ry Boxes )11 Campus the 30 i,e,. boxes ler the Spar. iave arrhed arid been pattana ound campus aee,m. SAN re Fujikake, JOSE STATE COLLEGE SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, aising iiitinagse VOL 49 4.91. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1962 No. 54 NT DISCOUNTS ACLU Film French Consul r Repairing 'Earn as You Learn' Plan iling Sportx Cars , Set for Today TR.3 Studied by House Group Talks Tonight Sittica (FPI) noir% es r, N I) I. eti litre% "Operation Correction," a reply VW Porsche V1ASIIINi.TON Ina) lie asked thls ha- .111(1..11 t*. to repay the to the House Committee on Un- at cungrem iwt up a system if loon% 111111,, they breotilie American ear to Activities' film "Opera- About Algeria as you learn" loans school teachers. Teachers pn Car "earn tion Abolition," will he shown on Pepuir college students. get a 50 per cent discount Ii, campus today at 12:30 a.m. and A description ot the current Al- The proposal, which would on their loans after they gerian Center at 3:30 situation is promised by 1%r. repayment of federal stu- have taught for five years. p.m. in E118. TWO ARMY DIVISIONS will be immediately I Y :teen tie Jacques de La Ferriere in a lec- from 14 to 16 divisions and will permit the re- loitin: 10 scholastic The 42-minute movie uses the activated as a result of two days of conferences dent tittle's proposal would drop ture on "France and the Algerian lease later this year of two National Guard one of sev- settle% einent. Is original film of "Operation Aboli- Question" tonight at 8:30 in the among President Kenedy and top defense offi- divisions called to duty Oct. IS, The Pentagon slogoolaameaeolur this oceopii tion:11 -forgive- eral phi' being considered tion" with cials. Present at the conferences in Palm Beach, said the creation of the new units is not expected ness" feature in fii%or if a an entirely new com- International Student Center, 285 speCtal 110054' AdVISOry Fla., were (I. to r.) Vice President Lyndon John- by a plan pros Wing up to 100 per mentary by Ernest Besig, execu- S. Market st. to require any increase in draft quotas. Both ed- group 01111011g higher son, President Kennedy, Secretary of Defense new divisions are expected to be combat-ready ernt writeoffs for students tive director of the northern The deputy French consul gen- ucation. Cali- Robert McNamara and Gen. Maxwell Taylor. end of 1962. at the head idt their classes. eral will discuss De Gaulle's pol- by the As sketched for the ad- fornia branch of the American The two divisions will increase the regular Army ES Lower-ranking s t uuui enta icy in Algeria in addition to pre- visory group by Rep. Albert Civil Liberties Union. iNTS would earn correspondingly senting a sketch of the historical, Qule, Ift-Nlinn.i, tine of its looker loan discounts. The SJS Democratic club is economic and political background member., tile plan would sponsoring the showing of the of the countly. provide loans of up to $1000 Quite was quick to say the ACLU film on campus. De La Ferriere JFK Declines Offer To Speak for qualified under- plan %%as not In final !Milt will answer a year Audience members will be al- MAYS and questions following his lecture. graduate college students, lriliauhitls Houk' Mider- lowed to make two-minute state- much the same as of- go vonsiderable tinkering be- ments about the film after it has The lecture is sponsored by Le fered by the 19514 National fOre It renelleIi the 11.iiise been shown, according to Fred Cercle Francais, college lecture On Campus This Year or Next Detense Eilueation Act. Edueation Committee. Karlsen, member of the club's ex- Kennetly yesterday lee t ii Alen( N ecutive board. President heie colienieni and de- commenting on the Pie's LF CLUB declined with regret an invitation sireable in conection with a visit fusal said, "I think it's unfortu- RY ROAD to speak on the SJS campus. The to the West Coast at some future nate. We would like to have had 11.1.11111010,~1111.01 refusal came in a letter to Pres. date." the President speak on campus. John T. Wahlquist from Kenneth Dr. Frank Willey, chairman of I'm very sorry it didn't come to Dr. SweeneyWe Need Help O'Donnell, special assistant to the the college lecture committee. pass." President. The letter expressed President Kennedy's desire to speak on the indry Cost n Federal Public School Aid campus, but lack of time to do so. SJS Students Curbed "Although your cordial invita- We are outgrowing the ability As a result, the number of per- schools. The current percentage tion is very much appreciated by 23c to finance everything on the local