C~LENDAR ITEM A 9 .08/22/90 PRC 7432 w 24397 s 3 Martinez DREDGING PERMIT · ~PPL.!CANT: Strawberry Recreation Dist. ·--~- -~ Attn: Stephen Kaufman 1299 ~ 4th Street, Suite S02 Sar. Rafael. California 94901 AGENT: Wes~ern Dock Enterprises p.6. Box 4669 Petaluma, California 94953 AREA, TYPE LAND AND LOCATIQN: Gr~nted mineral reservation lands in Richardsc~ Bay, Marin County. LANO USE: Dredge a m~ximum 35,000 cubic yards .of material for the purpos~ of maintaining a n~vigable depth. The prospect is & ~mall po~tiori of a larger project consisting of the removal of a tot~l 200,000· ctibic yards includirg lands not under Commission jurisdiction. The a~plicant has propqsed disposal.oft~~ dredged rn~terial at th~ Co~ps/EPA ~pproued Alt@ltraz Disposal Site ·sF-11. TERMS Of THt PROPOSED PERMIT: Initial p~riod: One .year beginning September 1, 1990. Royalty: $0.25 per cubic yard for material removed as approued. -1- f.B..!:.fNDAR ITEM N£. 4 6ccoNT • D>· Addilional fee: A fee of $0.25 por cubic yard for any dredged material disposed of at any site in San Francisco Bay, including but not limited to SF 11, to offset cost of studies ~ecessar~ to develop ncn-B~y disposal sites for future use (See below). PREREQUISITE TERMS, FEES .AND EXPENSES: Filing and processing fees. ha.ue been received. STATUTORY ANO OTHER REFERENCES: A. P.R.C.: Div. 6, Part!; 1 and. 2; Div. 13. ·B. Cal Cbde Regs.: Title 2, Div. 3; T~tle 14. Div. 6. AB 8$4: 10/17/90. OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: 1. Water quality testing pe~formed pursuant to the Corps of Engineers and California .Regional Water Qu~li ty Coritrol Board permitting re~uirements found the ~aterials to ·be suitable for disposal at SF-1 t as proposed. 2. Questions have been raised about continuing to dispose of dredged material in San Francisco Bay. lt is anticipated the currently approved in-Bay sites will reach capacity within ten years. Howeuer, the current lack of suitable upland disposal ~ites or EPA/Corps approved offshore disposal sites severely limits the options available for disposal. Through participation in the Fe~eral/State Jo~nt Long-Term Management St~¢~ being conducted to identify and eva~~a~e site options for the disposal of material dredged from San Francisco Bay, the State Lands Commission has emphasized the need to focus on the selecti'on of upland and ocean dispo~al ~ite{s). This need has also been expre~sed by concurrence with San Francisco -2- ' '' - ~~ l "\ ', ' CALENDAR ITEM N~ 4: ~CONT'D) Bay Conservation and Devel~pmenl Commission (Sf"BCOC) and its proposed 1e~,..;.c:_1ation ·to authorize. the San f"ranci s co Bay Regional Dredging Plan. Identification and evaluation of alternate disposal sites will require numerous studies at a cost of seve~al million dollars. Because ongoing in-Bay disposal contribut~s to the eventual obsolescence of in-Bay si~es, ~nd the nee~ to d~uelop oth~r altern8L1v~~. a fe~ will be charged as a condition to the proposed permit to be disposited in a fund to of'fset the cost ·of needed studies. 