NSW Branch Pointscore - Round 15 proudly hosted by NOVOCASTRIAN MASTERS Charlestown Swimming Centre Dickinson St, Charlestown 26/11/2016 v2 updated 17/11/2016 Novocastrian Masters NSW Branch Pointscore - Round 15 Charlestown Swimming Centre Saturday 26/11/2016 Warm Up – 10:00am, Start – 10:30 am Estimated Start Time 1 400m Freestyle 10:30 AM 2a 200m Backstroke 11:43 AM 2b 200m Breaststroke 11:55 AM 2c 200m Butterfly 12:16 PM 2d 200m Freestyle 12:21 PM 2e 200m Individual Medley 12:58 PM 3 50m Backstroke 01:14 PM 4 50m Freestyle 01:37 PM 5 50m Breaststroke 02:33 PM 6 50m Butterfly 02:53 PM 7 4x100m Freestyle Relay (Mixed/Men’s/Women’s) 03:04 PM 8a 100m Backstroke 03:20 PM 8b 100m Breaststroke 03:30 PM 8c 100m Freestyle 03:50 PM 8d 100m Butterfly 04:15 PM Finish Time 04:20 PM Swimmer Count: 158 Swimmers should consider the above estimated times to be the minimum time that events will take. Note that they are based on the assumption that there will be a 40 second interval between heats. Masters Swimming NSW ‘Sunsmart’ Policy and ‘No Smoking’ policy will apply at this meet. -1- Officials Meet Director: Rhonda O’Donnell Meet Referee: Di Partridge Referee: Gordon Ferguson, Ruth Fitzpatrick, Neil Keele, Peter McGee, Jane Noake, Ruth Wall Inspector of Turns: Alan Moore, Carl Wallace Starter: David Bell, Dennis Moore Chief Timekeeper: Marion Dreyer, Wendy Gordon, Nick Woodcock Marshal: Colleen Garland, Noel Partridge Check Starter: Mike Cockrem, Jamie Turner Recorder: Mark Hepple Medical: pool staff 4 Club Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Novocastrian 20 Timekeeping Roster Warringah 21 2 Ryde 21 1 Note: Maitland 12 Wyong Wobbygongs 7 The numbers represent the Lake Macquarie Crocs 7 number of swimmers that Port Macquarie 6 should be available from each Manly 5 club for timekeeping in that Myall 5 lane. Cessnock 3 The top clubs in the list will be Unattached 5 in charge of their respective lanes. Seaside Pirates 3 Singleton 3 Allowing for an average Sutherland Sandbern 3 number of no-shows, and not North Sydney 3 including the above listed Campbelltown Collegians 2 technical officials, each Gosford City Seagulls 2 competitor should timekeep Raymond Terrace 2 for an average of: Blacktown City 1 37 minutes Wests Auburn 1 Hornsby 1 Penrith 1 Ginninderra 1 Lane Cove 1 Maccabi 1 Victorian Masters 1 Blue Mountains Phoenix 1 -2- Swimmers Name Sex Age Events Name Sex Age