6,250 subscribers www.TML1.org Volume 66, Number 5 March 30, 2015 New launch of Healthier Tennessee communities pushes local initiative Program to recognize communities that show commitment to healthy living June 7 - 9 Nashville Convention Center BY GOV. BILL HASLAM Annual Conference lineup When we launched our Health- ier Tennessee program a little more than a year ago, we were clear that to feature a workshop on it had to be a local initiative, a grass- roots movement in communities ridesharing / homesharing across Tennessee. The impact of the sharing do, will the owner need a business This month at the Capitol, I was economy (and companies like Uber, license and need to pay taxes, such joined by the Governor’s Founda- Lyft, and Airbnb) on innovation, as a transient occupancy tax? tion for Health and Wellness CEO economic development, as well as With ridesharing services like Rick Johnson and representatives public safety and implementation Uber and Lyft, cities are grappling from nine cities and counties across considerations is forcing cities to with how to regulate the service in the state to launch Healthier Ten- weigh the pros and cons of these regard to public safety, insurance, nessee Communities. This will be a non-traditional services. and fares. Cities have long regulated coordinated effort at the local level How can cities meet their gov- the taxi industry, so shouldn’t the supporting physical activity, healthy erning obligations while positioning same policies apply to these new eating and tobacco abstinence. themselves as innovative places to ridesharing services? The foundation has been fo- live, work and visit? These questions and many more cused on developing and introduc- The current sentiment toward will be addressed during a panel pre- ing effective tools for individuals, homesharing and ridesharing is sentation at TML’s Annual Confer- workplaces and faith congregations. shifting in certain municipalities, ence, slated for June 7-9 in Nashville. Healthier Tennessee Communities while others remain more resistant The workshop, offered by the takes a community-wide approach to change. Tennessee Municipal Attorneys to improving Tennesseans’ health In the case of homesharing Association, will feature members by engaging leaders of cities, towns, Tullahoma Mayor Lane Curlee and Franklin Mayor Ken Moore greet services like Airbnb, Flipkey, and of the Metro Nashville Law Depart- counties and neighborhoods. Gov. Bill Haslam at the recent launch of Healthier Tennessee Com- VRBO, much of the debate is on ment, who have recently drafted In Tennessee, one in four adults munities. Tullahoma and Franklin are both pilot communities, as are revenue capture and hotel or occu- ordinances to address the myriad of smokes, and one in five high school Germantown and Kingsport. pancy taxes, which are mandated for issues cities are facing with these students uses tobacco. The rate of cities, towns, counties or neigh- ty-wide events and activities that hotels and bed and breakfasts but not new start-up industries. The work- obesity is almost 34 percent, up borhoods interested in becoming support physical activity, healthy on short-term room rental services. shop is scheduled for Monday, June from only 10 percent in 1988. We a Healthier Tennessee Community eating and tobacco abstinence, It’s also forcing cities to reevalu- 8, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm at the Nash- have type-2 diabetes and high blood will be required to: and ate their local zoning ordinances, ville Convention Center and is open pressure at epidemic levels. • Identify local wellness champi- • Track and measure outputs and which either do or do not allow to all conference attendees. Encouraging and recognizing ons to lead the effort, accomplishments of the program. homeowners to offer their homes for For more information on the community-led change is a critical • Create a local wellness council boarding or motel use. If they don’t sharing economy, see Page 7. For part of improving the health and that engages people in workplac- We have nine pilot communities and a homeowner rents out a room conference information go to TML’s lives of Tennesseans. es, schools and faith organiza- working to be designated as Healthi- via the Internet, should the zoning website, www.TML1.org. or see The foundation will provide tions, er Tennessee Communities. They are department fine the violator? If they SCHEDULE on Page 3 guidance and regional support, and • Initiate and sustain communi- Decatur, Dyer, Loudon, McMinn and Rhea counties, along with the cities of Franklin, Germantown, Kingsport New legislation filed to support online sales tax and Tullahoma. The initiative is open to any U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander Senate.” community in Tennessee that wants co-sponsor of Marketplace The proposal to allow states to to participate. Each community and Fairness Act of 2015 collect taxes on Internet sales has its leaders must make healthy living been a top priority for governmental a priority