Index of Places. 289

Index of Places. 289

288 INDEX OF PLACES. 289 Bena.ere, 41 Bocking, 61, 68 Broad Hinton, Brodehen- Benamy, Baname, 133 Bolebi, Boleby, ,e,e Bulby ton, 85 Bencoolen, 174 Bolyu, 20*, 23* Brocher, near Bradfield, 58 Beningborough, 51 Bonthorpe, see Brunestorpe Brocket Hall, 271 * Beningworth, 83* Boothby, Boeby, Boebi, Bromehall, 245 Bennington, Long, 2 Bobi, 31, 79, 80, 226 Bromhale, 95 Bentley Grange, 116 Bordeaux, 174 Brompton, Brampton, 158 INDEX OF PLACES. Herford (! Burford), 90 Boroughbridge, Hurrow- Brompton (Yorks.), 229 Bergavenny, au Aberga- brig, 175, 183, 247 Brooke, 266 venny An asterisk (*) nfwr a number denotes thnt the name occurs more than once on BoBBe.11, 172*, 173*, 174 Broomhill, 73 Bergh Upton (Apton), 266* Boston, de Saucto Botulfo, Brotherton, 187, 251 that page. Berkedene, M,mor of, 235 53, 68, 77 Brough ton, 111, 267 This Index does not include the Places mentioned in "The 4096 Quartiers of the Berkeley, Berchelea, 10* Boswayne, Manor of, 235* Brown Ua ndover, 23 I Prince of Wales." Berkshire, 64', 68, 89, 93, Bothwell, 137*, 138*, 139* Brox tow, Broculuestou,155, 96*, 97*, 116*, 117, 128, Boulley (1 Boulogne), 67 157, 227 131, 132, 233, 263, 270 Boulogne, 67, 17 6 Brugee, 178 Abbots alia« Shaford, 193 Arley, Arnleg, Erneslea, Bardney, Bar', 77 Bermyngeham, •~ Bir- Boulogne, Honour of, 12 Bruuestorpe (1 Bonthorpe), A b botstoue, 13 Ernlee, Ernleg, 10, 11 *, Barking, 193* mingham Bourn, Bruma, 35 227 Aberdeen, 73, 74 18 Barkisland, 65 Bernardiston, 160 Bourne, 109 Brunnam, 32 Aberaaveuny, Bergnvenny, Arncliffo D,1le, 229 Barlborongh, 242 Bernay, 149*, 151* Bow Brickhill, Bowbruke- Bryghteaton, au Bright• 162 Arthingworth, 53, 64*, 55* Barlow, 57 Berwick (Sa.lop), 280 hill, 267 atone Abinhdou, 3, 64, 128*, 167, Artois, 143, l 44 Be.rmoffet, 21 7 Berwick on Tweed, 198 Bowden, Bowdon, 17 Buckinghamshire, 42, 184, 271 A s~:n·by, Asgnl'ehi, As- Barmston, 183, 184 Berwick (co. Wilt1), 6, 8, Box, Boxe, 280 195, 197, 200, 231, 267* Acaster, 107, 108 gerhy, 78•, 227 Barnard (Bernard) Oastie, 11, 12• Bo:r.grove, 3*, 4, Ii Buckton, 158 ACHster,Selby, 107 Ash, 114 215* Berwick (co. York), 12 Bradfield, 58 Bukeham, 162 Ackworth, 53*, 116, 117", Ashbourne, 58 Barnborough, 57, 59, GO*, Beverley, 58, 130, 251 Bradford Peverel, 10*, 11, Bulby, Bolebi, Boleby, 79, 187 Ashby, Escheby, 78 61*,176 Beverton, 9, 10 12* 81, 164, 227 Ackwor'th Park, 61, 52*, Ashen, 38 Barrow, Manor of, 70 Bicester, Biaseter, Burn- Brafferton, 108 Bulmer, 107* 53•, 187 Ashford, 65 Barton, 227, 271* cester, 127 Braham, 103 Bunny, 58 Aeomac, 127 Ashton-iu-Oraven, 203 Barton Court, 270 Biddestone, 132 Braithwell, Braywell, 56 •• Buntingforcl, 69 Acres, 214 Ashtou-in-Makerfletrl, 203 Barwick, 131 Bie1twall, 37 57*, 58·, 59* Burford, 66; ,ee11lso Berford Adlington, 21, 23 Ashton-on· Mersey, 2(13* Bashall, 119 Bifrons, 17 8 * Rra.kenburgh, 182 Burgbwallie, 251 *, 252*, Adwick, 115 Ashton-umter-Lyne, 202, Basing, 1, 4, 5, 6*, 7•, 8*, Billingborough, Billing- Bramcote, Brarneoote, 154* 253* Ac\wick-upon-Street, 112 203* 9* 11 * 12 13* burc, Bili'gburch', Be• 155, 156*, 157, 227 Buriton, 264 Aire, 143, 144 Aske, 248* Bath: 54, 'a6, '97, 114, 248 lingburc, etc., 30*, 32, Bramley, 11, 