Andranik STEPANYAN UDC 2:13 Andranik STEPANYAN CRITICAL REMARKS ON THE THEORETICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF VAHANIAN’S DEATH OF GOD THEOLOGY (BRIEF REVIEW) Abstract The aim of this article is to briefly present and analyse in the context of radical theology the theoretical significance of Gabriel Vahanian’s death of God theology from the theological, philo- sophical and cultural viewpoints. Gabriel Vahanian was a French-Armenian distinguished theologi- an who played a significant role in the western religious, theological-philosophical thought. The main idea of Vahanian is that the death of God is a cultural phenomenon. God himself is not dead, but men’s religious and cultural perceptions about God are dead as modern man has lost the sense of transcendence and the presence of transcendent God. That is, the death of God means his absence in the modern world. The existence of God and his reality are not self-sufficient realities anymore but are irrelevant for modern people, hence dead. Keywords: radical theology, death of God theology, transcendent, immanent, religiosity, reli- gionism, religiousness, religious formalism, secularism, secularity. Introduction was widespread and all-inclusive which was manifested in various areas of political and In the world history, the XX century has conceptual, as well as spiritual life. An expres- been a period of unprecedented transfor- sion of this crisis was the radical thinking mations when humanity started facing myriads which found its reflection in philosophical, of serious problems. It is not accidental that the cultural, religious and theological thought. XX century was called “century of global German philosopher F. Nietzsche is the source problems”; issues the solution of which not of western radical thinking whose “God is only conditions the progress of humanity but dead” expression became the slogan of radical also the survival of human race in general. In thinking. This crisis found its manifestation the XX century in the world, and in particular also in the religious thinking on behalf of radi- in all areas of western civilization, crucial cal theology which is otherwise known as the events (revolutions, world wars, genocides, death of God theology. ecological catastrophes, etc.) took place which In the 60s of XX century a new direction brought forth fundamental facts to talk about came forth in the theological thought in USA the crisis of that civilization. Indeed, the crisis which is known as radical or death of God 56 WISDOM 2(9), 2017 56 Critical Remarks on the Theoretical Significance of Vahanian’s Death of God Theology (Brief Review) UDC 2:13 theology. This new direction, which is a de- Christianity was and is the religion of Andranik STEPANYAN monstration and form of religious modernism, the Western world. But now the situation drew wide attention of theological and philo- changed and Christianity has no more the in- CRITICAL REMARKS ON THE THEORETICAL sophical circles, and, regardless of their points fluence on the Western culture and does not SIGNIFICANCE OF VAHANIAN’S DEATH OF GOD THEOLOGY of view and professional occupation, various shape cultural, intellectual, and moral layers thinkers responded to this phenomenon in of social life as it was before. In Western so- (BRIEF REVIEW) their own ways. The representatives of radical ciety a culture is formed without belief in God theologians were Gabriel Vahanian, Thomas or religion. The Christian church as a social Abstract Altizer, William Hamilton, Paul van Buren institution loses its authority and the social and Harvey Cox who had developed the fun- role and function. There has been taken qual- The aim of this article is to briefly present and analyse in the context of radical theology the damentals and aspects of this theological itative change or transformation in modern theoretical significance of Gabriel Vahanian’s death of God theology from the theological, philo- movement independently from each other. culture, if the Middle age culture was tran- sophical and cultural viewpoints. Gabriel Vahanian was a French-Armenian distinguished theologi- The aim of radical theology was to re- scendental, then modern western culture is an who played a significant role in the western religious, theological-philosophical thought. The interpret the content and doctrine of Christian immanent. main idea of Vahanian is that the death of God is a cultural phenomenon. God himself is not dead, religion and adapt them to the modern socio- The reasons for rising religious modern- but men’s religious and cultural perceptions about God are dead as modern man has lost the sense cultural environment and conditions. In other ism are the present crisis of religion and the of transcendence and the presence of transcendent God. That is, the death of God means his absence words, the radical or death of God theology failure of theological programs which one by in the modern world. The existence of God and his reality are not self-sufficient realities anymore on one hand was a manifestation of the