TO WALL Germany has her ' nothing less than , back to three walls * full victory. Gen. at once, Pres. Eisenhower. — ' MARINECORPSCHEVRON Roosevelt. — ' PURISWD IV TMf UniTtD STOTtS mflrunts in thc s«n diego BRta Morning, Vol. 111, No. 24 Saturday June 17, 1944 1 LANDINGS MARIANAS IN Invasion Gains On Saipan As Discharge Bombers Hit Japan From China (See map of Marianas on page 8) Smashing into the heart of the Japanese inner ring of Unit Set Up defense, American troops forced a beachhead on Saipan Island in the Marianas group and pushed two miles inland Model For Other while heavy bombers attacked the enemy homeland from Establishments bases m China. Shattering fierce Japanese coun- Of Corps Starts ter-attacks against their Saipan The first discharge and separa- Three Of Famed beachhead, American invasion tion unit in the Marine Corps was forces were sweeping forward yes- set up in connection with the Re- Family Meet At 'terday against principal island in- habilitation Div. office at MCB this stallations, including the town of week to develop an efficient system Garapan. of discharging men in large Camp Pendleton The American forces were de- numbers. scribed by their commander, Vice PENDLETON—Three of Maj. R. R. Hannas, executive of- CAMP Adm. Richard Kelly Turner, as members of the Corps' ficer of the Corps' Rehabilitation the four the most experienced amphibious Waller family here re- the Base from famous met war fleet in the world. He told Div., came to HQMC time this week to assist Capt. William cently for the first in two correspondents prior to the landing years. B. Jackson, Rehabilitation Officer Wednesday that this thrust into Japan's inner lines de- of the 11th Naval Dist., in setting The occasion was an inspection defense was up the new unit on an experimental tour by Brig.Gen. L. W. T. Waller signed to destroy Saipan as an basis.' jr., of HQMC, Washington. enemy base and convert it to Al- Also assisting in setting up the Other Wallers present were Col. lied use. new unit is Capt. Harry C. Mahan, James D. Waller of Norfolk, Va., Storming enemy beaches is noth- ing new for Turner's forces. They who joined the Ilia Naval Dist. and Del Mar, Cal., CO of an artil- office this week from RD, Parris lery unit here, and Lt.Col. Henry have seen such action before many Island. T. Waller, of Philadelphia and times, it was reported by news services. It is expected that discharge pro- Pasadena, Cal., a battalion com- REUNION. It was a happy day for QMSgt. John A. Brock- cedure worked out here will be put mander in the same outfit. JAP INDUSTRY HIT meyer of DOS, Barstow, when he greeted his New Zealand into effect at other Marine bases The missing member of the fam- America's Superfortresses left wife in San Francisco after sear's separation and had first and posts as other units of this ily was IstLt. Eustace C. M. Wal- look at his baby son. (Photo by StfSgt. W. F. Murray). type are set up when needed. ler, son of the colonel. glowing masses of wreckage in the coke ovens and open-hearth furn- aces of the great Yawata steel mills in the attack of B-29s on Marine Gets First Look Japan Thursday. The super-bomb- ers, flying from bases in westei i China ran into heavy anti-aircrai". fire and encountered Japanese At Son Born Down Under night fighters, but all but two SAN FRANCISCO—Last year QMSgt. John A. Brock- ships came back. meyer of Chaffee, Mo., spent a few days in a hospital at In Washington, it was announced Masterton, New Zealand. One of the attendants in his ward that Japan's "Pittsburgh" was immediately turned into "glowing masses of jfcvas a pretty cadet nuise. He asked her for a wreckage." date. Later she took him home to The number of participating meet her parents. They liked him aii- craft made known as despite the fact they never were was not fir-t details emerged on the historic At- 'Grapevine' Says quite certain what he was talking tack which marked the beginnin about. The cadet nurse liked him, ; of entirely new too. an chapter ot Boyington Alive aerial warfare with the greatest So they were married. (UP)—Mrs. bombers ever built. SEATTLE. Juno 10 In July, Sgt. Brockmeyer was E. J. HalUisbcck said today that transferred back to the States. His Only reference to a specific tat- "grapevine sources had informed bride of less than two months re- get was the naming of Yawata b\ her that li-?r son, Maj. Gregory - mained behind. She tried to ar- Roy Porter, radio correspondem. Boyington, th fly ing ace listed as Tokyo Moji range transport alio 1 but there wore but the radio said and missing, is alive on an island and were hundreds ahead of her on the pas- Kokura also hit. All three Is being hidden' by natives until he are in Kyushu, senger lists. northern southern- rejoin his squadron. can Finally, a few days ago she stood most portion of the Japanese main- 'T received word from a well- on the deck of a ship as it neared land. known flyer who has just returned the now was country that to be PACIFIC INVASION from the South Pacific that the her own. 