Hoosier teachers badly need pay raise, says~!aculty union By Rkk CalU W i The newsletter said that al­ of political science and former pea- widening hfcGmvar « to * IUPUI'i faculty umuqj^r thcal though union members understand sident of Local 3990 said that since ^Jd cC aevae said that a dm ads of are tear tabs 1990 of the American Federation of 1967 the average purchamng power salary dippagt has put IU tael Teachers, u y t that Hoosier teach­ the legislature last year because of of teachers m Indiana has de- among the Big Ten m faculty talar* ers badly need a raise in their salar­ thejrim economic predictions for creased by 20| ies is they are to keep up with the Indiana* state budget He added that while die salaries He said that this la I increasing cost of living But they see no reason not to on non-agricultural A newsletter released by the un­ give faculty members a much lar­ ion last month said the 3 5 percent ger salary increase now that the ec­ ahead of the consumer price inde* sector to RJPUI and is average salary increase expected onomy has substantially improv in the leal 10 years, the marg this year is far below that which is ed average faculty itfvenu actually needed Patrick J McGeever. professor IU School of Nursing celebrates anniversary By Aubrey M. Woods • A May 13 Nursing Recogru The IU School of Nursing has non Ceremony. planned serveral events to com­ In addition, two awards named memorate its 70th anniversary this for the current Dean of the School year. of Nursing, Elisabeth K M drnd-first in the number of Grossman, given each year enrollments and graduates in the beginning in 1954 to recognise Big Ten. the school plans a ban­ academic excellence in nurtai^ quet and symposium on April 27 students Grossman has been dean with the theme. Deyond 1954 of the school since 1973. The Role of the IU School of Nurs­ The history of the school began ing as it Impacts on the Delivery of in 1911 with the donation of Health Care.'' $200,000 from Dr and Mrs Other events scheduled include. Robert W. Long for purpose of • A Feb. 13 Senior Breakfast building a hospital for the use and for May and August benefit of the IU School of graduates, sponsored by the Medicine Alumni Association. Dr Charles P Emerson, dean of • A Blood Drive, beginn­ the School of Medicine, began to ing March 13. See N u rto*. pmgt 5 , circa 1917, peer through which i I as the Ant classroom for the count Statement or other proof of • Thursday. February 16, sation with Gotttwb on Feb. 9 from registration IUPU1, Cavanaugh Hall 241 Writing workshops 9 to 11 a nt. » CA 907 Appointments are not necessary 2:30 pm - 4 30 pm A discussion will follow the lac - but will eliminate waiting To • Saturday February 15, The University Wnting Center, ture, which is sponsored by Student ID cards make an appointment call the Stu­ IVTC-North Meridian Center CA 427, will hold a workshop en­ Metropolitan Indianapolis Cam dent Activities Office at 264-3931 1 West 26th Street, titled 'Starting on the Right Foot' pus Ministry p cooperation with Because classes were cancelled Cards will be made at the Kran- Second Floor, Room 20 on Feb 9 from 11 a.m . to 12 p m iUPUt Catholic Campus Ministry Jan 30, student ID cards will be nert Building at a date to be an­ 10:00 am - 1 2 0 0 pm or Participants will discuss notetak aQd Student Center Indianapolis made Feb 6 from 10a.m . to 6 p.m. nounced That will be the last time 1:00 pm - 3.00 pm mg. with emphasis on sfhcwncy Lutheran Campus Ministry the In the basement of the Physical cards are made until August • Monday, February 20. and ethics IUPU1 Progressive Student Union Education Building The cost is $2. IUPU1 Engineering k and the Indianapolis Peace Center Students should bring their Ac- Technology, Room 130(2 9 00 am • 11 00 am Speech on arms Financial aid • Monday. February 27, 1UPU1, Krannert Bldg Rm 123 race and elections Inside: workshops 1O0 pm • 3 .00 pm Solidarity speech Sanford Gottlieb executive EdkotUl ...................................P i* . 