and work toward establish- BY LIZ FARMER organizations like the NGA and is ing a sustainable wellness program GOVERNING MAGAZINE widely supported by brick-and-mor- in their area. Each community that tar retailers who say they are unfairly applies will have one year to estab- As a proposal allowing states to losing business to online competitors lish its program. collect taxes on Internet sales hit the that aren’t subject to a sales tax. One of the most important things U.S. Senate for a third session in a Versions of the Marketplace Fairness we can do in our state is to improve row, supporters are already turning Act have been proposed in 2011 quality of life. Being healthy im- their efforts to the other chamber and 2013. The farthest the bill has proves quality of life. We believe we -- where the idea has historically progressed was passing the Senate can make the places we live in better flamed out. in 2013. by making them healthier. In a pointed letter to the House This year’s legislation, the Mar- Cities and counties interested Speaker John Boehner, the Nation- ketplace Fairness Act of 2015, was in becoming a Healthier Tennessee al Governors Association (NGA) introduced March 10 by Senators As another Marketplace Fairness Act hits the U.S. Senate, supporters Community should contact the Gov- Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Dick Durbin urged the Ohio Republican to push are urging the House speaker to do whatever necessary to pass it ernor’s Foundation for Health and (D-Ill.), Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) the so-called e-fairness legislation through Congress. Wellness at Tennessee@healthier- forward while noting the pitfalls of and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.). state.org or 615-610-1880. For more a competing bill floated by House Betsy Laird, senior vice president purchases based on the rate where of Goodlatte’s constituents in Vir- information on the program and oth- Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte of Global Public Policy at the In- the consumer lives.) In his letter to ginia buys something online from a er Healthier Tennessee initiatives, earlier this year. The House Judiciary ternational Council of Shopping Boehner, Crippen noted that if one See INTERNET on Page 5 please visit www.healthiertn.com. Committee is where last session’s Centers, appealed to the more con- bill, termed the Marketplace Fair- servative-leaning House by calling ness Act (MFA), died after passing the tax-free status of many online TDOT releases list of $6 billion in backlogged projects the Senate early in 2013. Dan Crip- retailers a “de facto government Transportation Coalition advocates for additional funding pen, the NGA’s executive director, subsidy.” Meanwhile, she added, noted that Boehner could sidestep the stores are forced to deal with higher The Tennessee Department of zie): $39.6 M Memphis market: unwilling committee, if he so chose. property taxes. Transportation has released a list of • Widening of I-40 in Madison • I-69 (from Kentucky line to “As you know, Mr. Speaker, the rules “The Senate has shown that it is its backlogged, unfunded projects County (US-412 [Hollywood Memphis): More than $1 billion of the House and Senate provide a ready and willing to level the playing that exceeds $6 billion and impacts Ave] to US-45 [Highland Ave]): • SR-14 (Austin Peay Highway, way to move forward when com- field for all retailers,” Laird said. “It most Tennessee counties. $60.8 M from Old Covington Pike to mittees fail to act,” Crippen wrote. is now up to the House to act.” “This is another key piece of • Construction of bypasses in Tipton County line): $75.4 M “For example, in the Senate it was Assuming it passes the Sen- information about how important it Lexington (SR-459), Somer- • SR-4/US-78 (Lamar Ave, Missis- necessary to move MFA directly to ate again, this year’s e-fairness is to invest in our transportation in- ville (SR-460) and Bolivar (SR- sippi state line to I-240): $229.1 M the floor without committee action. bill could meet competition in the frastructure and how current funding 458): $127.4 M • I-240 (I-55 to Midtown, Mem- The bill was debated over several House. Rep. Goodlatte’s proposal is not meeting the need,” says Susie • SR-186 (US-45/Keith Short phis): $50 M days and ultimately passed by a vote would tax Internet purchases using Alcorn, executive director, Tennes- Bypass, Casey Jones Village, • I-240 (Airways interchange): $43 M of 69-27; the committee’s failure to the sales tax rate in the home state see Infrastructure Alliance. Old Hickory Blvd to I-40, • I-40 (SR-177, Germantown act clearly thwarted the will of the of the seller. (The Senate bill taxes “Without additional revenue, Madison County): $3 M Road, to SR-205, Collierville-Ar- these unfunded projects will be sub- Knoxville market: lington Road): $65.1 M stantially delayed for years or may • SR-115 (US-129, from Alcoa Nashville market: never be undertaken or completed.
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