'grapevine' which reports secret The Marianas invasion in- Red Cross officials helped her came in formation there has let it be known the wake of a shattering put a phone cnll through to Brock- bombard- that when my son disappeared ment by U. S. warships. Earlier meyer. on duty at DOS, Barstow, through a cloud and landed, he was TOUGH ON JAPS. Immediately two American naval task force Cal. The next day he was here, after Marines landed on able to reach an island," Mrs. patrols shelled the Southern Marianas and enjoying a happy reunion and be- Emirau Island, searched every inch of heavy jungle . Hallenback said the central Kurile Islands ing introduced to his four-month- for snipers. (Photo by StfSgt. James Carroll). Monday Smartly i and Salute old son, David John. Tuesday. —— Operations of one task force Sgt. Brockmeyer May enlisted 12, started Saturday and resulted m 1939, and has served at Pearl Har- Blouse Wearing (Continued on page 2) bor, Midway, Guadalcanal and July 4th Bond Set other Pacific Quota Arm True bases. Optional At MCB A goal of $30,000 in cash War Bond sales has been Shoot Straight set Hey, Uncle Henry, Wearing of the green blouse was as the Base personnel quota for the Independence Day cam- made optional for MCB or Camp paign from July 1 to 8, Capt. Melvin H. Hass, Base War Bond Swabo's Back! Matthews personnel going to or Mother To Get officer, announced this week." from their homes and their posts The $25,000 quota of the last Look who's here! or between the two posts under a Medal drive, Dec. 7, 1943, was exceeded by ! Your old friends, MGySgt. G. I. Base regulation which became ef- Of Honor more than twice the amount set Cumshaw and Corp. Stanley Swabo, fective yesterday. The liberty uni- SAN ANTONIO (AP>—The Con- when bonds totaling $53,606.25 were whose adventures formerly ap- form, however, still is full greens. gressional Medal of Honor, cus- sold, the captain recalled. All sales peared in picture weekly on the Blouses also are optional for en- tomarily awarded by the president during the July 1-8 period will be back page of The Chevron, are listed personnel attending Base or of the United States in person, will credited to the Fifth War Loan with us again, Camp Matthews dances or movies. be presented to the mother of total set for Base personnel. Cumshaw and Swabo shoved off Coats may not be carried, but must StfSgt. William J. Bordelon, Ma- Most unique sale of the week suddenly some time back with St_ worn fully buttoned if taken rine who lost his life in the assault was made to StfSgt. William J. their creator, GySgt Dick Cun- ong. Personnel wearing their on Japanese-held Tarawa on Nov. Bader of Transport Co., Ser. Bn., ningham, for a taste of sea-going blouses may not remove them, the 20, at a formal sunset parade re- who saved 3,750 pennies since the that he is now going to start on duty. Turn to page 20 for the start insignia or their belts in public \ .ew mustered in Alamo Stadium beginning of the year and bought his new bond by salting away of a new chapter In the Uvea of place*. here Saturday. t $90 War Bond. He announced dime*. those Leathernecks. Marianas Eniwetok Veteran Praises Actions Invaded Of Famed Marine Heavy Bombers Back in the U. S. after action Japan From against the Japs in the Marshalls, Hit Sgt. Howard L. Hagen of Poplar, Bases In China Mont., has unreserved praise for famed SgtMaj. John Nagazyna of (Continued from page 1> San Diego, one of the most decorat- sinking at least 13 enemy ships ed men in the Corps, with whom and destroying 141 Jap planes. he served. Progress of assault forces at Sgt. Hagen described SetMaj. Aginan point at the southwestern Nagazyna as the one man he has end of the island indicated the met wbo is absolutely without fear. situation was satisfactory and that It was SgtMaj. Nagazyna whom further gains were expected. Re- Sgt Hagen relieved on Eniwetok ports said assault troops broke Island after the former organized through enemy defenses at the defenses against a Jap counter- point, turned back several armored attack and was wounded directing counter-attacks and struck into operations which repulsed the en- Charan Kanoa.
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