Hillsdale Public Library LEVELED READING LIST Level A Have You Seen My Cat ­ Eric Carle ­ JP stacks Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? ­ Bill Martin ­ JP stacks Do You Want To Be My Friend ­ Eric Carle ­ JP stacks Autumn Leaves ­ Gail Saunders­Smith ­ J581.4SAU Purple Snerd ­ Rozanne Williams ­ JE stacks AUTHORS: Robert Kalan ­ JP stacks Eric Carle ­ JP & JE stacks Rozanne Williams ­ J513.2WIL & JE stacks Mercer Mayer ­ JP Top of Brown Spinner and JE stacks Cari Meister ­JE Stone Arch Readers ­ Blue Phonics Cart Brand New Readers ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Level B Have You Seen My Cat ­ Eric Carle ­ JP stacks Have You Seen My Duckling ­ Nancy Tafuri ­ JP stacks AUTHORS: Kristi Butler ­ JE Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Caron Cohen ­ JE Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Adria Klein ­ JE Picture Book Windows ­ Blue and Red Phonics Carts Lois Ehlert ­ JP stacks Eric Carle ­ JP stacks Level C A Rainbow of My Own ­ Don Freeman ­JP stacks Sam and Jack Three Stories ­ Alex Moran ­ JR Greenlight Readers­2nd Red Phonics Cart Flying ­ Donald Crews ­ JP stacks Spots, Feathers & Curly Tails ­ Nancy Tafuri ­ JP stacks Brand New Readers ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart AUTHORS: Patricia McKissack ­JE stacks Don Freeman ­ JP stacks Betsy Franco ­ JE Greenlight Readers Second Red Phonics Cart Cari Meister ­ JE stacks and Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Melinda Crow ­ JE Stone Arch Readers Blue Phonics Cart Janice Earl ­ JE Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Sue Williams ­ JP stacks and Picture Book Window Blue and Red Phonics Cart Alex Moran ­ JR Greenlight Readers­ Second Red Phonics Cart Bill Martin ­ JP and JE stacks David McPhail ­ JP and JE stacks and Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Level D Mouse Pant ­ Ellen Walsh ­ JP stacks It Looked Like Spilt Milk ­ Charles Shaw ­ JP stacks Where’s Spot ­ JP Back Spinner Tadpoles ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Greenlight Readers ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Footprints in the Snow ­ JE stacks School Bus ­ Donald Crews ­JP stacks Sleepy Dog ­ Harriet Ziefert ­JE stacks Tadpoles ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart AUTHORS: Rozanne Williams ­ J513.2WIL and JE stacks Stuart Murphy ­ JP stacks Alex Moran ­ Greenlight Readers ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Tim Bowers ­ Greenlight Readers ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Marcia Leonard ­ Real Kids Read ­Second Red Phonics Cart Mira Ginsburg ­ JP stacks David McPhail ­ JP stacks and JE Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Lois Ehlert ­ JP stacks M. Cocca­Leffler ­ JP and JE stacks Patricia Polacco ­ JP stacks Level E Tadpoles ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Greenlight Readers ­Second Red Phonics Cart All By Myself ­ Mercer Mayer ­JP Top of Brown Spinner Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed ­ E. Christelow ­ JP stacks It Look Like Spilt Milk ­ Charles Shaw ­ JP stacks Monkey See, Monkey Do ­ Marc Gave ­ JE stacks Sunshine, Moonshine ­ Jennifer Armstrong ­ JE stacks Where’s Spot ­ Eric Hill ­ JP Back Spinner AUTHORS: Eileen Christelow ­JP stacks Kristi Butler ­ Greenlight Readers ­ JE Second Red Phonics Cart