PER HISTORY PAST AN PRESENTi less to attend the opera in its fashion¬ fortune to a monastery, much against able home than it. does not to enjoy Cost of Production in the the hopes of his relatives, who had j the moat modest, theatrical entertain¬ Opera gathered around his deathbed. Schicchi ments.barring tho moving picture German Period «ays there is one remedy only; he can shows. the of Music impersonate the dead dan -whose de¬ When Academy 1887-'89. 1888-'89. was in Max Maretzek rented l»886-'87. mise has not yet been announced and When both parties in the course of the new, 18f>4, Serge Prokofieff, the latest because he had lost his temper. By H. E. Krehbiel strug¬ Salaries of artist«.$121,000 $10S,132.82 $135,498.32 dictate a new will, assuring tho reía- gle between the Metropolitan the house for a space to Mr, Hackett, j musical apparition from Russia, who "Japan is full of Russians and As a to the of history Company Orchestra . 40,000 42,408.75 46,206.00 lives that each of them will get just; Amer¬ sequel chapter and Mr. Hammerstein when the then manager of an opera company will appear as pianist, conductor and icans, and so I heard almost concerned with the increase in prices rivalry headed Grisi and 23,962.75 26,295.00 what he wants. The relativos arc de¬ noting between the Metropolitan and Manhat¬ by Mme. Signor Mario, Chorus. 25,000 composer at the concerts of the Russian hut Russian and English spoken in ol admission in 1911, I purpose now to two of the most refulgent stara that 17,869.00 lighted at this idea, and send for a y, tan houses was at its When Bullet. 19,000 16,567.33 Symphony Society next Tuesday and j streets," continued the young conduct an limited in scope height. ever blazed in tho firmament. notary. The notary comes, and Gianni Ruggf,,, inquiry, Mr. Hammerstein attempted to reëstab- operatic Conductors, stage managers, ballet Wednesday, was planning his trip to as he went on with his Japanese «not because of unwillingness on on their power of attraction, Schicchi, in Buoso Donati's sick bed,: America and the ad' any lish that rivalry in defiance of an Counting masters, etc._ 13,000 24,067.33 13,176.00 discussing delicate ventures. "I gave several avenues of in¬ agree- with of dictates hi:' but, after I concern my part, but because the ment to remain out of the coupled that the iiew house, Front of the house. 16,423.76- I will; bequeath- question of passports with three suc¬ there and found the native operatic field (20,000 a few to audiencei formation are few and narrow") into for ten Mr. Hackett charged $3 for the par¬ | ing minor cessive governments, he found one and I years, it became a loud note in Advertising . 16,000 11,176.47 12,781.13 the heniece3^_"propertyleaves the bulk of intelligent appreciative. amused the cost of opera-giving in New York, the quet (orchestra) stalls, and from $12 relatives, thing conveniently common to a!l on one occasion, legal proceedings successfully Transportation._ 11,000 8,317,82 10,4.81.56 Donati's fortune to himself. The rela- myself, by trying y, which was alleged to be the reason for! to $40 for the boxes. These prices the j three, the Czar's. Kerensky's and ent with a prosecuted to enjoin him from carrying Stagehands. 9,500 9,244.51 10,174.62 tives not dare of experin programme. I ¿^ the advance. This increase was effected out public thought exorbitant, and showed do protest for fear the Bolshevikian .respect for the voted one-half to his purpose. Public sympathy and Wardrobe - tho law. Chopin's music and by means of the devious device of first its resentment by from department.... 6,900 3,994.96 The young lovers, however, of artists as in judicial decree were asked on the staying away j person expressed the other to my own compositions. The the rebate allowed to sub¬ tho on the first Property department. 4,506 4,427.42 9,280.17 are made happy, for Schicchi's portion abolishing ground that the public good, not private performance night. exemption from military ervice udience pparently did not object to thus the who made record of tho Royalties . 