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KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, www.dkv-euroservice.com YOU DRIVE, WE CARE. CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2449206 MOL 100 00 Praha Sterboholska 2449230 MOL 100 00 Praha Vrsovicka 2449258 MOL 100 00 Praha V Korytech 2447288 BENZINA 100 00 Praha Prubezna 1545/82 2449076 PAPOIL 100 00 Praha - Bohdalec Bohdalecka ul. 2499161 KM-PRONA 100 00 Praha - Hostivar Prumyslova 1477/12 Sterboholska radiala-smer 2471041 OMV 100 00 Praha 10 Cerny Mos Sterboholska radiala-smer 2471034 OMV 100 00 Praha 10 centrum 2447115 BENZINA 100 00 Praha 10 - Zabehlice Jizni Spojka I 2449303 MOL 101 00 Praha 10 Nad Vrsovskou horou 2471039 OMV 102 00 Praha 10 Svehlova Sterboholska Radiala - 2449183 MOL 102 00 Praha 10 Výjezd Sterboholska Radiala - 2449182 MOL 102 00 Praha 10 Vjezd 2498206 ONO 102 00 Praha 10 Cernokostelecka 327 2402199 EUROOIL 104 00 Praha Pratelstvi 43 a 2447127 BENZINA 106 00 Praha 10 - Zabehlice Jizni Spojka Iii 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 1 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2404042 SHELL 106 54 Praha 10-Zabehlice Jizni Spojka 2497070 OMV 108 00 Praha Prumyslova 614 Praha - 2449077 PAPOIL 108 00 Cernokostelecka Cernokostelecka ul. 2404054 SHELL 108 00 Praha 10 Prumyslova 42 2404084 SHELL 108 00 Praha 10-Malesice Prumyslova 676/34 Praha-Dolni 2498013 ONO 109 00 Mecholupy Kutnohorska 225 2449257 MOL 110 00 Praha Svehlova ulice 2449261 MOL 110 00 Praha 10 Cernokostelecka ulice 2449248 MOL 110 00 Praha 10 Ruska ulice 2449253 MOL 128 00 Praha 2 Svatoplukova ulice 2447170 BENZINA 130 00 Praha Novovysocanska 2447062 BENZINA 130 00 Praha Novovysocanska 2498248 OMV 130 00 Praha Jana zelivskeho 113 2449078 PAPOIL 130 00 Praha - Drnovska Drnovska 1042/28 2449079 PAPOIL 130 00 Praha - Drtinova Drtinova 324/9 2402013 EUROOIL 130 00 Praha 3 U Rajske zahrady 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 2 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2449282 MOL 130 00 Praha 3 U nakladoveho nadrazi 2447057 BENZINA 130 00 Zizkov - Praha 3 Olsanska Autobahn D 1 Bruenn- 2449166 MOL 140 00 Prag-Chodov Prag, Km 0 2497026 OMV 140 00 Praha tr. 5. kvetna 1640 / 65 2447245 BENZINA 140 00 Praha Jizni Spojka 2471057 OMV 140 00 Praha 4 Tr. 5. Kvetna 2471054 OMV 140 00 Praha 4 Jizni Spojka 2447181 BENZINA 140 00 Praha 4 Kunraticka spojka 1169/1 2449259 MOL 140 00 Praha 4 Olbrachtova ulice 2449251 MOL 140 00 Praha 4 Na Jelenach 2449250 MOL 140 00 Praha 4 Ulice K Sidlisti 683 / 6 2449201 MOL 140 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice Videnska Ul. Jizni Spojka (Smer Praha 2471128 OMV 140 02 Praha 4 5) 2449254 MOL 140 16 Praha 4 - Vinohrady Belehradska ulice 49 a 2498187 OMV 141 00 Praha Chodovska 2404059 SHELL 141 00 Praha 4 Jizni spojka 5 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 3 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2498251 OMV 142 00 Praha Zalesi 100 2497079 OMV 143 00 Praha Lhotecka 2498213 OMV 143 00 Praha Cs. exilu 1912 / 2 2449148 MOL 147 00 Praha Modranska 2447283 BENZINA 147 00 Praha Modranska 15/82 2402038 EUROOIL 147 00 Praha 4 Vrbova 1796 2498212 OMV 149 00 Praha K Horkam 924 / 2 2449165 MOL 149 00 Praha 4 Kaplanova ulice 2447002 BENZINA 149 00 Ujezd U Pruhonic D1 2447001 BENZINA 149 00 Ujezd U Pruhonic D1 2471109 OMV 150 00 Praha Plzenska 2498261 OMV 150 00 Praha Plzenska smer do centra 2447303 BENZINA 150 00 Praha Strakonicka 2449080 PAPOIL 150 00 Praha - Habrova Habrova 2705 2449260 MOL 150 