Keith Baker ­ Greenlight Readers ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Melinda Crow ­ JE Stone Arch Readers ­ Blue Phonics Cart Gail Herman ­ Scooby Doo JE ­ Back Spinner David Lee Harrison ­ JP and JE stacks Marcia Leonard ­ JE Real Kids Read ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Sarah Weeks ­ JP and JE stacks Margaret Hillert ­ Dear Dragon ­ JE Red Phonics Cart Level F Rosie’s Walk ­ Pat Hutchins ­ JP stacks Itchy, Itchy Chicken Pox ­ Grace Maccarone ­ JE stacks Biscuit Finds a Friend ­ Alyssa Capucilli ­ JE stacks Soccer Game ­ Grace Maccarone ­JE­stacks Puppy Sam series ­ Labatt ­ JE ­ stacks Biscuit series ­ Alyssa Capucilli ­ JE ­ stacks Pup and Hound series ­ Hood ­ JE stacks Spot series ­ Eric Hill ­ JP ­ Back Spinner Miss Bindergarten series ­ Slate ­ JP ­ stacks Little Critters First Readers­ Mercer Mayer ­ JE stacks Greenlight Readers ­ JE ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Scholastic Readers ­ JE Red Phonics Cart Noodles ­ Wilhelm ­ JE ­ Blu Phonics Cart Eloise series ­ Kate Thompson ­ JP and JE Front Spinner AUTHORS: Alyssa Capucilli ­ JE ­ stacks Grace Maccarone ­ JE ­ stacks Syd Hoff ­ JE ­ stacks Harriet Ziefert ­ JP and JE ­ stacks Stuart Murphy ­ JP ­ stacks Lisa Ernst ­ Greenlight Readers ­ JE ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Jane O’Connor ­ Fancy Nancy ­ JP and JE ­ Front Spinner Bernard Most ­ Greenlight Readers ­ JE ­ Second Red Phonics Cart Pat Hutchins ­ JP ­ stacks David McPhail ­ Greenlight Readers ­ JE ­ Second Red Phonics Cart John Stadler ­ JE ­ stacks Kevin Henkes ­ JP and JE ­ stacks Level G More Spaghetti I say ­ Rita Gelman ­ JE stacks Five Little Monkeys With Nothing to Do ­ E. Christelow ­ JP ­ stacks David Goes to School ­ David Shannon ­ JP ­stacks The Carrot Seed ­ Ruth Kraus ­JP ­ stacks Sheep in a Jeep ­ Nancy Shaw ­ JP ­stacks Biscuit series ­ Alyssa Capucilli ­ JP and JE stacks and Front Spinner Harry series ­ Harriet Ziefert ­ JP and JE stacks Just for You ­ Mercer Mayer ­ JP Top of Brown Spinner Mine’s the Best ­ Crosby Bonsall ­ JE ­ stacks A New House for Mole and Mouse ­ Harriet Ziefert ­ JE stacks Titch ­ Pat Hutchins ­ JP ­ stacks Just Grandpa and Me ­ Mercer Mayer ­ JP Top of Brown Spinner A Day at Greenhill Farm ­ Sue Nicholson ­ JE stacks A day in the Life of a Teacher ­ Linda Hayward ­ JE ­ stacks I’m a Caterpillar ­ Jean Marzollo ­ JE stacks Wild Weather ­ Katharine Kenah ­ JE Red Phonics Cart AUTHORS: Ruth Kraus ­ JP stacks Byron Barton ­ JP ­ stacks Harriet Ziefert ­ JP and JE stacks Rita Gelman ­ JE ­ stacks Mo Willems ­ JP ­ stacks Crosby Bonsall ­­ JE ­ stacks Nancy Carlson ­ JP ­stacks Amy Hest ­ JP ­­ stacks Too Parr ­ JP ­ stacks Anna Dewdney ­ JP ­ stacks Jane O’ Connor ­ Fancy Nancy ­ JP and JE ­ Front Spinner David Shannon ­ JP ­stacks Kay Thompson ­ JP and JE ­ Front Spinner Eileen Christelow ­ JP ­ stacks Hans Wilhelm ­ Noodles ­ JE ­ Blue Phonics Cart Level H Good Night Moon ­ Margaret Brown ­ JP ­ stacks Sammy the Seal ­ Syd Hoff ­ JE ­ stacks A Kiss for Little Bear ­ Else Minarik ­ JE ­ stacks Ready, Set, Go! ­ John Stadler ­ JE ­ stacks Captain Cat ­ Syd Hoff ­ JE ­ stacks Chrysanthemum ­ Kevin Henkes ­ JP ­ stacks Danny and the Dinosaur series ­ Syd Hoff ­JE ­ stacks Just Me series ­ Mercer Mayer ­ JP ­ Top of Brown Spinner Owl Babies ­ Martin Waddell ­ JP ­ stacks Mouse Series ­ Robert Kraus ­ JP ­ stacks ABC I Like Me! ­Nancy Carlson ­ JP ­ stacks Diving Dolphins ­ Karen Wallace ­ JE ­stacks Surprise Puppy ! ­ Judith Walker ­ Hodge ­ JE ­ stacks Tale of a Tadpole ­ Karen Wallace ­ J597.8WAL Whatever the Weather ­ Karen Wallace ­ JE ­ stacks AUTHORS: Syd Hoff ­ JE­ stacks Margaret Wise Brown ­ JP ­ stacks Nancy Carlson ­ JP ­stacks Else Minarik ­ JE ­ stacks Robert Lopshire ­ JE ­stacks Ted Arnold (Fly Guy) ­ JE Blue Phonics Cart Tomie DePaola ­ JP ­ stacks Lois Ehlert ­ JP ­ stacks Pat Hutchins ­ JP ­ stacks Amy Hest ­ JP ­ stacks Robert Kraus ­ JP ­ stacks Level I Father Bear Comes Home ­ Else Minarik ­ JE ­ stacks Henny Penny ­ Paul Galdone ­ JP ­stacks Spot Series ­ Eric Hill ­ JP ­ Back Spinner Dragon series ­ Dav Pilkey ­ JE ­ stacks Scholastic Readers ­ JE Red Phonics Cart Ready ­to ­Read Readers Level 1 ­JE stacks (various authors) Froggy books ­ Jonathan London ­JP ­ stacks Just Grandma and Me ­ Mercer Mayer ­JP ­ Top of Brown Spinner Airport ­ Byron Barton ­ JP ­ stacks A Day in the Life of a Police Officer ­ Linda Hayward ­ JE ­ stacks A Day in the Life of a TV Reporter ­ Linda Hayward ­ JE ­stacks Rockets and Spaceships ­ Karen Wallace ­ JE ­ stacks Wild Baby Animals ­ Karen Wallace ­ JE ­ stacks Spooky Riddles ­Marc Brown ­ JE ­stacks AUTHORS: P.D. Eastman ­ JE ­stacks Else Minarik ­ JE ­ stacks Mercer Mayer ­ JE ­ stacks Paul Galdone ­ JP ­ stacks Robert Kraus ­ JP ­stacks Syd Hoff ­ JE­ stacks Mem Fox ­ JP ­ stacks Charlotte Zolotow ­ JP ­stacks Natasha Wing ­ JP ­stacks Margaret Wise Brown ­ JP ­ stacks Rosemary Wells ­ JP and JE ­ stacks Level J Danny and the Dinosaur ­ Syd Hoff ­ JE ­ stacks The Doorbell Rang ­ Pat Hutchins ­ JP ­ stacks Henry and Mudge series ­ Cynthia Rylant ­ JE ­ stacks Mouse Soup ­ Arnold Lobel ­ JP and JE ­ stacks Peter’s Chair ­ Ezra Jack Keats ­ JP ­ stacks Poppleton series ­ Cynthia Rylant ­ JE ­ stacks Where the Wild Things Are ­ Maurice Sendak ­ JP ­ stacks Dandelion ­ Don Freeman ­ JP ­ stacks Millions of Cats ­ Wanda Gag ­ JP ­ stacks Franklin series ­ Paulette Bourgeois ­ JP ­ Front Spinner & JE ­ stacks Mr. Putter and Tabby series ­ Cynthia Rylant ­ JE ­ stacks Curious George ­ H.A. Rey ­ JP­ Brown Spinner & JE ­ stacks Fox series ­ James Marshall ­ JE ­ stacks Froggy series ­ Jonathan London ­ JP ­ stacks Harry the Dirty Dog series ­ Harriet Ziefert ­ JP & JE stacks Young Cam Jansen series ­ David Adler ­ JE ­ stacks Little Bear series ­ Else Minarik ­ JE ­ stacks Henry and Mudge series ­ Cynthia Rylant ­ JE ­ stacks The Snowy Day ­ Ezra Jack Keats ­ JP ­stacks There’s a… series ­ Mercer Mayer ­ JP ­ stacks Where the Wild Things Are ­ Maurice Sendak ­ JP ­ stacks Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! ­ Jennifer Dussling ­ J595.715DUS Dinosaur Dinners ­ Lee Davis ­ JE ­stacks Slinky, Scaly Snakes ­ Jennifer Dussling ­ J597.96DUS The Statue of Liberty ­ Lucille Penner ­ JE ­ stacks & J974.9PEN AUTHORS: Syd Hoff ­JE ­ stacks Cynthia Rylant ­ JE ­ stacks Arnold Lobel ­ JE ­ stacks Ezra Jack Keats ­ JP ­ stacks Norman Bridwell ­ (Clifford series) ­ JP ­ Brown Spinner & JE ­ stacks H.A. Rey ­ (Curious George) ­ JP ­ Brown Spinner and JE ­ stacks Leonard Kessler ­ JE ­ stacks James Preller ­ JE ­ stacks Level K Caps for sale ­ Esphyr
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