3 Applicants are asked to obtain a A series of general workshops director of United Campuses to Infertility pro.rent ........................4 copy of the FAF in advance of the will be conducted by members of Prevent Nuclear War will tpaak Koran hratcowtki at tK. Um- TKuoem--*--» ------servicesi . _ 4 workshops. Copies of the most re­ the Office of Scholarships and - - i ---- » - L - l l J -----1-----» C cent tax return will be necessary in Feb 5 at 7 30 p.m in UE 101 The vm tty at Wanow will tpaak an xiMMnu puua rooot . , ................... a Rnacial Aids to assist students in order to get specific help in com- topic of his speech will be The Tbt KirtoncaJ Room at M U M - Entertainment.............................6,7,5 complecting their Ftnaciai Aid pleating the forms. 1954 Elections and the Arms tjr on M . 1 4 4 p.m In CA 107. S p o rts.............................................9,10 Form (PAP). Applications are due in the Rate Admission is free, and the An Intw ral fcraoim w f liloir Classified......................................11,12 • Thursday, February 9, Scholarships and Ftnacul Aids of­ public is invited. th* program, wtikfa it ^anaoaad L . »L _ H i . • — i . ^ -M - a. IUPU1. Cavanaugh Hall 224 fice by March 1, 1964. Students faculty and staff also oy ute rustory jo cxry Mvresn 9:00 am - 11O0 am are invited to an informal conver­ ■tents will be served Hh NOTICES Daodtiiw tar "Nofteoa” Information la I p m Thursday Tha Psychology Chib will m m Tunday F*b 14 at 7 JO p m m the Krarwwn Bulldog Faculty loungr lot* Nob* 'wdl gowk on y q d » a iM AI are m Im k U inhMfM wdl be « y « l For mm* nhnuixx. call Kathy Vtfute at 251-419* Tha Tatting and OrtantaMon Program off lea * lor *11 RJPUI undergi actual** who have nut yet completed t _ mrnl it*t. and do nut h*v» credit lor tnell»h W 111 and *1 laeal on* m*ih coum Th* trait are nqund For *11 undergraduate* poor la et “ “ ‘ Unhraralty Division raglatratlon counaallng b> ippnnm and l»U wmeorr 19*4 will lake plan M> t throve* Mirth I* h m a JO l a t o U p a *nd trom I to 5 20 p a Mondey throu«h U *nd *t 4 JO p a From Mirth 1« to Apnt 27 March 21 thrcagh J1 Restoration lor Itll will be April tlh Call 2*4 MOa or ce Patltlona for candidacy » Ouebru government election. win br readable Ft*. 12 at tht Student Amembly other CA 001C Tha aaranfh annual IUPUI QUEST hiking aipadltlon m Ftonda wdl ah* pint ovtr Spring Recetw March 9-17 Biker* ind equipment will hr tramportrd Iron Indi enapolu to the *Urti/g point it |ack*onvdl* Baach Hi Tht I nr*-day tour will pan through St Augmtinr ManneUnd Daytona Baach. Cap* Canaveral and Indtatlanlic ending at Veto Baach Total mdaagi ■ 225 md*. with an averM o i 4$ md*. par day QUEST wdl Tho Block student Union wdlwUhnal audiOon* lor M» Fab 24 laahkai diow on Friday Fab 10 at 4 20 p aa In CA 201 Three model* have been wkcttd thua lar About 10 more male and tamale model* at* neadad Final mlcctu** wdl be made altar audition* ant completed For more iidormaOon call |ula* Baptiate at 244-2274 laKMtadi la------------------------------ oapital. RoeeU* Partrid**, Instructor of lh* dam. Tho Association tor Computing Mochtnory, iupui Student Chapter wdl m Friday Fab 17 at the Kramwrt Building and number are to be announced The i of Indianapolis, obmrvo. Tha data teach** youn**4*ra how to cope Tim room g»ak*r wil be Dr Roea Umbun ai the Haa Hnpial ai Uuc*o who will .peak on computer innovation, end the handxapp*d Admaaton n tree tor member* >1 tor non cal Bobbw |o Laughter at NM370 Tho Studont Council Rooldont Lite wdl bold a program totaled Till Your Heart a CoaMt Duuag and Darning on Thunday Fab 4 Aa all you -c an vat uwghett. designers of travel (Mtanedl be aarvod at * p m In the Hooamr Room at Ibt Unaoei Bvildmg Tht dance an! take place tram I pm *Wta(ta*aB Raardmc* Um v Ticket, are ll Call 2*4-7457 Tho Indlonopoli* Fodorollof Socloty, an organuation ot cunaerveliv* law IUPUI Student Government atudante will prmant tht Hrat of a tour-pad lecture ten*. entaled An IdeologKaJ Alter A t nattvt A Conaarvattv* Vina a* legal Phdoaophy " on Thuraday tab • ai 4 20 p m at tka kKflana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis Moot Court Room ot tht Law School Edward McChan chairman ai tha political a t m The pubbe I Mahael Cheerva at Tho Sociology Club wdl meet Wtdnttday Feb 22 ai 7 p m In CA 51* Cutat aptakar Kan Coburn, proiemor oi aoctology will dtacuaa Sociology ai tredema ' Tha DWTONA BEACH ■MtWig n open to everyone and rcirnhmantt will be atrvod afterward Fur more inlorma turn call Donna Klem at (72-24*7 or 2*401(1 Mar. 9-18 Make your Tho Studont Political Scionco Association (POLSAI wdl hold a *m*rii Campus Cntsado tar Chrtet, a am-di every Thunday rvming at 7 20 pm in Nil 210.
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