00 Praha 5 Strakonicka ulice 2449308 MOL 150 00 Praha 5 K Barrandovu 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 4 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2449160 MOL 150 00 Praha Zbraslav Strakonicka 2498214 OMV 152 00 Praha K Barrandovu 1053 / 10 2447221 BENZINA 152 00 Praha 5 K Barrandovu 1133 / 6 2498215 OMV 155 00 Praha Bucharova 1093 / 20 2404029 SHELL 155 00 Praha 5 Geologicka 2404013 SHELL 155 43 Praha 5 Jeremiasova 870 2497074 OMV 158 00 Praha Radlicka 629 222 2498178 OMV 159 00 Praha Strakonicka 2404022 SHELL 160 00 Praha 6 Evropska 2449215 MOL 160 00 Praha 6 - Vokovice Evropska ulice 2404065 SHELL 160 00 Praha 6-Ruzyne Aviaticka 2447302 BENZINA 161 00 Praha Karlovarska 2449081 PAPOIL 161 00 Praha - Kalisnicka Kalisnicka 970/4 2449216 MOL 161 00 Praha 6 - Liboc Evropska ulice 2447290 BENZINA 162 00 Praha 6 Ankarska 2380/20 2498180 OMV 163 00 Praha Slanska 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 5 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2498253 OMV 163 00 Praha Karlovarska 47 2447289 BENZINA 165 00 Praha 6 Suchdol, Kamycka 2447084 BENZINA 169 00 Praha 6 Belohorska Ul. 2447103 BENZINA 170 00 Praha Argentinska 2 2498246 OMV 170 00 Praha Argentinska 42 2449249 MOL 170 00 Praha 7 - Holesovice U Elektrarny 2449150 MOL 180 00 Praha Liberecka (od Prahy) 2449149 MOL 180 00 Praha Liberecka (do Prahy) 2471026 OMV 180 00 Praha 8 Cinovecka Ul. 2449262 MOL 182 00 Praha 8 Hornatecka 2353 2471048 OMV 186 00 Praha 8 - Karlin Karlin Rohanske nabrezi 2447055 BENZINA 190 00 Hloubetin - Praha 9 Podebradska Horni Pocernice - E 65 (Smer Mlada 2447071 BENZINA 190 00 Praha 9 Boleslav) 2449173 MOL 190 00 Praha Prumyslova Ulice 2449235 MOL 190 00 Praha Kolbenova 9 2497027 OMV 190 00 Praha Podebradska 17 32 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 6 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2498221 OMV 190 00 Praha Prosecka 674 2449082 MOL 190 00 Praha - Prosek Kbelska ul. 2404041 SHELL 190 00 Praha 9 Prosecka 2449283 MOL 190 00 Praha 9 Nachodska 2410 , 1 2449252 MOL 190 00 Praha 9 Chlumecka ulice 120 2402040 EUROOIL 190 00 Praha 9-Vysocany Podebradska 279 2447081 BENZINA 190 00 Vysocany - Praha 9 Balabenka 2449285 MOL 190 11 Praha 9 Ceskobrodska 2498255 OMV 190 16 Praha Starokolinska Horni Pocernice - 2447051 BENZINA 193 00 Praha 9 D11, Hradecka Praha 9 - Horni 2447430 BENZINA 193 00 Pocernice Ve Zlibku 2597 2404018 SHELL 193 00 Praha - H. Pocernice Dalnice D11, smer Praha 2499123 KM-PRONA 193 00 Praha 10 Nachodska 2500 / 250 2449284 MOL 193 00 Praha 9 Novopacka 2464 2498262 OMV 197 21 Praha Mladoboleslavska 2447056 BENZINA 198 00 Praha Kolbenova 28.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 7 CZ - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2447042 BENZINA 198 00 Praha Nachodska 2447240 BENZINA 199 00 Praha Kbelska 110 2498307 EUROBIT 247 01 Slany Smecenska 315 2402041 EUROOIL 247 42 Tynec Nad Sazavou Prazska 530 2449006 PAPOIL 250 01 Brandys Nad Labem Prazska 1825 DIVERSE / 2498159 OTHERS 250 01 Brandys nad Labem Zapska 1855 2447296 BENZINA 250 01 Brandys nad Labem Kostelecka 2498315 EUROBIT 250 65 Boranovice Melnicka 105 2449301 MOL 250 66 Zdiby Dalnice D8, Do Prahy 2449300 MOL 250 66 Zdiby Dalnice D8, Od Prahy 2449171 MOL 250 69 Klicany Dalnice D-8 Vodochodyodpocivja 2471120 OMV 250 69 Klicany D 8 2498202 ONO 250 72 Kojetice-Tumovka Cislo Silnice 9, Tumovka 2402033 EUROOIL 250 81 Nehvizdy Prazska 238 2447190 BENZINA 250 82 Uvaly Na st.
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