3. Pursuant to the Commission's d~legation of authority and the State CEQA Guidelines { 14 Cal.. Code Regs. 1502.S), the staff has prepared a ·proposed Negative Declaration, identitied as ND 508, State Clearinghouse r<Jo. 90030298.. Such proposed Negative Oeclarationiwas prepared and circulated for public ·revi~w pursuant to provisions of CEQA. Based, upon· the initial study. the proposed Negative Deiiaration, and the comments received in response thereto, there is ·no substantial euiderce that the project, as proposed, will ~aJe a significant effect on the environment. (I~ Cal. Code Regs. l!i074)(b) APPROVALS REQUIRED: Corps of Engineers. SfBCOC, Regional Water Quality Control Bo~rd. Depa~~ment of Boating and Waterways, CouMty of Marin. EXHIBITS: n. Vicinity and Site Map. B. Ored~ing Permit. C. Negative Declaration. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE COMMISSION: l. CERTIFY THAT A NE<SATIVE DECLARATION, NO 508, STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NO. 90030298, WAS PREPARED FOR THIS PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE PkOUISIONS OF CEQA ANO THAT THE COMMISSLON -3- HAS AOOPrco. RtVIEwr:o. AND CONSIOCRCO TU( INfORMfll!ON CONTA1NE~ THEREIN~ 2. PETERM!NE THAT lHE PROJECT. AS APPROVED. WILL NOT HAUE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON· T~E ENVIRONMENT. 3 AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ISSUE TO STRAWBERRY RECREATibN DISTRICT THE D~EDGING PERMIT ATTACHED ~S EXH~BIT 11 8". SAID PER~IT SHALL ALLOW DREDGING A MAXIMUM VOLUME OF 35,000 CUAJC YARDS OF MATERIAL FROM RICHARtiSON BAY, MARIN COUNTY FOR ONE YEAR BEGINNING Septemb2r 1. 1990. IT IS PREFERRED THAT DREOGEO MATERIALS SHALL B~ DISPOSED Of AT AN EPA/CORPS, OF £NGfNEERS APPROVEo"orrs110RE OCEAN DISPOSAL Sll£. lN TUE ABSENCE Of AVAILABILITY OF SUCH SITES. THE MATERIAL MAY 6E bISPOSED OF AT THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS ALCATRAZ OISPOS~L SITE, A ROYALTY OF $0.25 PER CUBIC YARD SH~LL BE CHARGED FOR MATERIAL REMOVED AS APPROVED. A FEE OF $0.25 WILL BE C~ARGEO FOR EACH CUBIC YA~O Of OREDGf.D MATERIAL PLACED AT IN-BAY DISPOSAL SITES. TO BE PLACED IN A SEPARATE FUND TO OFFSET COSTS OF STUDIES NtCESSARY TO IDENTIFY AND ANALYZE ALTERNATIVE DISPOSAL SITES. SUCH PERMITTED ACTIVITY IS CO~ITINGENT ·UPON THE APPLICANT'S ~OMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE PERMITS, RECOMMENDATIONS ANO l!MilATIONS ISSUED BY FEDERAL, STATE AND ~OCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. -4- I ~'~"'"•""""""T ~:i.··~~-"'~_,,.-,,~n-" ~l!!-"Yl ·~-~~~-.:::"~"-~ .......... ,,.~,,..-,~~"'.-;... , ......~ "'~"' .,._,,.~..,. 3''"'>.'l..H-. .... •r..•,D';l"S.~~·~--d:'t~<li'•U'P'Yf-V<'t< ... ·~ _.... ••~<.1<':1- C.!l .t... ->.-r..-· """"'<l<:."~'"""(•.l'r'\.6-1,>4,$..- .~~>"'1Ybl,•' -.1..-.... ~.... "</~.,._.,.-~..--~~·.....-1~.. ..._,,,J/!J.,.•J..L. 11'1 ,,• .,_.,,~ .... "' c~1....,,,. """'"'""'"'~""·~~-=rlY~l'~~'>..l#U.• Jt;.4<2''t'"'V~o..-·,.N.o;. ' ~.' ~ '< f < " ' ' ~, ':;>.. ~ ' ) ' ~ \ ' 1' '-' •' 'l- I ,.' , " • '.! ,:, ",:,: ·.-""", :'5,.. .. • ~: r~:;,;;,.i~.-:t..,_·....,. ··~· ~··~··~~ai~-- ,.~.. IQ«ll,~- ~·11 ·:••••mmalm ._ North Boy VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT"'A• APPUCATioN Fo~ .. ·oR~ING'·' PERMrr·~ ". STRAwser.;W RECREATION OISTFJ,ICT W24397 RICHARDSON ~'V MARIN COUNTY f ' ' D~EDSING srre-- : I .! No Seal~ • 't,_1 F;r..JiIBIT B STAl"!: O'i= CAUFORNIA-sTATI: LANOS COMMISSION GEORGE D!:UKMEJIAN. Gowmoi STATE LANDS CoMMISSION -. 