Events BLACKTOWN CITY MACCABI 1 Clary Munns F 72 1, 3, 6, 8C 1 Rose Grunstein F 54 1, 2D, 4 Total Individual Entries: 4 Total Individual Entries: 3 BLUE MOUNTAINS PHOENIX MAITLAND 1 Sue Wiles F 76 1, 2D, 5, 8A 1 Lee Bootland F 72 4, 5, 8B Total Individual Entries: 4 2 Vic Burns M 77 4, 5, 8B, 8C 3 Colin Cliff M 81 1, 4, 5, 8C CAMPBELLTOWN COLLEGIANS 4 Janice Corrigan F 61 3, 4, 8C 1 Owen Sinden M 61 2B, 4, 5, 8B 5 Michael Corrigan M 62 3, 4, 6, 8C 2 Ben Taylor M 48 2B, 5, 6, 8B 6 Paul Farrell M 50 2D, 4, 6, 8C Total Individual Entries: 8 7 Louise Horsburgh F 40 2D, 3, 4, 8A 8 Peter Horsburgh M 43 2D, 3, 4, 8C CESSNOCK 9 Catherine Kiczynski F 55 2D, 3, 4, 8C 1 Glenda Gardner F 71 2D, 3, 5, 8B 10 Terry Lorraine M 70 4, 5, 8C 2 Dennis Moore M 67 2A, 3, 4, 8A 11 Lesley Potter F 50 1, 2D, 4, 8C 3 Phillip Murray M 64 2D, 3, 4, 8C 12 Pam Rodwell F 68 2D, 3, 4, 8A 4 Carol Pearce F 44 1, 2D, 4, 8C Total Individual Entries: 45 Total Individual Entries: 16 MANLY ETTALONG 1 Katherine Ahern-Sharpe F 53 2A, 3, 5, 8A 1 Marion Dreyer F 69 1, 2A, 5, 8C 2 Jeff Brewer M 56 3, 4, 5, 8B 2 Gordon Ferguson M 78 2D, 3, 4, 8C 3 Sarah Brewer F 51 2E, 3, 5, 8B Total Individual Entries: 8 4 Ruth Fitzpatrick F 68 1, 2E, 6, 8D 5 Dawn Gledhill F 66 1, 2C, 5, 8A GINNINDERRA 6 Vincent Squillace M 47 2A, 3, 4, 8C 1 Kim Beamish M 43 2D, 4, 6, 8C Total Individual Entries: 24 Total Individual Entries: 4 MYALL GOSFORD 1 Leon Bobako M 67 3, 4, 5, 6 1 Gay Grillmeier F 75 3, 4, 5, 8A 2 John Coles M 72 2D, 4, 8B, 2 Valerie Lincoln F 92 1, 3, 4, 8C 8C Total Individual Entries: 8 3 Christopher Lock M 74 1, 2A, 3, 8C 4 Chris Mobbs M 68 1, 2D, 4, 8C HORNSBY 5 Linda Stubbs F 52 1, 2D, 4, 5 1 Ian McLeod M 47 2D, 4 Total Individual Entries: 20 Total Individual Entries: 2 NORTH SYDNEY LAKE MACQUARIE CROCS 1 John De Vries M 58 2A, 3, 6, 8D 1 Jutta Altenburg - Swan F 52 2B, 5, 8B 2 Jesse Hanna M 24 2B, 3, 6, 8C 2 Allan Foster M 67 1, 3, 4, 8C 3 Helen White F 66 2E, 3, 5, 8B 3 Suellyn Horton F 68 4, 5, 8B, 8C Total Individual Entries: 12 4 Ingrid Love F 57 5, 8B 5 Veronica Lund F 64 3, 4, 8C NOVOCASTRIAN 6 Christine Marcar F 63 3, 4, 8A, 8C 1 Emma Bartley F 27 2E, 4, 6, 8B 7 Robert Swan M 70 2B, 3, 5, 8B 2 Lisa Bath F 32 4, 5, 6, 8C Total Individual Entries: 24 3 David Bell M 45 3, 4, 5, 6 4 Robin Carson F 77 1, 2D, 4, 8C LANE COVE 5 Michael Cockrem M 61 5, 8B 1 Jenni Burgess F 57 2D, 5, 8C 6 Sharon Dennis F 58 2D, 3, 4, 