• Estado de la nación • Rebelión de Glenville 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 57, No. 6 Feb. 12, 2015 $1 After voting down austerity Madrid, Spain 8 Greek masses expect change Maneuvers begin as bankers push back By Fred Goldstein Bus drivers pack court despite blizzard The new left social-democratic government of the Syriza party was swept into office in Greece on an an- ti-austerity program on Jan. 25. The party targeted the harsh neoliberal cutbacks, budget cuts and privatization imposed by the “Troika” — the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission. The new government immediately took concrete measures against the austerity program imposed by the banks. As the Jan. 28 British Guardian put it: “One by one [the austerity measures] were rolled back, blitz- krieg-style, mercilessly, ruthlessly, with rat-a-tat effi- ciency. “First the barricades came down outside the Greek parliament. Then it was announced that privatization schemes would be halted and pensions reinstated. And then came the news of the reintroduction of the 751- euro monthly minimum wage. … “After that, ministers announced more measures: the scrapping of fees for prescriptions and hospital visits, the restoration of collective work agreements, the re- hiring of workers laid off in the public sector, the grant- ing of citizenship to migrant children born and raised in Greece.” The measures that Syriza announced concerning an end to privatization and restoration of the workers’ stan- dard of living are estimated to cost 13.2 billion euro. Despite the fact that Greece owes the Troika 240 billion euro, the Syriza government did not ask permission to break the austerity pact, which these measures surely do. (As of Feb. 2, 1 euro equals $1.13) Boston drivers and their supporters turned out en masse to defend fired leader. See story page 3. These acts sent a wave of hope through the broad masses and shock waves into the boardrooms of finance capital. DEADLY TOLL CONTINUES Austerity for masses equals aid to bankers 5 Previous governments had planned to raise funds by Protests of police killings in Baltimore, Atlanta selling off to private capitalists and developers Greece’s two biggest ports, several airports, its power utility, a refinery and other public facilities, along with layoffs and cutbacks in workers’ wages, pensions and health BLACK LIBERATION benefits. All this was going to be done to pay for the bank loans made to previous Greek capitalist governments. 6-7 It is worth noting that, in fact, the Greek government MONTH is not really sovereign. It has no control over its curren- cy, a vital function of any capitalist state. Control of the currency lies in Frankfurt, Germany’s financial center. • African Burial Ground The background to Syriza’s electoral victory is years of economic hardship, leading to years of mass struggle Continued on page 9 • Right to rebel • Louisiana slave revolt SUBSCRIBE TO • Malcolm X honored WORKERS WORLD n 4 weeks trial $4 n 1 year subscription $30 Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program workers.org/articles/donate/supporters_/ POTENTIAL FOR DISASTER 4 Podemos in Spain 8 Name _______________________________________ Oil train derails in Philly France detains children 8 Email _____________________ Phone______________ Israeli attack on Syria 11 Street _______________________________________ Editorials 10 City / State / Zip ________________________________ No arms for Kiev regime! Workers World 212-627-2994 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10011 workers.org Bratton and protests Page 2 Feb. 12, 2015 workers.org BLACK HISTORY MONTH In the U.S. MATTERS: Bus drivers pack court for union militant..................3 On the picket line ........................................3 SUPPORT Second near-disaster as shale oil train derails .............4 Oakland WWP hosts resistance fighters ...................4 WW ‘Don’t privatize Oakland schools!’ ........................4 Tribute held for MOVE 9 member Phil Africa ..............4 Baltimore: Killings by police continue despite protests ....5 Atlanta cop kills 911 caller.................................5 African Burial Ground exposes slavery in New York City ...6 WW PHOTO: JOE PIETTE The case of Ahmed Evans ................................6 ongoing protests in Ferguson and the national movement Louisiana’s African slave revolt of 1811 ....................7 that exploded after grand juries failed to indict the racist Harlem march honors Malcolm X .........................7 cops who killed Brown and unarmed Eric Garner in Staten Around the world Island, N.Y. Our coverage of the Black struggle here and around Greek masses expect change.............................1 The Black Lives the world is based on the principle of supporting national Mass anti-austerity rally clogs Madrid.....................8 Matter movement, self-determination: Oppressed people have the right to Banks bailed out — themselves..........................8 fight to end all forms of inequality and injustice — by any which started in response Anti-Islam frenzy in France targets kids ...................8 to the killing of unarmed means