cigarette manufacturers, who decisions were felt, according to the be out of business in 25 years unlesshad employed the scientists, realized documentary. it sells its product to children. the gravity of the findings, they had The third episode, Smoked Out, Jim McFar That’s just one example of how thethe lab mice killed and the research airing Friday, focuses on the court­ documentary, narrated by journalist destroyed, according to the documen­room battles of the 1990s. In 1994, column wil Walter Cronkite and co-produced by tary. It was more than a decade later U.S. investigators discovered clan­ Reuters cent of all U.S. cigarette sales, also paign would underscore its involve­ T k EW YORK — President said that smoking “is addictive as ment in four philanthropic areas: | \ I Bill Clinton and tobacco that term is most commonly used hunger, disaster relief, curbing youth PM’s foes last week said Philip today.” access to tobacco, and domestic vio­ JL ^ Morris Cos. Inc. had wait­ Until now, those points — that lence. ed too long to finally acknowledge smoking is unhealthful and addictive Clinton grudgingly welcomed that medical evidence points to — have been hotly contested by Philip Morris’ acknowledgment that smoking as a cause of lung cancer Philip Morris, which along with evidence shows smoking causes lung and other lethal diseases. other cigarette makers has been the cancer, and said it was long overdue. On a new Internet site launched target of fierce litigation on behalf of Philip Morris, which had global Wednesday, the world’s largest ciga­ sick and deceased smokers. tobacco sales of $11.6 billion in the sec­ go up inrette maker for the first time said The New York-based company said ond quarter of this year, could not there is an “overwhelming medical it had unveiled the Web site — immediately be reached for comment. and scientific consensus that ciga­ www.philipmorris.com as part of The Justice Department filed a rette smoking causes lung cancer, a campaign “to communicate more lawsuit Sept. 22 against tobacco com­ heart disease, emphysema and other openly with the public” and polish panies,its including Philip Morris, to smoke serious diseases in smokers.” image. Published reports said the recover much of the $20 billion spent Philip Morris, whose Marlboro campaign would cost $100 million aby the federal government every year and other brands account for 53 per­year. Philip Morris said the cam­ on smoking-related illnesses. SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON OCTOBER 17,1999 I 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:3011:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 | BROADCAST CHANNELS FOX News News Fox News Sunday [Lions Pregame | Fox NFL Sunday® National Geo. |Cops ® [Cops® [V.I.P. "Dr. StrangeVal" NFL Football ® NBC News Today Sunday Today (In Stereo) ® Flashpoint [OpenHous I[Meet the Press ® Riches Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Lighter Side | Gravity Games (In Stereo) ® Baseball Playoffs ABC News Matlock “The Star” ® Healthy |This Week ® I Roger E. News Spotlight Surviving the Y2K Crisis Women at Risk: Cancer To Be Announced Auto Racing ® CBC Raccoons Gardener [Coronation Street (R) Riverdale (R) ® Man Alive Food Pamela Wallin | Women | Fashion File To Be Announced Reflections [Reflections WB Kennedy Keith Butler |Victory Creflo Xena: Warrior Princess Relic Hunter “ Flag Day” Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Movie: ***■*r “Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (1988) Beastmaster “Obsession” Baywatch Hawaii ® PAX In Touch |John Hagee Today Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Video Computer Store Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. I Paid Prog.
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