Art Cards, Mugs, Calendars Coasters, Trivets Aluminum Art Magnets, Framed & Matted Prints Limited Edition Giclee Shooter & Shot Glasses Floating Aluminum Wall Art Water Bottles Travel Mugs, Flasks First Nations Wall Carvings Face Masks & Scarves NAME DROPS & CUSTOM DESIGNS www.PACIFICMUSICANDART.COM 2021 Retail Price List For more information or to order, call toll free 1-866-850-1997 or toll free fax 1-866-301-1923 www.PacificMusicAndArt.com Email: [email protected] 䌀甀猀琀漀洀䌀甀猀琀漀洀 一愀洀攀 一愀洀攀 䐀爀漀瀀 䐀爀漀瀀 漀渀 漀渀 䴀愀最渀攀琀猀Ⰰ䴀愀最渀攀琀猀Ⰰ 䴀甀最猀 䴀甀最猀 愀渀搀 愀渀搀 䴀漀爀攀 䴀漀爀攀 Custom Name Drops Magnets, Mugs and more ... IM - Insulated Mug CM - Enamel Camp Mug TWG - Travel Wine Goblet 䤀䴀ⴀ䤀渀猀甀氀愀琀攀搀 䴀甀最䤀䴀ⴀ䤀渀猀甀氀愀琀攀搀 䴀甀最 䌀䴀ⴀ䔀渀愀洀攀氀 䌀愀洀瀀 䴀甀最䌀䴀ⴀ䔀渀愀洀攀氀 䌀愀洀瀀 䴀甀最 吀圀䜀ⴀ吀爀愀瘀攀氀 圀椀渀攀 䜀漀戀氀攀琀吀圀䜀ⴀ吀爀愀瘀攀氀 圀椀渀攀 䜀漀戀氀攀琀 TM吀䴀 ⴀ 吀爀愀瘀攀氀 䴀甀最 - Travel吀䴀 ⴀ 吀爀愀瘀攀氀 䴀甀最 Mug 圀䈀ⴀ圀愀琀攀爀 䈀漀琀琀氀攀WB圀䈀ⴀ圀愀琀攀爀 䈀漀琀琀氀攀 - Water Bottle 䌀圀䈀 ⴀ 䌀漀欀攀 圀愀琀攀爀 䈀漀琀琀氀攀CWB䌀圀䈀 ⴀ 䌀漀欀攀 圀愀琀攀爀 䈀漀琀琀氀攀 - Coke Water Bottle T - Trivets吀ⴀ吀爀椀瘀攀琀猀吀ⴀ吀爀椀瘀攀琀猀 䐀匀 ⴀ 漀稀 䌀攀爀愀洀椀挀 䴀甀最DS䐀匀 ⴀ 漀稀 䌀攀爀愀洀椀挀 䴀甀最 - 11 oz. Ceramic Mug 䐀䰀 ⴀ 㔀 漀稀 䌀攀爀愀洀椀挀 䴀甀最DL䐀䰀 ⴀ 㔀 漀稀 䌀攀爀愀洀椀挀 䴀甀最 - 15 oz. Ceramic Mug T - Trivet AP - Art Pad DL - Mug (Large) TM - Travel Mug CC - Coaster (Ceramic) G - Shooter Glass FL - Flask WB - Water Bottle -2A - Aluminum Mag (2.25 x 3.25) -4A - Aluminum Mag (4x6) -8A - Aluminum Art (8x10) -12A - Aluminum Art (12x18) -9M - 9x12 Mat -11M - 11x14 Mat -5 - Also available as 5x7 art card -6 - Also available as 6x9 art card -9F - 9x12 Frame -11F - 11x14 Frame Custom and Name Drop Patrick LaMontagne PMPL101FM-S/L PMPL102FM-S/L PMPL102AFM-S/L Wolf Otter Otter Face PMPL103FM-S/L PMPL107FM-S/L PMPL108FM-S/L Bald Eagle Smiling Tiger One in Every Family PMPL110FM-S/L PMPL113FM-S/L PMPL115FM-S/L Polar Bear Cows Peanuts PMPL116FM-S/L PMPL118FM-S/L PMPL119FM-S/L Panda Orca Sleepy Bear PMPL120FM-S/L PMPL122FM-S/L PMPL123FM-S/L Sasquatch Red Panda Peacful Panda These reusable masks are not for medical use and are not intended to be a replacement for N95 or medical grade PPE, and no claims are being made as such. Masks are three layer fabric with 100 % polyester outer layer 100% cotton inner layer with middle layer PM2.5 replaceable filter. Patrick LaMontagne PMPL124FM-S/L PMPL130FM-S/L PMPL131FM-S/L Hippo Two Wolves Amur Tiger PMPL135FM-S/L PMPL145FM-S/L PMPL154FM-S/L Giraffe Penguin Christmas Bear PMPL157FM-S/L PMPL158FM-S/L PMPL159FM-S/L Sitting Pretty Ring Tail Lemur Sire (Lion) Packaging Front Back Masks come secured to 5x7 or 6x9 cards, and are packed in clear plastic envelopes to protect product, and make for a great display. Package includes grommets to tighten straps and two adjustable metal nose strips for enhanced fit These reusable masks are available in two sizes - the small masks (FM-S) are suitable for small adults and children. The large (FM-L) are suitable for adults. Both sizes come with grommets to tighten the straps. Sue Coleman PMSC001FM-S/L PMSC332FM-S/L PMSC343FM-S/L Butterfly Collage Bear and Cubs Dogwood and Hummingbird PMSC355FM-S/L PMSC361FM-S/L PMSC365FM-S/L Humpback Wolf Butterfly Reflection PMSC381FM-S/L PMSC388FM-S/L PMSC399FM-S/L Whale Watchers Salmon Stream Eagle and Wolf PMSC420FM-S/L PMSC421FM-S/L PMSC427FM-S/L Guardian Bear Evening Light Rufous Ask about other Sue Coleman titles or check out