1807 \3,J'H STREET ·SA~RAiiel'lTO. CALIFORNIA 9$81.C September l, 1990 File Ref.: W 24·397 Strawberry Recre~t~on District Attn: St~phen Kaufman t299 - 4th Stree~, Suite 502 S~n ~afael CA 94901 G:n;:.lemen: Purs~ant ~= you~ app::=ation and by the authorization o~ ~he Sta~e Lands ~ommiss~c~ on August =~. 1990 you ate ~ereby granted perm1ss1on ~o dr~cge, d::!· 1ng -:·fie ':erm of -:he per:nit a maxiri1um 35., 000 cubl.c y.a~ds o-£: sand, si:-:, c<:::· an9 grav~:. excluding all ot'i~~~ minerals, .!..-:eluding b~~ ~o: ::~1~?:: -:o oil, gas and geothermal from i~~rer of g~anted m~neral :--::se~va :.io::. la::cs in Richa::::son Bay, Ma.~ in County as desig:iat~d in Exh1bi~ ";" a~:a~hed h~ret:, which is by chis ~~%eren~e expressly made a pa~: h~r~~:. S~:~ p~rm!Ss~;~ inc!udes the r~ght ~O deposi~ c~edged mac~~hd a-: t:h-?· .:orps of ·E::gineers: EPA ap?:-6vec Alcatraz .;qua;:ic Di.sposa l S:t.:.-= SF-1!. ; ==Jal~y =~ S0.25 pP= =~bic yard shall be paid for ma~e=ial placed c. ~~~ a?p~ovpd 5isposal s::e. Said permissio~ is given on ~he cond1~Lon ~~a~ a~l c=~c9:~g and depos:ticn shall ~e done in accordance nith all app!icac:e ~ede=al. s:.a~e, a~d local government laws, rules and reguiacions. Saic ?e=~~ssio~ shall b~ :::ectiv~ from September l, 1990 ~hrough .:'l.ugus-:: ·::, !991. ~~ adl~:to~a1 fee of SC.25 pe: cubic yard shall be charged for ~ny d~edged materia: disposed ~~ at any si~e in San Francisco Say, l.n~luding but noc :i~lted to SF-1! to ~ffset costs of s~udies necessary to develop non-Bay disposal sites ~or ~uture use. ,.. is hereby agreed that. the' opera"C.ions authcri'ze.d under this permit sh?.11 be perfor~ed with di:igence, in a good' ~nd-workmanlike manner, and w:~h the ~se o: due care a~~ safety preca~tior.s. Navigation signs shall be placed a~ the diversion ?Oint ~o direct traffic away from the sea1 ~aul-ou~. Boa~ ~~affic wi~~i~ the Lagoon shall be constrained to 5 mph and confined ~o a specific area. ~redging activities shall be restr~ct~c ~o ~aylight .hours and hal~sd during low tide. Time wiqdows est~blished fo recognize seal haul-out, hercing runs ~nd sportfishing seasons shall be adhered -:o. Silencers shall be plac.eci on equipm~~t ~sed at the site. No. slurrv transfer of material or overflow of sediment laden water sha-11 be.alloweg. · · It i.$ further ag·x:eed that yo? shall submit cop~·,e~~:§'t. .repo:r;t~. or. contraGts with the dredging operatf.)r substan~iating the:volume <?f mater~ dredged a~d any royalLies due t6 the Commission c~- a quarterly basis, on fo~m7 sup~lied by the_Co~mission tFo~m 30.9NC). It iii.· ~!i~ou. hall submit said forms on or oefore the f·J.fq~enth (15th) mon . 1. ~, fol lo...,·ing :.he end of each permit qu~r.;:;e~, together w _ _ : r.:>ya l t::;r due on. the volume removed during that quarte ·. · ~., ' -~ -2~ ... !j:: :.e:r shall be ~h~ ;irst thrje months following the effective date of this :ni ~, and ,vers three-month period thereafter shall be a permit q~arter.
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