List of Persons Received Aids and Appliances in Khordha

List of Persons Received Aids and Appliances in Khordha

LIST OF PERSONS RECEIVED AIDS AND APPLIANCES IN KHORDHA DISTRICT BY BHAIRABI CLUB, KURUMPADA, PO-HADAPADA, DIST-KHORDHA, ODISHA-752018 UNDER ADIP SCHEME-2013-14 DISTRIBUTION CAMP AT-KHORDHA BLOCK VENUE-SANSKRUTI BHAWAN, KHORDHA Sl. Ca Name of the Address Age Income Type of Date Cost Fabricati Total Subsi Travel Boarding Total No. of Whether Photograph No m Beneficiaries /Sex per Aid which of Aid on/ Cost of de Cost & days accompa . p. /Cas month given given Aid Provi Provided Lodging stayed nied by Sl. te Fitment ded Paid Escort No charges . 1 1 Radhu At- Jankia 32/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- - 7728/- - 320/- 200/- 8248/- one Yes Harichandan Nuagoan Po- M & PAC +1728 S/o Laxmidhar Jankia, Dist- OBC =7728 Khordha /- Harichandan 2 2 Bainsidhar At- 55/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- - 6000/- - 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes Nayak S/o Chandramapat M Late-Phagu pur SC Po- Golabai,Dist- Khordha 3 3 Pravasini Das At- Masania 24/F BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 450/- 200/- 6650/- one Yes w/o Ranka Das ,Po-Raypur, GEN Dist-Khordha / 4 4 Uma Dei W/o At-Orabarsingh /F BPL PAC 3.12.2014 1728/- 1728/- - 350/- 200/- 2278/- one Yes Raul Rautaray Po- Raypur, Dist- Khordha OBC 5 5 Raja Khan At-Keranga 17/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 550/- 200/- 6750/- one Yes M/ Mother- Ajida Khordha MC 6 6 Jitendra Sahoo At/Po- 32/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 7728/- - 280/- 200/- 8208/- one Yes S/o V Lingaraj Malipada, Dist- M +1728= Khordha PAC 7728/- OBC 7 7 Rabindra Barik At/Po- Naran 47/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes S/o V Gurubari Garh, Dist- M Khordha OBC 8 8 Golekh Samal At/Po- 67/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.14 6000/- 6000/- - 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes S/o Late Panu Golabai,Dist- M Khordha Gen 9 9 At/Po- 38/ BPL Tricycle 3.12.14 6000/- - 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes Narangarh, M Lokanath Bhoi Dist-Khordha SC 6000 S/o Hariandhu /- 10 10 Nityanada At/Po- 49/ Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 400/- 200/- 6600/- one Yes Bhoi S/o- Naru Hadapada, M Bhoi Dist- Khordha SC 11 11 Ratnakar Beja At/Po- 42/ 12000/- Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes Malipada M/ Son of Golakh Gen Dist- Khordha 12 12 Bhogapur, Po- 40/F BPL Tricycle 3.12.14 6000/- 6000/- - 420/- 200/- 6620/- one Yes Narangarh, Mamina Dist- Khordha Gen Harichandan, D/o- Aparti 13 13 Sarojini Sahu At- 11/F BPL Tricycle 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 520/- 200/- 6720/- one Yes Gobardhanpur D/o Jayant sahu Po- Bhusundpur, Dist- Khordha 14 14 Rajan Jena S/o At/Po- Bpl PAC 3.12.2014 1728 1728/- - 250/- 200/- 2178/- one Yes Late Chema