![Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1962-06-30](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
C:ES iH of ---------------------------------------------------------------------~-----30, 1962, Iowa City, Ia. Amendment By Eastland Anti-Court Proposal Concerns Prayer Decision, POlt OHice Ban - Chairman Jo O. E land (D· 1 . of Young Visiting Musicians tbe n Ie Judici '1 Committee In. troduced on litution 1 a~nd· Mor. than 400 hl,h sdtool and lunlor hl,h Idtool Itudentl in the Hen, D_iel Moe, . ninant ",*._ .. mutlc, and Ferret. Menl. rn.nt Friday whi h he said would All Stat. Band, ChorUI . nd Orcheltra ,.rforl'Md durin, the mUllc bey, l u,.,..,I_ ., Instrumental music ill the D.venpert ~k: "complet Iy nulllry both the r· 1 c. mp fin . ~ In the Unieft F riday ni,ht. Gue.t conducters Included scheel., -Phete Ity "" L~ rind implic lion" of lhe Court's pray r ~LIon. c l Hi double· barrelled propollal .1- o would allev te In part what be Definition of ICrime Fires cnlled "lhe aw In Brief Committee Hearing on Estes I y TIM A.soclate .. ',.U J ERU SALE M, r r eli Sector WASIIlNGTO. (,f\ - Sen. Karl who had been di po meme by ....rtment f41Mr.1 Speedy deportation seemed to be E. ~1undt (Rep .. 0 .1 , strove to their land were taken counsel John 8a,wal1 which I.id lure. abU h that Bmi~ Sol E tes wa Improv ml'llts such re rvolr the alletment scheme wa. a .. EIland w joiMd In oUerin, ] In store Friday for Dr. Robert A. luilly of crime In hjs colton.alel­ and highways. He did Ihls by 11 · vice to obtain attton acre... tl n~ndm nl by • Olin D. Soblen, the bail·jump!n, Sovi t men! d aling nd the A&rlcullul'e inc land to the farm rs and lea · "contr.ry te I.w," Johnston lD·se') nd John L. 'Mc­ py who ou ht II ylum in I rll I o partmenl condoned Ihe Textu\'s in, It b ck nlon, with th Ir allot· "00 you m an It I not rim from life imprisonm nt In the action. ment . to violate th I , .. Clellon ID·Ark.) both members of Now Andante Under sharp cro !!-examination Mundt bore down on the fact the Judiciary Commit! . and n. United Slole . "It was contrary to th~ Acrieul· H rman Tllmadle, ID-Ga,l Herman Herz, conductor of the Duluth, Minn" cert Friday night .nding SU I', 13th annu.1 All by the South D kota RepubJiC4Jl, that E.tes w• ••1I_ed t. r.m.ln turnl Adjustment Act 01 1938," Israeli popers urged thllt Sobl n .., • N. tion.1 Cetten Adv l• .,., Earlier Sen. Jacob K. Javlt. (R· Symphony Orchestra, strikes an artistic pose as State Music C.mp. retary of AUl"lcultur OrvI11 Fr~em8Jl said. "Th re i. no impU. be ou I d, some ciling hi pre· E. Freeman refused to ocknowl· Commltt.. VIII . lter d.... rt · N.Y') a (orm r attorney ,eneral he conducts the AII·St. te Orchestra at the con· -Photo by Joe Lippincott cation that evt'ry Um on doesn't ence a a potenlilll irrlt nt In reo ed,e thot this wa true. He or· ment offlci.l, had decided he comply with procedur e tab­ of N w York, soid Ullit In hi jud(o lations b tw n WII hlngton and gued th t a finding of civil wronc· acted improperly In obt.lnln, the Il. hed und r lh t low th t It Is a ment the court's decWon batTin, Jerusalem. doing - v n If u tiline<! in court . 'Iotments. 'file D.ketan lOU,ht criminal off n ." offlclll prlY rs In public .chool II "much narrow r In fts scope - does not constitute a crime. te show th.t thll c..,5tltuted Mundt ~n apped, " I'v. ...... Clara Hinton Ends 32 Senate Okays • • • F reeman's po.ltion won the condoning of • crimln. 1 act. ml ny Ilwy.rs In het-e . lre4ldy:' Ihon lh public d bat abOut it WASHINGTON - The led ral IUpport of the D. mocr. tic memo fundt noled that Atty. Gen. when s.n. Hanry J. cka.! (Oem. uagests." Government will embllrk unday b.,1 of the s.nat. Inv.st l, . tion. Robert F, Kenn dy had called on Wash,) trled .. Iaborate, "For example," he said, "If the on a new riscal year tbat m . ubcommltt.. which Is i,",ulrl", ('very official in the admin!stra· Board of Re, nts recommended Years at SUI Library Compromise c rtain to produce II budget deficit Finally. Jackson and Sen . Sam Into Est ••' tangled aHalr. In III [jon to nollfy him immediately of J. Ervin Jr. ID·N.C') and John to achool authorltle lila ch d y of ot leo t $4 billion. President effort .. ... If the promet., . n· any uspected wron doln . H