necessary. Those words were first spoken by the Some basic facts about Greece ..........................9 Michael Brown by a racist great Malcolm X, assassinated 50 years ago on Feb. 21, Why Washington fuels Kiev’s war on Novorossiya ..........10 cop in Ferguson, Mo., is 1965. the latest heroic chapter in If you appreciate this coverage, it’s time to join the Syria says Israeli attack helps al-Qaida.....................11 the centuries-long struggle Workers World Supporter Program. Please help us continue to end the vile saga of racism to publish anti-racist, working-class truth and build the Editorials and national oppression, struggles needed to make revolutionary change. Bratton and protests ....................................10 including slavery, that permeates the history For the past 38 years, WW subscribers have helped No U.S. arms for Kiev regime! ............................10 and everyday reality of life in the United States. maintain the paper by joining the WW Supporter Program. We invite you to sign up today! Write checks to Workers Black History Month, founded in 1926, is in essence Noticias en Español Black Liberation Month. As part of our commemoration, World Fund Drive. Send them to Workers World, 147 W. 24th Workers World will write about some of the many sacrifices St., 2nd floor, New York, NY 10011. Include your name and Lo que Obama omitió ...................................12 and struggles carried out by people of African descent to address. Or donate online at workers.org/articles/donate/ Cómo la Rebelión de Glenville ganó brevemente throw off their chains and end institutionalized racism. It’s also possible to contribute there by joining the Work- control comunitario en 1968 ............................12 But WW doesn’t just cover the Black struggle in Febru- ers World Supporter Program and giving either a lump sum ary. We write about the struggle against racism in depth or a monthly donation. Be sure to check it out. all year, every year. WW has had continual coverage of the And thanks! Workers World 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. New York, N.Y. 10011 Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.workers.org Vol. 57, No. 6 • Feb. 12, 2015 Who we are & what we’re fighting for Closing date: Feb. 3, 2015 Editor: Deirdre Griswold Hate capitalism? Workers World Party fights for a degrading people because of their nationality, sexu- Technical Editors: Lal Roohk, Andy Katz socialist society — where the wealth is socially owned al or gender identity or disabilities — all are tools the Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, LeiLani Dowell, and production is planned to satisfy human need. This ruling class uses to keep us apart. They ruthlessly Kris Hamel, Monica Moorehead, Gary Wilson outmoded capitalist system is dragging down workers’ super-exploit some in order to better exploit us all. West Coast Editor: John Parker living standards while throwing millions out of their WWP builds unity among all workers while support- Contributing Editors: Abayomi Azikiwe, jobs. If you’re young, you know they’re stealing your ing the right of self-determination. Fighting oppres- Greg Butterfield, G. Dunkel, Fred Goldstein, sion is a working-class issue, which is confirmed by future. And capitalism is threatening the entire plan- Martha Grevatt, Teresa Gutierrez, Larry Hales, et with its unplanned, profit-driven stranglehold over the many labor struggles led today by people of color, Berta Joubert-Ceci, Cheryl LaBash, the means of production. immigrants and women. Milt Neidenberg, Bryan G. Pfeifer, Betsey Piette, Workers built it all — it belongs to society, not to WWP has a long history of militant opposition to im- Minnie Bruce Pratt, Gloria Rubac a handful of billionaires! But we need a revolution to perialist wars. The billionaire rulers are bent on turning Technical Staff: Sue Davis, Keith Fine, Bob McCubbin make that change. That’s why for 56 years WWP has back the clock to the bad old days before socialist revo- Mundo Obrero: Teresa Gutierrez, Berta Joubert-Ceci, been building a revolutionary party of the working lutions and national liberation struggles liberated terri- Donna Lazarus, Carlos Vargas class inside the belly of the beast. tory from their grip. We’ve been in the streets to oppose Supporter Program: Sue Davis, coordinator We fight every kind of oppression. Racism, sexism, every one of imperialism’s wars and aggressions. Copyright © 2014 Workers World. Verbatim copying and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium Contact a Workers World Party branch near you: workers.org/wwp without royalty provided this notice is preserved. Workers World (ISSN-1070-4205) is published weekly National Office Bay Area Cleveland Houston Pittsburgh except the first week of January by WW Publishers, 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl. 1305 Franklin St. #411 P.O. Box 5963 P.O. Box 3454 [email protected] 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10011. Phone: New York, NY 10011 Oakland, CA 94612 Cleveland, OH 44101 Houston, TX 77253-3454 510.600.5800 Rochester, N.Y.
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