55, 66*, 67 Burnby, 62,54, 105*, 106 Aldhorough, Aldbrongh, Askehy, 238 Ratley, 110" 84, 78, 81, 82*, 156, 157, Bramley Grange, 67 Burneston, 246 112, 183, 185 Askham, 52 Bawtry, 182, 183 226, 227• Bramley Hall, 57 B11rril,114 Aldrington, 243 Aslackby, Aslakebi, As• Beaconsfield, Bekenesfeld, Bil1by, Billeaby, 156 Brampton, 183, ,ee a/10 Burton Abbey, 56 Allerthorpe, 246 lakby, Aslacbi, etc., 32, 180, 231 Bilton Park, li5 Brompton Burton Stanhope, 107 Alintuna (1 Allington), 225 ss, 34*, 154, 158, 223*, Beauchieff, 17 3, 174* Biubrooke, Bynbroke, 156 Br •. mpton le Morthing, Bury St. Edmunds, 68, 87 Allostock, 21 224*,227* Bech worth, Bechesworbh, Birehanger, 195 56 Buskby, 247 Altrincham, 17 Aspden, 196 162 Birdsall, 106 Brandleshome, 129 Bualingthorpe, 253 Ambleside, 62 Astbury, 47, 205 Beckingham, Bekyngham, Birkenhead Priory 17 Braudsby, 108,253 Buxton (Norfolk), 227 America, 72, 132, 133, Aston, 241, 242*, 247, 248 40 Birkin, Byrkyn 63' 64 113 Brau nstou, 111 Bynbroke, Ill Binbrooke 134; Dedharn (Ma••·), Atherstone, 161 Beckside Hall, 62 Birmingham, 'Be~mynge- Bray brooke, 4 2 Byram, 187 134; HRdley (M~s•.),135; Attinghnm, Atyngbam, 230 Bedale, 18, 114 ham, 94 Brayton, 241, 242 Byres, 132 M:1rylnnd, 114 ; Med• AucklPy, 128 n~ddington, 24 3 Bin1cogh,204 Breunilwell, 132 Byrkyn, aee Birkin field (Mnss.), 134; New Auethorpe, Hnwthorpe, 225 Bedfordshire, 88, 124, 267 Bintal, 66 Brenny, 58 Byrom, 62 Englnnd, I 93 ; Virginia, Anlahy, 51 Beedoo, M,mor of, 271 Birtborpe, Birkethorpe, 33, Bretn.nby, 60 Byry, 231* 117, 127• Austrey, '.64 llekenesfeld, see Beacons- 78, 80, 88*, 154, 227* Brickhill, Little, 267 Ampthill, Amphill, 267 Averham, 48 !ield Biahop'e Hatfield, 64' Brickhill, Much, 267, 268 Ancaster, 64 Ayrshire, 74 Bekyngham, see Becking• Bi1hop Wilton, 185* Bridgewater, 63 Andwell, 8*, 10* ham Bitchtield, Billesfeld', 79*, Bridlington, 173 Belgrave, 21 * 227 Brightstone, Bryghteston, Cadiz, 197 Andwell Priory, 10 Buley, 266 Ankenford Bridge, 85 Beliugt-On, 2, see Benning· 92 Cadzow, 71i* Backwell, 64, 211* ton Blaby, 164 Brimham, 248 Caen, 1'7 Antigua, 130, 131* Blakesley, 185, 265 Antingham, 266 Baconsthorpe, 59 Bellerby, 246 Brimafield, Brumesfeld, 24· Caitloch, 74 Badgwortb, Orer, 211, 213 Bellsyde, 75 Blantyre, 75 • 26 Calaia, 258 Antony, 113* Blantyre Farm, 78, 76 Appleton, Appulton, 85, Badley, 175 Be\swardine, 198 Brinaley, 119 Caldecote, 1611 Badsworth, 59, 187 Belton, 6i Bletloe, Bleteho, 1, 13 Briatol, 181, 174, 193", Caldmarham (f Old Mar. 233 Blyaworth, 88 Apsley Guise, 267, 268 Bake, 118 Belvoir, Belueir, Beuuer, 194 211, 218 ham), 77 Balax, 82 Balueire, Bauueer, 34, Boantal, 271 • Brittany, 2, 4, 6 Caley, 48 Ardtouchill, 138 Bobyngworth, 61i* Arlr.sey, 112 Balylinch, 62 223, 225 Braham, 280, 281 Calverley 171:'i V 290 INDEX OF PLACES. INDEX OF PLACES. 