Narangarh, Jena Diist- Khordha 15 15 Bijayranjan Nalipada 5/M Wheel 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes Sahoo son of Arjunpur /Ge Chair BalaKrushna n Khordha 16 16 At- Kumbhilo, 06/ BPL Wheel 3.12.14 6000/- 6000/- - 550/- 200/- 6750/- one Yes Po-Keranga, M Chair Mohan Dist- Khordha Samantaray S/o- Krushna 17 17 At- Kumbhilo, 06/ BPL Wheel 3.12.14 6000/- 6000/- - - 100/- 6100/- one Yes Po-Keranga, M Chair Madan Dist- Khordha Samantaray S/o- Krushna 18 18 Sayed Aktar At- Baselli Sahi 39/ 11,000/ Wheel 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- - 150/- 200/- 6350/- one Yes Alli M - Chair Po/ Dist- S/o Sayed Khordha MC samser alli 19 19 Sambit Naik At/Po- 11/ BPL Wheel 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 420/- 200/- 6620/- one Yes Narangarh,Dist M Chair S/o- Nalu - Khordha SC 20 20 Dipak Singh At/po- Raypur, 15/ BPL Hearing 3.12.2014 5115/- 5115/- - 250/- 200/- 5565/- one yes S/o Srinibas Dist- Khordha M Aid Singh OBC 21 21 Arjuna Bidhar At/po- 63/ BPL Hearing 3.12.2014 5115/- 5115/- - 250/- 200/- 5565/- one yes Narangarh, M/O Aid s/o- Bhima Khordha BC 22 22 Lokanath Dash At- 60/ BPL Hearing 3.12.2014 5115/- 5115/- - 250/- 200/- 5565/- one yes S/o Bhaskar Panichhatra, M Aid Dash po- Malipada, Dist- Khordha GEN 23 23 Rukmuni At- BDA 74/F 12000/- Hearini 3.12.2014 5115/- 5115/- - 200/- 5315/- one yes Bharati Colony, ng Aid Khordha OBC W/o Bhagaban Bharati 24 24 Narendra At- 40/ BPL Braille 3.12.2014 393/- 393/- - 220/- 200/- 843/- one yes Moharana S/o Panichhatra, M Cane Laxmidhar po- Malipada, Dist- Khordha OBC moharana 25 25 Japakrushna At/Po- 14/ BPL Braille 3.12.2014 393+8 1273/- 250/- 200/- 1723/- one Yes Rout S/o Badatota, M Cane & 80= Dukhishyam Braille Dist- Khordha OBC Kit 1273/- Rout 26 26 Kalpana Pal At- Balapur, 12/F BPL Braille 3.12.2014 393+8 1273/- 250/- 200/- 1723/- one Yes D/o Po- Hadapada, Cane & 880= OBC Dinabandhu Dist- khordha Braille Kit 1273/- Pal 27 27 Tipu Naik At/Po- 14/ BPL Braille 3.12.2014 393+8 1273/- 180/- 200/- 1653/- one Yes S/oBasudev Chhatipur M Cane & 880= Naik Braille Dist- Khordha ST Kit 1273/- 28 28 Baby Sahoo At/Po- 19/F BPL Braille 3.12.2014 393+8 1273/- 350/- 200/- 1823/- one Yes D/o Manguli Brajmohanpur, Cane & 880= OBC Sahoo Dist- Khordha Braille Kit 1273/- 29 29 Mami Patra At/Po--soran 20/F BPL Braille 3.12.2014 393+8 1273/- 460/- 200/- 1933/- one Yes D/o-Bijay ,Dist- Khordha Cane & 80=12 OBC Patra Braille 73/- Kit 30 30 AshokaDehuri At/Po- 24/ BPL Braille 10.12.201 393+8 1273/- 360/- 200/- 1833/- one Yes S/o Aragul, Dist- M Cane & 4 80=12 Braille 73/- Paramananda Khordha Sc Kit 31 31 Laxmi Priya At-Bhogapur, 15/F BPL Braille 10.12.201 393/- 393/- 250/- 200/- 843/- one Yes Pradhan D/o- Po- Narangarh, Cane 4 OBC Ashok Pradhan Dist-Khordha 32 32 Mamuni At-Bhogapur, 13/F BPL Braille 10.12.201 393/- 393/- - 100/- 493/- one Yes Pradhan ,D/o- Po- Narangarh, Cane 4 OBC Ashok Pradhan Dist-Khordha 33 33 Dipu Sahoo