9290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 June 15, 2011 Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- The legislative clerk read as follows: Whereas in 2010, the Government of Mon- imous consent that Senator COBURN be A resolution (S. Res. 208) expressing the golia deployed a United Nations Level II hos- listed as the second sponsor of that sense of the Senate regarding Mongolian pital in Darfur, Sudan; Whereas the Government of Mongolia has amendment by Senator FEINSTEIN, No. President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj’s visit to actively promoted international peace- 476. Washington, DC and its support for the grow- ing partnership between the United States keeping efforts by sending soldiers— The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (1) to protect the Special Court of Sierra and Mongolia. objection, it is so ordered. Leone; Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- There being no objection, the Senate (2) to support the North Atlantic Treaty imous consent that when the Senate proceeded to consider the resolution. Organization mission in Kosovo; and resumes consideration of S. 782, on Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- (3) to support United Nations missions in Thursday, June 16, the Feinstein imous consent that the resolution be several African countries; amendment No. 476 and the McCain agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, Whereas the Government of Mongolia has built a successful partnership since 2003 with amendment No. 411 be debated concur- the motions to reconsider be laid upon the Alaska National Guard that includes hu- rently; that there be up to 4 hours of the table, with no intervening action manitarian and peacekeeping exercises and debate equally divided between the two or debate, and that any statements be efforts; leaders or their designees; that upon printed in the RECORD. Whereas the United States Government the use or yielding back of time, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and the Government of Mongolia share a Senate proceed to votes in relation to objection, it is so ordered. common interest in promoting peace and the amendments in the following order: The resolution (S. Res. 208) was stability in Northeast Asia and Central Asia; Feinstein No. 476 and McCain No. 411; agreed to. Whereas in 1991 and 1992, the Government further, that neither of the amend- of Mongolia signed denuclearization agree- The preamble was agreed to. ments committing Mongolia to remain a nu- ments be divisible; that there be no The resolution, with its preamble, clear weapons-free state; amendments, points of order, or mo- reads as follows: Whereas in 2010, Mongolia became the tions in order to either amendment S. RES. 208 Chair of the Board of Governors of the Inter- prior to the votes other than budget Whereas the United States Government es- national Atomic Energy Agency; points of order and the applicable mo- tablished diplomatic relations with the Gov- Whereas in 2010, the United States and tions to waive; that both amendments ernment of Mongolia in January 1987, fol- Mongolia signed a Memorandum of Under- be subject to a 60-vote threshold; and lowed by the opening of a United States Em- standing to promote cooperation on the the motions to reconsider be consid- bassy in Ulaanbaatar in June 1988; peaceful use of civil nuclear energy; ered made and laid upon the table; fi- Whereas in 1990, the Government of Mon- Whereas the National Nuclear Security Ad- ministration and the Nuclear Energy Agency nally, upon disposition of the McCain golia declared an end to 1-party Communist rule and initiated lasting democratic and of the Government of Mongolia successfully amendment, the majority leader be completed training on response mechanisms recognized. free market reforms; Whereas the United States Government to potential terrorist attacks; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without has a longstanding commitment, based on its Whereas between 1991 and 2011, the United objection, it is so ordered. interests and values, to encourage economic States Government granted assistance to Mr. REID. Mr. President, I want to and political reforms in Mongolia, having Mongolia— thank the Senator from South Carolina made sizeable contributions to that end (1) to advance the legal and regulatory en- for allowing us to go forward with this since 1991; vironment for business and financial mar- agreement. Senator DEMINT wanted to Whereas in 1991, the United States— kets, including the mining sector; (2) to promote the reduction of greenhouse ensure that this agreement would in no (1) signed a bilateral trade agreement that restored normal trade relations with Mon- gas emissions; and way limit his ability to offer and get (3) to support good governance program- golia; and votes on an amendment that he cares ming; (2) established a Peace Corps program in about, No. 460, regarding the renewable Whereas in 2007, the Millennium Challenge Mongolia that has had 869 total volunteers Corporation signed an agreement with Mon- fuel standards and the estate tax. since 1991; golia to promote sustainable economic Senator DEMINT is