SECTION •ad BnrWflrftat T?wn» „,,.«.. Told FearUsai} MM. Vtritfcoot BIM. .*»..' * TER ONE Iuuad Wetklgr. ulnrf •• EaaeBd-CUss U>tt«p at tit* F«t< Subicriptioa Priui Oo* Y«ar VOLUME LIX, NO. 16. oB« at Bui Bufc. t(. J, und#t th. Act of Much I, 1111. BED BANK, ft J., [THUKSDAY, OCTOBER-8; Bix Months, $1.00. SioRJk copy •PAGES 1TO 12, Service Council Frank F. Groff Rev. Herbert Smith NEW METHODIST MINISTER Big Middlertown Plans Recreation Talks To Council New Minister Of Democrats Favor The Service council of Bed Bank i«t Monday night at the Y. M. C. A. touse on Branch avenue and planned On New Station Methodist Church recreation program for Bed' Bank. Fpm Bought For Tha council consists of representa- Councilman, Commuter*.and In- 'orraer Pastor of Camden McCampbell's Tax tives of the various clvio clubs, in- cluding the Toung Men's Christian terested Citizens to Meet Church Succeeds Rev. Albert association, the Red Bank Parent- Shortly With Railroad Repre- Taacher association, the Rotary, L. Baner, Who Has Gone to Country Estate Lions, Quadrangle, Young Woman's sentatives. Vineland. Limitation Plan and Business* and Professional clubs and American Legion. Frank F. Groff of Union street, Rev. Herbert J. Smith, who suc- Miss Rutb LaWall and Rev. Car-president of the Commuters' associa- :eeds Rev. i/Ubert L. Baner as pas- James H. Tsylor'a Property Lady Elks Club man Trembath have been named co- tion of Monmouth, Middlesex and tor of the Methodist church, arrived Public Boxing County Executive Commit- chairmen to organize a committee Ocean counties, which was formed at Red Bank Tuesday and immediate- of 105 Acres on Red to present a program to the mayor this year to further and protect the ly assumed charge ffof his new pas- Bouts Opposed tee at Largely Attended Minstrel Show and council at their next meeting, rights, and Interests of commuters, torate. Mr, Smith was transferred Bank-Everett Road, Pur- October IB. Mrs. Irving K. Lovett Is addressed Monday night's meeting o Red Bank from the Camden Meeting Pass Resolutions October 9 and 10temporary chairman of the council. of the Red Bank mayor an.d council Methodist church at Camden, By Educators on the possibility of obtaining a new Mr. Smith Is no stranger to this chased by New Yorker. railroad station. to This Effect. section. His father, Hev. Herbert N. Middletown Township Board of Abundance of Beauty and Talent Mr. Groff said that more than 1,000 Smith, was former pastor of the to Feature Performance of Safety Rules To persons used the station daily and Keansburg Methodist church. Dur- Education Adopts Recommen- that in addition to its being antiquat- ing the pastorate of his father at Publicity Director Of Bowling Group in Elk» Audi- Be Carried Out ed and unsightly it was unsanitary. JKeansburg, the new Red Bank pas dation to Have Instruction Give McCampbell $250 He suggested that Instead of making tor attended Atlantic Highlands high Given in the Manly Art. torium—Dnacing Both NighU 'mprovemen's to the old station a school, to which Keansburg pupils Radio City The Buyer At Shrewsbury major issue and a new station a were sent at the time. While he was For Campaign Purposes The Lady Elks bowling club of mr or one, the sequence should be studying for the ministry Mr. Smith Last Thursday night the board of Red Bank la all set and "rarin1 to reversed. Mayor Charles R. English served as student pastor at Nave- education of Mlddletown township Drive to Start With Police Com- nanimou3ly adopted a recommenda- go," Take It from the members, the Councilman Thomas M. Gopgtll sink and Oceanic, now Rumson. His KEV. HERBERT J. SMITH. tion that boxing be included in physi- Resolutions prepared by Theron James H. Taylor hag Bold his farm bandanna minstrel show and dance chairman of the council's railroad father and mother now reside of 105 acres In Mlddletown township, mittee and Dr. L. S. Ylvisaker cal training instruction. The rec- McCampbell of Holmdel and among tomorrow night and Saturday night station committee and a vice presi- tle Silver" with their daughter, Mr. ommendation waa made by the board on the Red Bank-Everett road, to In the Elks auditorium on Broad for Protection of Children— dent of the Commuters association, Smith's sister, Mrs. L. E. Eaatmond. other things pledging the Democratlo James H. MacFarl&nd of Great Neck, if athletic control, which consists of party to tax limitation on real es- street will be a tour-star perform- and John 8. Applegate, borough at- Mr. Smith Is a brother of William Motion Lost To two members of the board of educa- Long Island, who la director of pub-ance. It will not only provide an D. A. R. to Erect Flagpole. torney, concurred in this belief. tate were unanimously