sons in the general population for is 2125. the President, he does not now 40c el .....e need help, Dr. Wil- each student has decreased from foresee when he will be able to In Education in California now Stanford Library Use am G. Sweeney, dean of the 5.7 to 4.7 in the past ten years. claims 42 per cent, or $1,035,321,- include it in his commitments for fits on vision of Education, said earlier During the 1952-53 school year 000, of the current 1961-62 total the near future. This is something Access of San Jose State students to the Stanford library s semester in relation to federal 17.5 per cent of the general Pop- State budget. This includes 60 he would like very much to do if has been restricted to reading-room privileges onl luring a max- uncial aid to public schools. ulation was enrolled in public per cent of the total expenditures time permitted. imum of two weeks a semester upon the written r..ipiest of the ANED, ONLY lk The facts are now chalking up from the State General Fund. "However, I am sure you are school librarian, 1.1. C. Swank, director of unicr-it libraries, aware of the many demands upon said in a recent statement. 131 support of Dr. Sweeney's state- STATE SUPPORT the President's time, and of the Previously, students had a 5 to 15 home-use borrowing privi- nt. State support to education is Soroptimists Offer fact that he does receive a great lege 'luring a semester. It has been reported that while increased every year. But the JACQUES DE LA FERRIERE many college invitations." alifornia's total state budget has state's pupil enrollment, and thus The SJS faculty may continue MERS ... France, Algeria President Wahlquist had ex- teased 112 per cent in the past Political Science the cost of education, wins the to use the reading room in the Professor Mains CY 54263 tended the invitation to the Presi- o years, state support for all race each year by increasing even committee, French honor society, dent for this year or during the main library insofar as space con ational purposes increased 138 more. It has been estimated that Russian club, International Rela- Grant 1962-63 school year. dition.s permit. Identification, such $30,315 Allocation r cent. Doctorate tions club and International Stu- the cost of higher education alone The invitation was sent "in the Although there has been an in- dents Center. It is free and open as a driver's license, will be needed A fellowship of $2000 has been will have doubled by 1970. hope that you may consider a crease in the state's efforts to offered by the Southwestern Re- Where will the needed finances to the public. to obtain books from certain Ii To Study Accidents support its schools, the increase gion of the Soroptimist Federation come from? Refreshments after the speech brary collections, said Swank. has been insufficient to meet the Remember the time you ironed of the Americas, Inc., to women It all leads back to the question for hairs on rate of growth in pupil enrollment will be provided by the community Local Legislator "The use of the library by peo- clothes end, only to graduates who are working to- of whether the federal govern- burn yourself when you on the earlier basis of support committee for the center. ple outside the university has now had al- wards a doctor's degree in politi- ment should assume a larger share most completed the monotonous levels. A dinner for $3 per person is Revives Proposal town so heavy as to encroach cal science, international relations, of responsibility in financing ed- task? SCHOOL FUND public service, psychology, math- ucation. scheduled at 6:30 p.m. at Ida's upon the ability of the library to Or the time you were typing a The United States Constitution For 2nd Campus ematics, science, languages, soci- Opponents to federal school aid Fireside Inn in San Jose before perform its primary functions to term paper- 25 pages long- -and squires each state to appropriate study. the new Santa Cruz ology and other areas of "want to have their cake and eat the lecture. ciatxning the Stanford faculty and students. on the last page, after numerous 0a State School Fund a minimum campus of the University of Cali- Another $600 scholarship, known It too. they want financial aid devoted hours of tap. tap. tapping, of 6180 per average daily attend- Reservations for the dinner can to handle "In order to meet adequately as the Harriet Tyler Memorial but don't want the qualifications fornia will be unable you made ridiculous errors and TUALS" ance in all schools and classes of be made today by contacting Mrs.
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