291 Cam berwell, Ca.merwelle \ Chetelton, 161 Coventry, 39, 66 Dingley, Dyngele, 238* East Stonehouse, Estston• Florence, 17 8 236 Chetilthorp, see Theddle• Cowick, 242 Diss, 68 hous, 239 Folkingheta, 30, 31, 32, Cambridge, 39 thorpe Coxwold, 243 Ditcbeat, Dycheeyate, 170 J<:aton, 193 227* Cambridgeshire, 43, 178, Cbirldingly, Chudynglee, Craig, East, 28 Ditehling, see Dychenyng Ebbelesburoe ( ! Ebbee- Fonmon, 2, 13* Craiusby (? Cransley), 114 195, 200, 264 163 Doddington, 65 bonrne), 232 Fonmon Castle, 2*, 3, 13 Cam bridge University, 268; Chieveley, 96, 97 Orausley, see Crainsby Dolington, 265 Eccles, 68 Fontevranlt, 3, 4. Gonville and Caius Coll., Cbilwell, Chilwell,,, Uhil• Cran well, Cranewell, Crun- Doncaster, 53, 56, 60", 64, Edgewarebury, 196 Forcett, 246 108; Queen's Coll., 179; welle, 156, 157* uell', 78, 227 115, 118*, 119, 252* l•:,linbnrgh, 28, 73 Fordington, 12 St. John's Coll., 49, 61, Chipping Barnet, 115 Craulee, North, see Crnwley Donington, 265 Eghton (I Eighton ), 234 Forfarshire, 138*, 139* 52, 56, 62*; 'l'rinity Coll., Ohipping-Ongar, Shepyng• Crawley, 42, 268 Donipeace, 27 Eighton, ,ee li:ghton Fozhou, 31 51, 174 ounger, 65 Crewkerne, 263 Dorchester, 126 Elmedou, 184 France, 1i2, 145*, 176 Cambuelang, 75*, 138 Chircbi, set Kirkby Cridling Park, 250 Doi·king, 162 Elmeley (Ireland), 109 Fredegaethsg», Fredegeste- Campsall, 111, 115 Chri~t]eton, Ohrystelton, Croft, 119 Dorrington, 265 Elmlty Lovett, 265 hae, 157, 223 Candida C1111a, see Whithern 41, 237 Croston, 203 Dorsetshire, 10, 11 •, 12*, Elmstone, 96 Freston, 77 Canterbury, 66 Cirencester, 24*,25*, 121- Crosdale, 50 184 37, 43, 46, 109, 162*, Elphin, 49 Frickley, 249*, 250*, 251*, Cape Henry, 127 125, 161 Croyland, Croitand', 79 163, 232, 267 Elrick, 73*, 74 252* Capesthorne, 114 Citeanx, 218 Orufell, 216 Dorslngton, 88 * Embleton, 14* Fulbeck, Fulebec, 227 Cuff Hall, 178 Carhee.d, 119 Clare, co., 136 Dounhynde, Manor of, 240 Emborough, BCC Emme- I!'ull Sutton, 57 Carleton in Lindriok, 58 Claydon, Middle, 184 Culconnauchthy, 217* Downhall, 70 berwe Furrle, 28 Carleton juxta Suaith, 171 Cleasby, 183 Cullow, 138 Dowsby, Dueeby, Dusebi, Emmeberwe (! Embor• Fyunart, 73 Carlton, Cnrleton, 58, 108, Olementthorpe, 269 C11lnesang1rne,217* 33* ough), 231 24.2, 254, 265* Clerkenwell, 96 Cumherlaud, 108 Drat, 106, 108 Enthy, 239 Carlton He.II, 185* ()level1111d, 49, 177 Drumgan M1J1·cehy, 216 1•:nli~ley, Erde,le, a,.e Ear• Carmichael, 74* Clifton, 174, 186 Drumsargard, 138*, 139" ,Hsley Gainsborough, 51 Carnarvon, oo., 60 Olotherham, 110 Duffus, 137 Erleston, 85 Gaiti11t', Geddington, 228 Carrech, 217 Clowbecke, 184 Du lee Cur, see Sweetheart Erswick, 64 Galashiele, 54 Carrib here, 27 Clydesdale, 73 Dalby, 153 Abbey Esholt, Eehold, 251 Galloway, 74, 137, 215*, Cartmel, 253 Olyst St. George, 198* Dalcessok, 217 Dumfries, 215 1<:skewene, 217 218 Castle Eden, 107 Cobham, 41, 63 Dalstou, 177 Dunbar, 52 Essex, 43, 54, 65*, 68, 69, Galway, 119 Castleford, 117 Cockerington, 226 Dalton, 202 Dundreynane, Abbey of, 12~134,193*,19~195~ Gaaton, 247 Custlehill (Ayrshire), H Colbume, 245 Dalton, North, 106", 107* 215, 216, 217* 246, 248* Garleton, Middle, 132 Cathangre, 40 Colby, 134 Dalwood, Dnlewode, 12 Dunham Massey, 16-23, Estetonbous, see East Garrett, 202 Cathoq1e, Cntthorp, 77, Cold Aston, 115*, 116 Darley, 72 201,206 Stonehouse Gascony, 18, 23 225 226 Coldingham Priory, 15*, 16 Darunll, 119 Dunkin halgh, 112 l,tton, 108, 250 Gawsworth, Gouaeworth, Catt~ere, 96 Coldingbam•hire, 16* Darrington, 250* Dunkirk, 109 Evenley, Evenlee (co. Nor- 19*, 23* Catton, 106* Collingtree,

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