DIRECTORY.] NORFOLK. WEST DEREHAM. 115 Vcres Benjamin Herbert, solicit<~r, commissioner for oaths W.elis" ·William, coach & carriage builder, Norwich street &i deputy coroner for the liberty of the Duke of Norfolk Whitbread &. Co. Limited, maltsters (Gilatrap, Earp & in Norfolk &i clerk to the Urban District Council, 27 Co:r agents), Wellington road Church street Whitby Al'thur Edgar, assistant clerk to the Mitford & Wacey Edward, boot maker & Royal Standard P.H. 29 Launditch union & registrar of births, deaths & mar­ Baxter TOW ' ria~es for East Dereham sub-district, 14 Cemetery rd Wake George King M. R. 0. V. S. veterinary surgeon & Whitmg John, artist, 81 Commercial road inspectol" for the Contagion!! Diseases (Animals) Act & Whiting Jn. building & land surveyor, 43 Commercial rd market & district inspector, also proprietor of Queen's . Wier James William, greengrocer, 13 Norwich sta-eet temperance hotel, Norwich street . Wigg A.rthur Hugh, farmer, Etling green Ward John, machinist, Cowper road Wigg Charles H. farmer, Etling green Ward Waiter William, beer retailer, 41 Norwich st'l'eet Wigg William Jermyn, farmer, Dumpling green Warmer Frederick William, sanitary plumber, gas & Wood Charles George, farmer & cattle salesman, Dilling-< hot ·water fitter, glazier & house decorator, Theatre st ton hall Warnes Jatnes, dining rooms, I & 2 Wellington road Woor Ernest, hawker, South green W!ll'Ten Frederick, beer' retailer, South green Wray Charles Ernest, aasistant overseer & rate & tax WarreD Joseph, general draper, 35 Market place collector, Church street , Warren Mm-y (Mrs.), householder, 20 Theatr-e street Wri:ght Brother&, drapers, 28 High street Warren Tom Healey, auctioneer, estate agent & valuer, Wright John Franklin, manager of Capital & Counties Market place; k at 'Castleacre street, Swaf'fham Bank Limited, N<~rwich street Water Works (Hedley G. Himeon, manager), Cemetery rd Wright Joseph James, motor & cycle agent & repairer; Weights & Measures Office (Jo·hn Ryley, inspector), Lon. garage ; accumulators chMged, inspection pits &c. don toad 38 High street Woir iflorace Charles, florist, 11 N01rwich street Wright Thomas, boot & shoe maker & outfitter, 9 High st Wells Clattde, coach & carriage builder, 29 Commercial rd Wyatt William, farmer, No.rth Hall green Wells Frederick Wm. teacher of violin, 7 Park road Young- Charles, farmer, Etling green Wells Herbert .James, pork butcher, 12 Wellington road Youngs Arthur, farmer, Mattishall road Welle James, farmer & cattle de11.ler, Neatherd moor Yull Albert, baker & confectioner, Church street Wells Mary Ann (Miss), householder, 83 Commereial road Yull Robert, market gardener, Toftwood ) ~ WEST DEREHAM is a village and paril!h~ with a worked. Here was formerly an abbey of the Premonstra•-. station, .called 'I Abbey," on the Downham and Stoke tensian order, founded A.D. u88 by Hubert Waiter, then-, Ferry branch of the Great Eastern railway, and is 4 Dean of York, and afterwards Archbishop of Canterburyi . miles .south·east from Downham, in the Soutili Western who was a native of West Dereham; this monastic house , division of the county, Clackclose hundred and petty was colonized from the abbey of Welbeck, in Notts; but. , seilsional division, Downham union and count1 court very few traces of the original structure are now visible~ district, rural deanery of Fincham (east division), arch· its revenues at the time of the Dissolution were esti-- . deaconry 1lf Lynn and diocese of Norwich. There were mated at £252 12s. n!d. In the first year of King John, formerly two churches here, respectively, St. Andrew and II99• a charter was granted to the abbot and convent of - St. Peter; the latter 'has long since disappeared, tiliough West Dereham for a weekly market on Wednesday, and its foundations may still be traced in the western part an annual fair for four days, viz., 2rst September and of the churchyard. The church of St. A.ndrew is Bn three following days. About 1564 the abbey farm wrut . edifice chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consisting of held for a time by Thomas Tusser, author of the "Five- . chancel (restored in 1:895), nave, south porch, vestry and Hundred Poinb of Good Husbandry"; and Francis Dere-· a massive round western tower of ragstone, surmounted by ham, the kinsman and early lover