2,500 9,606.52 7,376.59 will fall to Lauretta. The scribers, leading speculators gain, was the aim of the generous gen¬ Maretzek, fact, other day Mr Prokofieff to'd this unusual combination. Rhythm to announce nn in of said that the The casts of the three operas will advance prices tlemen, who are an audience numbered only us this with pride and intimated means a great deal to the maintaining institu¬ ! be as follows: Japanese from $5 to $6, then, proclaiming the 1,500. Hackett promptly reduced his that such a state of affairs was an evi¬ and musical sound tion which is unquestionably an elegant "IL TABARRO pure almost noth¬ latter sum to be the standard, and re¬ prices one-half for the second i (THE CLOAK) dence of an advanced form of civiliza¬ and lordly ornament of our civic and night, ! (Jioritotta .Claudia Muzio ing." the rebate to the agents, but and this was still further re¬ Cost of in One Season of Grau I tion. When the storing social life. To review some of the Re¬ price Operas Luiid.Giulio Crimi cauldron of Russian Mr. Prokofieff is tall, slight and bbnd. not to patrons who made their sub¬ duced to $1, and kept there till Mr. Michèle. ..Lulgi Montesanto dissension began to boil so fiercely that tails of the administration of the in¬ and One of Conried IlTinca. .Giordano Paltrinieri A disciple of dissonance ;-.r.d the u tra through the box office. Maretzek up enough courage music was for a time f:'om scriptions stitution, which has thus been pro¬ plucked II Talpn.Adamo Didur banished modern school, his hair and dress are or not this to the fortifi¬ to raise it to was the Vendito re di Canzoni.Pietro Whether led claimed as a beautiful and beneficial $1.50. This price, 1902-'03. 1904-"05. Audisio daily life, the young man too'; his old normal His manner ¡3 neither cation of the of I when the cost of La Frugola.Alice Gent!« mother rapt nor system speculation, public trust, can therefore be looked believe, high living Artists and staff.$522,315.13 $544,153.11 L'Innamorata.Marie Tiffany by the hand, and a bundle of soulful, but intelligent and wide awnke. which is become an almost intolerable the Civil War affected also the L'lnnamorato.Albert Reis scores under his arm and upon as a proper privilege and laudable during Chorus, ballet and supers. 41,386.89 66,212.13 fled to the Thus: he makes no attempt to make I leave to the of the cost of to the but it. re¬ SUOR ANGELICA the south'ands evil, judgment purpose, to which even an altruistic aim going opera; Orchestra and stage band. 85,569.29 95,083.40 Ukraine, of Russia, where capital out of his personality. His readers of the history, who are willing mained at $3 until the advent of the Suor Angelica.Geraldine Farrar there were no Bolsheviks and where might be attributed if I were to choose Steamship transportation. 16,799.60 20,656.07 La I'iincipessa.Flora Perini first recital here some weeks ago te read in the of the facts dis- House, I believe. on a light to claim it. Metropolitan Opera. Railroad transfer and La Zélatrice.Marie Sundeliua charming country estate he spent iroused conside able discussion, but he ciosed the scandal which followed If it was advanced to $5 for the first transportation, scenery I La Badessa.Rita Forma a year in solitude by During the last two generations the etc. La Maestra Delle Novizie.Cecil Arden devot;ng many refrains from taking himself too seri¬ hard on the heels of the as, season of Italian about which baggage, hotels, 36,209.52 72,687.30 hours each to advance, price of admission to the opera ha.? opera, Una Conversa.Marie Tiffany day composition. óla y, even with a contract from related in the of these memoirs been I have no time to at this Costumes, wardrobe department and wigs 18,110.59 15,953.83 Altra Conversa.Ven i Warwick Diag- chapter increased from 400 to 600 per inquire junct-. Suor Osmina.Marguerite Bellen After twelve months of sec'usion the hileff t' produce one of his ballets in printed a ure, it was reduced to and remained Music and royalties. .. 3,517.16 3,499.67 fortnight ago. centum. In some of its features, I $4, Una Novizia.Phyllis White young man grew restless. He cast a one pocket and an invitation from make no there the German Commissions and sundries. 2,356.62 4,371.54 Suor Genovieffa.Mary Ellis Altruistic doubt, the increase in the throughout rôgimo; Sorella preliminary g'ance over the musical C eofonte Campanini to submit an Purposes that from 1884-'85 to Infermiera.Lenora Sparkes cost of opera-giving has grown in pro¬ is, 1890-'91. On Advertising. 16,566.91 25,167.42 Suor Dolcina.Marie Mattfeld situation in Russia and promptly de¬ opera for his consideration in another. In order that there may be no mis¬ the return of Messrs.
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