bt'iln with a noncompuJ ry op­ Clara Ilinton, h ad of the circulation department at the UI Kennedy hod hoped, six months L. teCl lLan to m·Ark) uheom· loy ed improper favo" in hi. Ill' wnnled to know why lh E t S portunity lor I period of Ilent library, finished 32 and one·haH years of work for the Univer­ ago, to show II surplus of $500 mil· mlltee cha.lrmon, all supported Export Bill t. nslve d.. ll n,s with the A,rl· Cllse hadn't be n referred to the Fre man' po iUon. pray rand m dlt tlon, J would not lion. con ider thl lo be In defiance of sity Friday. culture D' p. rtment. Justice Departm nl. fcClellan ~xplained that wh n Miss Hinton came to SUT in ]930 as head of the ord r ~nd WASHINGTON I.fI - The Senate Admini trlltion officials see no tundt chall£'nlled Frt'eman's Freeman repll£'d thot it wo th d partm nt h d nrmly ab· th court' rullni." po slbility now of returning to a claim that he has taken adequate l>inding department of the University 1ibrnry, 111<'11 located in quickly approved by voice vole Fri. civil molter and ot th t poinl could Ii hed a civil violation of the law, What the court held, Javlls said balanced budget In the coming t ps to prevent (utufe operlltions not be pro ecuted crlm inaJly. then it would be Um to (' IC a I that "the Sial or rederal gov. Macbride Hall. ------- day a compromi bill extending year. the Export Control Act [or thre o( the kind which led the d~pa.rt· Mundt r.ad • portion of • criminol statu could be IIpplied, rnm nls ar prohibited from pre­ She became head of the circu· years. The 1I0u may complete m nt to I vy II $554,000 penalty cribln, by law 'any parllcular lalion department in 1952 when passage today. • • • ogainst Este (or improperly ac· form 01 pray r Which I to be u ed the library moved inlo its new The aclion followed an overnight WASHINGTON -:- New steel la· quiring cotton· planting aUotm nls a an oencla\ pray r in carrying bor co.ntracts go mto . erfeel Sun· for more lhan 3,000 acre o( land. on any prolJ'am of 'OV rnmentol· building. reverslIl by Hou e conferees of day. WIth new job lind lDcome pro- The penally has not been collect. U.N. Congo Forces ' on Alert Miss Hinlon said she had seen their tand on sn amendment op. Iy ponsor d relillous activity: .. t4l(l"811 fea~lr s au to be wei. I ed nd is lib c r fo court review. 00 the library grow and develop its po ed by the Kennedy administra. Ea tland said thllL "in the minds various departments lo Hidelll tion. c~med by md~try workers wor· 1undt, senior Republican on the TIed ab~ut t~e~r jobs and lack· subcommittee, said he could not of little chlldr n not ver ed In the working conditions." The conferees originally had ened mIll actiVIty. understand whot he called the re- After Unity Talks Break Up Intrlcacl 8 oC law," the court's de. "[ have especially enjoyed cor· deadlocked and finally decided on Beginning Sunday, under terms luclance of the department to plug clslon might well cr ate "the fixed UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. "" - the U.N. operation in the Congo." lmpre ion that the act or prayin, responding willI peoplc on a world· a simple one·year extension of of the new ~eel aweements, the a loophole. Acting Secretary·General U Thont "It is, J think, a bil early to to God i In It elf uncon litulional wide basis; and my contacts with pre enl law. sLeel companIes WIll n arty dou· Fr ..m . n c. me undar eroSi. said on Friday he had placed U.N. attempt to draw any conclusions 9~ sludents and University people Bul the Senate refused to accept ble the money they put up for sup- alllmln. tlon Friday altar having wherever the prayer mlllht be ut· force in the Congo on the alert a to the signlficance of the (all· tered." have been so interesting," she lhis Thur clay night and instead in· plemental unemployment bene· re.d to the subcommittee Thurs· as the re ult of a new crisis caused ure of the LeopoldviU talks to said. "Il will be pleasant to con_ structed its conferees by a 44-33 fils. They supplement state joble s day a 5O-paga st. tem.nt on the by a breakdown in Congo unity end In agreement," he said. Most of his nate speech, how­ tinue being in University surround· vote to make another try for the payments.
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