8C Total Individual Entries: 3 7 Kay Donnan F 59 1, 2D, 4, 8C 8 Alana Doran F 29 2D, 4, 8C 9 Lesley Doran F 60 2D, 4, 8C - 3 - Swimmers (cont’d) Name Sex Age Events Name Sex Age Events 10 Karen Geurts F 58 1, 2B, 5, 8C 15 Julia Riedl F 49 3, 4, 5, 6 11 David Goninan M 59 2D, 4, 8C 16 Helen Rubin F 64 1, 2E, 6, 8D 12 Wendy Gordon F 63 1, 2D, 5, 8B 17 Christine Stock F 63 1, 2E, 4, 5 13 Michelle Herms F 56 2C, 3, 5, 6 18 Jamie Turner F 75 3, 4, 5, 8C 14 Michael Hickerton M 63 3 19 Amanda U F 36 1, 2A, 3, 5 15 Alan Moore M 75 1, 2D, 3, 4 20 Wim van Bussel M 64 2D, 4, 5, 8C 16 Paul Murray M 49 1, 4, 8C 21 Peter Velo M 52 3, 4, 5, 8A 17 Rhonda O'Donnell F 52 4, 8A 22 Nick Walker M 30 3, 4, 8C 18 Ben Pinkerton M 35 2D, 3, 4, 8C 23 Jenny Whiteley F 58 1, 3, 4, 5 19 Kim Pinkerton F 57 1, 2B, 3, 5 Total Individual Entries: 88 20 Russell Pinkerton M 65 2A, 3, 4, 8A 21 Michelle Van De Werken F 54 2B, 4, 5, 8B SEASIDE PIRATES 22 Bill Walker M 87 2B, 3, 6, 8B 1 Mark Hepple M 61 3, 4 23 Carl Wallace M 74 1, 2D, 4, 8C 2 Jane Noake F 59 1, 2D, 4, 8B 24 Cherie Walters F 47 1, 2D, 8C 3 Mark Patterson M 59 1, 6 25 Tracey Whalan F 54 1, 3, 5, 8A 4 William Watkins M 54 1, 2D, 4, 8C 26 Maureen Woodcock F 67 2D, 3, 5, 8C Total Individual Entries: 12 27 Nick Woodcock M 68 2D, 3, 5, 8C Total Individual Entries: 96 SINGLETON 1 Peter Bull M 54 1, 3, 6, 8A PENRITH 2 Margaret Sadow F 77 2D, 8A 1 Stephen de Lorenzo M 60 1, 2D, 4, 6 3 Maria Urruzmendi F 61 1, 8B Total Individual Entries: 4 Total Individual Entries: 8 PORT MACQUARIE SUTHERLAND SANDBERN 1 Andrew Barltrop M 51 2B, 4, 6, 8C 1 Nicholas Grinter M 25 1, 2E, 4, 6 2 Eoghan Barltrop M 18 4, 5, 6, 8C 2 Ronald Massaar M 56 2D, 4, 5 3 Bruce Hall M 59 3, 4, 8A, 8C 3 Allan Samuels M 52 2D, 3, 4, 5 4 Margaret Jopling F 81 2A, 3, 5, 8A Total Individual Entries: 11 5 Wendy McMurtrie F 49 2E, 5, 6, 8D 6 Sharon Walsh-Barltrop F 47 1, 2D, 4, 8C UNATTACHED Total Individual Entries: 24 1 Phillip Behr M 52 2D, 4, 6, 8C 2 Anne Burnett F 77 2E, 4, 6, 8A RAYMOND TERRACE 3 Pam Martin F 57 1, 2E, 6, 8B 1 Jan Finn F 82 2D, 3, 4, 8C 4 Peter Michaelson M 51 4, 8C 2 Kay Freeman F 70 4, 5, 8B 5 Denis Setka M 46 3, 4, 8C Total Individual Entries: 7 Total Individual Entries: 17 RYDE VICTORIAN MASTERS 1 Cassie Anderson F 36 1, 2B, 4, 8A 1 Lachlan Pearse M 26 1, 4, 6 2 Michael Bradford M 64 1 Total Individual Entries: 3 3 Alan Burgess M 65 1, 2D, 6, 8C 4 Megan Cotton F 40 