PacificMusicandArt.com PMSC436FM-S/L PMSC444FM-S/L Eagle’s Pride Octopus These reusable masks are not for medical use and are not intended to be a replacement for N95 or medical grade PPE, and no claims are being made as such. Masks are three layer fabric with 100 % polyester outer layer 100% cotton inner layer with middle layer PM2.5 replaceable filter. Israel Shotridge PMIS101FM-S/L PMIS102FM-S/L PMIS103FM-S/L Abstract Formline Raven Journey Formline Black and White Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge PMIS104FM-S/L PMIS105FM-S/L PMIS106FM-S/L Formline Blue and White 30th Anniversary Bear - Teal Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge PMIM107FM-S/L PMIM108FM-S/L PMIS109FM-S/L Wolf Profile Killer Whale Raven Sun Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge PMIS110FM-S/L PMIS111FM-S/L PMIS112FM-S/L Salmon Run Baby Raven and Frog Owl Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge Ask about other Israel Shotrdige titles or check out PacificMusicandArt.com PMIS113FM-S/L PMIS114FM-S/L Hummingbird Wallpaper Frog Israel Shotridge Israel Shotridge These reusable masks are available in two sizes - the small masks (FM-S) are suitable for small adults and children. The large (FM-L) are suitable for adults. Both sizes come with grommets to tighten the straps. Various Artists PMAE102FM-S/L PMAE107FM-S/L PMAE123FM-S/L Breathe The Return The Story is in the Soil Andy Everson Andy Everson Andy Everson PMAH101FM-S/L PMAH105FM-S/L PMAH107FM-S/L Beyond to Baker South of Sombrio Winter Migration Allan de Haan Allan de Haan Allan de Haan PMCF102FM-L/S PMCF103FM-L/S PMDH001FM-L/S In the Spirit of our Ancestors Echoing Legends Tough Life Chief Frank Nelson Chief Frank Nelson Dave Hutchison PMDH005FM-S/L PMDH011FM-S/L PMDH087FM-S/L Big Beach Ripples Dancing the Night Away Dave Hutchison Dave Hutchison Dave Hutchison PMDH093FM-S/L PMDH106FM-S/L PMEC205FM-S/L Wholly Smokes Peacock Beacon Hill Park Dave Hutchison Dave Hutchison Emily Carr These reusable masks are not for medical use and are not intended to be a replacement for N95 or medical grade PPE, and no claims are being made as such. Masks are three layer fabric with 100 % polyester outer layer 100% cotton inner layer with middle layer PM2.5 replaceable filter. Various Artists PMEC308FM-S/L PMFG005FM-S/L PMFM001FM-S/L Haida Poles, Cha-Atl Backyard Birds I Heart Healthcare Workers Emily Carr Stuart Clarke Message PMFT001-S/L PMFM002-S/L PMHW013FM-S/L Chickens Maple Leaves Unbearably Cute Farm Team North 48 Helen B. Watt PMHW014FM-S/L PMIM101FM-S/L PMIM105FM-S/L Ice Dragon Grizzly Profile Wolf Profile Helen B. Watt Ian McAllister Ian McAllister PMPD015-S/L PMPD018-S/L Kitten in a Teacup Cat Collage PMIM106FM-S/L Patti Dyck Siblings Patti Dyck Ian McAllister PMPD037-S/L PMWM112-S/L PMWW194-S/L Dog Collage Y.Slainte! Wine Diva Patti Dyck Will Millar Jill Haney-Neal These reusable masks are available in two sizes - the small masks (FM-S) are suitable for small adults and children. The large (FM-L) are suitable for adults. Both sizes come with grommets to tighten the straps. Face Scarves and Gaiters PMAE107FS PMAE123FS PMDH002FS The Return The Story is in the Soil Stern Andy Everson Andy Everson Dave Hutchison PMDH087FS PMFS002FS PMPL101FS