IMPORTANCE OF The standards for the student activity program of each school shall be evaluated annually by the STUDENT ACTIVITIES principal to determine the following: Philosophy of the student activities program: The 1. The degree to which the program is serving scope of students’ activities in the high school of the needs of the individual students. today is such that their administration requires definite 2. The degree of contribution to the total school policy, organization, and delegation of responsibility. program. In planning, and establishing a students’ activities 3. These same determinations should be made as new program in the secondary school, it must be activities are planned. remembered that the purpose of those activities is to develop, through active participation and direction, ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION traits essential in the life of an active, dependable, socially minded, and mature person. RE: Control of Fundraising Activities Prior to the beginning of any money-raising activity, the sponsor of the organization shall receive SCHOOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS permission from the principal. The principal is Due to the size of the school and the large number of required to receive prior approval from his/her organizations on campus, effort must be made to avoid appropriate director of operations. Fundraising conflicts. Therefore, all activities, especially those that activities to finance trips require approval of the require the use of school facilities, must be placed on director of fine arts. the official school calendar. This is completed Principals shall be responsible for controlling the through the student activities director. Dates will be fundraising activities in their schools. Money may not assigned on a first come, first served basis, so be collected by the students or teachers unless it is activities should be scheduled as far in advance as done so with the knowledge and consent of the possible. principal. School organizations other than the Student Council GUIDELINES FOR ACTIVITIES are limited to two fundraising activities per year. This 1. A number of student organizations and co- guideline does not apply to fundraisers conducted by curricular activities are included in the school program parent groups. to provide enrichment and to contribute to the Students may not be dismissed from classes to help development of students. in the distribution of materials for commercial 2. The club sponsor schedules all school purposes. organizational meeting times. That sponsor informs Fundraising activities in the elementary school, other the Student Activities Director of the times in an effort than those sponsored by the PTA, are discouraged, and to avoid conflicts. Clubs are expected to follow any such activity must receive prior approval from the arranged schedules. director of elementary operations. No door-to-door 3. The sponsor for any group is to secure approval selling by elementary students shall be authorized. from the principal before arranging for any extra or unusual activity. 4. After obtaining permission to schedule a meeting STATEMENT OF POLICY or activity, the sponsor should notify the head building RE: Prohibited Assemblies engineer and make arrangements for the room. No meeting which is in any way contrary to the 5. Your organization will be charged for the custodian American way of life or the purposes of the Garland at time and one half for overtime for supervising the Independent School District shall be held in a school use of the building. Any other arrangements must be building or on school property of the District. cleared through the principal. Specifically, this shall mean: 6. Clubs or organizations will not be permitted to 1. Doctrines or theories which are subversive to meet unless the school sponsor is present. the Constitution or laws of the State of Texas 7. Clubs or organizations are limited to two on- or the United States of America. campus fund raising projects per year. These must be 2. Doctrines or theories which advocate pre-approved by the student activities director. violence to accomplish social or political change. STATEMENT OF POLICY Other prohibited assemblies include: RE: Student Activities 1. Commercial entertainers without approval of the A well-planned student activity program shall be superintendent or his/her designee. maintained in each secondary school. Standards for 2. Commercial enterprises with the exception of local membership and/or participation in student activities teachers of fine arts. (Private and parochial schools are shall be described in a student handbook made classified as commercial enterprises. This includes the available to all students. All student activities shall be nonprofit as well as the profit enterprises.) under the direction of the principal in charge and shall 3. Presentations or productions which are, in the be designed to contribute to the moral, physical, judgment of the Board of Trustees, not in harmony aesthetic, and social development of participating with the goals and purposes of the Garland students. Independent School District. drill teams, cheering groups, choral groups, and other school sponsored organizations) shall be developed by STATEMENT OF POLICY the superintendent or his/her designee. A copy of such regulations shall be retained by each principal and RE: Soliciting of Funds – Students each sponsor and shall be made available to all The Board of Trustees is in agreement with the students. Guidelines shall be annually evaluated by purposes for many social and civic organizations and the superintendent or his/her designee. Any club or campaigns; however, the collection of funds from organization seeking approval for organization in students during school hours shall be limited to school school must submit a copy of its constitution and by- sponsored activities and projects. It is also the laws with its request. responsibility of the Board of Trustees to ensure safeguards in the area of soliciting funds from students. Class Officers Class officers are elected from within their It shall be the policy of the Garland Independent respective classes by students. Senior, junior, and School District to designate one week of each school sophomore officers are elected in the spring, and year for community organizations and other area freshmen officers are elected in the fall. The officers school organizations to make requests for student consist of president, vice-president, secretary, participation in fund-raising programs. The treasurer, historian/reporter, and PTSA representa- superintendent or his/her designee will evaluate and tive. Classes will be sponsored by teachers in the grant approval for those organizations to participate in school, but they shall work most directly with the fund-raising activities within the schools of the parents’ club. Proms are not school sponsored and District. teacher sponsors are not responsible for fund-raising activities. The parents’ club, however, notify the class STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS sponsor, the director of student activities, and the principal of all activities planned for the school year. STATEMENT OF POLICY The qualifications for class officers are: (a) an overall RE: Student Organizations 2.5 grade-point average cumulative from the ninth grade. A candidate for ninth grade class officer must All student organizations shall be under the have an overall average in academic course work of supervision of a faculty sponsor and the principal in 80 for the semester previous to the election. (b) no charge. Organizations presently existing or new ones more than one N in citizenship during any six weeks that come into being must be justified on the basis of a period prior to the election (c) no U in citizenship definite contribution made to the school. There shall during any six weeks period prior to the election (d) be no secret societies in the Garland Independent no failing semester grades the semester prior to School District, no organizations which are fraternal in running for office or while holding office (e) must not nature, and none which are discriminatory in have been placed in In-building Suspension, membership selection. suspended, or expelled during the current year. Regulations concerning eligibility for membership, activities, size of the organization, and other cogent details of all organizations (including band, drill Student Council teams, cheering groups, choral groups, and other The SHS Student Council, chartered in 2002, is open school-sponsored organizations) shall be developed by to all students in good standing. Election of officers is the superintendent or his/her designee. A copy of such held in April of each year. All qualified candidates regulations shall be retained by each principal and may pick up applications from the Student Council each sponsor and shall be made available to all sponsor. The officers must meet the following students. Guidelines shall be annually evaluated by qualifications. the superintendent or his/her designee. PRESIDENT ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION Student must: (a) be a senior during the reign of RE: Student Organizations his/her tenure (b) must have and maintain an overall All student organizations shall be under the grade point of 3.00 cumulative from the ninth grade supervision of a faculty sponsor and the principal in and have no more than one N in citizenship in any six charge. Organizations presently existing or new ones weeks period prior to the election (c) must be elected that come into begin must be justified on the basis
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