correct and this Whereas in 1999, the United States granted growth and to reduce poverty by focusing on agreement does not preclude the Sen- permanent normal trade relations status to property rights, vocational education, ate from considering his amendment, Mongolia; health, transportation, energy, and the envi- and I thank the Senator for his co- Whereas the Government of Mongolia has ronment; increasingly participated in the Inter- operation. Whereas Mongolia’s plan to enhance its national Monetary Fund, the World Bank, I also very much appreciate the un- rail infrastructure promises to diversify its the Asian Development Bank, and the Euro- derstanding of Senator FEINSTEIN, Sen- trading and investment partners, to open up pean Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- ator KLOBUCHAR, Senator THUNE, Sen- new markets for its mineral exports, and to ment, among other international organiza- ator COBURN. We have worked really position Mongolia as a bridge between Asia tions; and Europe; hard trying to get to this point. It has Whereas in 2007, the House Democracy Whereas the United States has assisted not been easy. Most everyone did not Partnership began a program to provide par- Mongolia’s efforts— get what they wanted. But that is what liamentary assistance to the State Great (1) to address the effects of the global eco- agreements are all about; we have the Khural, the Parliament of Mongolia, to pro- nomic crisis; opportunity to move forward on other mote transparency, legislative independence, (2) to promote sound economic, trade, and things. We will have to decide what access to information and government over- energy policy, with particular attention to more we can do on this bill. But I ap- sight; the banking and mining sectors; preciate very much their under- Whereas on May 24, 2009, the people of (3) to facilitate commercial law develop- Mongolia completed the country’s fourth ment; and standing. In many conversations I had free, fair, and peaceful democratic election, with them during the day they were all (4) to further activities with Mongolia’s which resulted in the election of opposition peacekeeping forces and military; very courteous and thoughtful and Democratic Party candidate Tsakhiagiin Whereas in January 2010— very good advocates of their position. Elbegdorj; (1) the United States Government and the f Whereas in July 2011, Mongolia will assume Government of Mongolia agreed to promote the 2-year chairmanship of the Community greater academic exchange opportunities; MONGOLIAN PRESIDENT of Democracies; (2) the Mongolian Ministry of Education, TSAKHIAGIIN ELBEGDORJ’S Whereas in 2013, Mongolia will host the Culture and Science pledged to financially VISIT TO WASHINGTON, DC Seventh Ministerial Meeting of the Commu- support the U.S.-Mongolia Fulbright Pro- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- nity of Democracies in Ulaanbaatar; gram; and Whereas the Government of Mongolia con- (3) the United States Department of State imous consent that the Senate proceed tinues to work with the United States Gov- announced its intention to increase its base to S. Res. 208. ernment to combat global terrorism; allocation for the U.S.-Mongolia Fulbright The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Whereas Mongolia deployed about 990 sol- Program in fiscal year 2010; clerk will report the resolution by diers to Iraq between 2003 to 2008 and cur- Whereas in 2011, Mongolia is celebrating title. rently has 190 troops in Afghanistan; the 100 year anniversary of its independence; VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:34 Jun 17, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\S15JN1.002 S15JN1 pmangrum on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 15, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 7 9291 Whereas on June 16, 2011, President (4) the United States Government should ation of S. 782, the Economic Develop- Elbegdorj, during a working visit to the continue to support the Government of Mon- ment Act, under the previous order. United States, is scheduled to meet with golia as it works with the International The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without President Barack Obama, Congressional Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Asian objection, it is so ordered. leaders, academics, and representatives of Development Bank, and the European Bank the business community; for Reconstruction and Development to im- Whereas in late 2011, Vice President Joseph prove its economic system and accelerate de- f Biden is scheduled to travel to Mongolia to velopment; and highlight our shared interests and values; (5) the United States Government should PROGRAM Now, therefore, be it continue to expand upon existing academic, Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Mr. REID. There will be two rollcall cultural, and other people-to-people ex- votes tomorrow around 2 p.m. in rela- that— changes with Mongolia. (1) Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin tion to the Feinstein and McCain Elbegdorj’s historic visit to Washington, f amendments regarding the subject D.C.
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