of Queen Katherina­ an octagonal turret of brick and containing 5 bells : the Howard, who suffered death on her account in 1542,. south doorway is of Early English character, and has 11 was a member of the ancient family who took their well·preserved holy water stoup on the east side ; 'two name from this place, a:rad obtained a grant of the abbey windows contain ancient stained glass, .some of which is and its surrounding lands : the lands are tithe free: the­ said to have been removed here from the a.bbey : in the farm and abbey are now the property of Col. Frederic church are two monuments to the Dereham family ~ one Hambleton Custance C.:B. ()f Weston, Norwich. Thomas of them, an elaborate piece of work in various coloured Lancelot Reed esq. of Crow Hall, Denver, and Edward marbles, erected at the beginning of the 18th century: Roger Murray Pratt esq. 'Of Ryston Hall, who are lord& there is also a life·sized marble statue of Colonel Soame, of the manor, Sir Alfred Thomas Bagge bart. of Crim· of West Dereham Grange, d. 1706; and a slab with arms plesham Hall, Col. F. H. Cnstance and Sir Richard tp Gregory Lovell esq. d. 1693, 1eaving £5oo to the poor Harington hart. of Whitbourne Court; WMcester, and Mr. of the parish ; there are also marble tablets to members Charles D. Tranter, of Setch Bridge, are the principal of the Stabbing family,r•853-7; the Roper family 1840-44• landowners. The soil is of a mixed characteT ~ subsoil, and to the Catton family, from 1792 to 1824: the churclil rsgstone, sand and clay. The chief crops are wheat plate includes a silver flagon given in 1706 by Mrs. Mary and barley. The area is 3·341 acres; :rateable valuet. Green, of the Grange, who also gave money to inclose the £2,971; the population in 1901 was 439· communion table with rails : the church was reseated Pansh Clerk, William Adams. about 1850, and has 200 sittings.' The register dates Post & Postal Order Office. Edward E!. Barrow, sub­ from the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly postmaster. Letters arrive from Stoke Ferry. S.O. at .. ~'alue £170, including 25 acres of glebe with residence, 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5.10 p.m.; snndays, arrive in the gift of the Bishop of Ely, and held since 1900 by at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 10 a.m. The nearest the Rev. William Burleigh B.A.. of Downham College, money order & telegraph office is ¥ Stoke Ferry, 4 - Cambridge. The vicarage house, which is near the miles distant · church, was erected in 1874. There are Wesleyan 11.nd Primitive Methodist chapels. The charities amount to Wall Letter Box, White Horse P.H. cleared at 4·50 p.m. ; about £170 yearly, of which £25 is applied by order in sundays 9·50 a.m Chancery, 28th April, l:857, towarda the support of the Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 186o, & · National school, and the remainder i.s distributed to the enlarged in 1886, for 120 children; average atteadanee,. poor in -coals and money. In 1873 a valuable bed of 74; Frank Andrews, master coprolites was found in the parish, but is not now Railway Station (called Abbey), Arthul' 'furner, collector- Burleigh Rev. William B. A. The Vicrge ''Ewen Samm1l, farmer Newling Edwd. Harry,farmr.White ho King James, White hall Fretwell Al'hert John, farmer Nurse Valentine, farmer Newling Alfred Seaman, The Abbey Garner Frederick, Bell P.H Offiey Goddaro, farm bailiff to George· ~ewling David Butters, Manor house Horn John, farmer, College farm Henry Colchester esq N.ewling Edward Harry, White house Horton James, farmer Pilgrim Charles, fatmer Steward Frederick, The H1Jllies Jacobs Jas. Chequers P.H.& blcksmth Porter Bertha Ann (Miss), asst. oversr­ Johnson William, shoe maker Porter Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer COMMERCU.L. Kerkham Hugh, farmer Rickard Bradford, farmer Andrews Frank, schoolmaster Lanqaster George, farmer Robinson Robert, farmer Bar,row Edwd.Ebenezer, grocer,Post off ~ewling A.Ured Seaman, farmer, The Steward Henry, faJ"Dler, WhiteHall fm Bennett Henry, farmer Abbey Thorrold Edward George, fat·mer Bushell Henry, blacksmith. Newling David Butters, farmer, Ward Robert, beer retailer Dawes Robert, farmer; Bazil farm Manor house Wood Gabriel, farmer • NORFOLK 8* .
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