Dancing the Night Away Maple Leaves Wolf Dave Hutchison North 48 Patrick Lamontagne PMPL103FS PMFM007FS PMPL112FS Bald Eagle Smiling Tiger Ostrich Patrick Lamontagne Patrick Lamontagne Patrick Lamontagne PMPL116FS PMPL120FS PMSC343FS Black Bear Sasquatch Dogwood and Hummingbird Patrick Lamontagne Patrick Lamontagne Sue Coleman PMSC361FS PMSC427FS PMSC441FS Wolf Rufus Show of Colour Sue Coleman Sue Coleman Sue Coleman These face scarves/gaiters masks are not for medical use and are not intended to be a replacement for N95 or medical grade PPE, and no claims are being made as such. For comparable protection to our face masks, the face scarf should be doubled over so there are two layers of fabric covering the mouth. 5-In-1 Face Scarves and Gaiters Our new Face Scarves/Gaiters can be used many different ways - you can use it as a: • Neck Scarf • Face Mask • Beanie • Head Band • Head Scarf Name Drop and Full Custom • Name Drops are available on all our mask designs - We can customize type face to set you apart. • Prefer to bring your own art - No problem? • Not sure what you want? Send us your logo and our designers will do the rest. Racks and Displays Masks look great when displayed in calendar and art card racks Custom License Plates NEW! 䤀渀琀爀漀搀甀挀椀渀最 一攀眀 䌀甀猀琀漀洀 一愀洀攀 䐀爀漀瀀 漀渀 䰀椀挀攀渀猀攀 倀氀愀琀攀猀 愀渀搀 䬀攀礀 䌀栀愀椀渀猀 PMAM113L - YVR PMDH004 - L - CR 倀䴀䄀䴀㌀䰀ⴀ夀嘀刀⸀琀椀昀 倀䴀䐀䠀 䌀栀愀爀氀椀攀 ⴀ 䰀ⴀ䌀刀⸀琀椀昀 PMDHVictoriaPano - L - YYJ PMDH001L - CR 倀䴀䐀䠀 嘀椀挀琀漀爀椀愀倀愀渀漀 ⴀ 䰀ⴀ夀夀䨀⸀琀椀昀 倀䴀䐀䠀 䰀ⴀ䌀刀⸀琀椀昀 PMDH087L - YK PMPL151L - BANFF Custom倀䴀䐀䠀 㠀㜀䰀ⴀ夀䬀⸀琀椀昀昀 Key Chains NEW! 倀䴀倀䰀㔀䰀ⴀ䈀䄀一䘀䘀⸀琀椀昀 Key Chains Include Ring & Clip 䬀攀礀 䌀䠀愀椀渀猀 椀渀挀氀甀搀攀 刀椀渀最 愀渀搀 䌀氀椀瀀 Patrick LaMontagne - 6 x 9 Art Cards PMPL102 Otter PMPL104 Beaver -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, AP -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL103 Bald Eagle PMPL101 Wolf -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, AP -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, AP -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL108 One in Every Family PMPL106 Grizzly -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL105 Humpback Whale -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL107 Smiling Tiger -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL110 Polar Bear -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, PMPL112 Ostrich -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL109 Berkley and the Bug -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, AP PMPL111 Happy Baby -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F PMPL113 Cows PMPL114 Black Bear PMPL115 Peanuts PMPL116 Panda -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, AP -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, AP -2A,-4A,-8A, DL, T, CC, -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F -9M,-9F,-11M,-11F T - Trivet AP - Art Pad DL - Mug (Large) TM - Travel Mug CC - Coaster (Ceramic) G - Shooter Glass FL - Flask WB - Water Bottle -2A - Aluminum Mag (2.25 x 3.25) -4A - Aluminum Mag (4x6) -8A - Aluminum Art (8x10) -12A - Aluminum Art (12x18) -9M - 9x12 Mat -11M - 11x14 Mat -5 - Also available as 5x7 art card -6 - Also available as 6x9 art card -9F - 9x12 Frame -11F - 11x14 Frame Custom and Name
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