Serving the cotkfie community for over $0 years April 2, 1990 William Paterson College Vol. 56 No. 23 Handguns for Marijuana legalization: Campus Police The great debate )an Exec. Board carry the issued BY BRAD WEISBERGEIt Campus Police are as qual- NEWS EDITOR ified, if not more so, than Wayne or Paterson Police, The Executive Board of the Weintein said. They are re- Student Government Associa- quired to get a higher marks- tion (SGA) unanimously ap- manship score than the aver- ! i proved (5-0-0) a motion asking age municiple officer. the Board of Trustees to allow "It comes down to an edu- the Campus Police to carry cational process, and anything handguns, said Jeff Wein- with change requires educa- stein, president of the SGA. tion, he said. The resolution will be brought "The college administration before the SGA legislature for is opposed to the Campus Po- a full vote this Tuesday, he lice carrying guns, except in added. very specific circumstances,* Many students expressed said Dennis Santillo, director concern about their safety on of college communications campus," Weinstein said. "Im- One such situation is when plicitly, I feel this is what they large sums of money are being want; you can't have security transported, he said. 1 State Senator Joseph Bubba spoke against marijuana legalization. without deterrence," he said. "Our opposition is noi BY JENNIFER KING Senator Joseph Bubba, and tein," Stillman said, adding "If a Montreal style killer based on reluctance about the STAFF WETTER Robert Giannetti, former pres- that all the hungry people in came on campus, our police qualifications of the Campus ident of WPC College Republi- the world could be fed on the would not have the ability to Police, but because the pres- i is an integral cans. marijuana *««d« that are protect the student body. ence of weapons presents a part of Ameriam Kxriety•• said la &row» away •vwy day. > Many would say that we could danger,* he said. The Board of WPC graduate Mitch Stffiman Stillman dted' thai the Decla- Th# reasons to ouiJftW call for assistance from neigh- Trustees shares this view, in his opening statement sup- ration of Independence was marijuana in th# first place boring police; however, their Santillo added. porting marijuana legaliza- written on marijuana and for- were corrupt and prejudicial," priority is to their jurisdic- "We will not reject this pro- tion. Stillman, Darrin Peder, mer presidents John P. Stillman said, referring to the tion," he said. "If Campus Po- posal out of hand, and the president of WPC NORML, Kennedy and George Wash- petrochemical industry and lice can't protect themselves, President will give it full con- and Ed Martone, executive di- ington smoked marijuana. DuPont's push to keep mari- how can they protect us?" sideration," Santillo said, "but rector of American Civil liber- Uses of marijuana for juana illegal to monopolize "One thing that we found is there are measures that could ties Union (ACLU) supported medicine and the inexpensive their chemicals in the produc- that there are some miscon- be taken to secure the campus legalization of marijuana dur- production of paper were also tion of paper. ceptions about the Campus short of the issuance of ing a debate on March 14. Op- cited. Stillman cited scientific ev- Police force," Weinstein said. weapons," he said. ponents of legalization were "The marijuana seed is also idence supporting the claim Many students are not aware "If the policy should be re- SGA President Jeff Weinstein, our cheapest source of pro- SEE DRUGS, PAGE 9 that Campus Police wear blue, jected by the SGA legislature, while campus security wear we will try to organize stu- brown. Only police would car-. dents to push for this," Wein- Adjuncts get poor deal ry guns, he said. stein said. Salaries range from $1050 to $2100 BY DOMENICK STAMPONE 89 school year show an aver- "The pay is very low", Beacon Index STAFF WRITER age of 273 adjuncts hired by Hamovitch said. "I hope it can the college; 287 in fall and 259 be raised." Regarding promo- in the spring", Hamovitch tions for adjuncts who apply Lost in the shuffle of the said. The largest concentra- to be full-time instructors, recent union/state faculty dis- tion of adjuncts is in the Mu- Hamovitch said adjuncts often What's inside pute were the interests of a sic Department, where a total have a better chance of being small yet significant portion of of 43 adjuncts taught classes accepted to that position be- WPC's teaching staff: adjunct in the 1988-89 semester. The cause of their familiarity with professors. Music Department had so the school and the school's fa- many adjuncts because a miliarity with them. Adjuncts, or part-time large number of professional Adjuncts around the college • News 1-11 