2D, 3, 4, 5 WARRINGAH 5 Yvette Cotton F 45 2D, 4, 5, 8B 1 Julia Atkins F 53 2E, 3, 4, 5 6 Sue Curry F 68 1, 2D, 4, 8C 2 Paul Bailey M 55 1, 2C, 5, 8D 7 Sonia Holtheuer F 56 2B, 4, 5, 8B 3 Keith Bourdon M 59 1, 2E, 5, 8D 8 Ailsa Jeanes F 49 2E, 3, 6, 8A 4 Graham Campbell M 72 1, 2A, 3, 8A 9 Susan Leech F 53 2B, 4, 6, 8B 5 Helen Campbell F 68 1, 2D, 4, 8C 10 Greg Lewin M 51 2D, 4, 5, 8C 6 Jorian Catzel M 68 3, 5, 6, 8D 11 Jack Lewin M 81 2B, 4, 5, 8B 7 Ryan Catzel M 41 3, 4, 6, 8C 12 Shirley Lewin F 72 3, 4, 5, 8B 8 Patrick Chandler M 72 1, 2A, 3, 8C 13 Andrew McCrindell M 53 1, 4, 5, 6 9 Bridget Cook F 72 1, 2A, 3, 5 14 Joanne Pritchard F 58 3, 4, 5, 8C 10 Pamela Dawes F 58 2E, 3, 6, 8B - 4 - Swimmers (cont’d) Name Sex Age Events Name Sex Age Events 11 Ruwan de Mel M 58 2D, 4, 5, 8C 12 Ossie Doherty M 90 2D, 3, 4, 8C 13 Anthony Gallagher M 61 3, 4, 5, 8C 14 Bill Harris M 75 2D, 4, 5, 8C 15 Lynne Harris F 68 3, 4, 5, 8A 16 Virginia Head F 74 2D, 3, 4, 5 17 Cameron Jones M 34 1, 2E, 5, 8D 18 Peter Kaupert M 75 1, 3, 5, 8B 19 Stephen Kellaway M 57 2B, 3, 5, 8B 20 Peter Myers M 65 2D, 4, 5, 8C 21 Susan Myers F 66 2D, 3, 5, 8C 22 Claire Oxlade F 57 1, 2B, 5, 8B 23 Thomas Ryan M 84 3, 4, 5, 8A 24 Tony Tooher M 54 2A, 3, 5, 8A Total Individual Entries: 96 WESTS AUBURN 1 Kerryn Blanch F 43 2C, 5, 6, 8D Total Individual Entries: 4 WETT ONES 1 Peter McGee M 66 1, 8D Total Individual Entries: 2 WYONG WOBBYGONGS 1 George Brown M 78 2D, 3, 4, 8A 2 Waide Devine F 34 1, 3, 4, 6 3 Jade Mifsud F 38 1, 2E, 4, 6 4 Byron O'Loughlin M 46 1, 3, 6, 8B 5 Mark Scicluna M 37 2E, 3, 4, 6 6 Paul Sinfield M 30 3, 4, 6, 8C 7 Susan Sinfield F 60 3, 4 8 Ruth Wall F 71 1, 2D, 4, 8C - 5 - Event Seeding Name Sex/Age Club Time Name Sex/Age Club Time Event 1 400m Freestyle Event 1 400m Freestyle (cont'd) 1 Maria Urruzmendi W61 NSN 14:40.00 53 Mark Patterson M59 NSP 5:40.00 2 Valerie Lincoln W92 NGS 11:00.00 54 Stephen de Lorenzo M60 NPN 5:25.00 3 Sue Curry W68 NRY 10:45.00 55 Michael Bradford M64 NRY 5:20.00 4 Patrick Chandler M72 NWG 10:40.00 56 Nicholas Grinter M25 NSA 5:04.00 5 Graham Campbell M72 NWG 10:00.00 57 Lachlan Pearse M26 VVM 4:51.00 6 Robin Carson W77 NNC 10:00.00 7 Marion Dreyer W69 NET 10:00.00 8 Alan Moore M75 NNC 9:45.00 Event 2A 200m Backstroke 9 Ruth Wall W71 NWY 9:35.00 1 Marion Dreyer W69 NET 6:15.00 10 Karen Geurts W58 NNC 9:30.00 2
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