At/Po- 13/ 18000/- M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes S/o Debaraj Goalbai,Dist- MO Kit Sahoo Khordha BC 34 34 Sangram At/Po- 13/ BPL M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes Sahoo S/o Paniorada, M Kit Prafulla Sahoo Dist- Khordha OBC 35 35 Sanjukta At/Po- Jorakani 17/F BPL M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 520/- 200/- 6720/- one Yes Sahoo D/o Dist- Khordha Kit OBC Debaraj Sahoo 36 36 Rajani Bhairabi 12/F 15000/- M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes Mohapatra Special School Kit OBC D/o Rushi for the nMultiple Mohapatra Handicapped At- Kurumpada, Po-Hadapada, Dist- Khordha 37 37 Anita Mohanty At-Dia 15/F BPL M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes D/o Lingaraj Bhoisahi Po- GEN Kit Mohanty Nirakarpur, Dist- Khordha 38 38 Sasmita At- 15/F M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 350/- 200/- 6550/- one Yes Tripathy Samantarapur, GEN Kit D/oPravat Ch Po- Goda, Dist- Khordha Tripathy 39 39 Santanu Ku At/Po – 15/ M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes Sahoo S/o Ramachandi, M Kit Lokanath Dist- Khordha OBC Sahoo 40 40 Pranati Bhairabi 15/F M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes SahouD/o Special School Kit OBC Artatran Sahu At- Kurumpada, Po-Hadapada, Dist- Khordha 41 41 Barsha Naik Bhairabi 14/ Orphan M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes s/o-Unknown Special School M Kit At- Kurumpada, SC Po-Hadapada, Dist- Khordha 42 42 Sasmita Jena At- Bindhania, 13/F M S I Ed 3.12.2014 6000/- 6000/- 450/- 200/- 6650/- one Yes D/oSudam Po- Kit OBC Jena Chandeswar, Dist- Khordha 43 43 Swopnarani Salia sahi, 13/F M S I Ed 10.12.201 6000/- 6000/- 450/- 200/- 6650/- one Yes ChoudhuryD/o Gandhi Kit 4 OBC Narasingh Market, Bhubanesware ,Dist-Khordha 44 44 A Jagabandhu Bhairabi 14/ M S I Ed 10.12.201 6000/- 6000/- 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes S/o-A Special School M Kit 4 Narasingh At- Kurumpada, Po-Hadapada, Dist- Khordha 45 45 Sindhi S/o- Bhairabi 14/ M S I Ed 10.12.201 6000/- 6000/- 250/- 200/- 6450/- one Yes Uknown Special School M Kit 4 At- Kurumpada, Po-Hadapada, Dist- Khordha 46 46 Pravati At- 07/F M S I Ed 23.12.201 6000/- 6000/- 550/- 200/- 6750/- one Yes Lenka,D/o-Braj Totagoan, Kit 4 OBC Kishore Lenka, Po- Ayatpur, Dist- Khordha VENUE-BALIANTA PANCHAYAT SAMITI, BALLIANTA BLOCK, DIST- KHORDHA Sl. Ca Name of the Address Age Income Type of Date Cost Fabricati Total Subsi Travel Boardin Total No. of Whether Photographs No mp Beneficiarie /Sex per Aid which of Aid on/ Cost de Cost g & days accomp . Sl. s /Cas month given given of Aid Provid Provided Lodging staye anied by No te Fitment ed Paid d Escort charges 47. 1 Sukanti At/po- Sarakana, BPL Tricycle 10.12.14 - 6000/- - 180/- 200/- 6380/- one Yes Balianta, Khordha 30/F 6000/- Das P.No.9777170715 SC d/o- Laxmidha r 48.

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