crisis one change each other in order to restore the but are irrelevant for modern people, hence dead. of spiritual and conceptual environment and role and significance of religion in contempo- religious consciousness in the western world; rary secular society and re-establish the con- Keywords: radical theology, death of God theology, transcendent, immanent, religiosity, reli- while on the other hand it was a certain course nection between religion (here Christianity) gionism, religiousness, religious formalism, secularism, secularity. to overcome the crisis-transitional situation of and the world. The author considers that reli- religious worldview and consciousness. From gious modernism is such a phenomenon, which this point of view the study of radical or death has always accompanied religion and church Introduction was widespread and all-inclusive which was of God theology is important as on one hand during its existence. The goal of religious manifested in various areas of political and it enables understanding the nature and scales modernism is to be adequate and relevant to the In the world history, the XX century has conceptual, as well as spiritual life. An expres- of XX century spiritual and conceptual crisis modern world, that is, to make religion or been a period of unprecedented transfor- sion of this crisis was the radical thinking better, and on the other hand to look for alter- church relevant to modern society and man. mations when humanity started facing myriads which found its reflection in philosophical, native ways to overcome that crisis. Through religious and theological modernism, of serious problems. It is not accidental that the cultural, religious and theological thought. The crisis of religion in modern world, the Christian Church or any religion aims at XX century was called “century of global German philosopher F. Nietzsche is the source especially in the West, is closely related to relevancy to those social changes that are tak- problems”; issues the solution of which not of western radical thinking whose “God is those phenomena that have been taking place ing place in modern society. Consequently, only conditions the progress of humanity but dead” expression became the slogan of radical in the XX century. Contemporary religious any form of religious modernism, i.e. trans- also the survival of human race in general. In thinking. This crisis found its manifestation crisis is a demonstration and type of the XX formation in theoretical-theological aspects the XX century in the world, and in particular also in the religious thinking on behalf of radi- century world-wide crisis. In social life of and practice is forced means not only to be in all areas of western civilization, crucial cal theology which is otherwise known as the people and in the context of social-cultural adequate and relevant to the modern secular events (revolutions, world wars, genocides, death of God theology. setting the XX century is a century of unique world but also to restore the shaken position ecological catastrophes, etc.) took place which In the 60s of XX century a new direction transformations and changes, which created and authority of religion and church in mod- brought forth fundamental facts to talk about came forth in the theological thought in USA many problems for humanity in general. ern society. the crisis of that civilization. Indeed, the crisis which is known as radical or death of God 56 57 57 WISDOM 2(9), 2017 Andranik STEPANYAN Theoretical Significance of Vahanian’s of the past religio-mythological worldview Death of God Theology and perception, the past thinking, the old/aged metaphysics and religious picture of the world The death of God phenomenon is a prod- and the becoming of the new is defined or uct of western civilization. The death of God qualified as the death of God or the age of the phenomenon is the main cultural event in the death of God in which God no more acts as “a western world in the last two centuries. It is working hypothesis” or the one who can solve very complicated, difficult, comprehensive, man’s problems. The reality of God is no multilayer, meaningful event-phenomenon. It more taken for granted. The modern men has many dimensions and sides. It should be don’t need God any more hence God became an approached and understood from different idol or cultural “accessory,” speculative empty angles and points if one wants to have a holis- notion or metaphysical idea. In other words, tic, comprehensive understanding of that event this kind of God is not necessary but irrele- otherwise will face a failure. vant, therefore dead. That’s why “God is In western civilization and culture, the oc- dead” motif occurs in all possible forms of currence of “God is dead” motif is the result spiritual/cultural activities and consciousness and manifestation of the qualitative change or of western civilization – philosophy, literature, transformation that has been taken place in the theology, arts, ethics, aesthetics and so on.
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