teachers, are allowed to teach musicians also taught part- tend to echo Hamovitch's dis- Q Oped 12-14 one to two classes or the time, Hamovitch said. Many may over their low salaries. equivalent of six points per adjuncts are also used for "The pay at William Pater- • Campus Style 14-16 semester. teaching in the Curriculum son College is lower than Pas- "At $350 per point, these and Instruction Department, saic County Community Col- • Arts 17-19 teaching professionals make including the secondary and lege", said Valerie Hartman, 20-24 no more than $1050 to $2100 elementary education section, an adjunct who is teaching for • Sports per semester," said William which used 31 adjuncts, fol- the first time here this spring. Hamovitch, vice president for lowed by the English Depart- "In an era where the presi- Academic Affairs. Aside from ment which used 28. Adjuncts dent claims he is the "Educa- the low salary, adjuncts re- were least used in the History, tion President,' we should be Nominations are now being accepted for ceive no benefits from or rep- Chemistry and Communica- thinking more of all our teach- all SGA positions. CaU 595-2X57 for info. resentation in the union. tion Departments, Hamovitch ers whether full-time or part- "The figures for the 1988- said. time," Hartman said. The Beacon April 2, 1990 The Beacon April 2,199& 'NEWS 3 2 CAMPJS EVENTS Accounting students Asimov to speak Friday offer free tax advice orary doctorates, Asimov was 2 to 3 p.m. Immediate feed- Feder, Humanities represen- clothes drive. Now until April The prolific author Isaac awarded the Liberty Medal at Lesbian/Gay Rap Group — back or information to your tative at 595-2157. 7th. Drop your clothes in the Benefits both volunteers and users Asimov, who has written the festivities surrounding the MONDAY Discussion and support group short term oareer-related big red collection boxes at: nearly 400 books on every con- 100th birthday of the Statue K Coalition of Lsbians, Gay* at 7 p.m. for gays, lesbians needs and concerns. No ap- BY LORRAINE STANCHICH niors and seniors, help anyone Student Center, Towers, ceivable subject from math of Liberty. When he's not writ- A Friends — teneral mast- and bisexuals to share our pointment necessary! NEWS CONTRIBUTOR who needs income tax assis- THURSDAY Apartments, and Caldwell and science to the Bible and ing, he enjoys singing with the ing at 3:80 p.n in Student thoughts, feelings, and goals tance. They work under Wein- Plaza. For collection anywhere A free income tax workshop Shakespeare, will be the final New York Gilbert and Sulli- Center room 3C to plan the in a comfortable atmosphere. Essence/English Club — stein's supervision and any on campus call 595-3330. The 10-Minute Resume ,is offered by WPC accounting speaker in the 1989-90 Distin- van Society. dance and othr upcoming We will discuss problems that Essence Coffeehouse: free cof- problems or difficulties are re- Clinic — Every Wednesday, students from 12:30 to 4 p.m. guished Lecturer Series on events and to ckuss current face us, as well as possible so- fee, jazz performances, open ported to him. The workshop Currently celebrating its Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity Thursday, or Friday, from 2 to Monday through Thursday in Friday, April 6. issues. People»f all sexual lution*. For location and infor- poetry readings, movies, mu- is conducted by only qualified tenth anniversary season, — The Alpha Phi Delta/King 3 p.m. you are invited to bring White Hall Lobby, under the His lecture, "The Future of preference* wkome. For mation call Laura at 812- sic. Bring your instrument accounting majors. WPC's Distinguished Lecturer George "Free Tuition Give- your typed draft resume, direction of Aaron Weinstein, Humanity," will be held at 8 more informatin call Laux*a 1623. and jam, read your works. "The students are learning Series began with a joint ap- away!" Only $1 a chance. questions and problems to the professor of accounting and p.m. in Shea Center on cam- pearance by U.S. Senator at 812-1623. Whatever you're into. 3:30 by doing," Weinstein said. pus. A limited number of tick- WPC Christian Fellowship Available throughout campus resume doctors in Career Ser- law at WPC and creator of the William Proxmire and James p.m. to midnight in the PAL "It's the best way to learn. ets at $12, ($10 for senior citi- Asimov writes a weekly col- — Come out for a discussion from any A.P.D. brothers. vices for a quick review. No program. G. Affleck, a former chairman -BA0CHI3B — General m»*t- Lounge. For more information Next year when they gradu- zens) is available at the Shea umn for the Los Angeles of the hottest issue on cam- Someone's going to go to appointment needed.
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