passed at a N. Smith, former superintendent of tion, five members of the faculty and largely attended and enthuslastlo licity of the Radio City music hall. eyeful of pulchritude but will have two pupils. The property was held at $20,000 and Mr. Gopsill said a committee had Monmouth county schools and now meeting oi the county executive com- talent unsurpassed hereabouts. Har- A communication from the Shrews- mot before with representatives o supervisor of schools at Long Branch. Establish Board It Is, said to havs been sold for a bury Parent-Teacher association was Public exhibitions of boxing are mittee Monday night at tho court- trifle leis than that amount G. the railroads in the Interest of a new Mr. Smith was born at West Creek. not to be held. Curtis J. Walling, house at Freehold. The limitation Is read Tuesday night at a meeting of station and had been told that the His early education was received In one of the board members, spoke in Howard Llpplricott was • tha broker tho Shrewsbury mayor and council Of Assessment to be ten mills on the dollar. in the transaction. ra lroad companies had no money the towns in which his father had lavor of having ' such exhibitions, The roslutions also pledge the concerning safety rules which the as- with which to build a new station preached. After Reaving Atlantic stating that they had proved a great The farm IB on the north side of sociation would like carried out for Councilman Sol J. Neimark attraction at Red Bank. Some of the Democratic assembly candidates and Mayor English stated that represen Highlands high school he attended the party to oppose any attempt U» tho road a Bhort distance west of the protection of children. tatives of the New York & L Glassboro high school, his father hav- board members approved the sug- River Plaza. It was formerly owned Makes Unsuccessful Attemp Increase the license fees on automo- Dr, L. S. Ylvlsaker represented the Branch Railroad company had mad ing been transferred to the Metho- gestion and sorne did not. The fact by Dr. William H. Lawes, who Is association and explained the situa- dist church at that town. Before en- to Oust Assessor Walter ' that considerable revenue had been bile trucks owned by farmers and to health inspector of Red Bank. The an investigation at the station re- work for "removal of difficulties no* tion. He told of several recent acci- cently and that this was the extent tering the ministry he was employed raised as a result of boxing bouts at residence on the place has ten dents in which' children were In- by the Pennsylvania railroad. Sweeney. Red Bank waa mentioned as a rea- Imposed upon farmers in obtaining , rooms, a bathroom, a hot water heat- of his knowledge of the railroad son why they should be held at the tax rebates on gasoline used In agri- volved. The matter was referred to company's plans, newspaper reports Mr. Smith was graduated from ing system, an electric plant and the police committee, which will An attempt by Councilman Sol J. Leonardo school. Dr. Paul H. Ax-cultural machinery." -Through the other improvements and convenien- to tie contrary notwithstanding. Drew theological seminary. He waa efforts of Mr. McCampbell, while he work with Dr. Ylvisaker. Mr. GopslU asked Mrs. Amy Shlnn, •rdained' a deacon In 1919 and anNeimark to oust Walter J. Sweeney tell, supervising principal :of the ces. One part of the house la said An ordinance prohibiting the rid- from his job aa assessor of Se schools of the township, opposed the was assemblyman, a measure was to be 150 years old. This original borough clerk, to arrange a meeting Wer and minister In 1921. It waaBright by abolishing the office, failo passed enabling farmers to obtain U« ing of two persons on a bicycle built between representatives of - various while attending '"sprew that Mr. suggestion. Some of the members portion of tho dwelling was added for one and requiring lights on bi- at last week's meeting of the mayo said they feared that such contests censes at less than the rati to front time to time., railroad companies Interested in theSmith was assigned as student pas- nd council of that borough. At the narlly charged. cycles used after sun down passed tor at Naveslnk and Oceanic. This would be detrimental to student The house waa remodeled and New York & Long Branch line and previous meeting of the officials Mr. Not only did the commlttej Its second and third reading. a committee, representing the coun- was from 1917 until 1919. morale. modernized by Dr. Lawes while ha The Shrewsbury Towne chapter, Neimark voted against the appoln Tho recommendation adopted pro- McCampbell resolutions owned and occupied it Tha grounds cil.
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